Great Power Fighting Falcon

Chapter 45 Another helping hand

Compared with the current things, vectors are too far away, and things that are too far away cannot be grasped, just like the sky is sunny when you go out to play with a balloon, but there is thunder and lightning when you come back in the blink of an eye.

For example, the current live-fire shooting is a very important subject in the annual training, and it is also the first live-fire shooting in the year. Combining aerial target shooting with ground target shooting is one of the results of the Second Division's tactical training reforms in recent years.

The trained pilots take off in the air, first shoot the target, then fly to the ground target airspace to shoot the ground target, and finally return. It is a complete attack process - kicking in the door, throwing bombs, and returning. In the past, it was split into parts, and the fuel consumption was about the same, but the effect was not as good as the current method.

It would be better to have new pilots go through the complete process a few more times.

In this subject, Li Zhan is also a novice, a real novice. Especially for empty targets, he has never solved the problem of feeling. Sometimes he even thought about being reborn and getting a golden finger, but since he survived the lightning strike last time, it was impossible to be reborn, let alone hope for a golden finger.

So he decided to be down-to-earth and make money from the rod fees.

At 7:30 in the morning on April 30, the alarm sounded at Xixian Station and the first class was transferred in.

The fighting atmosphere enveloped the entire site in an instant, and even the family members in the family area became cautious because they felt the solemn atmosphere.

Starting at eight o'clock and continuing until 16 o'clock in the afternoon, the Second Division will dispatch thirty-six combat aircraft sorties from the West County Station to conduct live-fire training, which means that it will fly seventy-two sorties in eight hours. Takeoff and landing. On average, each takeoff and landing should be controlled within seven minutes.

This puts forward very high requirements for the support capabilities of the station. The J-7 and SU-27 aircraft take off and land in a staggered manner. Many fighters need to be supported for a second flight immediately after landing. This is definitely sufficient for the station. Headache.

Judging from the current support system of the Air Force, if we can maintain such a large-scale flight within eight hours, as long as there are no problems, a collective third-class merit is what it should be. If something goes wrong and affects the live ammunition shooting, with Qi Hong's military management style, the Xixian Field Station will not be able to afford it.

In addition to the fighters on combat readiness duty and those under maintenance, almost all the fighters of the Fourth Regiment and the Sixth Regiment stationed in Xi County are about to be pulled out.

This is the first large-scale live-fire training of the year.

Plans and plans have already been reported to superiors and filed with the aviation department. The two deputy military-level command posts of Nanzhi and Guangzhi are on full alert to provide support at any time. All affiliated radar units and meteorological units have entered a state of first-level combat readiness. The local civil aviation department has accepted A notice has arrived to delimit the airspace and prohibit flying.

This day was also a day with a large number of flight delays at Nangang Airport, and it was foreseeable that passengers would complain. And they will not get any other explanation other than "air traffic control".

On the tower, just like the first day Li Zhan arrived at the Second Division, except for the necessary leaders on duty and those who wanted to fly, all the main commanders at both levels of the division were gathered here.

Even the head teacher Zhang Sihai, who rarely showed up anymore, came over. He walked over wearing the washed-out blue forest camouflage uniform with his hands behind his back, and everyone stood at attention and saluted.

After returning the salute, he pointed to the weatherman on duty and said, "What are you doing standing still here? Bring it over and I'll sign it."

The weatherman on duty was the major who encountered sudden weather changes while flying a balloon. Li Zhan looked at Qi Hong in embarrassment.

Zhang Sihai glared and cursed at the major weatherman, "Get over here."

"Teacher, you still have to be my nanny. How do you want me to lead the troops in the future?" Qi Hong stopped the major weatherman and said to Zhang Sihai with a wry smile.

"I will retire next month, so this old man like me will be on duty for the last day." Zhang Sihai said.

Cadres, big and small, felt a little sad.

To many people, Zhang Sihai is the second division, and the second division is Zhang Sihai. It would be heartbreaking to separate them.

Tomorrow is next month.

The major weatherman's eyes were red, with tears coming out. He strode over and held the folder and handed it over. Zhang Sihai glanced at him coldly, with a look of disdain on his face, signed his name and didn't care anymore. The others walked straight to the commander's seat, but did not sit down.

"Xiao Chen, bring me a chair." Zhang Sihai said to the staff officer who was following him.

Staff Officer Chen immediately went to find a chair.

Everyone guessed what Zhang Sihai was going to do, and Qi Hong also had tears in his eyes.

The major weatherman was pulled aside by Fang Chenghe and whispered, "Zhang Yuan, do a good job and don't let your father look down on you."

Nodding silently, Zhang Yuan calmed down and returned to his seat to sit down.

Staff Officer Chen moved a chair, and Zhang Sihai sat down next to the commander. He then patted the deputy on the commander's chair and said, "Qi Hong, come here to assist me in commanding."

The teacher wanted to give him another hand before he retired. It was Qi Hong's fault that he got good grades. If there was a problem, it was the teacher who was responsible. The name of the teacher was signed in the column of the head of duty!

How could Qi Hong not be moved?

Qi Hong took a deep breath and quickly walked to the commander's chair and sat down. Lin Haodong, deputy commander of the Sixth Regiment, sat down on the deputy commander's chair. Everyone else performed their duties. All irrelevant personnel were removed from the unit for supervision, and Fang Chenghe went down to the briefing room to give the pilots a live-fire briefing.

Li Zhan didn't know what happened at the tower. He didn't even know the news that the teacher would officially retire on May 1st. At this time, he was in the briefing room below the tower. The briefing room, which usually had few people, was full of people today. There were training instructors and new pilots, and the divisions between the Fourth Regiment and the Sixth Regiment were clear.

Although they are all wearing 02-style summer flight suits, their helmets are different. There is a bracket on the forehead, which seems to have the function of aiming the helmet. Although the one used by the Fourth Group is also white, its functionality is much poorer. I can talk on the phone and get some oxygen.

Yesterday, Li Zhan learned from Yu Niandong that the SU-27 of the Sixth Regiment had already begun to move to Shenyang to receive improvements. It is said that after the improvements are completed, it will have combat capabilities similar to those of the J-11B. This was a stimulant for the Sixth Regiment, and they were once again ahead of the three flying regiments.

After the live-fire shooting plan was announced, Fang Chenghe encouraged the new pilots and said, "As long as you follow the usual training, you will definitely be able to hit. Another thing, although there is a training instructor following you, you new comrades must forget the instructor when you are shooting. There may always be someone following you, so you have to imagine completing the task independently. Sooner or later, you will have to fly solo, and sooner or later, you will have to do target shooting on your own."

Glancing at Yu Chenglin, who was in charge of organizing the briefing room, Fang Chenghe said to the pilots, "Today is also a high-intensity training to train the troops in all aspects. Therefore, from now on, everyone must stay in the briefing room. No one can leave without Deputy Commander Yu’s approval. I will ask someone to bring the open space dialogue here. You can’t see it, but you can listen.”

After he finished speaking, he handed over the troops to Yu Chenglin and went to the maintenance side without stopping to check how the support work of each maintenance group was going.

The eight-hour flight was a great test on the pilot's physical and mental strength. Those at the front were secretly happy, while those in the afternoon were crestfallen.

Li Zhan, who was surprisingly the last one to conduct live fire, was speechless.

People, being too good is not all good.

Who made you the only one among so many new pilots to fly live ammunition alone?

A new cover is being worked on; one foot on the accelerator is used to describe it, and it sounds more exciting than one hand on the accelerator.

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