Great Power Fighting Falcon

Chapter 371 ? Homemade ways to masturbate

Chapter 371 Homemade ways to masturbate

The PL-5C combat missile uses infrared guidance. The disadvantage of this passive guidance method is that whether it can hit the target depends on the infrared signal characteristics of the target. The so-called infrared model characteristics refer to the thermal energy characteristics.

The target drone uses electric energy for propulsion, which greatly reduces the thermal energy signature. At low speeds, the thermal energy signature generated by the friction between the body and the air is also very weak. The difficulty lies here.

Li Zhan had already flown around the target drone three times, but he still couldn't make up his mind to start shooting.

He was basically certain that this was a deliberate problem created by the air defense base. He was not the only target, but also wanted to test the 101st Brigade. All of a sudden the pressure was great.

Several times he couldn't help but use the aircraft cannon to shoot it down. Unfortunately, the shooting director Cao Fufei probably wore the same pants as the air defense base, so he dropped the cannon shells.

Fight at a closer distance? If the infrared signature does not meet the minimum detectable volume requirement of the PL-5C seeker, it will be useless no matter how close it is. The missile will still turn a blind eye and fly in an unknown direction. If something goes wrong, it is not impossible to turn around and load it on the aircraft.

Fighters are fleeting, and the endurance of electric-propelled unmanned target drones is obviously very limited, so we can no longer hesitate. Li Zhan thought of a crude way and decided to take a risk. He once again checked the real-time data of the atmospheric data system and the flight attitude information of the fighter aircraft, paying special attention to the wind direction and atmospheric pressure and the flight attitude information of the target, among which the speed, heading and altitude of the target were the most important.

"Tower, this is the cave commander, requesting shooting, over." Li Zhan immediately asked the tower for instructions after he was 80% sure, and then repeated the request in English.

Everyone was waiting to see how Li Zhan would fight. The purpose of arranging such a sudden change was to test the pilot's emergency reaction and how to complete the mission when there seemed to be no attack conditions.

Fang Chenghe replied, "Dongyao, the front is clear, you can shoot, it's over."


Li Zhan accelerated towards the ten o'clock direction of the target, turned back at ten kilometers, pointed the nose of the aircraft to the left of the target drone, and continued to approach at a speed of 400 kilometers per hour. He powered on the PL-5C under the left wing pylon, warmed up the seeker, and the fighter's sight had locked on the target drone. At a position of five kilometers, Li Zhan switched the aiming method to cannon aiming, calculated the advance, and launched the missile at a distance of 2.5 kilometers from the target drone.

When he saw the PL-5C shooting straight in front of the target drone, Li Zhan put the throttle lever in the idle position. In order to slow down as quickly as possible, he actually raised the speed brake on his back. The No. 01 J-11B looked very similar. An angry fighting cock, with the hair on its neck standing on end, looking ferocious.

After launching the missile, he should turn away and even perform evasive maneuvers. However, in order to capture the shooting effect with the camera installed on the flight helmet, Li Zhan had to get as close as possible to the target aircraft. In order not to rush into the killing range when the missile exploded, he had to use the speed brake on his back to quickly reduce his speed.

The PL-5C missile seems to be unable to see the target. Its trajectory points hundreds of meters in front of the target aircraft. This shows that the seeker cannot detect the target's infrared signal.

Both the tower and the Beiku Tactical Intelligence Interaction Center could see the small red dot representing the PL-5C missile and the small green dot representing the target aircraft. It was obvious that this was a sign of target failure. If the PL-5C combat missile locks on the target, it will chase the target directly. The entire flight process will show an irregular arc, and it will use the maximum tolerable 20G overload capability to achieve the hit. But now the PL-5C combat missile flies in a straight line, which means that the seeker failed to obtain the target signal and is in an unguided state.

Li Zhan had already cursed in his heart. The drone team was so shameless. The infrared signal characteristics of this target drone must be lower than the detectable value of the PL-5C, otherwise the missile would not have reacted at such a close distance. This is purely intentional to deceive people. If you shoot in the normal way, it will be a proper target run.

This is not a live-fire shooting training, it is clearly a cheating game of Little Prince.

"Fortunately, I have two hands, otherwise I would really have been tricked by you guys." Li Zhan said secretly in his heart, staring at the PL-5C combat missile about one kilometer away.

Several experienced leaders in the tower first saw the clues. It would be strange if Li Zhan was really only at this level. However, everyone felt that the matter was not that simple, but no one knew what backup plan Li Zhan had left.

A miracle happened.

The silly PL-5C combat missile hit the target drone during flight...

At the moment of collision, the fuse activated the warhead and exploded, tearing the leisurely target drone into pieces. The operator on the ground was dumbfounded when he saw the signal suddenly cut off and the screen went black. A group of people from the tower and Beiku Tactical Intelligence Interaction Center saw this surprising scene through the camera installed on Li Zhan's flight helmet - the missile did not lock on the target aircraft but actually hit it.

Is this luck?

Is good luck really so magical?

The first guess that pops into everyone's head is different. After being shocked, the leaders quickly calmed down and then thought of a possibility - Li Zhan caused the ballistic trajectory of the PL-5C to coincide with the flight path of the target drone at a certain point, resulting in a collision. In other words, the target was not shot down but knocked down. of.

Use missiles as cannons!

"Tower, the target drone has been destroyed, and we are searching for the next target. Over." Li Zhan reported proudly, controlling the fighter plane to leisurely leave the airspace and continue the next step of shooting training.

Fang Chenghe felt proud now. He suppressed a smile and replied, "Dong Yao can continue to perform the shooting mission, over. Good shot."

"Perform normally, over." Li Zhan said. He knew that Commander Liang must be at the tower, and the drone brigade would definitely not dare to do this without the approval of the base headquarters. It was probably Commander Liang who ordered it.

The corner of Liang Pengfei's mouth twitched slightly. The target drone team carefully designed such a target. It was analyzed and studied many times with people from the combat department. It was completely designed to address the shortcomings of the PL-5C combat missile. It just happened to be stuck in the target. Unexpectedly, Li Zhan solved the line with the lowest detection heat of the missile's passive infrared seeker in such a simple and crude way - if the seeker didn't work, I just threw it away. Hit it like a stone!

But he soon felt relieved. Isn't it because he wanted to see the real combat effectiveness of the 101st Brigade?

If you think about this method of using missiles as aircraft cannons, it seems very simple at first glance. The principle is the same as using aircraft cannons to hit empty targets, but it is more difficult. Artillery shells are unpowered and rely on primers to push them out. There are rules for the ballistic difference when fired. However, missiles have their own propulsion and have multiple wings. It is extremely difficult to follow the rules during the flight. The flight process presents It is in an accelerated state, and the flight height and direction are greatly affected by the wind, making it almost impossible to accurately control its hit point.

Not only was Li Zhan able to do it, but he also did it in a very short period of time, which shocked everyone but also made them a little disappointed - was he still unable to test the limit of his combat power?

PS: Please give me a monthly ticket for more updates. It’s a donkey or a horse that comes out for a ride.

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