Great Power Fighting Falcon

Chapter 428? The only casualty

Chapter 428 The only casualty

The Su-30MKK passed by the outfield side of Dachang Station at low altitude, and Yao Dongming had to be ordered to return to Youhuchang Station before there was any definite news from the ground. His gray-headed Su-30MKK was not allowed to fly to the main station because the remaining fuel was enough to return to the main station.

The last thing Yao Dongming saw was a large number of fire rescue vehicles surrounding the H-6KZZ that had rushed off the runway, and they were conducting emergency treatment on the right engine that was billowing smoke. There was no more damage to the plane. At least he saw that the appearance of the plane was normal, except for the smoke coming from the right engine.

In fact, the situation of the plane was much more serious than what Yao Dongming saw.

Just when he was ordered to return to the airport and turn around to fly south, the ramp truck had already been set up at the aircraft door. The crew and technical staff were evacuating the aircraft in an emergency. Suddenly, the front and rear landing gear of the aircraft broke, and the entire aircraft seemed to He fell down suddenly as if he was extremely tired. The person who was getting off the plane was Xie Xinyu from the technical team. The ramp car suddenly separated from the aircraft door. She was already standing on the ramp and her center of gravity became unstable and she rolled down. After inspection, it was found that her foot was sprained. Casualties appeared. The leaders couldn't laugh or cry. If Xie Xinyu had fallen to the ground a few seconds earlier, even if she was sprained, it would not be considered an operational casualty...

More than a dozen chiefs greeted the Eleven Warriors in triumph. When the situation at the scene was unclear, they hurriedly said hello and sent all the people to the hospital for examination. The prepared welcoming ceremony was cancelled.

That night, the military hospital reported to the headquarters that the eleven people were in good health, except for Xie Xinyu's ankle sprain. The chiefs who had been waiting for news at Dachang Station rushed to the hospital to express their condolences, which showed that the higher-level heads of government attached great importance to them. Eleven people randomly returned to Dachang Station. Except for Xie Xinyu, who entered the aviation medical room to continue treatment and observation, the rest were all arranged in a small guest house, where they were received beyond the standard.

A week has passed since a series of established procedures including action reports, parameter interpretations, flight reports, personal action summaries, etc. were completed. After the golden autumn of October and ushering in November of 2011, the "tourist" operation officially came to an end.

On the morning of November 1st, Li Zhan was writing a lesson plan for low-altitude penetration training in coastal areas and at sea in Xiaozhao's residence to prepare for the special low-altitude penetration training to be launched a week later by the Fifth Regiment of the Second Division. He was also staying in Dachang Yu Chenglin, who was standing, ran over to find him.

"Xiao Li, there is a result." Yu Chenglin handed a report to Li Zhan after entering the door, and said in a dumbfounded voice, "The right engine that was smoking was worth repairing, but the left engine that showed no signs of failure was scrapped. The other problems are minor skin injuries. If the engine is replaced and some repairs are done, the aircraft will be back under construction soon."

Li Zhan quickly saw the test report and said with a helpless smile, "It doesn't matter. If there is a problem, it can be repaired. If there is no problem, it will be scrapped."

Yu Chenglin patted Li Zhan on the shoulder, sat down and comforted him, "Don't think so much. Fortunately in the misfortune, not having two scrapped machines is already the best result."

He said, "There was not a drop of fuel in the plane. We were very, very lucky to be able to come back alive. According to the technical analysis results, the difference was only five minutes. In just five minutes, we all have to account for it."

Li Zhan shook his head helplessly and asked, "Yes, does it say anything about the attendance allowance?"

"No, no one asked. Besides, what a glorious mission this is. One of Bald Eagle's deputy division commanders has been talking to the crew these days, and he promised a lot of things." Yu Chenglin said with a smile.

Li Zhan asked strangely, "They are talking to our people? Isn't that a good thing?"

"Depending on how you look at it, it's certainly a bad thing for our Air Force. The deputy division commander wants to poach people, and Lao Liu's crew has become a hotpot." Yu Chenglin said with a smile.

Li Zhan was extremely surprised, "No way, that's the regiment leader. How dare the deputy division commander poach the regiment leader?"

"What dare you not do if you have instructions from your superiors?" Yu Chenglin took the tea handed over by Li Zhan, took a sip and said, "Hainan Airlines has a strong development momentum, and they use the Navy's budget, which is very sufficient. You see In the past two years, their equipment upgrading speed is faster than ours. HNA's staffing gap is very large. Theoretically, if the production capacity can meet the requirements, HNA's aircraft staffing can be doubled overnight. To be fair, no matter Whether from the perspective of troop development or personal development, HNA is better than the Air Force."

Li Zhan asked hurriedly, "Commander Liu agreed? That's not right. He flies bombers. Hainan Airlines doesn't have bombers."

"Long-range reconnaissance planes and large planes are all fine. That's not the point. Xiao Li, are you unaware of the significance of Operation Tourist? You don't know that many places are now targeting people who have participated in the operation. "The key is not the accurate aircraft type but the experience. Apart from Liu Changxi's crew and you and me, Zhang Wei, is there anyone else in the aviation force of the army who has long-distance voyage experience?" Yu Chenglin said with a slight smile.

Li Zhan suddenly realized, "So that's what happened."

Seeing that Li Zhan was not very conscious, Yu Chenglin frowned and asked, "What are you thinking about? This is a big deal. You played an irreplaceable role, and it was you who flew the plane back to the ground safely. At the end of the year A first-class meritorious person can't escape, but I see why you don't have much interest in it?"

"No, I'm very interested. Everyone is interested in receiving awards for meritorious service." Li Zhan was really a little distracted.

First-class merit was completely unattractive to him, but instead he became curious about second-class and third-class merit.

Yu Chenglin looked at the table and said, "No, I don't understand you kid yet. Tell me, what is it that you don't understand? The subsequent situation of the large fishing boat Hu Yu 2901 was also reported. Luo You and others Escort all the way to safe waters. What else do you have to worry about?"

"Attendance subsidy." Li Zhan said, "It's a twenty-hour flight, and it's a long sea. It's supposed to be a lot of subsidy, but today I only received salary and last month's normal draw fee. This long-distance training No."

Only then did Yu Zhili realize that Li Zhan was holding a small Nokia brick in his hand, and said in a dumbfounded voice, "What did you do today but wait for the information to be entered?"

"What can you do? Eat enough, sleep, wake up, eat, go for a run and keep fit, what else can you do. Isn't today the first day? Anyway, I have nothing to do so I can check the bank card transactions on the phone." Li Zhan was confident. say.

Wages are paid from the 1st to the 3rd of each month. The salary for the current month is paid, and the subsidy for the previous month is paid, including the rod fee. Most of them were issued on the first day. In Li Zhan's memory, there was never any money issued on the second or third day. They were very punctual.

This person tends to have random thoughts when he is free. Yu Chenglin turned around and saw manuscript paper on the table. He picked it up and looked at it. He immediately said in a dumbfounded voice, "Can you be a bit promising? You spend all day making money, and you still do the calculations." , the army will not miss your money."

It turned out that it was densely packed with mathematical formulas used by Li Zhan to calculate last month's income.

Li Zhan said, "It's nothing to do. When I was in Beiku, I calculated the monthly subsidy for our brigade. I'm used to it."

"Look at your potential. Okay, let's go." Yu Chenglin stood up and said.

Li Zhan asked, "Captain, are you going on a blind date?"

"Did Lao Liu tell you?" Yu Chenglin asked unexpectedly.

Li Zhan pointed at Yu Chenglin and said, "It goes without saying, look at how you are dressed. Your Spring and Autumn uniforms are brand new, your leather shoes are also new, and you have this high-spirited look. You are either meeting the leader or your partner. "

Yu Chenglin adjusted his clothes and said with a smile, "Yes, Old Liu's wife introduced a colleague, a thirty-year-old girl, whom we met for the first time today."

"That's great. Thirty is very young." Li Zhan said.

Yu Chenglin shook his head helplessly, "Twenty-seven or eight is the ideal. This woman will be considered an advanced maternal age when she reaches thirty."

Li Zhan sneered and said, "Forget it now, people haven't disliked you for being middle-aged and old. I feel like we can live together and live together. Getting rid of your nickname of single-unit captain is better than anything else."

Seeing Li Zhan acting like he had come before him, Yu Chenglin was furious, but he had to face the cruel fact that Li Zhan was almost ten years younger than him, but he had several girlfriends. Thinking of this, he rolled his eyes and asked, "Didn't you ask Lao Liu to help you find a few people? How is the progress?"

Li Zhan was shocked when he heard this, "Commander, please don't talk nonsense. I don't know if I can get off the plane alive. You just said it casually and you took it seriously. Let Ying Wanjun know that I have to dismantle my engine!" "

"It's definitely not a casual statement." Yu Chenglin said seriously, "What a person says when he is about to die is definitely from the bottom of his heart. Even when a person is about to die, he speaks kindly! Don't worry, I will remind you soon. Liu, if necessary, I’ll talk to Old Liu’s wife and ask her to help you find some good girls. Okay, I’m leaving!”

"No, no, no! Captain! Captain, please don't! Captain?"

After Li Zhan realized what he was doing, he hurriedly chased him out, but Yu Chenglin was nowhere to be seen. He immediately punched his palm with regret and said painfully, "I already knew how much fun it is to be single. How could I be blinded by lard in the first place?" Are you sure it's related? Look, such a big forest is gone."

Ying Wanjun:?

The "Tourist" voyage training operation went through untold hardships and overcame many dangers and overachieved. The results achieved and the dangers and emergencies encountered greatly exceeded the expectations of the superior leadership agencies. The head office and relevant business departments attach great importance to it, and relevant meetings are held almost every day. What they brought back after a twenty-hour voyage was a treasure trove. Everyone was frightened and at the same time began to research and analyze it eagerly.

But for people like Li Zhan who fly planes, their mission is over, and it is not fundamentally different from any previous flight.

The eleven people who had just struggled back from the brink of death, Liu Changxi's crew and Li Zhan's three entourage were all people who were used to eating this dangerous meal. After several psychological tests, they were confirmed to be mentally normal. They are all people who have experienced dangerous situations and have strong resistance capabilities.

However, Xie Xinyu, who has no grassroots work experience or relevant experience, has a more serious problem.

At 2:30 that afternoon, Li Zhan had just checked the account information of the drawbar fee card. After careful calculation, he found that the drawbar fee in October included an extra voyage training subsidy: 12,090 yuan. He was surprised to find that if flight time is used as the calculation standard, it is exactly 10 yuan per minute.

After the operation, Li Zhan showed a truly happy smile for the first time.

Colonel Li Juan came over randomly and said in a serious tone, "Xiao Xie failed the psychological test."

Li Zhan's smile solidified and he said, "The third time?"

"Yes." Li Juan sighed and said, "According to the regulations, if you fail the third test, you need to receive psychological counseling. Xiao Xie has never performed similar tasks before and has no grassroots work experience, so he is not fully mentally prepared. This time the operation is again It’s completely unexpected, and I’m afraid she won’t be able to return to work for a while.”

Li Zhan was silent.

Xie Xinyu is a very capable person, which was fully reflected in the action process. I never imagined that I would suffer psychological trauma from this.

Li Zhan asked, "Chief, how can I help?"

"Let's talk to her. You young people are easy to communicate with. Maybe she can be of some help." Li Juan said.

Li Zhan agreed, then suddenly thought of something and said, "By the way, our team leader has certain psychological counseling capabilities. I'll ask him to talk to Director Xie."

"Captain Liu has studied psychological counseling?" Li Juan was a little surprised.

Li Zhan said, "No, it's Captain Yu Chenglin. He has a certificate as a psychological counselor. He is doing psychological counseling for many pilots in their army."

"Great, Xiao Li, please ask Captain Yu for help." Li Juan said, grabbing some hope.

Li Zhan took out his mobile phone and said, "He is out today. I will call him now."

After saying that, he immediately called Yu Chenglin. After Li Zhan briefly explained the situation, Yu Chenglin immediately said that he would rush back immediately. The eleven people established a deep friendship as comrades-in-arms during the operation. There is no friendship as good as a life-and-death friendship. In the hearts of each of them, even though they went their separate ways and returned to their original units after the operation, the small collective of the eleven-man team would never disappear in their hearts. If anything happens to one of them, the others will go out of their way to help.

After Yu Chenglin told his blind date that the army had an urgent mission, he immediately drove back and went directly to the aviation hospital to see Xie Xinyu.

Li Zhan also planned to visit Xie Xinyu, but within an hour, an order came down.

Order: Please arrive at Xixian Station before 0:00 on November 2.

The "Tourist" operation has ended, and some follow-up tasks can be completed within a week. Li Zhan and other eleven people will also return to their original units in a week, and Li Zhan will go to Guibei Station to serve as an instructor.

The order was jointly issued by the Lankong Command and the Guangkong Command. Li Zhan's establishment was in Lankong, and serving as an instructor at Guibei Chang Station was within the scope of Guangkong.

Is it necessary to go to Guibei Chang Station in advance?

Li Zhan didn't have time to think about it, so he immediately contacted the Bald Eagle duty room of HNA and asked for assistance in purchasing the fastest flight ticket. As a result, before the call was even made, a staff officer came to take Li Zhan straight to Hongqiao Airport.

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