Great Power Fighting Falcon

Chapter 381? What is the purpose of the J-7EGG super version?

Chapter 381 What is the purpose of the J-7EGG super version?

Cheng Dana was a high-spirited man. He was sitting in the Warrior open-top commuter car and looking at the Zhongku Station. Wu Pengyu, the leader of the 102nd Regiment, accompanied him.

The colonel commander has no confidence in facing the lieutenant colonel chief of staff. The fighters of a squadron can match yours of a large regiment. If they fight, they will be killed. It is purely to give them experience.

"Combat Readiness Station No. 4 is 380 kilometers away from here. We have applied to use it as a front-line base. After the war begins, we will arrange for some fighter planes to transfer there. Commander Wu, this way your support pressure will be much less." Cheng Da said laughingly.

"Oh? Have you applied?" Wu Pengyu asked in surprise.

"Yes." Cheng Da said, "The superiors are very supportive."

The No. 4 combat readiness station they are talking about is a strategic combat readiness station located in no man's land, and is used daily by the bomber division. The Royal Cat Flying Group had a similar idea last time, but it was not approved in the end.

Unexpectedly, I was accepted by the Great Red Eagle Master. It seems that the newcomers are better than the old ones.

Wu Pengyu chuckled, "Chief of Staff Cheng, who is honest with me, isn't he worried that I will disclose information to the Falcon Brigade? After all, we belong to the Beiku Air Defense Base and are brothers."

Chengda said openly, "I know Captain Wu's character very well. Unlike some people who like to do petty tricks, the victory obtained by sneaking and cheating is not very big at all."

"I heard that Chief of Staff Cheng was once Li Larod's instructor. I don't think he has a good impression of this person." Wu Pengyu said with a smile.

Cheng Da said, "To be honest, Li Zhan is a very talented person, and his flying skills are far superior to mine. But this person's ideological awareness does need to be improved. I am not saying this because he crashed our plane. There is no personal emotion involved.”

"How do you say this?" Wu Pengyu was curious.

Chengda shook his head helplessly, "Shortly after they finished the modification training, he actually sent a letter asking for settlement of the tie rod fee."

"This..." Wu Pengyu was stunned and said, "This, this is correct, right? What happened next?"

"That's right." Chengda didn't know how to express it for a while, and said, "That's what happened, but it doesn't seem right to send a letter directly asking for processing... That's what I meant. I had already gone there at that time It is not clear how the division handled the situation later, but it must have been settled clearly."

Wu Pengyu said with a smile, "So Captain Li's ideological level does need to be improved."

"He's still young. He seems to have only been in the army for three years." Cheng Da said.

Wu Pengyu said, "Those who left the army in December 2008 will have completed three years in December."

Then they all fell silent, because they suddenly realized that he was really young. He was only two months away from turning three years old, but he was already the most powerful aviation group captain of the Air Force Aviation Force. Yes, it was the aviation group. He not only had fighter jets but also Tactical reconnaissance aircraft. From the perspective of personal ability, seven first-class meritorious services and two personal honorary titles seem even more speechless.

Thinking that he had only achieved first-class merit after working for so many years, Chengda suddenly lost his mood. He didn't know what he should feel.

The army's evaluation of merit is much stricter than that of local governments. The higher the level, the more stringent the merit review, and sometimes it is even harsh and impersonal. Therefore, there is no need to question the value of Li Zhan's seven first-class meritorious services. Among his two personal honorary titles, the unified title of All-Army Patriot Jingwu Pacesetter. If it cannot fully match his seven first-class achievements, then there is absolutely no problem with the personal honorary title of "Warrior of the West."

These were completed within three years.

Wu Pengyu also didn't know what to think, and he couldn't help but compare himself. He was already a fourth-grade man, but he was also the leader of the second-generation aircraft flight group. At his age, Li Zhan probably had to do something like a division commander, right?

Yes, discussing Li Zhan's affairs seems to have no benefit except to cause trouble for himself.

A J-7E was landing. Cheng Da followed the fighter plane down with his eyes and watched the fighter plane land lightly. He pointed at the fighter plane with the tactical number 037 on the nose and asked, "Commander Wu, are there any training missions today?" "

Wu Pengyu glanced at it and said, "Oh, this is the aircraft responsible for the camera mission. It has just undergone necessary modifications and returned to the field. Chief of Staff Cheng, this J-7 was responsible for the camera mission for the entire confrontation exercise between you and the Falcon Brigade. Equipped with a reconnaissance pod."

"J-7 camera, the range of this plane is not ideal, right?" Cheng Da frowned slightly.

Wu Pengyu pointed at the J-7E driving towards the tarmac along the taxiway and said, "Chief of Staff Cheng, look, the mounting points under the belly of the aircraft are reconnaissance pods, which are mainly used for high-altitude shooting. There are also built-in cameras on the nose and tail of the aircraft, but the biggest obvious change is on the back of the aircraft. Look, Chief of Staff, the conformable fuel tank is a masterpiece of the Beiku repair shop and is no worse than the American one. Two more auxiliary fuel tanks are added. , the maximum range of this J-7 has reached 3,300 kilometers."

It was only when Chengda got closer that he noticed these differences, especially when he saw the conformal fuel tanks on both sides of the back of the aircraft, his eyes almost popped out. Is this still a J-7?

What about the nose tip? When did we have an integrated radome? The air inlet on the nose is sealed, where does the air come in? The air inlet has been moved to the bottom of the fuselage. It looks like a toad with its mouth open, which is as weird as it gets. How did that normal pitot tube become a short one on the nose radome?

What kind of ghost J-7 is this?

Wu Pengyu smiled understandingly and said, "I was also shocked when I saw this aircraft for the first time. At first glance, it looks a bit like a Xiaolong, but if you look closely, it looks a bit like a J-10. Look at the air inlet. It’s neither fish nor fowl, it’s said that the radar reflection characteristics are very obvious.”

Who could have imagined that this was an aircraft modified by the Beiku repair shop? At least Chengda didn't believe it. His eyes were fixed on the J-7 super version with the tactical number 037. The pilot in the cockpit even raised his hand and wore a white labor protection The right hand of the glove saluted him, and he said, "It was modified by Beiku Repair Shop? Does a repair shop have such ability?"

"It is indeed a Beiku repair shop." Wu Pengyu said, "The superiors only have one requirement. As long as the aircraft can fly safely and meet the requirements, there are no other performance requirements."

Chengda couldn't laugh or cry, "Isn't it necessary to pay such a high price for filming?"

"It is very necessary." Wu Pengyu said, "The Great Red Eagle troops came to us to train and participate in confrontation exercises. Our leader has repeatedly emphasized that this is a good opportunity to learn the tactics and tactics of our brother troops. Of course, the situation in the sky will be Only in the sky can we see it more clearly. The superiors have decided that this J-7 will follow you all the way, and the military newspaper's interview team also needs some materials, which will also be very helpful for your propaganda work."

Cheng Da asked, "Oh, the interview team is also here."

"Yes, the military newspaper garrison area reporting team came specifically for your Red Eagle Division. They said they were going to do a special report and introduce some typical figures from typical grassroots units." Wu Pengyu said with a smile.

Chengda smiled and said, "This is a good thing, a good thing."

After walking around in a circle, Chengda returned to his residence and immediately went to find Chen Yongkui, the deputy division commander who led the team. To dispatch a brigade of twelve fighter jets for training, they must be led by deputy division-level cadres. The commander of the confrontation exercise is Cheng Da, but the highest responsibility of the brigade during the training period is Chen Yongkui. Station training and confrontation drills are two different things. The former includes The latter.

Chengda was no longer as elated as before, and said in a serious voice, "Deputy division commander, there is indeed something wrong with Wu Pengyu. He is both a reconnaissance cameraman and a news reporter. He is too active. There is definitely something wrong with him."

Chen Yongkui is an old-fashioned person. In the words of grassroots officers and soldiers, Lao Chen is an old stubborn. For example, he always insists that the most reliable air combat weapon is the aerial cannon. Any fighter aircraft that cancels the aerial cannon should be exclusive to women. Only men who are straightforward are true men.

Not long ago, a pilot of the Dahongying Division used a combat missile to shoot down a hot air balloon that floated over from abroad. I thought that such a difficult missile shooting would make Chen Yongkui change his stubborn mind, but unexpectedly it was impossible to shake his aerial gun principles. .

However, the grassroots officers and soldiers of the Dahongying Division admire this deputy division commander very much. He is mature and prudent in doing things, taking one step at a time and considering the three steps. Everything is first considered from the perspective of his own troops. He will rush forward to fight for what should be fought for and what should not be fought for. Officers and soldiers They seek welfare, and such leading cadres naturally have high prestige.

Based on his personal character analysis, Chen Yongkui believes that the 102nd Group will definitely not be a bystander.

"They were part of the same division a few months ago, and now they are under the jurisdiction of the same air defense base. They must be very close to each other. When we get here, we are like entering a wolf's den, we are all wearing sheep's clothing. A wolf." Chen Yongkui smiled, showing his big yellow teeth.

Cheng Da knew that the deputy division commander was a heavy smoker, so he took out the gold leaf and handed it to the deputy division commander to light it, saying, "To show courtesy for nothing is to commit adultery or to steal, but what do Wu Pengyu and the others want to do?"

Chen Yongkui said calmly, "No matter what they want to do, their purpose remains unchanged. If you analyze their goals backwards, the answer will be obvious."

"Their purpose must be to help the Falcon Brigade agree to this confrontation. What's the point of arranging news reports?" Cheng Da said with a frown.

Chen Yongkui thought for a moment and asked, "What happened to that plane?"

"The camera is a direct instruction from their military region to film the entire process as teaching and research material." Cheng Da said, "This is quite normal. There have been aircraft responsible for filming in all previous exercises. What is strange is that they The J-7 was modified in a nondescript manner just for the purpose of filming the drill, which is quite strange. Deputy division commander, will they secretly help the Falcon Brigade conduct reconnaissance?"

This is the worst case scenario.

Chen Yongkui shook his head slightly and said, "No. The participating units have clear regulations, and the Falcon Brigade will not blatantly violate the regulations for this matter."

"Li Zhan has no principles. The last time he fought with the Royal Cat Flying Group, he even mobilized the local reserve anti-aircraft artillery unit and built hundreds of anti-aircraft guns to form an air defense fire network. The command and control department directly judged the Royal Cat The entire flying group was wiped out. Many people did not expect this move." Cheng Da said solemnly.

Chen Yongkui said, "This time, the aviation department has made detailed regulations on the number of participating troops and has filed them. Any violation of the regulations will be a deduction. They will never want to lose the confrontation. However, after painstaking efforts, a plane It’s indeed strange to change it to what you described.”

Chengda hesitated for a moment and said, "Could it be a lurking reconnaissance plane? I saw with my own eyes that the J-7 had a reconnaissance pod mounted on the belly. In fact, there is no need for a reconnaissance pod at all. If it was a lurking reconnaissance plane, A reconnaissance plane can see through our cards just by the pilot's sight."

This is probably the greatest possibility.

Seeing Chen Yongkui deep in thought, Cheng Da continued his analysis, "The red and blue sides each dispatched twelve fighter planes, but there is no requirement to dispatch a certain number of fighter planes. Although the Falcon Brigade no longer has J-7s, other brigades still have them, and they can completely replace them with others. If one falls, the 102nd Regiment is full of J-7s, and no one knows who is among them. Once the fighting starts, there will be Blue Army reconnaissance planes flying around us, and this battle will be impossible to fight."

He paused and said in a deep voice, "Deputy Commander, I specifically studied the requirements of the Air Force Guidance Group and found that doing so did not violate the regulations. I even suspected that the Air Force Guidance Group deliberately left a loophole for the Falcon Group to Drill.”

Chen Yongkui frowned and said, "If that's the case, it would be troublesome."

He couldn't help but light up another cigarette and smoke it slowly. He has never experienced any hardships, and this little difficulty in front of him will not make him at a loss. However, it must be paid attention to. The Falcon Brigade has won three consecutive victories, defeating three prestigious troops: Guangkong Nanbatian, Nankong's Top 300 Division, and Beikong Guards with Swords. And they became the Great Red Eagle in the sky as one of the most famous troops in recent years. The biggest dark horse in the past year is determined to catch up with the above-mentioned veteran teams. Winning this air battle will naturally establish a new position, which is not unimportant.

"Have you checked the aircraft's tactical number?" Chen Yongkui asked.

Cheng Da replied, "Wu Pengyu showed me their organization list, and it is indeed their aircraft. It turned out to be an ordinary E-type. It was specially modified at the Beiku repair shop some time ago and changed into what it looks like now."

"The Beiku repair shop is located at the Beiku combat training base and is a unit directly under the air defense base. It is difficult to say that the Falcon Brigade did not take advantage of the situation." Chen Yongkui thought of the worst case scenario.

Cheng Da said, "It is not impossible for the Falcon Brigade to install some strange equipment on their aircraft without telling the 102nd Regiment."

"Is that so? That Li Zhan has the courage, and their brigade commander and political commissar dare to take such a risk?" Chen Yongkui seemed to be contradicting himself, and his brows furrowed even more.

Chengda was slightly startled, "Yes, Li Zhan is brave, but their brigade commander and political commissar may not take such a big risk. After all, it is someone else's plane. If something malfunctions and causes serious consequences, I'm afraid he will have to go to a military court. .”

After taking a puff of cigarette, Chen Yongkui's eyes became firm and he said, "We should remain unchanged to cope with all changes. No matter what the possibility is, the initiative is in our hands. Treat that plane as a reconnaissance plane sent by the Blue Army, collect evidence and fix it When the time comes, the evidence will go to the command and control department to file a lawsuit. At the same time, we will use this reconnaissance plane to spread some false information to disrupt the blue army's sight. You and your command team will discuss and study how to do this."

Chengda stood up and answered, "Yes! I understand!"

The No. 037 J-7EGG that had changed its clothes was indeed Li Zhan’s backup aircraft. After completing extremely rough emergency modifications, the J-7EGG transformed into the J-7EGG super version. Conformal fuel tanks, radome, rough rerouting of the air inlet, wingtip electronic pods, heavy belly pylons... It really meets the conditions as long as it can fly, and other maneuverability and combat performance are all greatly reduced. If it hadn't been for a new engine, there's no telling whether No. 037 would be able to fly in such a uniform!

The question is, what is the purpose of the remodeled No. 037 J-7EGG Super Edition being transferred to the Zhongku Station and placed under the 102nd Regiment?

Is it really a spy plane sent by the Falcon Brigade?

Cheng Da and Chen Yongkui's analysis may not be entirely correct. There is still a big gap between their thinking and Li Zhan's thinking. In the final analysis, the battlefield awareness is not strong enough.

In the review summary and evaluation of the previous three failed troops, one thing is exactly the same: the troops have weak battlefield awareness.

PS: The 4,500-word chapter earns a guaranteed monthly pass.

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