Great Power Fighting Falcon

Chapter 403? Comrade Lao Bao’s warning

Chapter 403 Comrade Lao Bao’s warning

When Ying Wanjun came back from shopping, she found that Li Zhan was not in a high mood. After the two had dinner, while Ying Wanjun was clearing away the dishes, Li Zhan went for a walk on the rooftop of the third floor. The rooftop is also a small garden with some flowers and plants planted. Several wicker chairs and tea tables were deployed, as well as tea-making utensils.

The warm black tea had no taste in his mouth, and Li Zhan sighed again.

Ying Wanjun cleared the dining table and walked up. She happened to see Li Zhan caring about the country and the people, and couldn't help but ask, "You have been in a low mood after reminiscing with your classmates. What's wrong?"

Li Zhan told the story again and said with emotion, "It's incredible."

Ying Wanjun also fell silent.

In the final analysis, they are both inexperienced people. One has been in the army all year round and his job is simple flying. The other came out of this school and entered that school. In fact, they are both pure and simple. . Those who have not withstood the beatings of society will naturally lack the corresponding endurance.

After a while, Ying Wanjun said, "The inheritance my grandfather left to my father's brothers was a white note, which was sugar cane money. It was a white note from the sugar factory the year I was born, worth 1,280 yuan. Two years of income. We talked about cashing it out for 20 years, then pushed it back every year and finally gave up. This situation happens in almost every village."

Li Zhan gritted his teeth and said, "Some people deserve to die."

"Don't say such things. You are not an ordinary person. Please pay attention to your identity." Ying Wanjun warned, "You are a military cadre and it is not suitable to comment on local affairs."

Li Zhan said, "I feel so depressed."

"After all, they are a very small minority." Ying Wanjun said, "Our ideological and political teacher said that China is a big country and it is difficult to develop. It is normal for some problems to arise during the development process. How can we cross the river by feeling the stones? , isn’t it the same with your troops? Political Commissar Bao said that you have been crossing the river by feeling the stones. You think so, as long as you are here, everything will be fine. "

Li Zhan's eyes lit up, "Hey, your angle is a bit interesting. Yes, as long as we are there, everything will be fine. We are the cornerstone."

"Yes, so you have nothing to worry about." Ying Wanjun said.

Li Zhan pondered for a moment and said, "It doesn't matter if you don't know about this matter. Now that you know it, you can't sit idly by and do nothing. Even if you are a classmate, you must take action. Is your IOU still there?"

"Yes, my dad is an honest man. The IOU was given to him, but I didn't get anything else. My grandfather had two houses, and he was given to his uncles," Ying Wanjun said.

Li Zhan slapped his thigh and said, "Okay, I should have a way to find that kid."

"You? You haven't been home for how many years. How can you find anyone? Even the police can't find you." Ying Wanjun said.

Li Zhan smiled mysteriously, "The police don't know who that kid is, I do. I've been in the same dormitory with him for three years, and I know him very well. It's easy to change a person's nature, but I don't believe it took him just a few years." It’s completely transformed.”

"Don't act recklessly. It's inappropriate for you to participate in this matter as an active-duty soldier." Ying Wanjun said.

She talked a lot with Political Commissar Bao and learned a lot about the rules, especially the differences and relationships between the army and the local area and the strict disciplinary requirements of the army.

Li Zhan said, "If I don't come forward, let Cannon go. His high school girlfriend is He Junlong's cousin. We have a relationship and things will be much easier to handle."

"Well, you have to pay attention anyway." Ying Wanjun couldn't help but wonder whether she should report to Political Commissar Bao. What she was most worried about was that Li Zhan's status involved in local cases would have other effects, and Li Zhan was simply innocent. And warm-blooded people, people who would use aerial bombs to help when there is injustice on the road, now that they know about this matter, I am afraid they will not just sit back and watch.

Li Zhan has the character to do what he says and can't wait even a minute. He immediately called Cao Pao and asked him to come over. Cao Pao was also a man with chivalrous feelings in his heart and came over immediately. He was stunned when he saw Li Zhan's big villa. He couldn't help but marvel and admire it. Then thinking about the bad guy he pretended to be during the day, he immediately wanted to get out and get in. His ten shops are probably not worth one house.

It took a while to get to the point, so Li Zhan and Cao Pao analyzed the matter from beginning to end. Cao Paodao heard a lot of news from hearsay, and sometimes the news he heard from the village was probably closer to the truth than the official report.

It was already early in the morning when Li Zhan explained his analysis and made it clear what actions Cao Pao should take. After Cao Pao left, Li Zhan was about to take a rest when he suddenly received a call from Bao Guanhua. He was immediately overjoyed and said, "Political commissar."

Before he could speak, Bao Guanhua said, "Xiao Ying told me what happened. You should be calmer about this matter. Sugarcane farmers should be sympathized with, but don't forget your identity. You are an active-duty army cadre, local If you are involved in the above matter, you will drag the troops into it. In addition, since the criminal suspect is your high school classmate, you should avoid this matter. Li Zhan, don’t think that the public security organs are so incompetent. They will definitely be more capable than you. Method. Are you sure that what you have learned now is the entire truth of the case? I believe that the public security organs can think of anything you can think of.

Bao Guanhua paused and said, "I understand how you feel. In fact, I was very angry after hearing Xiao Ying talk about this matter. But think about it calmly. Will your participation help the progress of the case? ? I believe it is extremely limited. Before I called you, I called my comrades working at the Nangang Political and Legal Affairs Office and asked about the case. The situation is more complicated than you imagined, and it seems that the public security organs have made some breakthroughs. Sexual clues. It’s very inappropriate for you to get involved at this time. Do you understand?”

After hearing what Bao Guanhua said, Li Zhan first blamed Ying Wanjun for snitching, but then he thought about it and realized that Ying Wanjun was also worried about him and that's why he took this step. If we think about it calmly, what Political Commissar Bao said is not unreasonable. As the saying goes, caring leads to chaos. Perhaps Political Commissar Bao sees things more objectively.

Bao Guanhua said in a deep voice, "The day you officially joined the army, there was no one like you in the local area. Do you understand? You are a military member and an outstanding grassroots cadre of our Air Force. Since the Second Division wants to ask you to be an instructor, you should Focus your energy on this aspect. Do you understand that you are absolutely not allowed to participate in local affairs unless ordered by the organization?"

Li Zhan thought about it and said, "Understood, political commissar, I will go to northern Guangxi in a few days and will not have any more involvement in this matter."

"You are a classmate who is capable, but you also have the same problem as most young cadres. Once you fly a plane to the sky, you really think that I am the best in the world. Brother Comrade, this is not a few decades ago. The army has troops in a bunch of places. It's a local thing, let alone a small cadre like you. Even I don't dare to get involved in local affairs easily, unless there is an organization authorizing a higher-level order." Bao Guanhua said earnestly, "Fly the plane well, and then As you often say, we will always remain true to our original aspiration and contribute to building a strong People's Air Force. A person's energy is limited, and you cannot take care of many aspects. For example, your father's real estate business was in its early stages. If I give it to you, can you take care of it? Right? You are still very busy. Concentrate on doing one thing well. In my opinion, doing one thing well is more meaningful than doing ten things at the same time. Do you agree? Do you agree with my point of view?"

Li Zhan said, "I agree, you are right, political commissar."

For the first time, he experienced the political commissar Bao's ability in ideological and political education. This is everyone. His little arms and legs can only shout dry slogans, and there is still a long way to go before he can explain things in a simple and profound way.

"Okay, remember to think twice before doing anything in the future. Okay, I have to rest. Goodbye."

Li Zhan still had nothing to say, so Bao Guanhua hung up the phone. Li Zhan wanted to know more about why Bao Guanhua suddenly chose to change his career, but it turned out that Bao Guanhua obviously knew it well and did not give him a chance to ask questions.

After sighing for a long time, Li Zhan gradually adjusted his emotions. After shouting "come on" to himself a few times, he took off his clothes and fell asleep on Ying Wanjun.

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