Great Power Fighting Falcon

Chapter 384 ? Peeping Tom in the Sky

Chapter 384 Peeping Tom in the Sky

Chengda made careful tactical arrangements. Except for the three fighter planes that entered the Beiku Mountains as a reserve team to hide first, the remaining fighters formed a large combat formation and pushed towards the north line.

This is just a feint, the purpose is to mobilize the blue army's actions.

However, Chengda felt uneasy after taking off, and he firmly believed that it was not because of the No. 037 J-7EGG Super Edition shooting fighter plane following the action that he felt uneasy, but because of inexplicable heart palpitations. It seemed like someone was peeping in secret, and the malicious gaze that might come from behind made people feel chills all over.

I have to admit that Chengda's intuition was very accurate. At this time, the No. 1616 J-16 fighter was using its powerful radar search capability to act as a small early warning aircraft, spying on their every move at an altitude of 10,000 meters and 300 kilometers away. The Eagle's large tactical formation of nine J-10Bs was nowhere to be seen.

Sometimes a pilot's intuition is very accurate.

Sometimes during combat, pilots will subconsciously trust their intuition instead of instruments.

Therefore, Chengda did not hesitate to turn in advance and accelerated the evasive maneuver earlier than planned. Clearly knowing that the detection range of the J-11B's airborne radar would not be much farther than that of the J-10B, Chengda still made an early evasive maneuver that consumed a lot of aviation fuel. If the battle turned into a stalemate, it would be very disadvantageous for itself.

Obviously, a commander's decision-making cannot be completely explained by theory. It is precisely commanders who think more outside the box who can often win more victories.

Cheng Da's subconscious reaction allowed his troops to avoid the first blow of the Falcon Brigade, and it was very likely to be a fatal blow.

Seeing that it would be saturated in thirty seconds, the opponent ran out of range. Li Zhan doesn't feel depressed either. Fighting in a smooth battle is meaningless. When you are strong, be strong is the right way. You and I can fight each other for several rounds before we can fully play the role of the whetstone.

The aerial voyeur stared but soon saw nothing. The target is definitely still within the detection range, but they have obviously entered the mountain. No matter how advanced the airborne radar is, there is no way to penetrate the mountain and see the target behind it.

Have the Big Red Eagles lost their advantage by losing altitude? not at all. Cheng Da's keen intuition restored the balance of the battle to a relatively balanced state, and the one-way transparent advantage of the Falcon Brigade on the battlefield was only maintained for less than a minute.

After discovering the target, tracking it, locking the target, and commanding the tactical formation to enter the battle, no matter how fast the process was, it would take at least three minutes to enter the attack stage. Li Zhan really couldn't get up quickly and could only watch the big red eagles slip away.

In the case of two-way opacity, it is like the two warring parties have pulled up a curtain, each performing Tai Chi, boxing, and various combat techniques on one side. Until a certain moment, the curtain suddenly disappears and the battlefield situation becomes clear. Whose? It was immediately obvious which move worked and which move was meaningless.

Victory is accumulated by the commander's decisions, one decision after another. Any decision can affect the result. Any decision may be related to the life or death of thousands of soldiers. No one with a strong heart can serve as a combat commander.

At this time, Li Zhan needed to make a combat decision as soon as possible.

Should you wait or move on?

The three J-10Bs that have not yet appeared are the biggest instability factor in decision-making. Once they are taken out of the way, the entire combat plan is in danger of being paralyzed. Needing to use a backup battle plan is obviously not a good option.

Li Zhan only thought for three seconds before making a decision, "Late night bar goddess, the target will definitely turn around. You keep the altitude and move to the mountain pass on the west side of the Beiku Mountains. The lead aircraft will turn on the radar to search and wait for my instructions. It's over. "

"Keep the altitude and adjust to the mountain pass on the west side of the Beiku Mountains. Late Night Bar Goddess has received it and is heading in. It's over." Tang Leilei, the lead pilot of Late Night Bar Goddess, replied.

The pass of the Beiku Mountains is a famous location and is famous throughout the army. All this is because that place almost became Li Zhan’s Waterloo and even the last stop of his flying career. Because of communication, the Doyle Battalion of the Army Field Air Defense Force, which assisted the No. 27 Radar Station in joint defense, used live ammunition. Two batches of four missiles almost knocked down the No. 037 J-7E driven by Li Zhan. The whole process happened to be captured by the camera crew who were interviewing the Doyle camp at that time. It has since become a top-secret internal teaching material. The photographer even received a second-class merit for this and was promoted to section chief last year.

The officers and soldiers of the Falcon Brigade naturally knew that the mountain pass was one of the important locations in the battle where the captain became famous. They usually pay homage to it when they fly by, so they are very familiar with the topography, weather and weather there.

The late-night bar goddess team entered the mountain pass on the west side of the Beiku Mountains from a low altitude. Tang Leile cautiously climbed up and turned on the radar to search, but still found nothing.

The peeping tom on Li Zhan's side was still looking around with his big eyes, looking around for traces of the big red eagles. Simply put, the advantage of the new domestic airborne active phased array radar is that its work is more delicate and precise, and most of the clues will appear in the prototype.

However, this was Li Zhan's first time using the radar in actual combat, and he was not very confident about its actual combat effectiveness. The key is to be cautious about new equipment and new technologies. Grassroots officers and soldiers are the only group who directly use weapons and equipment. Their standard for evaluating a weapon is usually the only one: whether it is easy to use or not.

The 107mm multiple rocket launcher has no technological advancement at all, but can you say that it is a failed weapon? On the contrary, it is a world-famous weapon, a representative weapon as famous as the AK series rifles.

Active phased array radar has been popular for several years. From a technical point of view, it has great advantages over passive phased array radar, not to mention ordinary Doppler radar. But this thing is still a new thing for the Chinese Air Force. It is obviously impossible to explore and exert its full combat capabilities without playing with it for a period of time.

After thinking for a while, Li Zhan issued the second order, "Xiao Han, continue to climb to an altitude of 12,000 and advance fifty kilometers."

"Understood, go up to an altitude of 12,000 and proceed for 50 kilometers." Han Hongjun could no longer hold back his energy. He pushed and pulled the rod to accelerate to an altitude and keep heading forward.

Military control has been implemented in the exercise airspace. Except for the fighter planes participating in the exercise, no other aircraft can fly over this area, so there is no need to worry about the use of the airspace layer. This is war.

Li Zhan implemented his baiting process in advance. To put it simply, he used the No. 1616 J-16 command plane as bait to attract the J-10Bs of the Big Red Eagle. Four tactical teams came out from three directions to attack the ambush. The targets can be divided up and defeated individually, or simply fight in waves.

What surprised Li Zhan was that when he narrowed the distance to almost 200 kilometers and the altitude was 12,000, he still couldn't find any trace of the Big Red Eagles. Li Zhan could even see the west side of the Beiku Mountains from the radar. There is a team of late-night bar goddesses lurking at the side of the mountain pass.

Didn't they all crash into the mountains?

This unrealistic thought flashed past and never appeared again. If Big Red Eagle can't even perform basic low-altitude flying in mountainous areas, then they won't be so bold as to be the first unit to give personalized paint to fighter planes. In the Chinese military, which emphasizes uniformity and unified action, it is hard to believe that two liveries appear in the same service. However, this has become a fact, which means that the Chinese Air Force has begun to seek a new image that is more in line with the current and future military situation. .

"This Big Red Eagle has his own tricks." Li Zhan said with conviction.

At least so far he has not encountered an opponent who can hide under his nose.

This actually aroused Li Zhan's competitive spirit, "The confrontation drill is starting to be interesting. Xiao Han, speed up the pulse towards Beikushan. I don't believe they can still become invisible."


Li Zhan continued to order, "Men from the Northeast, go and support the late-night bar goddess, Vulcan Invincible and Super Break Dancer. You execute Plan B and go around to the north side of the Beiku Mountains. Do all units understand? It's over."

"The Northeastern gentlemen understand, support the late-night bar goddess, over."

"Plan B, go around the north side of the Beiku Mountains, Vulcan Invincible understands, it's over."

"Super Breakdancer received, plan B, completed."

Each team quickly adjusted their deployment and quickly formed a "V" formation with an opening facing the northeast. At the bottom was the Late Night Bar Goddess Team and the Northeast Guys Team. They were responsible for the main attack mission, while the Vulcan Invincible Team and the Super Break Dancer Team were The two sides forming the "V" formation are responsible for the feint task of driving sheep into the pen. The tasks between the two parts can be switched depending on the situation.

The Big Red Eagles won't stay in the Beiku Mountains forever, they will eventually come out. There are only two possibilities, either to climb directly or to come out from the west pass along the Beiku Canyon. The former is tantamount to throwing themselves into a trap, and the battlefield situation that Chengda finally reversed will develop against them, although he still doesn't know the situation yet.

In other words, Li Zhan judged that the big red eagles would definitely fly at low altitude along the Beiku Canyon and come out of the mountain pass on the west side. With a clever little detour, he placed himself in a favorable position behind the falcon brigade. It is impossible for them to come out from the eastern pass of the Beiku Mountains, because it is not only close to the border, but also more than 500 kilometers away. Such a detour is obviously too far, and the fuel capacity of the J-10B cannot support such a long distance. The low-altitude flight was followed by a fierce aerial battle.

No one has a second chance to lift off.

Therefore, it is very likely that the Big Red Eagles came out from the western pass, so he set up a heavy formation there. But what if the big red eagles don't take the usual path and choose to climb directly? This possibility exists, but combat decisions are rarely 100% sure, and 70% to 80% is already very high.

Moreover, since Li Zhan has considered various possibilities, he naturally has a combat plan to deal with it.

The life-and-death choice quietly passed into Chengda's hands. His next decision may determine the outcome of the battle, and he may not be aware of all these changes.

The battle between the two armies was promoted to a certain extent by the guesswork of the commanders on both sides. What extends from this is the importance of battlefield intelligence. To obtain battlefield intelligence, reconnaissance operations are necessary. The reason why Li Zhan would rather violate the rules than send the No. 037 J-7EGG super version over seems to have been found.

Is this really true?

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