Great Power Fighting Falcon

Chapter 422? They seem to be unable to protect themselves

Chapter 422 They seem to be unable to protect themselves

Many people have found that the sound insulation of airplanes has suddenly improved. The sound insulation of military aircraft is not much better, even this H-6KZZ, which has many valuable electronic equipment. In fact, in order to meet the working environment of some electronic equipment, this aircraft has undergone special sound insulation and shockproof treatment, but there is still a gap compared with passenger aircraft.

I feel that the sound insulation has improved a lot because everyone's focus is on Xie Xinyu and the radio detection system she is responsible for, so that there is no other sound in my ears except the silence of waiting for news.

Before this, gay men liked to look at Xie Xinyu, especially those who were in the same cabin. They were much more energetic when working together with a good-looking lesbian. Yu Chenglin, a single and widowed man, had been in this cabin before, and he was looking for words to talk to Xie Xinyu intentionally or unintentionally.

But now no one cares about these superficial articles. Everyone only hopes that Xie Xinyu can give a good result.

But what is a good outcome?

In fact, most people don't have a final conclusion in mind.

It seems that detecting a radio signal simulating the Blue Army task force and determining that the signal is in the storm high-risk area below is a bad result? But it's not particularly bad, at least I know where the target is.

Just waiting, waiting, waiting in such a worried mood.

The one who was most eager to get Xie Xinyu's results was undoubtedly Li Zhan. After repeated calculations, the detection time left for Xie Xinyu was only ten minutes. Beyond this time, the aircraft would not be able to leave the high-threat area before the storm formed.

Once a storm forms, the strong centripetal force will suck the aircraft into the vortex, and the aircraft may even be torn apart in the strong turbulence. At this moment, the plane was cruising and hovering over the eye of the storm. Li Zhan had already felt that the plane had been affected by some external influences and its attitude was forced to change. This meant that natural forces such as wind and airflow were competing with him for control of the plane. right.

Colonel Li Juan is responsible for infrared signal detection. A large fleet will produce a large number of obvious infrared signals. It should be very easy to detect this type of infrared signal at a distance of several thousand meters. However, because of dark clouds and the aircraft is in Flying above the clouds will greatly reduce the detection effect.

Therefore, hopes are basically focused on Xie Xinyu. Some of the radio signal detection equipment she is responsible for can work in severe weather conditions.

"The more urgent the situation, the less anxious it is. Once you are anxious, it will be difficult to catch the clues as soon as they pass by." Li Juan comforted the slightly nervous Xie Xinyu in a deep voice.

Xie Xinyu forced a smile and focused all his attention on the detection equipment.

Slowly, she frowned slightly and said quickly, "There is a strange signal, a long-wave signal. It is very strong. It doesn't look like it was sent by a ship."

Li Juan took a quick look and said immediately, "It's a ship, a signal sent by a long-wave radio station used by underwater ships for ultra-long-distance communication. Can you track and locate it?"

"The positioning has been successful. The signal is very obvious. This location is just below us." Xie Xinyu quickly marked the longitude and latitude in red.

She turned around and asked, "Chief of Staff Bai, can you confirm the location of the fleet?"

"It's almost the same. The non-combat formation submarines won't be far away from the fleet. Maybe they are together. Are there any other signals? Short-wave signals are very important." Bai Bitu asked.

The communication between the fleets uses the shortwave frequency band. If the fleet is below, then there must be a shortwave signal, unless all of them are radio silent, which is impossible.

"No, it's strange. No short-wave signal was found, and there was no mid-wave signal. There was only this long-wave signal. The signal was very short, and it should be an agreed signal." Xie Xinyu said very definitely.

Bai Bitu was in trouble and hurried to the cockpit to report. As soon as he finished reporting, the infrared detection system in charge of Li Juan suddenly discovered a large number of infrared signals!

Li Zhan no longer cared about flying the plane and handed over the control to co-pilot Yu Chenglin. He and Liu Changxi quickly ran to the electronic reconnaissance control cabin to check the situation.

Li Juan pointed to the large number of successfully positioned infrared signals on the display and said, "These are infrared signals emitted by large ships. They are very obvious and strong. They can definitely simulate the hundreds of ships in the Blue Army's task force. Please note that this is a formation to withstand high sea conditions. The largest tonnage is on the outside, and a roughly circular formation is arranged from the outside to the inside according to the tonnage. The speed is very low but the infrared model is very strong. The turbine unit should be at high altitude. Power on, heading due west, opposite the direction of the storm's movement."

The fleet has been found. The good thing is that it finally discovered the simulated Blue Army, a huge task force that almost brought down the No. 2238325 H-6KZZ strategic reconnaissance aircraft. The bad thing is that it is difficult for the aircraft to conduct reconnaissance on it.

At this time, the plane and the fleet were separated by a layer of clouds that was one thousand meters thick. One is on the top and the other is on the bottom, with a thick diaphragm in the middle. Anyone who breaks this barrier will take huge risks and even pay a huge price.

"They have given up on escaping from the storm area and plan to defend in place and wait for the storm to pass." Li Zhan said calmly.

The older civilian cadre on the left shook his head and said, "I'm afraid they will have to bear a lot of losses. These three large surface ships of the 100,000-ton class will not have a big problem. They can withstand sea conditions of level 12, but other ships The problem is huge, especially these twenty-odd five- to six-thousand-ton ships, which are very dangerous."

After Li Juan made eye contact with the civilian cadre, who had some gray hair on her temples, she said to Li Zhan, "We should consider guiding them to stay away from high-threat areas as much as possible instead of continuing to perform their original tasks."

"Guide them?" Li Zhan raised his eyebrows, obviously not expecting the technical team to give such advice.

The gray-haired civilian cadre said, "Xiao Li, after all, this is a simulated Blue Army unit, not the real enemy. What we are engaging in is a confrontation exercise, not a real war. The common enemy now is natural disasters, and we should help them." "

Li Juan said, "Their plane will definitely not be able to take off. The ship-borne weather detection equipment cannot see as clearly as we can from the sky. If we don't provide help, it will be difficult for them to find the most suitable escape route."

Li Zhan understood the meaning and asked, "Does the technical team have a route?"

"Yes." The gray-haired civilian cadre immediately called up a cloud map to quickly outline a route, and said, "I have been analyzing their possible routes. My judgment is that if they are in the storm area, they will definitely choose the best route. A safe escape route. Look here, there is only one gap in the entire swirling clouds. Walking along this gap will have the least impact. It is very possible for the fleet to escape from the storm without loss. But Team Leader Li's infrared detection found that they Instead of taking this route, we chose to move westward at a very low speed, intending to fight the storm head-on."

Li Zhan discovered that the route outlined by the white-haired civilian cadre was heading east, which was consistent with the direction of the storm.

Seeing Li Zhan's doubts, the white-haired civilian cadre explained, "The storm's movement speed is fifteen kilometers per hour, and its direction of movement is very stable, basically maintaining 30 degrees. The fleet's position is approximately 100 meters from the eastern edge of the storm. Eighty kilometers, all their ships can sail at a speed of thirty knots. If you maintain this high speed and sail along this route for two hours, you will be basically out of danger. If you persist for more than three hours, the storm will no longer pose a threat."

Li Zhan suddenly remembered that the civilian cadre in front of him was a meteorological expert.

But the question is, should help be provided to simulate the Blue Army fleet? Even if we want to help them, in what way should we do it?

Li Zhan never thought about this, and neither did the crew.

You must know that everyone regards each other as the enemy in their hearts. If the enemy is defeated by nature, we will applaud ourselves. How can we want to help them?

Li Zhan was in trouble. As the first commander of the operation, he did not have to adopt the suggestions put forward by the technical team. However, after quick thinking, he decided to report to the temporary party branch, and the temporary party branch secretary Yu Chenglin convened an emergency meeting to come up with the solution. decision making. It is unimaginable that such a major decision has not been approved by the party branch. The decision made by the protagonist in the film and television works casually patting his head is seriously divorced from reality.

Time is very urgent, and they must make a decision within five minutes, otherwise they will not be able to escape the storm, let alone help others.

Both Yu Chenglin and Liu Changxi were surprised by the suggestion made by the technical team. Maybe their different positions led to different perspectives on the problem, but they quickly understood it. The technical team's view is reasonable. After all, the simulated Blue Army is not the real enemy. At least it is just a confrontation drill at this moment. When facing natural disasters, humans should stand in the same camp and carry out common resistance.

However, it was Li Zhan's words that made them both completely determined.

Li Zhan rolled his eyes and said, "I specifically looked at the gap in the clouds extending eastward, which is about fifty kilometers long. If we can guide them, we will go down below the clouds and take them out. The high-threat area takes about thirty kilometers to fly, and it takes them more than half an hour to cover more than thirty kilometers. During this half hour, we need to fly over them from west to east and then from east to west over the fleet and back and forth. Second-rate……"

He suddenly chuckled and said, "What I mean is that we will be able to fly freely over the simulated blue fleet for more than half an hour without interference or threats, and we can take care of every ship. Of course, Underwater ships can dive out of the way of storms and may not be able to see them."

Having understood what he said, Liu Changxi couldn't help but laugh and said, "You still want to spy on them. Isn't it rude to take advantage of others' danger?"

"Reciprocity is a courtesy. Besides, we should be rewarded for showing them the way. What's more, we have enough food and clothing ourselves, which is reasonable." Li Zhan said with a smile.

There is really a big gap between this person and human thinking. When the suggestions put forward by the technical team put a realistic problem in front of everyone, everyone naturally believed that they should help the simulated Blue Army task force out of humanitarian considerations at this time and put the task aside. This is a matter of course.

But a madman like Li Zhan, who has a fighting factor in his bones, has never given up the idea of ​​completing the mission. He even believes that giving help to the simulated Blue Army task force is to help complete the mission. This is not something ordinary people can do.

Li Zhan blinked and said, "Our biggest enemy is still the storm. Pointing the way for them means that we have to get caught up in it, but at the same time it is more conducive to our reconnaissance mission. The two captains, trembled at the last moment."

Yu Chenglin and Liu Changxi looked at each other and said one word in unison:


PS: The work operation officer of Qidian Reading has been appointed. Zhan Falcon has an activity fund of tens of thousands of book coins every month. This month, activities have been launched, including voting for a monthly ticket to get book coins, and voting for one to get 500 book coins. Details of the book There is an entrance to the page, and the book coins are given by the website based on the book scores, which is a good benefit for readers. There are also fan titles. The title of fans of the gun group is "Water Gun", which is also in the column of the work operation officer. Everyone also participates.

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