Great Power Fighting Falcon

Chapter 442? The aircraft carrier faction in the Air Force

Chapter 442 The aircraft carrier faction in the Air Force

"You're fine."

Li Zhan said with certainty, "Deputy Commander Dai, in fact you are better than me in many aspects."

Dai Mengmin looked hesitantly at Tang Guozheng, who nodded slightly and said, "Teacher Li said it's okay if you say it's okay. Everyone knows that Teacher Li's standards are very high."

In fact, Tang Guozheng had already discussed it with Qi Hong. The division also held several meetings to discuss and formulate a decision. He also communicated with Beiku and the answer he received was that Li Zhan must return to the army as planned to participate in the competition. In other words, Li Zhan's work schedule cannot be disrupted.

The Second Division could only retreat and think of other ways. They also thought of selecting a few outstanding students from among the students to serve as instructors. However, Li Zhan was the authority, and he believed that this plan was feasible only if it was feasible. Tang Guozheng hadn't asked yet, but Li Zhan took the initiative to ask, which was exactly what he wanted.

Tang Guozheng did not say it out immediately but he still had some thoughts. For example, if he found out that Li Zhan wanted to stay, he would do his best to promote the matter. Now that he found out that Li Zhan had no intention of doing so, he stopped talking and agreed to Li Zhan's proposal.

It caught Dai Mengmin, who didn't know about it, by surprise. He had never thought about replacing Li Zhan as a teacher. He had no psychological preparation or technical preparation. In fact, he never felt that he was in the low-altitude penetration course. Have the technical level to be a teacher.

He said, "Teacher Li, there is still a lot of training content to follow. We haven't done any low-altitude and high-speed penetration attacks on maritime targets yet."

Li Zhan said, "The skills are the same, it's just a different combat environment. The main reason is that you have more experience in sea flight than me, not to mention Deputy Commander Dai. Most of my experience is on land. I will continue to serve you as a pilot." The instructor was not a good fit to begin with.”

"This..." Dai Mengmin understood, but he didn't know how to respond.

Tang Guozheng waved his hand gently and said, "Xiao Tang, Teacher Li believes that you have this ability. Why don't you have confidence in yourself?"

Li Zhan said, "I will stay in Northern Guangxi for a while, and I may not leave until the accident investigation is settled. During this time, I will help you with your staff at the tower."

After saying a few words, Tang Guozheng asked Dai Mengmin to convene a meeting for students to prepare for resumption of training, while he stayed to inform Li Zhan of the investigation situation.

"The basic situation has been found out. From the analysis of the bird residues left on the plane, it turns out that what you hit is a national second-level protected animal. Bird experts analyzed that the birds in that area were not familiar with the sound of the plane, so they rushed out in fright. That’s why this bird collision happened.”

Tang Guozheng shook his head helplessly and said, "The plane looked in a terrible state, but after careful inspection, it was found that except for the left engine being scrapped, the other damage could be repaired. It was an unfortunate accident." Fortunately, I thought the plane was going to be scrapped, but it was a new plane that had only been in service for a year."

Li Zhan said subconsciously, "The J-8 I flew to fight the floods in Sanhe only lasted three months."

"Don't talk about this." Tang Guozheng waved his hand decisively to interrupt.

Li Zhan suddenly asked, "What about the right engine? What's going on with the right engine? When I landed, the afterburner automatically turned on and the thrust of the right engine increased. It's a very abnormal phenomenon."

Other faults are easy to analyze. The failure of flaps and rudders is due to the failure of the electric wire system and the backup hydraulic system, which leads to the failure of the flight control.

However, Li Zhan thought about the abnormal thrust of the right engine for several days and had no clue.

Tang Guozheng said, "The power system failed, which is very dangerous to say. If you had been a few seconds later, I might not have been able to come down."

"Yes, the power suddenly increases and then completely loses when it is about to land. If there is a slight deviation, it will have to hit the mountain." Li Zhan felt a little afraid and said with a wry smile, "This time the bird collision seemed to have been hit by an anti-aircraft gun. It looked like a hit. The plane was covered in damage. I thought it was going to be scrapped, but unexpectedly the left engine was scrapped. Yes, the right engine must have burned oil, can it be repaired?"

"No problem, the problem of no damage to key parts can be easily solved." Tang Guozheng said, then he remembered something and shook his head, "It's just that the dozens of wild birds you killed are quite troublesome. The relevant local departments happened to be there. We were doing scientific research together and deployed a lot of high-definition cameras, which happened to capture the scene of you hitting the bird."

Li Zhan said in surprise, "Are they claiming compensation?"

"That's not true." Tang Guozheng said seriously, "The local government has officially made suggestions. It is hoped that troop training will avoid wildlife reserves as much as possible. The noise generated by the aircraft's ultra-low altitude flight has affected the reproduction of some rare wild animals."

Li Zhan had never considered this issue. Now when he thought about it carefully, he found that it was really not a small problem. Ecological protection is a major matter, and the military cannot stay out of it. In principle, the daily life and production of military and civilian areas must not interfere with each other. When interference must occur, in the past, the troops would make unconditional concessions, but now it is determined based on specific circumstances. Everything related to national defense construction must take priority over other matters.

However, the troops do have to make some appropriate adjustments when it comes to training fighter jets to fly at ultra-low altitudes over wildlife reserves when not necessary.

This was an internal matter of the Second Division and the army next door. Li Zhan did not ask any more questions, but frowned and went on to the next topic. He said, "Old commander, regarding the subject of low-altitude penetration attacks on sea targets, I have some personal opinions.”

Tang Guozheng smiled and said, "I'm afraid you won't have an opinion, so tell me, tell me quickly."

Li Zhan said, "I have been thinking these days, will the sea penetration attack carried out by the Second Division overlap with HNA's combat missions? Of course, my starting point is to make full use of the combat resources of the army to avoid wasting this. mixed with other factors.”

He paused and said, "From the perspective of the historical combat orientation of the Second Division and the coastal forces, I personally think that focusing on training on the secondary subject of low-altitude penetration attacks on islands is most in line with the actual situation of the Second Division. Attacking targets at sea This is HNA’s natural mission, and if there is overlap in this area, there will inevitably be a waste of resources.”

Tang Guozheng said with a smile, "You are planning to go to Hainan Airlines to vaccinate our Second Division in advance, right? How can there be a waste of resources? The Air Force has the Air Force and Hainan Airlines has the mission of Hainan Airlines. Besides, the comprehensive diversification of military combat capabilities is a trend. . In other words, since our Air Force has an aviation force, we have to let the Army and Navy develop aviation forces, right? Our Air Force also has a Marine Corps, and our Navy also has a Marine Corps. You are worrying too much about this aspect. The Air Force will have All things considered.”

After hearing this, Li Zhan stopped talking. He did have some small thoughts, but he always believed that focusing on something was the most scientific.

Waving his hand, Tang Guozheng said, "I understand what you mean, but the reality is not as ideal as you imagined. The rapid development period of our army's aviation force has just begun. The general direction of the future path is clear, but the specific How to implement it and what kind of combat capabilities we need to form, everyone is still exploring. What do you think?"

Li Zhan said awkwardly, "I care too much."

"It's rare that you have an overall view." Tang Guozheng said.

Li Zhan smiled and shook his head and asked, "Old commander, when will I be able to fly again? I won't be able to fly back without you proving it."

"The formalities will be completed for you before you leave," Tang Guozheng promised.

Li Zhan was finally relieved.

After talking about some other things, Tang Guozheng left. As soon as he left, Dai Mengmin left and returned.

Li Zhan was a little surprised. He pointed at the cigarettes and alcohol in Dai Mengmin's hand and said, "Deputy Commander Dai, what are you doing?"

"A little tobacco, wine, and tea are all specialties of my hometown. I don't smoke or drink, and I drink less tea. Thinking that Teacher Li is leaving soon, there is nothing I can do to express my gratitude. You must accept it." Dai Mengmin He said with a slightly embarrassed smile.

Li Zhan turned sideways and invited him into the room and said, "You are too polite. I will never accept this. There is no need to be so polite between comrades."

That's what he said, but he naturally reached out and took the things and glanced at them. Hey, they are both good cigarettes and good wine. He put them aside and said, "Put the things here. You have to take them back later." I absolutely cannot accept it.”

The corner of Dai Mengmin's mouth twitched a few times, and he said with a smile, "Yes, yes, I will mention it later."

As I said this, I was thinking that I must remember to mention the things I forgot to mention for a while.

"Deputy Commander Dai, you must have something to ask me about. Just tell me, I know but I won't tell you." Li Zhan asked Dai Mengmin to sit down.

Dai Mengmin sat down and said, "Teacher Li, just call me Lao Dai. I am your student. Teacher, there are some things I don't understand about the air force's maritime assault mission, mainly about tactics. .”

This person is absolutely extraordinary. This was Li Zhan's strongest feeling after talking to Dai Mengmin for more than half an hour. Dai Mengmin's calm, careful and clear thinking impressed him deeply, and Dai Mengmin's views on low-altitude assault operations at sea were basically consistent with Li Zhan's.

To put it simply, Dai Mengmin is a supporter of the theory of aircraft carrier victory in his heart, and he is completely consistent with Li Zhan.

Just now, why did Li Zhan implicitly suggest to Tang Guozheng that the Second Division should not do the work of HNA? It was not because he was about to go to HNA, but because he himself believed that only HNA was the most suitable for maritime assault operations. The fundamental reason is that the Air Force aviation units need to rely on land-based stations to conduct assaults on maritime targets, and the combat distance cannot be extended all the time. However, this problem does not exist for Hainan Airlines.

Li Zhan is a loyal aircraft carrier faction. In his view, aircraft carriers are the best and currently the only carrier that can flexibly maneuver and extend aviation forces. They are the best means of expanding the combat scope of air power and are the only carrier of the Chinese military. choice, because we will not build military bases outside.

But after Tang Guozheng made his objections clear, Li Zhan understood that the old regimental commander was a more traditional air force supremacy type of person, and there was no point in arguing on this topic, so he decisively stopped.

From maritime assault to aircraft carrier operations, Li Zhan and Dai Mengmin talked a lot, and they felt like they hated each other. In the past ten days, Dai Mengmin's students had maintained a very upright attitude. Most of the time, they listened carefully and rarely made subjective remarks. Therefore, Li Zhan didn't know enough about him. Only then did he realize that he had a great conversation. It turns out they are kindred spirits.

"There are aircraft carrier factions and submarine factions in the navy, and there are also big navy factions and big air force factions in the entire military." Dai Mengmin said solemnly, "In my opinion, a big air force, a navy, and an army are all correct. The only difference is Each has its own emphasis, and I agree with you, teacher, on this aspect."

Li Zhan said with a smile, "We are front-line combatants, and these strategic issues have to be taken care of by the higher-ups. But now I am more assured that I will leave the follow-up training to you. You will teach me better than me. I am just a half-assed person."

After hesitating for a moment, Dai Mengmin said, "Teacher, I have a heartfelt request."

Li Zhan said, "Please tell me what these are."

Dai Mengmin's words were surprising, and he said slightly awkwardly, "I want to become a disciple. I hope you can accept me as your disciple, teacher."

"Apprenticeship?" Li Zhan was startled, "Deputy Commander Dai, you must be joking too much. Haha, if I don't joke like this, I'm just a little major."

Dai Mengmin said seriously, "Teacher, I am serious. I really hope to become my teacher. There is Yao Dongming in the 300th Division, and Yang Xuhua and Liu Zhiwei in the Royal Cat Flying Group. They all have high military ranks, but this It's not a matter of rank or level. Teacher, I very much hope to learn skills from you."

"Lao Dai, is this inappropriate? You are the key training cadre of the Second Division. It is only a matter of time before you become the regiment leader." Li Zhan still didn't dare to agree.

Dai Mengmin said, "Yang Xuhua and Liu Zhiwei are the regiment commander and the regiment chief of staff. They are fine. I am just the deputy regiment leader. Teacher, I really hope to learn from you."

If Li Zhan would have simply agreed a few months ago, he would have already accepted several apprentices anyway, and he would not care about one more. After all, they are all contributing to the construction of a strong People's Air Force.

But a few days ago, when he talked about this matter on the phone with Bao Guanhua, who had gone to work at Chengluoma Factory, Bao Guanhua reminded him to be cautious in accepting disciples in the future, and it was best not to accept them. Li Zhan didn't understand it at first, but after Bao Guanhua's guidance, he suddenly realized that he really had to pay attention to the impact!

Seeing Li Zhan's hesitation, Dai Mengmin was a little surprised and a little nervous. He said, "Teacher, I have no other intention. I just want to learn skills from you."

After thinking about it, Li Zhan said, "Lao Dai, I'm not polite to you either. Let's put it this way, if you have any questions or things that I can help with, just contact me and I promise I won't shirk it. You can accept this apprenticeship." I will think about it."

At this point, Dai Mengmin couldn't hold on any longer and said disappointedly, "I understand, okay, teacher, I'll wait for your news."

After chatting for a while, Dai Mengmin stood up and left.

Without Bao Guanhua's previous warning, Li Zhan would definitely have accepted another apprentice. His idol is his master, and every apprentice his master has taken over the years has a reinforced platoon. It is of course his ideal to become a person like Master, and he will naturally be influenced by Master in a subtle way. Recruiting disciples is also one aspect.

But when he realized that his influence was no longer trivial today, accepting a disciple was not just as simple as accepting a disciple, but he was also a deputy leader of Nan Batian.

He had to treat it carefully.

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