Great Power Fighting Falcon

Chapter 401 ? So boring

Chapter 401 So boring

The plot of land is very regular, rectangular in shape, about 90 meters long and 80 meters wide, covering an area of ​​more than 8,000 square meters. It turned out that there were some dilapidated old houses that had not been inhabited for many years. Some of the original homestead owners wanted to build new buildings and some wanted to cash out. A dozen or so households were bundled together and sold through negotiation by the village collective. The price is slightly higher than the market price, but Li Jianguo thinks it is well worth it.

The layout of the entire community is very simple, in the shape of a trapezoid, with the long side on the south side, and the entire south side is left empty. It is more like a "door" shape with both sides opened at a certain angle. It faces north and south, and the buildings arranged in sequence on both sides have certain dimensions. The angle is different, which means that the main balcony of the living room in all apartment types faces south. The thirteen buildings are surrounded by a small garden. A fountain with a rockery is planned in the middle. Surrounded by trees, flowers and grass, as well as a children's playground, everything is available. It’s just that the style characteristics of People’s Park in the 1980s and 1990s are somewhat obvious.

This kind of layout is very attractive to local people, especially those in rural areas and people from rural areas. Whether it is a place where the living live or the dead are buried, the locals pay attention to a place with mountains and rivers. The location of the Blue Sky Garden is itself a hill, which gradually evolved into the flatter highlands it is today. To the north is the lucky pond of the urban village, which is a pond. In the past few decades, the villagers used that pond for domestic water. Because it has never been depleted, it is regarded as a lucky pond.

Judging from the overall plan, Blue Sky Garden is still spectacular. The buildings arranged slopingly from south to north start from the seventh floor. The latter one is one floor higher than the previous one and goes up to the eleventh floor. The largest one in the middle, which occupies the entire north, is the thirteenth floor. This building is Phase 1 project.

If the so-called King of Buildings No. 13 succeeds, there will be a second and third phase. Otherwise, the only result is to realize the cash and pay off the debt.

It seems that Father Li Zhan has probably made the greatest determination in his life to do this.

Building No. 13 is planned to have eight households on one floor. The estimated project cost is as high as 8 million, and the estimated cost has exceeded 10 million. Calculated based on a selling price that is 30% lower than the current market price, if all are sold within the plan, a gross profit of nearly 10 million yuan will be obtained. This amount of money is enough to support the construction of the second and third phases. . If the first phase does not go well, the next two phases will be out of the question. Just paying back the interest on the bank loan is a huge sum of money.

Li Zhan also had this consideration in his strong request to go to formal residential areas. The style of self-built houses in rural areas does not cause big problems, and there are no hidden dangers such as illegal construction. However, the market value will be greatly affected. Once again, it is very unattractive. According to Li Jianguo's original idea, the customer base of Blue Sky Garden is mainly aimed at residents of several nearby villages centered on urban villages. This consideration is inappropriate. .

Local villagers who have money to buy a house will basically choose to build a house on their own homestead. Very few of them buy commercial housing, let alone self-built houses like you without a real estate certificate.

The target customers should be adjusted to the proletariat, that is, the working class in urban areas, especially the working class without local household registration. According to local policies, those who own real estate locally can apply for household registration. Household registration is related to a series of extremely important social security such as medical security and children's schooling. In 2011, urban hukou was still very popular. Just the issue of children's education made people flock to urban hukou.

Therefore, only serious commercial housing can have long-term benefits.

Li Jianguo agreed with Li Zhan's view, and he had this consideration in bringing him here for field research today. Those independent directors who Li Zhan found funny were all very prestigious people in the village in the city. Having a good relationship with them is equivalent to having a good relationship with the people in the village. There are many people in the village in the city. Work in relevant local departments.

So Li Zhan came here to save face for his father. In the evening, Fu Yunlai held a banquet at the restaurant to entertain more than 20 prominent figures in the village. Li Zhan showed his strongest fighting power and won the praise of "Zhan Zhan". During this period, Li Zhan also smoked a hookah. Such a down-to-earth Air Force cadre made the uncles and uncles feel friendly, and they all patted their withered chests and said that everything would be taken care of by me.

That night back at Dabie Wilderness, Li Zhan used Jiu Jin and Ying Wanjun to drive drunk until dawn. During this period, he performed highly difficult special moves such as super cobra, falling leaves, rollers, pendulums, supersonic dives, flips, flips and flips of the Eiffel Tower. Practical training, and then getting up after 7 a.m. for the first time in so many years.

The days that followed were at a loss.

There was no wake-up signal, no class signal, no lights-out signal. The most important thing was that he couldn't hear the emergency signal, which made him very uncomfortable. Especially in the past three days, the constant roar of fighter planes overhead made him feel itchy.

He said to Ying Wanjun, "I really can't live without the plane."

Ying Wanjun stopped, holding the mop with one hand and akimbo with the other, panting and saying, "How about we sell the villa and get a smaller house? It's really bad that the house is too big."

Li Zhan said, "If I don't take a vacation, I always want to go home and see what happened. But when I get home from a vacation, I feel very bored. Mom and dad are busy with business, and you are busy with housework. What should I do? It's so boring!"

"It's really bad that the house is so big. It took two hours to mop the floor on the third floor. There are still two floors, a basement, and a front and rear garden. Oh my God." Ying Wanjun said in amazement.

Li Zhan looked out the window, "Across the sea is the dock of the Third Fleet. Do you want me to contact you to visit it? After all, I'm going to Feifei Shark soon, so it's good to know the situation of the navy in advance."

Ying Wanjun said, "How about I spend some money to hire a worker? With this workload during the National Day holiday, I will only do housework."

"Forget it, I don't necessarily want to go to HNA yet. I'll just run over here to avoid people saying I'm getting carried away." Li Zhan shook his head slightly and said.

Suddenly, the two of them stopped and looked at each other as if they had woken up at the same time, and then they couldn't help laughing.

Ying Wanjun said, "Why don't you go shopping?"


The two of them went out.

Ying Wanjun drove the car, a tall and powerful V93. She sat in the driver's seat and looked at it from the outside as if it was driverless. After being teased by Li Zhan, she adjusted the height of the seat to the highest level, and then she felt like it was driving. So confident. In fact, she also has a height of 1.6 meters, which is not ridiculously short objectively speaking. However, the problem is that the female comrades around Li Zhan are generally over 1.65 meters tall, and some are even over 1.7 meters tall. She felt inferior in comparison.

According to Li Zhan's instructions, he drove to the Postal Savings Bank first. Li Zhan took his passbook and went in for more than half an hour before returning to the car. Ying Wanjun never got out of the car. When she restarted the car and headed to the business district three kilometers away, Ying Wanjun saw the contents of the receipt in Li Zhan's hand out of the corner of her eye.

It was a transfer receipt, and the amount was not small. Who was he sending the money to?

Maybe it was because there was such a doubt in his heart that Ying Wanjun was not in a high mood while shopping. Li Zhan, who was not interested in shopping, didn't notice that Ying Wanjun had some little knots in his heart.

Yuebai Shopping Center is a long-established department store in Guangdong Province. In recent years, it has followed the trend and been transformed into a shopping complex. It mainly sells clothing, shoes and hats. Because of its higher selling price, it is popular among those who are not yet wealthy. Considered by locals as a higher-end shopping destination.

Li Zhan was a little surprised when he saw the prices of those clothes, shoes and hats. A mere short T-shirt actually costs two to three hundred yuan. This is an astronomical figure for Li Zhan, who has only been exposed to short T-shirts worth more than ten or twenty yuan. Having money in your pocket is money, but changing consumption concepts is not that easy.

The most expensive clothes he could remember buying on his own were all from when he was in high school. The most expensive short T-shirt, which was military green with a red five-star pattern, only cost 29 yuan. Then he never worried about these things again, and the food and clothing expenses were distributed uniformly to all troops.

When Li Zhan expressed his views on the overpriced prices of many products in Guangdong Baiyun Mall, Ying Wanjun's mood suddenly improved. She suddenly realized that she and Li Zhan had a common language after all, and had almost the same characteristics. Studying experience.

She pointed to a few short T-shirts that she thought would suit Li Zhan well and said with a smile, "I think you will look very handsome in this. Both of them are pretty good."

She decided not to look at the selling price. It seemed unreasonable to leave so much money without spending it. A slight improvement in her living standard should be reasonable.

Li Zhan lowered his voice and whispered, "I look more handsome when I'm not wearing it."

"Rogue!" Ying Wanjun scolded in a low voice, her face turning red.

"That's it, try it on." Ying Wanjun asked the salesperson to pick up some clothes and try them on.

Li Zhan had to follow Ying Wanjun. Women like to dress up their men as if they were creating a work of art. However, most men like to compare women to works of art and like to do it.

When Li Zhan came out, Ying Wanjun exclaimed that he was so cool and handsome. Li Zhan was just complacent when he suddenly saw the person next to Ying Wanjun and was stunned, "Cannon?"

"Huh? Are you A Zhan?" The man was about the same age as Li Zhan. He was slim and handsome, but he did not look like the nouveau riche common in counties and towns. Instead, he looked like a shopping mall elite. He had a seven-cent haircut, but that A big pie face is a failure.

Li Zhan immediately laughed, "It's me, it's really you, Cannon."

"Brother Zhan, I hope you call me Cao Pao."

"Okay cannon." Li Zhan agreed.

Ying Wanjun was surprised, she met an acquaintance.

Li Zhan said with an ooh, "This is my girlfriend Ying Wanjun. Wanjun, this is Cao Dapao, my high school classmate and the goalkeeper of the school football team. Looking at his height, others call themselves iron gates, but he is called steel gates."

Holding back her laughter, Ying Wanjun shook hands with Cao Pao generously, "Hello."

"Hello, sister-in-law." Cao Pao said with a smile, "Brother Zhan, our captain, likes to make fun of us. He got those steel doors."

Ying Wanjun looked at Li Zhan sideways, "It seems like you weren't very well-behaved when you were in school."

Li Zhan shrugged.

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