Great Power Fighting Falcon

Chapter 440? There are air force activities on one side

Chapter 440 There are air force activities on one side

It happened very suddenly, about half a second.

The four-aircraft formation flying at ultra-low altitude below the "cushion" height jumped quickly in a wave-like manner in preparation for overflight. The three wingmen followed the lead aircraft with a time interval of no more than one second.

Just when Li Zhan jumped up to the point where he could see beyond the "cushion" with dense trees, he clearly saw a large group of black figures suddenly rushing out of the woods and flying very quickly to a height higher than him. What he immediately thought of was that behind him, Dai Mengmin, who was 20 meters taller than him, was in danger of hitting a bird. Because of his obstruction, it was difficult for Dai Mengmin to detect the birds in time. When Dai Mengmin discovered it, he was unable to respond in time.

This was indeed the case. Dai Mengmin did not have enough time to react when he saw the flock of birds coming towards him.

If Li Zhan had done nothing, he would have done nothing, because his flying altitude was lower than the position of the group of birds, and he could see clearly. But in this case, Dai Mengmin will definitely be struck by a bird. When a fighter plane traveling at an airspeed of hundreds of kilometers collides with it, those birds are like a swarm of bullets, which will bring devastating disaster to the fighter plane.

Li Zhan's nerves, which he had developed through many dangerous situations, were strong and sharp. He chose to bear all this on Dai Mengmin's behalf without even thinking about it.

This is not because he thinks he is better at resolving emergencies than Dai Mengmin, but because this is his responsibility, his responsibility as a teacher!

There are no exceptions in all the dangerous accidents during teaching flights. If there is a choice between the two, the instructor will definitely let the students eject first!

This is the responsibility of veterans and superiors!

Any instructor in the Chinese army would rush forward without hesitation when faced with the same situation. In the army, new recruits must have a company commander or instructor as a safety officer when throwing live ammunition. Is this just because the company commander's instructor has more experience?


But because of the natural responsibility as the company commander!

The grenade accidentally slipped and the company commander desperately dragged the recruit into the pit or knocked him down and used his body as a shield. Isn't the company commander afraid of death?

This is the "Follow me" fighting style of the Chinese army. Some people call a certain country a fighting nation and know that its citizens and military are hard-core, but in fact they are very superficial. The Chinese are afraid of being ruthless! It’s just that our national character is low-key and reserved and we don’t like to show our fists everywhere!

Some people have no idea how ruthless Chinese soldiers are in fighting.

Li Zhan made such a choice without thinking at all, but as a subconscious and absolute reaction. There was no sloppiness in the control movements and no half-invalid movements.

Instantly climbing on a super steep slope with full throttle, he rushed towards the birds at an angle of 80 degrees with an acceleration starting from 600 kilometers per hour.

At the same time, he shouted loudly: "Dai Mengmin suppresses slope avoidance!"

Straight to the point and absolutely correct instruction.

Dai Mengmin saw the change in the posture of the lead aircraft and heard this command immediately. He pressed the lever almost subconsciously, and the fighter jet dropped dozens of meters in an instant. He quickly leveled off and looked up, and saw that the lead aircraft collided with the flock of birds. Suddenly, the dark flock of birds hit the belly of the lead plane and under the wings. He could clearly see that the lead plane's wing had been punctured with several holes, and some light smoke instantly appeared.

The entire process happens within two seconds.

The three wingmen were safe and climbed quickly to slow down their airspeed.

At this time, Li Zhan's cockpit was filled with various alarm sounds, and all the warning lights on the instrument panel seemed to be flashing.

"Oh, the flaps failed, the hydraulic system failed, the air intake was reduced, the left fire alarm, let me see, both wings were penetrated, one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, seven penetrations were visually discovered, and the backup hydraulic system was activated. Start successfully, turn off the left engine, turn off the left engine, cut off the fuel supply to the left engine..."

"Liangguai! What's going on! Liangguai!"

Li Zhan reported his handling actions while dealing with the dangerous situation. At this moment, the Guibei Tower did not know what happened.

"I hit a bird, a large flock of birds. The aircraft is barely controllable, but most of my flaps are disabled, the left engine is disabled, and the air intake is reduced. Please request an alternate landing at Zhongnan Field. Repeat, I want to fly to the nearest Zhongnan Field. Land at the station." Li Zhan was very calm, and there was no trace of nervousness in his tone.

Dai Mengmin's eyes were red, and he stared at Li Zhan's plane. The plane had holes everywhere, as if it had been shot by anti-aircraft guns, but it could still fly like this. However, the failure of the hydraulic system and the failure of most of the flaps meant that the aircraft was only a small step away from complete loss of control. It might be completely out of the pilot's control and crash into the mountain in the next second.

"I'm going up high, and I can still go up some heights." Li Zhan tried to get higher. The more height you have, the more time you have. He found that Liang Jiahui, Quan Yudong and Dai Mengmin were all following him, and immediately gave the order, " Liang Jiahui and Quan Yudong returned immediately, the training was suspended, and Dai Mengmin followed me."

"Teacher! I will follow you!" Liang Jiahui insisted without hesitation.

Quan Yudong also gritted his teeth and said, "We will guide you to prepare for landing!"

"Obey the order!" Li Zhan said seriously.

The two had to turn around and return.

"Liangguai! Prepare to land in Zhongnan immediately! Be prepared to parachute at any time! Don't hold on! We have no shortage of planes now!" Tang Guozheng, who was sitting at the tower, decisively took over the command and solemnly ordered.

Li Zhan said, "The plane is temporarily under control. Please rest assured, chief, I will make the right choice when I should abandon the plane and parachute."

It is more than 500 kilometers away from Guibichang Station, but only more than 100 kilometers away from Zhongnanchang Station. Zhongnan Station has a grand name, but it is actually just a small station. The establishment is the same as that of Nanku Station. It is a small regular-level station. However, the area is not as big as that of Nanku Station, and the runway is much shorter, only 1,200 meters. rice.

For a heavy fighter with most of its flaps disabled, the 1,200-meter runway seems a bit short. The failure of the flaps means that the deceleration ability is greatly affected, and it is unknown whether it can even land at a normal descent rate.

The problem with the runway is not only that it is not long enough, but also that there are cliffs on both sides of the runway at the end, without any buffer distance.

Zhongnan Station has not had fighter jets take off and land for many years. It has always been used as an alternate landing station. Unless it is particularly urgent, I will try not to choose this place even if I want to make an alternate landing. The layout of this station is very peculiar. The outfield and infield are separated, one at the top of the mountain and the other at the foot of the mountain, connected by a combat road.

The most peculiar thing is the topography of the mountain where the field is located. Due to terrain restrictions, the runway can only be built to a length of 1,200 meters, and it is faced with cliffs in front and back, and a canyon about a thousand meters deep downwards. When J-6s were used extensively in the past, this station was very busy, and a whole regiment of flying troops was once deployed. At that time, there were thirty or forty J-6s in a whole regiment, which was a truly powerful air force. In the 1960s and 1970s, this station was even a very important inland support air force base. Due to geopolitical changes at that time, our country was ready for a long-term war of resistance against the front line, and a large amount of resources were concentrated inland. The Zhongnan Station was a product of the background of that era.

With the entry into service of the J-7 and J-8, which have extremely long take-off and landing distances, this station gradually fell into disuse. For a while, it was guarded by only one squad of soldiers, but later it was slowly replenished and used as an alternate landing site.

There is another main reason why this station gradually loses its important role - a new civil aviation airport was built near Zhongnan Station. It is an important tourist airport, and the straight-line distance is only 20 kilometers. In fact, the outfield of Zhongnan Station is located on the side of the tourist airport.

The tourist airport has dozens of flights taking off and landing every day and is an important support for the local tourism transportation network. In order to support local economic construction, Zhongnan Station can no longer be used normally.

Therefore, the Air Force Regional Air Traffic Control Center immediately notified the tourist airport to conduct departure control.

Ding Lin is the current duty officer at the ground control command post at the tourist airport. At the age of twenty-eight, she has outstanding advantages. She stands coldly with her arms folded in a professional attire. Her short hair looks capable, and she has an outstanding appearance. The incident earned her an unofficial honor: the Flower of Regulation. When she was a rookie, the captain would often flirt with her while sitting in the ground control seat.

After six or seven years of experience, she stepped into the command position. Every day, dozens of aircraft worth tens of billions are under her control as long as they are on the ground. The feeling of control that I have in the world can greatly enhance people's self-confidence. .

This is a woman with strong self-confidence.

"Sea aviation turns around the hole, waits outside the runway, 36 left."

"Understood, 36 left, wait outside the runway, sea air traffic will turn to the hole, turn to the hole."

The work is going on normally, and every seat is as rigorous and conscientious as ever, without daring to relax at all. The tourist airport is also a mountainous airport. It is built on a flat area in the mountains. It is much more difficult to take off and land than in the plains. Therefore, it places higher requirements on the command and control department of the airport.

The assistant suddenly stood up and reported to Ding Lin, "Sister, the superiors requested departure control, saying that the Air Force has activities on the side."

"Air force?" Ding Lin was stunned. "Isn't that airport on the other side deserted? How can there be any activity?"

Assistant Xi Meizhi said, "Yes, I haven't encountered this situation for many years. I wonder what it is?"

Ding Lin said, "Hold it down and wait where you are."

"Yes!" The assistant commander immediately went to execute the command.

Regardless of Air Force activities, orders must be carried out.

Normal takeoff and landing activities at the tourist airport were suddenly suspended.

Not long after, Ding Lin received an order from her superior, "Call back the planes on the runway, return all planes to the apron, and clear the flight area."

"Yes!" Ding Lin didn't ask why or hesitate at all, and immediately implemented the order.

Soon, all the planes waiting on the runway takeoff line, outside the runway, and on the taxiway returned to the apron, and the flight area of ​​the tourist airport was cleared.

Although there was no clear instruction from the superior, it was immediately clear that this was preparing for an alternate landing, which meant that an aircraft was about to make an emergency landing. But little did she know that this was just a backup plan.

The planes waiting to take off were full of passengers. Some frequent flyers noticed that the planes waiting to take off on the runway had all returned to the tarmac, and they immediately realized that they had encountered major restrictions. There are many factors that cause flight delays, the most common of which is weather. In recent years, as the training volume of the Air Force has increased and diversified, more and more aviation controls have been carried out due to Air Force activities. Gradually, everyone got used to it, but there were still some people who took the trouble, and the stewardesses had to patiently persuade them.

These are all prepared for Li Zhan.

If the plane cannot descend from Zhongnan Station, it will be necessary to divert to a tourist airport. This is the second option. Abandoning the plane and parachuting is the third option. All of this was completed within minutes after the Guangxi North Tower received the danger report, and the efficiency was very high.

Li Zhan was in a very difficult situation. He found that the aircraft's flight control system had become stiff. To put it bluntly, the plane is a bit unruly.

"Teacher, it's fifty kilometers away. Zhongnan Field is standing fifty kilometers directly in front of you." Dai Mengmin reminded Li Zhan that most of the data on the latter's instrument panel was out of order, and Li Zhan had no way to determine the location of the alternate landing field. Dai Mengmin played the role of instruction and guidance.

Li Zhan visually measured the height. The sea height was about more than 800 meters, and the relative height was only two to three hundred meters. If he encountered high mountains, he could only go around. But it is extremely difficult to successfully circumvent when the flight control system malfunctions.

He clearly felt that the control stick was getting stiffer and stiffer, and it was becoming more and more difficult to change the flight attitude.

"The front is Tianmen Mountain, right?" Li Zhan asked seriously.

Dai Mengmin sighed inwardly and said, "Yes, Tianmen Mountain is seven kilometers away, teacher. Can you still go up to a high altitude? There is no way to fly over Tianmen Mountain at the current height."

Tianmen Mountain and Sea are 1,500 meters high, and Li Zhan cannot fly over it at his current flying height. There is no other way except to avoid it.

Li Zhan tried to push the rudder.

The only rudder surface is the key rudder surface that controls the left and right turns of the aircraft. It cooperates with the rudder surfaces on both wings as well as the pitch and bank angles to quickly change the steering of the fighter aircraft.

The rudder surfaces on both wings basically failed, and the rudder surface on the vertical tail was difficult to make some changes. However, Li Zhan soon discovered that the fighter plane was shaking very badly and had a strong tendency to develop out of control.

He decisively stopped pedaling the rudder, and the fighter jet quickly returned to a stable flying attitude. It was obvious that there was also a problem with the vertical fin's rudder surface.

The fighter plane flew straight towards Tianmen Mountain at an airspeed of more than 280 kilometers per hour.

The situation is urgent.

"Liangguai, if you can't fly to Tianmen Mountain, you have to abandon the plane decisively." Tang Guozheng looked at the small dots on the radar screen and quickly rushed towards Tianmen Mountain.

"Liangguai understands. We can't avoid it and can't reach heights. I'll think about it again." Li Zhan replied.

Do you really want to give up?

The first danger he encountered when he arrived at the Second Division was a bird collision. When he was landing and flying three directions, he hit a villager's pigeon, which directly caused the plane to crash. At the last moment, he pulled a lever and saved the people on the ground. That was also his first First class merit.

Formally, he returned to the Second Division and took off again to perform a teaching mission and encountered a bird. Could it be that he couldn't escape the curse of the crash?

Today is not what it used to be, there must be another way.

He thought of the cave in Tianmen Mountain, and his eyes slowly lit up.

The height of that hole is almost the same as his flying height. You can definitely go through there. As long as you go through it, there will be basically no obstacles in front!

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