Great Power Fighting Falcon

Chapter 464? To be honest, I miss home too

Chapter 464 To be honest, I miss home too

"...Looking at it from another perspective, if you had not left the Second Division at that time, there would be no current 101st Brigade, no Falcon Brigade, or even the Beiku Battle Training Base. Li Zhan, a blessing in disguise is a blessing in disguise. In fact, you are not really entangled in this matter. I don’t know you well yet. You just value friendship too much. Chen Fei is your first instructor and can be said to be the guide to your combat flying career, so you are so entangled. In fact, you are not aware of a problem. "

Nie Jianfeng told the truth and did not make empty words, which made Li Zhan feel better.

After a pause, Nie Jianfeng said, "You don't understand your own situation. Do you know your importance in the aviation field? Do you know your status in the Air Force aviation? You are the originator of various combat tactics. What is Chen Fei? He's just a senior pilot who couldn't stay in the Second Division and went to Hainan Airlines. Are you so entangled in his affairs?"

When he said this, Li Zhan was stunned at first, and then suddenly understood. It seemed that he was a little confused, but is my status really so awesome? He was unaware of it.

After a while, Li Zhan said, "But that guy is now a lieutenant colonel and deputy regimental commander. I'm still a junior major."

Nie Jianfeng said, "No, he has just been promoted to the full regiment and the lieutenant colonel regiment, but he has no specific position for the time being. I heard that something happened not long after joining the Flying Shark Carrier Fighter Group."

"It's time to join the regiment..." Li Zhan felt even more uncomfortable, thinking of his stack of first-class merit certificates and the specific person in charge of two military-level projects, but until now he is still a small major and a small camp, so he does not lose that That's weird.

Military rank and level represent the honor of soldiers to a certain extent. It is an unbreakable truth that the capable are better than the mediocre. But this truth seems to be invalid when it comes to Li Zhan.

Don't talk about him, Nie Jianfeng is also disappointed. Thinking back then, he and Chen Fei were both squadron commanders, and they were promoted to the same batch of troops, but now Chen Fei is one step ahead.

"The flight commander must have arrangements for you. You don't know it yet? Your establishment, not to mention our brigade, even the air defense base and the military air force has no right to adjust it. So when it comes to fighting, you have to accumulate more and less, and you have to be more careful. I have confidence." Nie Jianfeng said with relief.

This made Li Zhan puzzled. In any case, there would be no situation where the airline company would directly intervene in the personnel arrangements at the grassroots level. The power of the flight chief is not as great as imagined, but his position seems a bit awkward. The head of the military region's air force also holds the deputy position of the military region. He is of a higher rank than many of the air force commanders. Isn't that embarrassing? There is no problem with business guidance and combat training management, but when it comes to personnel transfers, if the headquarters does not support the aviation department, it will be really difficult for one person to do it.

Therefore, let alone Li Zhan's seven first-class merits, even if he had seventy first-class merits, his personnel arrangements would not be as high as the flight commander's. On the contrary, he would not be as high as when he served in the special aviation force. There are strict rules and regulations in the organization and personnel, and the management of each level is clearly separated. It is not something that you can just meddle in if you are high in rank.

But this impossible situation happened. Li Zhan was puzzled and asked quickly, "What's going on? Why is it under the control of the air traffic controller?"

Air traffic control is not necessarily a good thing.

Nie Jianfeng said, "I'm not sure about this. Just ask the brigade commander. He will definitely know."

After thinking about it, Li Zhan waved his hands and said, "Forget it, to be honest, I really... don't care about these things. I just always feel it's a bit embarrassing, flying with a crew, and he is my back cabin, and I feel so... If you don't untie the knot, big problems will arise."

"This will test your processing ability. You, the first captain of the Falcon Brigade, are still afraid of this. Okay, it's not a big deal. Let me tell you, the J-16 must come back after its test flight. It must not be You can walk away quietly." Nie Jianfeng said.

Li Zhan said, "No, okay, let's do this first."

"Oh, by the way, there is one more thing." Nie Jianfeng remembered something, "Niu Jun has returned to the assembly department. He left yesterday."

"Oh, I understand." Li Zhan said, "Oh, yes, are you taking the Spring Festival holiday or not?"

"There's no way around it. The pile of training tasks you left behind must be completed before March. I don't even have time to sleep, let alone take a vacation. Don't you know better than me?" Nie Jianfeng said.

Li Zhan frowned, "Old Nie, you haven't taken a vacation in three years. How is your family? I think you should apply for a vacation and go back to spend the New Year. Let other people organize the training tasks. Brothers can do a good job. You don't have to do it. Stare.”

Seeing that the Spring Festival is coming, who doesn’t want to go home to celebrate the New Year?

Nie Jianfeng sighed and said, "Let's talk about it next year. The past two years are more critical for the army. You have left a good set of cards. If I don't play well again, I won't be able to show my face to others. Okay, let's do this for now. I'm about to fly. .”

After hanging up the phone, Li Zhan sighed. Only he knew how sad the career of an Air Force pilot looked so glamorous. He was not only sad for himself, but also sad for his family. Being married to an Air Force pilot is the same as not having a husband, and having a son who is an Air Force pilot is the same as having a dead son. He is still there, but he is gone.

Shaking his head to get rid of these unnecessary distractions, Li Zhan said in his heart: Just do it, it's not easy.

The transformation of the Zhongnan Station was very fast. In just three days, the runway blocker was installed and a squadron of J-10As was stationed. With the addition of J-10S No. 007, the Zhongnan Station now has five resident fighters.

The so-called wheel blocker is a lift-type roadblock installed on the runway to block the tires of the aircraft's landing gear. Its function is to increase the braking force of the aircraft, allowing the fighter aircraft to obtain more engine thrust before taking off and rolling. In this way, the takeoff is shortened. distance. Coupled with a ski-jump runway, the take-off distance of a fighter plane can be greatly shortened. Generally speaking, a fighter plane only needs to glide about a hundred meters to leave the ground in a half-fuel state.

The Second Division undoubtedly wants to use such transformation to give the Zhongnan Station some of the capabilities to train carrier-based fighter pilots.

These are no longer Li Zhan's jobs. He has changed from a temporary instructor to the leader of the first crew of the Air Force's actual combat test flight team. He is responsible for the actual combat test flight of the No. 1616 J-16 fighter-bomber, and also incorporates the acceptance test flight. After careful consideration, the aviation department decided to speed up the pace of fielding the J-16 fighter-bomber, and Hainan Airlines’ demand for this aircraft is even more urgent.

However, judging from the acceptance test flight led by the Air Force, although HNA's development is rapid and vigorous, its status is still inferior to that of the Air Force Aviation. Everyone knows that the J-16 is of the greatest significance to HNA.

Yi Xiaoyi and two equally young mechanics formed the manufacturer's technical team and the Niu Yaoyang maintenance team sent by the 101 brigade arrived at the Zhongnan Station in advance. These are all acquaintances, and Niu Yaoyang's maintenance team is even a soldier led by Li Zhan. In order to strengthen Niu Yaoyang's maintenance team, the 101st Brigade removed Major Miao Yu, the mechanic who had been supporting Li Zhan for the longest time, and strengthened it into Niu Yaoyang's maintenance team. Li Zhan regained the long-lost feeling of work.

The manufacturer's technical team is responsible for technical support. Niu Yaoyang's maintenance team is the first maintenance team to modify the J-16 and is very familiar with this fighter. Li Zhan has an absolutely reliable ground support team, which is a prerequisite for a smooth actual flight test. condition.

On New Year's Eve, Chen Fei flew the No. 1616 J-16 fighter-bomber alone to the Zhongnan Station. For the New Year's Eve banquet that night, the station canteen was transformed into a banquet scene, with a large round table filled with dishes and a box of beer. The boxes were piled up against the wall. Except for the staff on duty, everyone else was wearing spring and autumn uniforms. Tang Guozheng was carrying a bottle of wine and toasting table after table. When he was happy, he pulled several leaders and a few recruits into a bottle-blowing competition. Pineland won, with a sound that nearly lifted the roof off.

Tang Guozheng was stroking his bald head and laughing. After finishing the round, he sat firmly on Mount Tai and accepted the collective toast from each company. He did not blow glasses to bottles. At the end of the drink, he suddenly stood up and stood on the chair with one foot on the dining table and his hands on the table. Holding a wine bottle and waving it, the conductor sang.

"Forward forward forward!"

"Onward, forward, forward! Our team to the sun!"

This is a New Year's Eve feast for a group of people from all over the world who are far away from their parents.

There are two alcohol bans in a year, one for the New Year's Eve banquet and one for Army Day. Even the Southeast Military Region, which bans alcohol the most strictly, will not restrict officers and soldiers from drinking on these two major holidays. Of course, the premise is that drinking must be done in an organized manner. Drinking privately is still subject to disciplinary sanctions.

Li Zhan sat at the same table with his old friends, comrades-in-arms, and subordinates.

Chen Fei drank so much that he changed so much that Li Zhan couldn't even remember what kind of person he was. He would drink from anyone who came. He used to be a talker, but now he drank more and talked less. He was polite to everyone, even the youngest corporal in the crew, and he didn't have the airs of a regimental-level pilot at all.

Li Zhan also drank a lot, purely because he was happy. I thought I had to bid farewell to Beiku completely, but I didn't expect that when I arrived at the Shankara local army in Central and South China, I still took care of my emotions and sent my old subordinates to participate in the test flight. Although it was not a big deal, it showed that the 101st Brigade really cared about him. No, he didn't ignore him just because he left Beiku.

Miao Yu, who had not been home for two years, suddenly sang: "To tell the truth, I miss home too!"

Everyone kept singing along: "The old mother at home has a head full of white hair."

"Since you have come to be a soldier, you know that you have a great responsibility! If you don't carry the gun and I don't carry the gun, who will protect our mother? Who will protect her!"

Niu Yaoyang, who had not been home for four years, cried and sang heartbreakingly, "Speak to your heart! Who the hell doesn't want to go home! I miss home too! I miss my mother too! I miss her too!"

Everyone started crying and howling. A group of animals that were regarded by their superiors and tough guys by the common people were crying like children. Many of them were still their mother's children. With the help of Jiu Jin, these tough guys who have never known the meaning of tears, howl like ghosts and wolf howls, let the homesickness deep in their hearts vent violently. Tomorrow, they will be another unsmiling animal and the protector of the people!

Li Zhan felt very uncomfortable, got up and left the dining hall.

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