Great Power Fighting Falcon

Chapter 411 ? The Trekking Badger in the Western Space

Chapter 411 The Trekking Badger in the Western Space

What are you most afraid of in unfamiliar airspace? Especially during a long-distance voyage with nowhere to go.

Trek without a doubt.

H-6KZZ No. 2238325 got lost.

This is not the first difficulty encountered, but it is a more fatal situation.

With the support of modern aviation technology, wandering is basically non-existent. There are many navigation methods, including visual positioning, geometric positioning and dead reckoning. To find the correct direction, the aircraft must first determine its own position. These three methods are to solve this problem.

The crew lost contact with the rear command post half an hour ago. At the same time, some related instruments encountered strong interference, causing large deviations in the data. Some electronic equipment also encountered interference. The more serious one was the atmosphere. data systems and autopilots. Liu Changxi had rich flight experience, and he could see at a glance that the data was very skewed.

Based on the flight time and speed, it was already 1,500 kilometers away from the mainland and was entering the hinterland of the western space domain in a broad sense. Nature is mysterious and unpredictable. There are phenomena in many places that cannot be reasonably explained by current science and technology. For example, in the famous Bermuda Triangle area, according to records, many planes and ships have mysteriously crashed and sunk when passing there. All electronic instruments on airplanes and ships have failed. It is known that the phenomenon is caused by extremely strong interference from the earth's magnetic field, but there is still no analysis from so many aspects that can convince the world.

At this time, the plane seemed to fly into an area similar to the Bermuda Triangle.

The technical team has sent a report and it can be confirmed that the aircraft has been subject to strong interference.

However, the crew made careful preparations for several months before setting off. They had drawn up dozens of plans to deal with various situations, with more than 100 emergency response methods and danger handling plans, and had conducted thorough inspections of the airspace they passed through. Research and analysis.

The crew and technical team members were not randomly organized. The radio communicators and navigators that Li Zhan had not seen since boarding the plane were all business department heads of the independent reconnaissance regiment, and they were all backbones with extreme abilities in certain aspects. For example, the unit chief who serves as the radio communicator is a senior radio technician himself, and he can handle most of the failures that may occur in the radio system on the aircraft. The Director of Navigation personally served as the navigator for this operation because this person was a living chart in the independent reconnaissance group and had the most experience. He had followed the navy's ocean-going formations to the high seas.

Even the three entourage members were not determined casually. When Yu Chenglin was the leader of the fourth regiment, his other identity was an aircraft engine mechanic. Even Li Zhan didn't know this. Zhang Wei is actually an aviation ordnance engineer and has relevant qualifications.

Among the eleven people, only Li Zhan didn't have any certificates or specific abilities, so he served as the leader of the discipline team to manage discipline and help with radio communication. But he was the most important among the eleven, and the only one asked by the cabin crew to participate in this operation.

The fundamental reason is that Li Zhan has unparalleled experience in handling dangerous situations. He is an encyclopedia of dangerous situation handling plans. With him, everything will be turned into a disaster. However, there is another superstitious view that the person's unlucky constitution is not suitable for participating in such an important activity. Obviously, this superstitious view has no market and will definitely be cast aside.

Liu Changxi once said that he asked Li Zhan to participate in this operation because Li Zhan was very experienced in using reconnaissance aircraft. In fact, he was afraid that he would embarrass Li Zhan by telling the truth, so he found this excuse. The difference between the strategic reconnaissance aircraft unit and the tactical reconnaissance aircraft unit is actually quite large.

The staffing is perfect and the technology is fully prepared, so everyone is not panicking about the current situation.

Liu Changxi reduced the airspeed to 650 kilometers per hour without adjusting the course or altitude. After handing over the control of the aircraft to Bai Bitu, he turned sideways and studied with Li Zhan in a low voice.

There are no reference objects at night, and it is unfamiliar airspace. There are no navigation points, no landmarks, and no ground radio facilities to provide support. This means that visual positioning and geometric positioning are not feasible, and dead reckoning can only be used.

Li Zhan quickly took out the calculation results and pointed them to Liu Changxi, "Based on our course and speed, we should be at this position now, that is..."

He circled the location on the navigation chart, "Here, in the range from 180 kilometers to 200 kilometers southeast of Kaidao, the specific coordinates should be..."

After Li Zhan wrote down a coordinate number, he changed the subject and said, "But we only noticed the electromagnetic interference half an hour later, which means that the aircraft was most likely to have a large error in the half hour before the problem was discovered. It was flown under the guidance of the autopilot. The technical team is calculating the deviation value rules, and we need to wait for their specific figures to come out before the calculation results can be as accurate as possible."

After the aircraft enters the cruise state, it remains in the autopilot state. The autopilot and autonavigator work together. The pilot only needs to set the key parameters and the aircraft will automatically fly to the destination. By the time of the K-type, this grandpa-level medium- and long-range bomber already has a flight control system similar to that of a modern passenger aircraft. Generally speaking, many subsystems of modern aircraft have multiple sets. If one set breaks down, a second, third or even fourth set will be needed. The possibility of all failures is extremely low.

Xie Xinyu ran over and reported in a low voice, "It's full-frequency interference. The power is so high that it exceeds our anti-interference ability. We are tracking the source of the interference, but our technical team has no way to give effective suggestions for flight."

In other words, the technical team cannot guide the crew in an effective direction before getting rid of the interference source, and of course there is no way to determine the specific location of the aircraft.

Li Zhan nodded slightly, "I understand."

Xie Xinyu's aloof look made Xie Xinyu very uncomfortable, but this was an extraordinary period and she had no time to think too much. It was even possible that she had some personal emotions mixed into her work. Li Zhan, a combat pilot who is loved by everyone, is insensitive because he has encountered too many. He has already clearly distinguished between personal emotions and work, and will never change his attitude just because the other person is a tall and beautiful woman. change.

No one can shake his perseverance in building a strong People's Air Force.

Being strongly disturbed seemed to be expected, and even Liu Changxi was mentally prepared. The flight plan was to pass about 200 kilometers southeast of Kaidao, so there was a possibility of strong interference.

After all, nature is mysterious and difficult to understand.

In this airspace that is completely unfamiliar to the Chinese Air Force, there are no flight parameters to refer to. They are actually opening up a new route, a route belonging to the Chinese Air Force. In the future, more fighters will fly along them. The routes and routes use the relevant parameter data they obtained to guide flight training work.

Li Zhan and others were fully mentally prepared, and everyone involved in this operation was mentally prepared to sacrifice their lives.

Sacrifice is the easiest thing; the hardest thing is to successfully complete the mission and take back the proceeds from the trip.

It is necessary to confirm the aircraft's position and return to the planned route as soon as possible, otherwise the aircraft will be unable to fly back to the mainland due to excessive unplanned consumption of fuel.

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