Great Power Fighting Falcon

Chapter 420? The storm brewing area ahead

Chapter 420 The storm brewing area ahead

The technical team contacted the rear command post urgently and obtained the latest meteorological data of the current area detected by meteorological satellites. They found that there were huge clouds in an area with a diameter of 200 kilometers due east, with the possibility of forming a marine storm.

After intense research and judgment, it was determined that the mission could be completed before a strong storm formed, but the prerequisite was to pass through the severe weather zone ahead, where sea conditions had begun to dominate and approached Level 10.

If you choose to go around, you will need to cover a distance of hundreds of kilometers. The remaining fuel can theoretically barely support the return flight, but no one dares to believe this theory. Flying without leaving any room is a taboo for long-distance voyages without an alternate landing site.

This time the command team's opinions were highly unified. Yu Chenglin convened a plenary meeting as the temporary party branch secretary, and everyone agreed that we should persist. Now that you have decided to take a risk, you cannot give up halfway, and the benefits that will be gained from this risk are of historic significance.

All eleven people were party members, so a temporary party branch was established before departure, with Yu Chenglin as party branch secretary and Li Juan as deputy secretary. Judging from the number of people, this is already the size of a company's party branch. Judging from the level of party members, the party branches of many local high-tech enterprises are not as valuable as this temporary party branch.

Once the thinking is unified, the next step can be easily implemented. We work together and everyone wants to overcome the same difficulty.

Li Zhan turned back to Liu Changxi and said, "Captain Liu, I will return the control of the plane to you."

As he spoke, he stood up.

When it comes to dealing with bad weather, Li Zhan doesn't dare think that he is better at dealing with it than the senior flight leader.

However, Liu Changxi stood up and held Li Zhan's shoulders, saying, "No, you still drive. I can see that you are definitely not just a man who has only been in the simulated cockpit a few times. Your skills are almost catching up." It's mine, I've flown the H-6 for more than a thousand hours."

Li Zhan said in surprise, "More than a thousand hours in two years, one thousand and twenty-one hours. How much does it cost to draw a rod?"

He thought his average annual flying hours were great, but he didn't expect that there was someone else, and he was flying a bomber.

Liu Changxi was stunned. It was hard to imagine that Li Zhan actually thought about the rod fee at the moment when he was preparing to compete with the bad weather of nature. How could this person have such an ideological consciousness?

But Liu Changxi noticed one detail. He frowned and asked, "Who told you it was one thousand and two?"

Li Zhan said, "The commander of the Central Bomber Division, he turned out to be the chief of staff, and we have a good relationship."

They almost started fighting over the two J-8FRs, which is a good relationship.

"Nonsense, our subsidies for flying bombers are much less than your fighter planes." Liu Changxi said.

Li Zhan hurriedly asked, "How much is it?"

Liu Changxi said, "You don't have a share. You are driving for me. You won't be included in the calculation of the tie rod fee. Give up this idea as soon as possible. Stop talking nonsense and concentrate on driving."

After successfully changing the topic, no one was interested in Li Zhan's skillful skills, so Li Zhan smiled and continued to control the plane.

The atmosphere soon became solemn again, and Liu Changxi simply took Li Zhan's original position and acted as flight consultant. The technical team reported the weather conditions to him in a timely manner, and he directly discussed and decided with Li Zhan and Yu Chenglin. Bai Bitu concentrated on the picture of a coaxial camera and carefully observed the weather conditions in front.

After climbing to an altitude of 1,000 meters, I saw a strange scene looking out from the cockpit. There is an obvious dividing line in front of you at a height of about two thousand meters. The sun is shining brightly above and there are no clouds in the sky, while below you can see a huge black spiral cloud group. The distance is only twenty kilometers away. It is the maximum visual distance of the pilot. In these twenty kilometers, there are some scattered clouds, which gather towards the center of the whirlpool as if they have received some kind of powerful call.

Bai Bitu's lips were trembling a little as he reported, "Captain, that is a huge whirlpool with a strong centripetal force. Look at the direction of movement of the surrounding clouds. They all rush to the center."

Liu Changxi quickly checked the real-time image. Twenty kilometers of detention was almost the maximum range of the long-distance camera. The image was very blurry and many details could not be seen. However, the entire airspace below 2,000 meters ahead was full of scenes like this. There is no need to look at the details to make a judgment.

"Lao Yu, Xiao Li, look, I'm switching the picture to the main display." Liu Changxi said in a deep voice, and asked Bai Bitu to cut the captured picture to the main display in the middle of the dashboard.

Both are experienced people. After Li Zhan and Yu Chenglin looked at the situation carefully, they subconsciously looked at each other, and then they both saw the solemnity in each other's eyes.

Yu Chenglin said in a deep voice, "Do you still remember the sudden change in weather when you were flying back in a balloon?"

"I can't forget it," Li Zhan said.

Yu Chenglin said, “This time it’s even more powerful than the last time.”

"I'm thinking about what to do." Li Zhan said thoughtfully.

Liu Changxi couldn't help it anymore and said, "What kind of riddle are you playing? Please explain it clearly."

Yu Chenglin said in a deep voice, "That happened not long after Li Zhan's army was under the command. A local family held a wedding banquet and used a hot air balloon. As a result, it accidentally left the station and flew onto the landing route of civil aviation. After our radar discovered it, our superiors Our troops were ordered to dispatch for disposal. Li Zhan was in charge of the execution at that time. He used a 30mm cannon to shoot down the hot air balloon and then returned. As a result, the weather in the field suddenly changed at this time, and the meteorological conditions dropped sharply in just ten minutes. To the extent that it exceeded twice the minimum weather requirements of the outline. Li Zhan was ordered to make an alternate landing at Guibei Field Station, but he was accidentally struck by lightning and caused a fire in the engine compartment. Li Zhan had to make an emergency landing at this field..."

After patiently listening to Yu Chenglin's words, Liu Changxi frowned and asked, "Succeeded? Xiao Li has experience in this field?"

"It was successful, and the plane was repaired later. According to Li Zhan's reaction, it was better to fly than before after the repair. Later, the plane was handed over to the King of Rags in the West and has been following Li Zhan. He is also a glorious veteran waiting to retire after becoming famous. ." Yu Chenglin said with emotion.

Li Zhan didn't know whether to laugh or cry, "I told you, the two captains, not to look back on the past. How can a hero not mention his bravery in the past? The question now is what should we do next?"

When the two came to their senses, Liu Changxi said, "What do you think?"

"I tend to cancel the action." Yu Chenglin gave an unsurprising opinion.

Liu Changxi was secretly relieved. He didn't know why he was relieved. Maybe he didn't know that he subconsciously had to agree with Yu Chenglin in order to make Li Zhan "give in". He didn't even realize that How could I conclude that Li Zhan's opinion was to continue the mission?

There seems to be no other choice in the situation at hand. There is no way to ensure that the fuel will support the return flight by bypassing. Without the bypass, the plane will definitely not be able to pass through the storm brewing area with a diameter of nearly 200 kilometers ahead.

The size of the H-6KZZ is larger than that of most fighter jets, and it is not inferior to ordinary passenger aircraft. Most models of the famous Boeing 737 family are of similar size. But facing a storm-brewing area covering an area of ​​nearly 30,000 square kilometers, the H-6KZZ is just a mosquito, maybe a small mosquito. However, for the entire Pacific region, a mere 30,000 square kilometers is just a drop in the ocean.

Pilots clearly understand the power of nature better than ordinary people. The storm brewing area in front of them cannot be penetrated no matter what.

Yu Chenglin and Liu Changxi looked at Li Zhan rather nervously, fearing that this experienced flight expert in dangerous situations and ultra-low weather conditions would insist on continuing the mission.

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