Great Power Fighting Falcon

Chapter 461 ? The twists and turns of the night flight

Chapter 461 A night flight with twists and turns

The morning episode did not have a big impact on the flight plan. The fighter plane and everyone were fine, and there was no reason to postpone the next flight.

With the current equipment and technical conditions, taking off and flying through mountains at night is extremely risky and should not be done unless it is absolutely necessary. There are no flight plans at tourist airports from 30 a.m. to 7 a.m., so this period is the time window that Zhongnan Station can use.

In other words, the fighter planes at Zhongnan Station can take off normally.

But Li Zhan's mission is not that simple. Since it is to test and explore the take-off method under any conditions, he must make various attempts, just like when he was engaged in low-altitude penetration, he must fly out of the data and fly out of the envelope.

There are three parts to the night, each more difficult than the last.

The first option is the same as during the day. After leaving the ground, turn west and climb through a line of sky. The second option is to turn east and fly towards Tianmen Mountain, but it can be raised quickly so there is no need to travel through the mountains. The third option is the easiest. , just follow the normal takeoff route and fly from north to south.

Night flights have more content than day flights entirely because they have to take care of the normal transportation plan of tourist airports. During non-war periods, the troops must compromise as much as possible with local economic construction. If economic construction is not done well, national defense construction will have no foundation. The two are sequential and mutually reinforcing.

There was drizzle in the sky, a gentle rain unique to winter.

Li Zhan was having a meal in the flight briefing room with his lunch box in his hands. When he saw the hazy scene outside the window, he quickly got up and walked out. Seeing this, Zhang Wei followed him out with his lunch box in his hands.

The two of them stood under the eaves outside the door to observe the weather conditions. It was around ten o'clock in the evening. The lights were on on the tower side, and there were several warning lights on both sides. They could see that under the lights it was gray, like Gauze, the temperature seemed to be lower, and the biting cold made my teeth chatter.

Li Zhan raised his wrist and saw that the temperature displayed on the multi-functional mechanical watch was 3 degrees Celsius.

"It looks like it's going to snow." Li Zhan said worriedly.

Zhang Wei said, "The meteorological observatory cannot predict accurately. The weather in mountainous areas changes too fast."

The flight weather forecast showed that there would be no wind or snow tonight, making it suitable for flying, and there was no mention of rain. However, it started raining before the early hours of the morning, and the situation changed somewhat.

Li Zhan said, "I hope the rain will stop and the wind will stop by the time we fly."

"Don't worry about it. Whether you can fly or not is up to the leader. Take a break after your late night snack." Zhang Wei turned around and returned to the house with his lunch box in his hands, his whole body suddenly warmed up.

The in-flight snacks are very rich, and to a certain extent, the in-flight snacks are even more important than the main meal. The schedule of Air Force pilots often cannot be carried out according to the daily life system. Sometimes night flights will start in the early morning. For example, Li Zhan and Zhang Wei's mission tonight, how can the pilots maintain sufficient physical strength during abnormal hours and support the department? It takes hard work.

After returning to his seat, Li Zhan took care of the rest of the meal, neatly packed it up, washed it in the wash basin in the corner, wiped it clean with a dry towel, and put it into a lunch box thermal bag with the label "Li Zhan" on it. After that, I put it in the locker.

After doing this, I started to worry again and laid out the navigation chart for study.

After Zhang Wei finished eating and wiped it clean, he came over and said, "You have seen it hundreds of times, and you can still tell whether the flowers are coming or not."

"What else will you do?" Li Zhan said, "Waiting is really torture."

"There has been severe weather in the past few days. It is already very risky for the division not to cancel the flight plan, so don't worry about it. What can you do if you encounter such weather conditions?" Zhang Wei said.

Li Zhan sighed softly and said, "To be honest, if we were in Beiku, such weather would be exciting. At that time, we conducted combat training under low weather conditions and specifically selected important weather to fly, but it didn't go smoothly. Come here."

"The situation is different." Zhang Wei said, "You don't know what the mountainous areas in the central and southern regions are like. I almost hit a drone released by local people in the morning. Will you encounter it in Beikuku? The population density in Beikuku is sparse. There are not many people for hundreds of kilometers, and there are very few human interference factors. That’s not the case here. If you don’t pay attention, you will fly over the mountainous countryside.”

Zhang Wei patted Li Zhan on the shoulder and said, "I'm going to take a nap, so don't sit still and take a rest."

Li Zhan waved his hand.

Zhang Wei went to the canopy bed in the lounge and lay down with his clothes on and closed his eyes to sleep. After a while, he started to snore slightly.

Li Zhan especially wanted to go to the tarmac to see the status of the fighter planes, but he had to wait in the flight briefing room and not go anywhere until the order came down, which made him feel helpless. I was really tired of thinking about it, so I simply ran to the lounge and lay down to rest.

The personnel on duty at the tower were busy. Tang Guozheng stood behind the weatherman with his arms folded and stared at the weather radar screen with a serious expression. Another monitor displayed the connected real-time weather satellite screen. The change is not big. Large clouds cover the central and southern regions, forming a loose spiral. Over the western South China Sea, the intensity of tropical storms is increasing, which looks very weird compared with previous years. Generally speaking, the last typhoon will appear in November and December every year, if at all, but this year there was a typhoon even after New Year's Day. Just after New Year's Day and before the Spring Festival.

Tropical storms have a great impact on the cold air heading south, which is the biggest cause of ice and snow disasters in the south.

"It's snowing! Report! Chief of Staff, it's snowing." A staff officer rushed in and reported.

Tang Guozheng quickly looked up and saw that the drizzle had turned into light snow, and the gray snowflakes were very clear under the light.

"What's the temperature?" Tang Guozheng asked.

The weatherman quickly refreshed the data and said, "Minus three point five."

Tang Guozheng sighed and said, "Cancel the flight, and all departments will cancel flight preparations."


To fly at low altitude in mountainous areas, the weather conditions in front of us obviously bring great challenges, and this risk cannot be taken.

After being ordered to the flight briefing room, Li Zhan and Zhang Wei disarmed themselves in disappointment and drove back to the infield halfway up the mountain, once again entering a state of readiness.

On this night, the weather in the central and southern regions suddenly deteriorated, with snowfall soaring and gusts reaching level 11. That night, the central and southern regions were hit by severe ice, snow and wind. Numerous high-voltage line supports, communication signal towers, and houses on the mountain collapsed and were damaged. By dawn, the maximum snowfall reached a terrifying value of 27 centimeters. This is a once-in-a-century occurrence in Central and South China.

If the ice and snow disasters in the past few days have caused great trouble to the Spring Festival transportation in the south, especially in the central and southern regions, then the sudden change in weather this night gave these areas a critical blow. All transportation routes were interrupted. Major railway stations struggling to restore passenger transport capacity fell into a more difficult situation overnight. The sudden change attracted the attention of national departments, and a series of emergency measures were implemented.

So let alone flying, it was difficult to go out.

The snow stopped at noon the next day. Li Zhan and other flight crews picked up shovels and went out to clean up the snow in the outfield. The entire station was mobilized to launch anti-ice disaster operations. Whether it can fly or not is one thing, but it must be ensured that the Zhongnan Station can accept backup aircraft at any time.

What happened in the past few days has changed some of Li Zhan's inherent views. First of all, he fully felt the huge difference in climate between the north and the south. Secondly, he deeply felt how weak many human efforts are in the face of nature. The last point is the most important - he found that the Air Force lacked effective early warning control methods when dealing with unexpected weather.

Using his free time, he asked Zhang Yuan to analyze the weather data from many combat trainings under low weather conditions he conducted during his time in the Falcon Brigade. He compared the data with the Second Division and the specific measures taken by both sides. After in-depth analysis, After some research, he found that after excluding regional differences, one of the main reasons why he was able to achieve combat training under ultra-low meteorological conditions in Beikuku was that the Beikku Meteorological Observatory provided very accurate weather forecasts, which were as accurate as Minutes are the unit of measurement.

Carefully recalling every past battle training situation under ultra-low weather conditions, and comparing it with the situation in the Second Division, Li Zhan was filled with sadness. Only under such circumstances did he discover the standards of the 101st Brigade's combat training under ultra-low weather conditions. Far more than other troops. He also realized that it was probably because he was used to the battle training atmosphere in Beiku. After joining the Second Division, he was like a college student attending a class of primary school students. He was suddenly at a loss as to what to do and felt irritable.

But he was also clearly aware that this was the overall environment of the entire Air Force. Changes started in Beiku and would take a process to affect the entire army. After he figured it out, he was relieved and listened to the arrangements of the second division with peace of mind, instead of making his own suggestions regardless of the situation like before.

This is not the 101st Brigade, and there will no longer be Xue Xiangdong who will support him no matter what.

He waited with peace of mind until January 15, the night before the Lunar New Year, when the night flight order was issued again. By this time, Li Zhan's original plan had been completely disrupted. He learned that the Flying Sharks training selection had ended. He had not missed the postponed Beikku competition, but it seemed that he had missed the 2011 Flying Sharks training selection.

This is more or less a pity.

The date for him to go to the Flying Shark training team has become far away. The actual test flight of the J-16 has not yet begun, and the flight mission at the Zhongnan Field Station will take at least half a month. The Spring Festival of 2012 is not Far.

This makes Li Zhan worry about gains and losses. Should he give up the opportunity to go to the Feishak training team and return to Beiku? Even if he couldn't return to Beiku, it wouldn't be a bad idea to be transferred to other units of the Air Force. What he thought deep down in his heart was that if he stayed in the Air Force, he would have a chance to fly fourth-generation aircraft and the chance would be great. After all, his strength was there. If he went to Hainan Airlines, he would have a chance to climb to the highest level of pilot, known as the knife-tip dancer. One member.

On one side are the most advanced fourth-generation aircraft, and on the other side are carrier-based flights that best reflect their own value.

He seemed to have returned to the dilemma he faced when he left the army.

PS: I’m sorry everyone, I’ve been busy with chores during this period and the update is unstable. I will try my best to write as much as possible to ensure that this month’s update will have 150,000 words.

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