Great Power Fighting Falcon

Chapter 435 The lever instructor is online

November 11, 2011 is Air Force Day. This year, the People's Air Force, which is the same age as the Republic of China, has gone through 62 years.

It was also on this day that Li Zhan received the appointment of the 101st Brigade from the Second Division at the West County Station. The position of captain of the Falcon Brigade was officially eliminated, and he was given the position of combat staff officer at the brigade headquarters. In fact, he had no position.

It is reasonable that the military rank and level have not changed. It has only been more than three years, and it will take another three or two years before they change.

None of this is important. What is important is that this means that the 101st Brigade has received a formal order, and Li Zhan will be transferred from the brigade soon. In the past, people left but the establishment remained, but now the signs are that both people and hats are leaving.

I don’t know whether Guo Beimu’s words had an effect or Qi Hong figured it out on his own. The Second Division gave Li Zhan a clear temporary identity: Deputy Chief of the Training Section at the Division Headquarters, responsible for the "223" subject of the Fifth Regiment. teaching training.

After coming out of Xixianchang Station, Zhang Wei took the car and headed to northern Guangxi with Li Zhan. When it was dark, we arrived at the family courtyard of Wutuan in the bustling area of ​​Fenghuaxueyue Scenic Area. It was a clean and tidy small two-bedroom apartment. The small study room faced the garden outside. It was quiet and pleasing to the eye. Furniture, appliances, daily necessities, bedding and other daily necessities were all there. Brand new, ready to move in.

Li Zhan smiled and said, "Wanjun must like this study."

"That's easy. You can stay here for a long time during the holidays. The chief of staff said that as long as you are still working as a teacher here, this house will be yours." Zhang Wei said with a smile.

Ying Wanjun returned to school a few days ago. She had taken many days off to wait for Li Zhan to return from his mission. If she didn't return to school, there might be problems with attendance.

Li Zhan said, "You division commanders have given up, so why doesn't Chief Tang give up?"

"The division commander is the division commander and the chief of staff is the chief of staff. Besides, how do you know that the division commander has given up." Zhang Wei said with a smile, "Besides, isn't the Second Division pretty good? How can HNA compare to the Second Division?"

In these years, Hainan Airlines is really much weaker than the Air Force. Equipment updates have just begun to be implemented, and training reforms are still being explored. The Second Division, the Three Hundred Division, the Royal Cat Regiment, and the Dahongying Division were defeated in Beiku. However, if HNA fought these troops, they would be pushed to the ground and beaten violently. The difference was not that big.

Of course, their simulated blue army is stronger.

Li Zhan blocked the rest of Zhang Wei's words with one sentence: "Haihang has a sea supply!"

Zhang Wei was stunned for a long time and walked away, "You can take care of dinner yourself, I'm leaving!"

"Walk slowly, Lao Zhang, walk slowly, Lao Zhang!"

Li Zhan sent Zhang Wei out and waved goodbye.

Zhang Wei was very helpless. There really wasn't much he could do when faced with a freak like Li Zhan. It was not easy to be a lobbyist. You just love someone, anyway, even the teacher is afraid of people like Li Zhan.

They say they don’t care about food, but that’s not the case. It’s already seven or eight o’clock. Unless we go out to the scenic spot to find something to eat, we really can’t get any food. Not long after, soldiers from the public service team brought a simple in-flight meal cooked by a small stove in the canteen. It was as sumptuous as ever and there was basically no obvious difference between the north and the south.

The diet of officers and soldiers is a science. There are specialized research institutions in the military system to conduct research in this area. Nutritional matching is very scientific, and pilots receive even more attention. It can be said that what officers and soldiers eat is a national strategic issue, and it is related to the combat effectiveness of the troops.

While eating the meal, Li Zhan had nothing to do but speculated about the night flight of the fifth group tonight. If there was a light meal on the flight, there would definitely be a night flight. Judging from the dishes, the night flight at night should be a long-distance flight, so it is better to go to the sea.

Sure enough, at around nine o'clock in the evening, when Li Zhan was reading a book, the sound of roaring fighter planes came one after another. He walked to the balcony and looked up. There were two sets of navigation lights, red on the left and green on the right, one in front and one behind, taking off one after another. Five batches. This is five batches of ten aircraft long-distance flight training.

No wonder Zhang Wei left him and ran away.

He felt itchy when he saw others flying the plane. The same thing happened to him when he was sitting in the second captain's position in the cockpit when flying back to Nangang from the East a few days ago. He wished he could drag the captain out and control it himself. His love for flying is beyond ordinary people's imagination, and his dedication to combat flying is comparable to Tian Zhen's.

It is difficult for others to understand this deep emotion of preferring death if not to fly.

Back in the small study room, Li Zhan put flying aside for the time being, took out the teaching plan that had taken shape and began to polish it in detail. The low-altitude penetration operations of the Second Division and the Fifth Regiment are quite different from those of the 101st Brigade. The most important reason is that the combat direction and combat area are different. Although the Air Force has put forward a preliminary strategic idea-full airspace combat capability, each force still has its own focus.

Li Zhan believes that the Second Division's low-altitude penetration training focuses on tropical areas and maritime assault operations, and the main combat targets are maritime targets, including islands. This aspect overlaps with the naval aviation force's combat capabilities, but the aviation commander will not care about this.

What you can do, I am better than you, but what I can do, you may not be able to do. This is the attitude of air force aviation towards naval aviation. Competition is obviously a good thing. The competition between military services and arms to carry out training will ultimately result in an increase in the combat effectiveness of the troops.

In view of the characteristics of the Second Division and the Fifth Regiment, Li Zhan formulated a set of training methods, focusing on the two aspects of island assault and attacking moving targets at sea, which can be said to be extremely targeted. Li Zhan named this combat subject for the Second Division and the Fifth Regiment the "1111" subject.

According to Zhang Wei's introduction, the Fifth Regiment organized a group of twelve outstanding pilots as seeds for training on the "1111" subject, and the only instructor was Li Zhan. This means that Li Zhan is not only responsible for practical training but also theoretical teaching.

Of course, theoretical teaching puts no pressure on Li Zhan, who has a professional background.

Unlike some military cadres, Li Zhan attached great importance to theoretical teaching, especially ideological education. He believes that an outstanding soldier must first continuously strengthen himself in terms of ideological awareness, and then have the foundation to continuously make progress and contribute to building a strong people's army.

Therefore, he made full preparations for theoretical teaching. He wrote tens of thousands of words for the lesson plans alone, while for the practical lesson plans, he only had an outline of a few thousand words.

The next morning, Tang Guozheng presided over the opening ceremony of the 1111 advanced training class. He solemnly and briefly introduced the famous Comrade Li Zhan in the Air Force system, and then handed over the time to Comrade Li Zhan.

These twelve top pilots of the Fifth Regiment are no strangers to Li Zhan, and Li Zhan's name is very familiar to them. Now the Second Division is still learning how Li Zhan handled several dangerous situations in the past.

After a simple opening remarks, Li Zhan said straight to the point, "Our training time is only twenty days. The time is tight and the tasks are heavy. Without further ado, let's start the first lesson immediately. Today's lesson is mainly about the new salary system. The main issue is the rod fee..."

The top pilots who were gearing up to learn all kinds of operations were suddenly dumbfounded. What the hell? New salary system? Tie rod fee? I'm here to learn low-altitude penetration. Can you tell me this?

A lieutenant colonel sitting in the first row said with a smile, "Teacher Li is so funny."

Li Zhan said seriously, "I'm not kidding you. This is very important theoretical knowledge. Only after fully mastering this theory can we fully understand the good intentions of our superiors and conduct better training."

Seeing how serious Li Zhan was, everyone slowly put away their contempt and listened to Li Zhan's words seriously. Li Zhan spoke in detail for more than two hours, conducting in-depth analysis based on his own experience and understanding. During the period, he also set up a discussion session to liven up the atmosphere of the class.

Tang Guozheng, who had been impatient for a long time, stopped Li Zhan after class and asked, "Xiao Li, what's going on? What salary system are you talking about? You can't do it with eight poles."

Li Zhan smiled and said, "Old captain, please listen to me and explain slowly."

Tang Guozheng pointed downstairs, and the two of them walked downstairs and lit cigarettes. Li Zhan said slowly and helplessly, "Everyone knows that I was responsible for the 228th project. I am the most experienced in low-altitude penetration, but everyone When I saw such a young cadre, I felt a bit contemptuous at first. Of the twelve top pilots selected by the Fifth Regiment, less than half were lieutenant colonels, and each one was more senior than the last. I, a small major, wanted them to I am completely convinced that there are not many ways to do it. No matter what method, we must first find a common language and common topic, and it is best to make it a topic that everyone can be interested in. After thinking about it, the salary system is a good entry point, and I combined it with my own After sharing my experience and sharing it, the effect is pretty good.”

"Is there such a statement?" Tang Guozheng was dubious.

Li Zhan said with a smile, "Of course, at least now I am getting along with the students, and we have begun to form a tacit understanding when communicating with each other."

"No, who doesn't like the rod fee? Of course there will be a tacit understanding." Tang Guozheng said coldly, "There are only twenty days before and after. I hope you can compress the time as much as possible and free up more time for this theoretical study. Come for actual combat training.”

Li Zhan said, "Don't worry, old commander, it will be no problem if you have solid theoretical training and practical training. I have finished studying the salary system, and I will start teaching the theory of low-altitude penetration tactics in the afternoon. I will change the teaching method and use the simplest Teach in understandable language.”


Tang Guozheng said, "I will listen to another session in the afternoon. If you still ask for the rod fee, the teacher's subsidy will not be paid to you."

After saying that, he turned around and left.

Li Zhan was stunned. It took him a long time to react, and he caught up and said, "Old leader, old leader, don't make fun of me. I bought a few more houses and I'm very stressed..."

Zhang Wei just went downstairs and watched Li Zhan catch up with Tang Guozheng from a distance. Then the two of them walked and gestured to discuss something, seriously and seriously. He secretly sighed: "Li Zhan flies the plane well." There is a reason why tactics are good. Look, as soon as get out of class is over, I discuss and analyze something with the old team leader. Most of them are studying tactics."

The conversation he couldn't hear was:

"Old captain, you guys can't just keep your word. Besides, you can't cheat my teacher subsidy with such a big fortune like your Second Division, right?"

"Who dares to give you less in teacher subsidies? In short, follow the regulations."

"That's not what you said before! Where are the other subsidies? Where are the special allowances?"

"What special allowance, I don't understand."

"Old leader, you..."

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