Great Power Fighting Falcon

Chapter 405 ? Heading towards the West

Chapter 405 Heading to the West

There was something cool in the early morning of October 5th, which made people temporarily forget the scorching heat brought about by the daytime temperature in West County, which can reach as high as 38 degrees.

At 2 o'clock, the H-6K strategic reconnaissance aircraft numbered 2238325 was waiting at the takeoff line for the tower's takeoff instructions. In the previous two hours, the ground crew had completed all the necessary support for the long voyage. The crew and accompanying personnel did not bring diapers. , because there are two bathrooms deployed on the new model.

The humanized design is exciting. You must know that the bathroom is definitely an important support equipment for long voyages, more important than a parachute. After all, a living person cannot die from urination.

The cabin pressurization system of the H-6K is similar to that of a passenger aircraft. The pressure and oxygen are equivalent to an altitude of more than 2,000 meters. Therefore, there is no need to wear an anti-German suit, a compensating vest, or an oxygen mask. Wear a pair of flying sunglasses for normal attire. enough.

The captain is Colonel Liu Changxi, the leader of the independent reconnaissance regiment, the co-pilot is Lieutenant Colonel Bai Bitu, the regiment's chief of staff, the navigator is the regiment's navigation director, and the correspondent is the regiment's communications section chief. This configuration is extremely luxurious, which shows how much the superiors attach great importance to this voyage training.

But when Li Zhan saw the four unsmiling technical officers, he realized that only such a luxurious crew configuration was worthy of this technical team. The four technical officers include two colonels and two deputy division-level technicians with civilian ranks.

One of the colonels was a female cadre at the deputy regimental level. She was in her early thirties and had an aesthetically pleasing figure. A high military rank but a low rank indicates a very high starting point. It is very likely that someone with a doctorate degree will be directly promoted to the rank of lieutenant colonel or battalion level upon entering the army. In other words, the female colonel in her thirties is probably a newcomer with only three or four years of military experience.

The other colonel was a middle-aged female cadre with symptoms of premature aging. Her temples were gray, and her seniority badge showed that she was at the deputy division level. She was obviously a senior cadre who had worked her way up from the grassroots.

Both colonels were wearing Air Force spring and autumn uniforms.

The two civilian cadres are quite impressive. One wears the General Staff armband on the Army Spring and Autumn uniform, and the other wears the Navy armband on the Navy Spring and Autumn uniform. It's not easy to judge, but he is not an ordinary person anyway.

Li Zhan found it strange that the technical team all wore regular uniforms instead of camouflage uniforms. Looking at the composition again, the Air Force team has two female officers, one old and one young, while the other Army and Navy team has older male officers. It feels like a technical group put together temporarily.

As soon as they took off, they sat down in front of the console in the middle of the cabin, operating their respective equipment in a familiar manner. The young female colonel also took off her coat and put it on the leather seat, then started working in a sky blue shirt. The clean style made Li Zhan couldn't help but take a second look.

In addition to these people, there are three tourists: Li Zhan, Yu Chenglin, and Zhang Wei.

Yu Chenglin and Zhang Wei assisted the technical team in the combat control room in the middle of the cabin. They used a camera with a telephoto lens to take pictures through the few cabin windows and recorded some things with pen and paper.

Li Zhan was placed in the cockpit. A temporary chair was placed at the back between the pilot and co-pilot. That was his seat. On the left and right sides were the navigator and communicator. However, at this time, the navigator and communications officer were acting as technical equipment operators in the combat control room.

According to Li Zhan's observation, the standard crew of this highly technical strategic reconnaissance aircraft should be twelve people, four people in the cockpit, and eight people responsible for operating the combat control system. There is no problem with the space of the H-6K. The Soviets once converted the Tu-16 into a passenger plane, and it had no problem at all to accommodate dozens of people. Of course, it is more difficult to obtain ample space after deploying a large number of devices.

In fact, this H-6K calls itself a strategic reconnaissance aircraft, but in Li Zhan's opinion, it is closer to a combination of a long-range electronic reconnaissance patrol aircraft and a large electronic warfare aircraft. When military expenditures are limited, our military usually conducts research in more directions within a project, and many mission fighters often take into account multiple missions. You don't yet have the strength to subdivide the uses of weapons and equipment into the huge system of powerful enemies.

The most suitable long-range electronic reconnaissance and patrol aircraft is a medium-sized transport aircraft with good low-altitude performance and strong cruising ability. The US military has a large number of combat auxiliary aircraft developed on civilian passenger aircraft platforms. For example, the P-3 "Orion" anti-submarine patrol aircraft and the notorious EP-3 "Aries" electronic reconnaissance aircraft were developed from a propeller passenger aircraft. The P-8 "Poseidon" anti-submarine patrol aircraft that succeeded the P-3 "Orion" was developed on the basis of the famous Boeing-737 jetliner.

Americans are very targeted and purposeful when choosing platforms. Of course, the premise is that they have choices.

Therefore, Li Zhan was probably able to reach his superiors' ideas and use limited resources to conduct more research, so he had this H-6K strategic reconnaissance aircraft that was like a stew in Northeast China.

"Two two three eight three two five ready for take off, please take off." After Liu Changxi and Bai Bitu completed the last cross-check before takeoff, Liu Changxi asked the tower for instructions.

The tower quickly ordered, "Tourists can take off."

Liu Changxi pushed the throttle lever, and the two D-30KB-2 turbofan engines of the huge H-6K strategic reconnaissance aircraft made a strong and powerful sound, pushing the aircraft to start rolling, and it easily reached the take-off speed and took off.

The most obvious change of the K-type is that the old turbojet engine is replaced by the famous D-30 turbofan engine, which is more powerful and has better fuel economy. It may be more straightforward to put it this way. The K type uses exactly the same engine as the IL-76, except that the latter is equipped with four.

It is said that the maximum range of this H-6K reaches 10,000 kilometers, which is farther than other K-types. There is no doubt that the ultra-large range brings ultra-long airborne time, and long-lasting airborne time is the most important performance of this type of aircraft.

The large plane flew eastward over the urban area of ​​Xixian County at low altitude. The rumble of its engines covered the entire urban area, but it was unable to shake people's sleeping nerves. In the dark night sky, in the unknown space, the soldiers of the Chinese Air Force guard the airspace of the motherland day and night.

The eight crew members and three accompanying personnel who participated in this long-distance training mission were very excited. This may be the first time the Chinese Air Force has flown such a long distance, and it is very likely to be the beginning of a journey that will go down in history.

But despite this, few people could have imagined that the Western Space Space would become a daily training airspace in the near future, let alone that entering and exiting the Western Space Space would be as simple and frequent as going from the infield to the outfield of a station.

The long-distance training operation codenamed "Tourist" has officially begun. What will greet Li Zhan and others will be an unfamiliar sea and airspace, which is more than 3,000 kilometers away from our nearest airport.

In other words, once danger occurs in the West Pacific, plane 2238325 can only fly back, and they have no alternate landing station.

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