Great Power Fighting Falcon

Chapter 456 ? Hiding one’s merit and fame and adding a wheel blocker

Chapter 456 Hidden merit and fame with a wheel blocker

Li Zhan was not at all proud of his outstanding military achievements, and he never thought that he should not do something himself because he was such a bad guy. In his heart, soldiers are not noble, they are all sons of the people.

Therefore, the impact of the passenger bus distress incident on the outside world and even within the army did not affect him. From the time he successfully fell down with a fever until his mind gradually became clearer, what he could not forget was still the flying job. During the half month at Factory 012, after learning more information, he discovered that the Zhongnan Station was actually very important.

After thinking for a while, Li Zhan said to Tang Guozheng, "As for the use direction of Zhongnan Station, I have come up with some immature ideas."

"The Second Division is your old unit, Xiao Li, you don't have to be so outspoken." Tang Guozheng said.

Li Zhan said, "Then I'll say it."


Li Zhan thought about it and said, "The runway at Zhongnan Station is 1,200 meters long, and the runway can only be used for 800 meters. This is the most optimistic calculation. There is no problem with our third-generation aircraft, it is absolutely fine." Use it at Zhongnan Station. The problem is still take-off and landing. The key is to take off and avoid the side of the tourist airport. The plan is still the original plan I proposed, delay the pull-up time, and after take-off, turn to the valley to leave the area on the five sides of the civil aviation airport. Then climb again.”

"Yes, your method is very feasible. Isn't it just waiting for your body to recover and then testing it immediately?" Tang Guozheng said.

Li Zhan said, "Of course this plan remains unchanged. What I think is that there should be ways to shorten the take-off distance and even the landing distance."

"any solution?"

Li Zhan said, "Renovate the runway and add wheel blocks."

? ? ?

It took Tang Guozheng three seconds to react. He got angry, pointed at Li Zhan and reprimanded, "Well, Li Zhan, you are trying to poach HNA before you go to HNA."

Li Zhan said quickly, "Old commander, calm down! Calm down and calm down!"

"Listen to what I have to say first."

It took a while for Tang Guozheng's anger to subside. What does it mean to install wheel blocks on the track? The problem is not the wheel blocks but the fact that doing so will change the nature of the track. How could Tang Guozheng not know that Hainan Airlines had built a land-based training flight deck, with wheel blocks and a ski jump deck, which was built on the runway of the station based on the Varyag's flight deck.

What's the point of doing this at Zhongnan Station? Is it a dowry for HNA?

Don't blame Tang Guozheng for being angry, anyone would be angry if he left it alone.

The air force should support the construction of naval aviation. This is the overall situation, but Tang Guozheng is only the deputy chief of staff of the division, and he only considers the affairs of the second division. Whether the Air Force supports Hainan Airlines in its construction or not is a matter for the chief of the Air Force. Besides, even if you want to support, you cannot sacrifice your own development.

Li Zhan said, "Installing a wheel blocker will not change the use nature of the station. Taking a step back, so what if we change the New Year greetings? Is there any harm? HNA will definitely be the focus of future military construction. When there is a new year in the future, There are five or six 100,000-ton aircraft carriers. Old commander, think about how many aircraft we need. One aircraft carrier is equipped with one division, which means five or six divisions. Taking into account the redundancy, we need at least seven divisions. Hainan Airlines Those three melons and two dates are simply not enough. Where did the troops come from? Look, old commander, how did the Marine Corps come? Aren't they all directly transferred from the Army? The coastal Army units don't need to change their affiliation at all. Just change it and it will become the Marine Corps. If HNA needs to expand in the future, will the Second Division with rich sea and air combat experience be the first choice? I don’t believe that the superiors will not be tempted."

After such well-founded words, Tang Guozheng fell into deep thought.

Big navigation is the trend because big navy is the trend. It is not that there are other views, which believe that the power of the army and air force should be streamlined and the focus should be on developing naval power. The beginning of the naval shipbuilding movement actually shows that this view has prevailed, and because of its historical status and unique high prestige among the people, Laolu will not be too worried about the reduction of strength, but will instead be strengthened - the number of troops will be reduced, but the number of troops will be reduced. The combat effectiveness of the troops has been improved, relying on a large number of high-tech weapons and equipment to increase the combat effectiveness.

The two fools from the landlord's family in the Second Artillery were even more detached. No one dared to take any chances with them when they mentioned the word "strategy."

As a result, the second in command of the Air Force has become a key target of streamlining reforms. It turns out that when second-generation aircraft were used, a brigade would be assigned about twenty aircraft. After retrofitting third-generation aircraft, the number would be twelve. The number was reduced by nearly half, and there was no room for reasoning.

The most embarrassing thing is that the "main department" of the Air Force is the aviation force, and the naval aviation force of Gao Fushuai, who happens to be getting more and more attention, is also gradually developing in the direction of the "main department" of the Navy. Such an overlap creates conflicts.

Isn't it because the Air Force has made great efforts to transform into both offense and defense because it feels pressure?

But in the final analysis, the air force cannot fly anywhere. For a long time, homeland air defense has been the top priority, and extending to the surrounding area by a thousand kilometers is basically the limit. But the navy does not have this inherent flaw. They can really reach the whole world.

After thinking about it realistically, Tang Guozheng's attitude was not as fierce as before. He frowned and said, "Installing wheel blocks will definitely shorten the takeoff distance. The question is, is it appropriate to do this in an air force field station? Let alone Chiefs of the military region’s air force, if Haisi knew that we were doing this, do you think they would have no problem with it? They thought we were going to steal their jobs.”

"What are you afraid of? When has our Air Force ever been afraid of Hainan Airlines? The head of the aviation department will definitely support it." Li Zhan raised his chin and said, "Besides, do the aircraft on the aircraft carrier have to belong to Hainan Airlines? I can't handle it in the future." Air Force, Sea and Air Forces.”

Tang Guozheng couldn't help but burst out laughing, "You damn boy, you really dare to think about it. If that day comes, your life will be much easier."

"Isn't it?" Li Zhan said with a wide smile, "An extra overseas supplement is closely related to the vital interests of the officers and soldiers, and everyone must support it."

"Stop dreaming." Tang Guozheng said with a sneer, "Head of Haisi is not that easy to bully."

He clicked till then.

Li Zhan stopped talking in this direction and said, "Chief of Staff, please ask for instructions. It only takes three or two days to install a set of wheel blocks. At present, it seems that there are no disadvantages. It can also be used as the second division to participate in the Flying Shark Election." There are auxiliary facilities for pilot training."

"I will report to the division commander and tell you the results tonight. But the plan will not change for the time being. You still have to be prepared to fly tomorrow." Tang Guozheng said.

Li Zhan was overjoyed and stood up suddenly and said, "I have already prepared it. It will be no problem to fly in the afternoon."

"Look outside, you can fly but you can't." Tang Guozheng pointed out the window. It was gray outside. Although it wasn't snowing, the visibility was very poor.

Li Zhan said, "Will the weather be good tomorrow?"

"The latest report from the Guangxi Meteorological Observatory shows that it will be sunny tomorrow, but it will only be limited to a few dozen kilometers around the Zhongnan Station, and the time will not be long. It will take more than two hours, which is enough for several takeoffs and landings." Tang Guozheng said.

"Understood! I will try to fly more." Li Zhan said.

Tang Guozheng stood up and said, "I will have another comprehensive physical examination in the afternoon. The aviation doctor's report says that I can fly. You can fly tomorrow. This matter has not been discussed and you don't have to go around looking for people to intercede."

When he was about to go out, he remembered Li Zhan's virtue of going to any lengths to fly. Tang Guozheng stopped and couldn't help but lectured, "I'm not telling you, when it comes to flying, you are like a chicken. In the past, The same goes for the Second Division when he later went to Beiku. Your character needs to change."

Li Zhan said helplessly, "Old captain, isn't it a good thing that I am very enthusiastic about training?"

"Others are very enthusiastic about training, but you are not." Tang Guozheng said.

Li Zhan said in surprise, "Treat them differently. Is there still a king's method?"

"You have a good reputation, and your passion for flying will make people think otherwise. Of course, you are just joking at ordinary times, but once it comes time to settle accounts, it is no longer a joke. The average person has 200 flight hours, so why do you have 700 hours? Are you the only one? Is the enthusiasm for training high? Do you think this is true?" Tang Guozheng said.

Li Zhan was even more surprised, "Old commander, please understand clearly. I am the pilot of the 101st Brigade, not the Second Division. It is what Commander Qi Hongqi meant. Look at the arrangement. Anyway, I am here to take a temporary post. The flight here at Zhongnan Field Station is only for a few days. I will test fly my J-16 in a few days. It will not cost the Second Division a few dollars. Taking a step back, do you think I am willing to take a job in the Second Division? The popular spicy drinkers in Beiku fight against each other at high intensity every day and are now preparing for a big competition. Do you know how many flying hours I have lost this year?"

"You kid, hey, hey, I'm asking you to stop being so sensitive. I'm not talking about the subsidies during your tenure as the Second Division. I'm talking about your behavior not to be too exaggerated. I'm doing it for your own good. You're so When we get to Hainan Airlines, what do you think they will do? They ask you to fly 200 hours a year. What will you do?" Tang Guozheng regretted mentioning this. Even a fool could see that the knot in Li Zhan's heart was still there. It involved Li Zhan will definitely explode on sensitive issues. No, it involves the issue of tie rod fees, and then Li Zhan will explode.

Tang Guozheng waved his hand and said, "Pretend I didn't say what I didn't say. In short, you can rest assured that the subsidy you should have during your tenure in the Second Division will not be less. You can fly with peace of mind."

Li Zhan chased out and shouted at Tang Guozheng's back, "Chief of Staff, please remember what you said, don't always deceive people..."

"Holy shit."

Tang Guozheng was speechless. After all, the core issue was the rod fee. This topic could not be avoided. But when he suddenly remembered the words of his teacher Zhang Sihai, everything seemed to be explained.

When he was still the head of the regiment, the teacher once said that with the development of the times and social changes, spiritual food alone is no longer enough. The officers and soldiers must be able to have food and clothing without worries. Otherwise, how can they train with peace of mind and protect their homes and country?

Thinking of this, Tang Guozheng couldn't help but touch his bald head and smile to himself. He secretly blamed himself for not mentioning this topic, fearing that it would affect Li Zhan's condition and thus affect the acceptance pilot work of Zhongnan Station. For the Second Division, acceptance of the pilot is more important than exploring normal take-off and landing routes.

The successful completion of the acceptance pilot task at Zhongnan Station means that a series of acceptance standards implemented at Zhongnan Station will become the standards for all military stations. This honor is comparable to restoring a small and crude station with unideal terrain to normal. Use is much larger.

Li Zhan sneered in his heart, what kind of people lead what kind of troops? If it is Xue Dapao, he will definitely put the exploration of normalized take-off and landing routes first, because this is closely related to the long-term training of the troops, although it cannot be seen in the short term. Even with obvious results, we cannot win high honors.

Thinking of Xue Dapao, the inexplicable anger in Li Zhan's heart gradually disappeared, and he sat dejectedly on the hospital bed not knowing what he was thinking.

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