Great Power Fighting Falcon

Chapter 389 ? Aerial bomb truck takes off

Chapter 389 The air bomb truck takes off

Are the officers and soldiers of the Falcon Brigade convinced? No, but the captain said that if you want to be convinced, you must be convinced. Li Zhan used his prestige to push forward changes in the Falcon Brigade's future confrontation drills.

When it was time to leave, I always felt that this was not done properly and that there was not enough done there, so I thought about doing everything I could and arranging everything before I left. In Li Zhan's mind, the Falcon Brigade is his son, the result of his two years of hard work. It is his first achievement since joining the Chinese Air Force Aviation Force, and he naturally hopes that its future will get better and better.

It is also good for people to follow their own path!

The 101st Brigade and the Beikku Air Defense Base gave this young legendary flight captain great support, and it could even be said to be unconditional support - as long as Li Zhan did what he wanted to do, he would firmly support him, and as long as Li Zhan opposed it, he would not do anything.

In the subjective understanding of many officers and soldiers of the 101st Brigade, without Li Zhan, there would be no 101st Brigade today or even a Beikku combat training base. Grassroots officers and soldiers may not understand very advanced theories and policies, but they are a group of people who face the facts directly and are the most sensitive to changes in the status quo.

What everyone has seen is that since Li Zhan developed the low-altitude penetration attack subject, the 101st Regiment has embarked on a path of rapid development. Along the way, Juechen became the first regiment to be converted into a brigade in the Air Force, which also led to the Beikku The development of the field station turned it into a division-level combat training base in one step, which then affected the birth of the Beiku Air Defense Base.

Some people may say that he is just a captain, and he affects the development of the entire army, and also affects the establishment of the Beikku air defense base. Is this too exaggerated?

It is obviously an exaggeration, but the grassroots officers and soldiers don't care so much. What they see is a fact that they think is a fact, and they think so.

This is the real prestige among grassroots officers and soldiers.

Li Zhan told Cheng Da that he didn't know how to explain it to his soldiers. In fact, there was no need to explain it. There was no such thing in the army. The orders from superiors are what they are. You can do whatever your superiors ask you to do. , your task is to do your job well and stand up for your position, and it is not your turn to consider other things!

Without Sanliangxia Sanshou Li Zhan, how could he lead such a proud man with a lofty ambition?

If you don’t understand Li Zhan’s approach now, you will understand it later. Now that Beiku has become a well-known brand, it is facing an excellent opportunity for rapid development. Resting on its laurels will ruin all the previous efforts. Only by constantly improving amid self-doubt can we achieve better development.

The fourth confrontation drill is over. The officers and soldiers of the Falcon Brigade have no time to immerse themselves in emotions. They have to step up training to prepare for the big competition in December, and the fifth confrontation drill will come as scheduled after the National Day.

There is no time for personal emotions.

Even Li Zhan cruelly refused two appointments with Niu Jun's staff, saying that they wanted to have in-depth and simple discussions on some specific issues of the Beiku Tactical Intelligence Interaction Platform, but Li Zhan declined politely.

In front of Li Zhan was J-16 No. 1616. He had been begging for her to come over for actual test flights, so he had to complete this matter before leaving. This is his main task in the coming period. Just a short confrontation exercise will not produce much.

The Niu Army Staff is really not as important as the J-16 No. 1616.

Taking advantage of the week before the National Day holiday, Li Zhan and Han Hongjun conducted a high-intensity test flight of the J-16 No. 1616 to comprehensively test the actual combat capabilities of the aircraft.

September 23rd is the autumnal equinox, but the Beiku area has experienced its first major cooling this year. The daytime temperature has reached a low of five degrees Celsius, and the nighttime minimum temperature has been close to zero. In previous years, the average temperature at the same time of the year was around ten degrees, but this year's situation is very unusual.

Early in the morning, Niu Yaoyang's crew performed pre-flight support for J-16 No. 1616. The actual maximum take-off weight flight training was the main subject today. The crew needed to conduct repeated and detailed inspections of the fighter aircraft, which was more rigorous than the usual inspection and support. Be strict and serious.

Many fighters rarely fly at their maximum weight. Generally speaking, these are the contents of the flight envelope when the fighter aircraft is finalized. According to the data given by the manufacturer, the maximum take-off weight of the J-16 reaches 35 tons, which is a full five tons more than the J-11B. The maximum bomb load reaches 12 tons, while the J-11B is only seven tons. Even professional bombers like the H-6K weigh only fifteen tons, which is a very terrifying figure.

The sentence Niu Yaoyang repeatedly emphasized during the guarantee was: "Today is a half-fuel flight with the maximum load capacity. Those who refuel must pay attention. Five tons, five tons, add five tons of oil!"

The J-16's dead weight is about one ton lighter than the Su-30MKK, which is 17 tons. All the freed up ton of redundancy can be used for mounts. The internal fuel is almost the same, both are ten tons, but the Taihang modified engine used by the J-16 has better fuel economy, so it can fly farther with the same fuel load.

If the tank is full of fuel, it will not be able to carry the maximum load, so it must be refueled in the air when flying with the maximum load and maximum range. The J-16 is derived from the Su-30MKK and also has aerial refueling capabilities, which is undoubtedly a very important capability for a multi-mission fighter.

The so-called standard load capacity of the J-16 refers to the load capacity when full of fuel, which is about eight tons. When more ammunition needs to be mounted, full fuel cannot be filled, so that the maximum load capacity can be achieved.

Today's takeoff was a half-fuel takeoff with the maximum load capacity. Only five tons of aviation fuel was injected into the fuselage tanks, while the reinforced fuel tanks in the wings were left empty. What worries Niu Yaoyang the most is mounting. It was really a headache for him to hang a load of twelve tons, and it was even more stressful for him as the first noncommissioned officer to serve as the crew chief.

"Squad leader, the quadruple bombs are mounted, but I always feel that they are not very secure." A lieutenant ran over to report, his forehead was sweating slightly in the cold weather, and his sleeves were rolled up.

Hanging bombs is definitely a physical job, even if it is a simulated training bomb.

Niu Yaoyang quickly walked over to check the situation.

In order to achieve the maximum load weight, the Joint Repair Shop of the Aircraft Maintenance Group modified a 250-kilogram quadruple bomb pylon, which can increase the single load capacity of the four hardpoints on the inner side of the wing to one. tons, which gives a load capacity of four tons. The four outer mounting points are all equipped with air-to-air missiles, ranging from heavy-duty ultra-long-range to combat bombs, which are scientifically matched. In order to meet the requirements of the mounting weight, four-unit pylons for combat bombs are used on the two outermost mounting points... …

No. 1616 J-16 has twelve hardpoints, and two heavy-duty hardpoints are arranged longitudinally under the belly. It should be pointed out that the Flanker series has heavy-duty hardpoints on the inside of the wings due to the strength of the fuselage. The fuselage is manufactured using composite materials, which reduces weight and increases strength, so two heavy-load mounting points can be arranged under the belly of the fuselage. In total, the J-16 has as many as six heavy-load hardpoints.

In addition, two hanging points are also arranged longitudinally on the two air inlet longitudinal lines, so there are four hanging points under the fuselage, three under each wing, plus the two wingtip pylons, the total is Twelve hardpoints, this is the real aerial bomb truck.

Niu Yaoyang carefully checked the four-unit pylon. This composite pylon is a complete Beiku product. It sounds unreliable, but after repeated research and analysis by the technical officers and soldiers of the Beiku repair shop and the Falcon Maintenance Brigade, it still works. The J-11B has been tested several times and proved to have no problems at all.

It just looks too slender.

Niu Yaoyang said firmly to the professional and technical lieutenant who had not been in the army for three months, "No problem."

The young lieutenant smiled and said, "This pylon is so thin that I'm worried it will break. Don't our captain like to go supersonic speed? This speed is incredible."

"Twelve tons of cargo capacity cannot reach supersonic speeds." Niu Yaoyang said seriously, "Lieutenant Ronaldinho, the captain knows what to do, there will be no problem."

Little Lieutenant Luo Wei laughed and stopped talking.

The Beiku War Training Base is a peculiar place, and the 101st Brigade is a legendary unit. As soon as I arrived here, I heard about Captain Li's reputation. He loves to race at supersonic speeds, attaches great importance to draw rod fees, has flown a plane to kill chickens, and even been fucked by live ammunition. It has become a legend.

Because he came from a prestigious university and his major was related to new domestic avionics systems, Luo Wei was first assigned to the Falcon Brigade and then transferred to the brigade's star maintenance team Niu Yaoyang's maintenance team.

Officers who have just stepped out of school are new recruits. They have no status in front of non-commissioned officers with four or five years of service. Facing Niu Yaoyang, the first and only non-commissioned officer maintenance team leader in the brigade, they dare not take the officer seriously. The air is gone.

Starting from small things and doing everything, he can gain a foothold as soon as possible, but Luo Wei feels that Niu Yaoyang has arranged his position inappropriately - he should be the one sitting in the cockpit debugging and checking the avionics system, and It's not like standing under the wing and hanging bombs in pain.

It is understandable that some famous college students have high ambitions and low ambitions.

Looking at the time, it was already 7:30 in the morning, and it was still dark here. It was already dawn in my hometown in Shandong and people started working for the day. It was said that people here would not start work until nine o'clock. For the first time, the little lieutenant had a personal experience of the vast territory of the motherland.

A gust of wind blew over, and the young lieutenant who was tightening the fixing screws on the composite pylon couldn't help but shrink his neck and his hands shook. He just shook the screw without paying attention and reduced the torque of the screw by half a turn. He quickly put down his sleeves and tightened his collar, and continued working with the screwdriver, silently thinking that he must do it as soon as possible.

Pei Lei drove Li Zhan and Han Hongjun in the Warrior commuter bus. Before Li Zhan got off the bus, he told Pei Lei, "Your sister-in-law will arrive at Beiku Airport at ten o'clock. After breakfast later, you go to see the political commissar. He wants to come with you." Go pick up the plane.”

"Understood! Captain, don't worry, you will arrive at the designated location on time." Pei Lei said with a smile.

Li Zhan nodded and got out of the car with Han Hongjun.

Ying Wanjun took leave early, and the plane arrived at Beiku Airport at 10 o'clock after eight o'clock. Li Zhan originally wanted Ying Wanjun to take a taxi to the base, but Bao Guanhua suddenly found him and said that he wanted to pick him up. Only then did Li Zhan know that Ying Wanjun had contacted Bao Guanhua in advance.

He knew why Bao Guanhua paid so much attention to Ying Wanjun. In the final analysis, it was because of him. When Xue Xiangdong was still there, Bao Guanhua often said that you can conduct combat training with peace of mind, and I will be responsible for the logistics. Logistics work includes receiving family members who come to the team. Bao Guanhua has a habit - he must personally pick up and drop off the family members of officers and soldiers with second-class merit or above when they come to the team.

This undoubtedly greatly stimulated the enthusiasm of officers and soldiers for combat training.

The rise of the 101st Regiment is not without reason, and the role of the military and political chiefs is evident.

Niu Yaoyang quickly gathered people to sort out the team and ran over to report to Li Zhan, "Report to the captain, the plane is ready and can be handed over at any time!"

Luo Wei curiously looked at the legendary Captain Li, but he was a handsome man, which made Luo Wei, who claimed to be the school boy, deeply ashamed of himself. But under the working lights, Captain Li had a stern look on his face, and his deep gaze under his sword-shaped eyebrows seemed to penetrate all the monsters and monsters in the world. His tall and straight posture gave people a sense of security that "the sky will not collapse if he is there."

Such a person must be very popular with women, right?

Niu Yaoyang came over to hand over the orders and inspection orders. Li Zhan took them in his hands, but walked up to the maintenance team and saluted, saying, "Comrades, thank you for your hard work. It's very cold. Let's relax, stand, stamp our feet, rub our hands and so on." .”

The officers and soldiers laughed and stood relaxed, stamping their feet and rubbing their hands to keep out the cold.

Luo Wei asked the sergeant next to him in a low voice, "Squad leader, the captain is very kind."

"He is very kind to our grassroots officers and soldiers. He can be said to be the best among the many captains." The sergeant said proudly, "But he is very strict with the cadres, just like our original brigade commander Xue Xiangdong."

"Oh, is that the brigade commander who chose to commit suicide in the sky?" Luo Wei said.

The other officers and soldiers in the maintenance team suddenly stared at Luo Wei. Luo Wei suddenly smelled an extremely dangerous smell, and his face turned pale with fear.

The sergeant just turned around to face Luo Wei and warned through gritted teeth: "Luo Wei, I don't care what famous college student you are or what your family background is. Now, apologize to the sky and apologize to the old brigade commander. Apologize!"

Luo Wei trembled slightly and finally realized that he had made a big mistake. He quickly looked up at the still dark sky and apologized solemnly: "Old brigade commander, I'm sorry. It was my unchosen words. I'm sorry."

The sergeant gave Luo Wei a hard look before giving up.

What Luo Wei was talking about was hearsay, but he had no idea about Xue Xiangdong's status in the minds of the officers and soldiers of the 101st Brigade. It was an untouchable evil!

On the other side, Li Zhan and Han Hongjun cross-checked the items on the checklist. Each item needs to be confirmed by two people at the same time before a cross can be drawn. Drawing a cross means that the checked items are confirmed to be OK, and the checked areas need to be re-checked.

However, it is impossible for the pilot to check every screw, and it is just a small screw on the pylon that is half a turn short. Even if there is no screw, it will not affect flight safety. Half of the wings can fly back, let alone the missing screws, not to mention the screws are there, but only half a turn missing.

Standing on the side of the nose of the plane, Li Zhan pointed to the three strong block letters of "Good Luck Comes" painted on the side of the cockpit and said helplessly, "You can't live without these three characters?"

Niu Yaoyang replied seriously, "Captain Cong and team leader Miao Yu strongly recommend applying it. This will help the test flight go smoothly."

"It's just feudal superstition." Li Zhan cursed with a smile, shook his head helplessly and boarded the cockpit along the boarding ladder at the same time as Han Hongjun.

Niu Yaoyang and the deputy team leader then went up to help the pilot connect to the instrument panel. After driving, they checked the status of each system again before the pilot signed the handover form to complete the handover procedure.

Everything is ready and the tower gives the order.

"Yao Liu and Yao Liu can slide out."

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