Great Power Fighting Falcon

Chapter 399 ? Chairman

Chapter 399 Chairman

Li Zhan's family has already moved to the villa in Nanyuan Community in the city, but Xi County is still the base area. Li Jianguo and his wife often come back. The house in Xiangjiang Community has not been rented out. They think that they must have a place to stay in the county. The place.

Why do you come back so often?

He opened a small restaurant specializing in fish larvae soup and became a self-employed business. For ten yuan a portion, he had fish and soup. It was very popular among the young migrant workers in the surrounding neighborhoods. They cooked lunch every day. At first, the couple was busy. As the business got better and better, they hired seven aunts and eight aunts. Last year, they also took over the shop selling Western-style fast food next door. The area more than tripled during the peak period. It's still not enough, so I just set up a large tent in the open space and put seven or eight small tables, which is barely enough.

Li Zhan visited for a day and was surprised to find that such an inconspicuous little restaurant specializing in fish larvae soup and rice had sales of seven to eight thousand yuan, which meant that there were about a thousand people dining, and this was just for lunch. situation.

After a rough calculation, Dad's income from this small restaurant is much higher than his income from flying a plane. Even if all costs are factored out, you can still make a thousand yuan in one day. Counting on working days alone, you can earn 20,000 to 30,000 yuan a month, which is more than a new pilot.

"Who gave you the courage? It turns out there is such a big mess." Li Zhan said with a smile to his father who had changed out of his work clothes and put on a white shirt, black trousers, a black leather bag, big leather shoes and shiny shoes.

Li Jianguo looked at the restaurant that was already busy with pride. The name of the restaurant above was very grand - Jianguo Hotel. But with the small letters at the bottom, it gave me a sense of familiarity with "There is a restaurant" on the side of the highway. But when I saw the small letters, it said: various fish larvae soup, ginger chicken soup, onion beef soup.

It's another day, and at nine o'clock in the morning, the restaurant kitchen is already busy. It looks like a military cooking class, more like a rural family kitchen that gets busy when friends and relatives come to visit.

Pointing to the brand new Qingling pickup truck, Li Jianguo asked Li Zhan to get in the car, and he got into the driver's seat. While meticulously making preparations for driving, he said, "Director Zhan is absolutely right when he said that the way out is changed by thinking. The investment in this restaurant is only 10,000 yuan, mainly the rent of the shop. In less than two years, I have replaced the equipment, tables and chairs one after another, and solved seven or eight employment targets for the government. , solving the lunch problem of migrant workers living in this area..."

"Dad, when we are just two fathers and sons, let's stop talking official. Aren't you the safety transportation supervisor of the traffic police team? A part-time job in society is not a formal position." Li Zhan said with a smile, putting on his seat belt, even if Sitting in the back row.

With a serious expression, Li Jianguo started the car, put it into gear, slowly released the clutch, protected the brakes, and drove away steadily. He said, "The safety transportation supervisor has a heavy responsibility. It is the county transportation bureau's trust in me, and I will take charge of my position... "

Now that there is an industry, people in their fifties have also learned to drive and buy a passenger and cargo vehicle.

"You have solved seven or eight employment indicators, so what kind of indicators are they? Aren't they all aunts, uncles, cousins, and the like? I heard that their family's farm work has not fallen behind, so what kind of employment indicators are they?" Li Zhan interrupted his father with a smile.

Except for two full-time relatives, all the rest work part-time. They earn 1,000 yuan a month and have nothing left to produce at home. You must know that the salary of a full-time worker in these days is only one thousand fourteen and five thousand.

Li Jianguo said sternly, "If I don't care about them, I will push them into society. This is adding pressure to the government."

"Good, good, good, good." Li Zhan felt that he, a military cadre with a background in political science, could not compare with his father. Only when he got home did he realize that his father had a phone book in which he recorded all the directors and directors who came to visit his home. Li Zhan checked the phone numbers of section chiefs and dozens of them last night, and there were actually phone numbers of leaders of local military divisions, armed forces departments and even the second division. This made Li Zhan dumbfounded.

He changed the subject, "Dad, you have to follow the 20 million budget given to you by the county construction company. Do you know what 20 million is?"

"I know." Li Jianguo drove quickly onto the national highway to the city. It was only a dozen kilometers away and he could reach the construction site in a short time.

He said, "The county construction company advances the capital and the bank provides a loan. You just need to give me a few hundred thousand start-up capital. If you didn't have me, I would mortgage the house in the county."

Li Zhan couldn't laugh or cry, "It's not that I won't give it, hundreds of thousands are nothing. But, don't you think 20 million is an astronomical number? If something goes wrong, it would be a big deal."

"Do you think I haven't considered it?" Li Jianguo said seriously, "The bank valued the land at five million, and loaned it fifteen million in three phases. After the third phase, my funds began to withdraw, and the county construction company The advance payment can be paid back first. Even if the whole project collapses, the land will be enough to compensate for it."

Li Zhan was still a little worried and said, "Why don't we ask the county construction company to advance the funds? I'll find a way to put it together, start the first phase of the project, hand over the houses, and collect some of the funds before starting the second phase."

After carefully studying the complete set of design drawings last night, Li Zhan found that the county construction company still had some experts. He specifically asked his comrades to inquire and contacted people from the provincial architectural design institute. They all thought about the overall design of their residential complex named Blue Sky Garden. The design, detailed design, etc. were highly rated.

But what makes Li Zhan dumbfounded is that Blue Sky Garden is not a formal real estate project at all, but a self-built property in a village in the city. The target customer group is the villagers in the village in the city, and part of it is reserved for rent. This is another minor hidden danger. Li Zhan also discussed it with his father last night. His father said that he would get a full set of formalities and documents before the first phase is completed and make it look like a regular real estate community. For buyers, the difference is whether or not they have a real estate certificate.

What surprised Li Zhan was that the villagers in the village in the city didn't care at all!

That's the land left by the ancestors of our village. What's wrong if I build my own house? What certificate do I need to buy a house built by others in my own village?

You must know that the one with a real estate certificate is at least twice as expensive.

The villagers are all crazy.

Li Jianguo said, "They asked for the advance. It's not okay if I don't agree."

"What?" Li Zhan suspected that he heard wrongly.

Li Jianguo said, "The county construction company must advance the funds and start the second installment to pay the first phase of the project, and then proceed in this order, and the final payment will be paid within one year after the third phase is completed."

"Is there such a good thing? This is wrong. This is wrong. Planes will fall from the sky but not pies. There must be something wrong with it." Li Zhan suddenly became vigilant.

"What kind of plane did it fall? Be careful, I'll slap you!" Li Jianguo glared at the rearview mirror and said, "The city's fourth construction needs to advance funds. The collective construction company in Chengdong Village, Xi County also said that it wants to advance funds. All the construction companies who came to me They can all advance funds, but the county construction company can’t get the project without advance funds.”

Li Zhan was stunned and didn't know whether to laugh or cry. "So that's what happened. I was rushing to send money."

"You don't know in the army that business life has been difficult after the 2008 economic crisis. The county construction company has not paid wages for more than half a year. Look at how many construction sites are open now besides infrastructure projects. The county construction company wants to pay The deputy county magistrate came to me specifically to talk about our home project. My parents’ reputation as officials was hard to refute. In addition, the county construction company also had a good reputation for its strength. It was an advance payment and anyone could do it. Otherwise, I would be inclined to do it. The Municipal Fourth Construction Company is a big company after all," Li Jianguo said.

Li Zhan asked strangely, "How can they get the money to advance funds if they can't pay their wages?"

"The County Coordination Credit Union gave them a sum of money. It will be easier to get the money after the project is completed. Besides, the project materials are not settled immediately. In addition to wages, other payments can be deferred, and some will delay your payment. It has been normal for a year and a half," Li Jianguo said.

Li Zhan said with emotion, "The place is really complicated."

After a while, they arrived at the village in the city. Their land was made up of several homesteads. It was right in the middle of the village and to the south. The terrain was high and it was very good. As for the geographical location of this urban village, we can't tell much yet, but judging from the layout of the entire urban area, the geographical location of the urban village is very interesting.

It is said that it is a village in the city. It is actually a village between the old and new urban areas. The area where it is located was built into a development zone many years ago. It is also a national-level economic and technological development zone. Due to various reasons, the development zone has not been established. For more than ten years, Still the same.

But the urban development in the future will be huge. The development zone between the old and new urban areas will definitely become a new area where every inch of land is precious. Not to mention industrial land, I am afraid there will not be enough land for residential use. The permanent population of Nangang City is on the order of one million, and there are very few outsiders.

If it is demolished in the future...

Li Zhan can't even imagine that he will become a billionaire?

By that day, the planes were no longer open. Wouldn't it be fun to walk around the vegetable market early in the morning, wearing a white tank top and shorts, with your hands behind your head and behind your back, haggling with vendors for 50 cents?

"The chairman is here."

"Hello, Chairman."

Li Zhan was looking for someone, but he found that he raised his hand in a serious manner and responded with a calm hum.

The people who greeted them were all middle-aged and elderly people in their fifties and sixties. They looked like they were from the village. Some were carrying hookahs, some were carrying one-liter teacups, and some were holding large rice bowls while laughing. Talking.

Li Jianguo stopped and waved to Li Zhan, "Let's get to know each other. This is my eldest son, Li Zhan, who flies a plane in the army."

"Good afternoon, uncles and aunts, I am an Air Force pilot." Li Zhan said hello obediently.

"Hello, little chairman, hello, hello!"

"The young man is very handsome. He looks like a celebrity. Do you have a girlfriend?"

"Flying a plane is very profitable, hundreds of thousands a month."

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