Great Power Fighting Falcon

Chapter 469? Y-8 maritime patrol aircraft reviewed twice a year

Chapter 469 Y-8 maritime patrol aircraft reviewed twice a year

Many years ago, the military industry department modified the long-range maritime patrol aircraft based on the Yun-8 platform. With a maximum range of 4,000 kilometers, the Yun-8 maritime patrol aircraft can cover the South China Sea. However, the technology is quite backward, and it only solves the problem of whether The problem is that it only has existential meaning in terms of tactics.

The development of high-tech series aircraft is very fast, and new models are constantly introduced and equipped with troops one after another. However, the old aircraft that are still in active service continue to be in service, and are even used intensively because they have become more comfortable after long-term running-in.

The Gaoxin No. 33 maritime patrol aircraft is one of the main models responsible for patrolling the South China Sea airspace and is an old face of the PLA Navy. Moreover, experienced pilots who fly aircraft such as the Gaoxin No. 33 often dare to provoke the Blue Army's task force fleet, which can be described as a bold person with high skills. The captain this time is Gao Feiyou, a typical pilot among them.

Gao Feiyou is almost 40 years old. He used to fly a fighter jet. After being injured in a near-miss, he modified a Y-8 maritime patrol aircraft. His flying style still remains the same as when he flew a fighter jet.

As soon as they entered Airspace No. 13, they received orders to prepare for a confrontation drill with the Air Force. They were paired with several ships simulating the Blue Army, one of which simulated a large surface aircraft-carrying ship. The background of the confrontation drill was unlike any in the past. It’s a big difference, but this time Gao Feiyou feels like he’s playing for real.

This doesn't mean it's a real fight, it means it's closer to actual combat.

To put it bluntly, I used to raise my feet and make gestures, but this time I came really serious. According to the previous routine, Gaoxin No. 33 is to simulate being surrounded by the blue army. In fact, there is no need for surface ships to actually come out to simulate the blue army. It is enough to set up such a front-end enemy situation, and the focus is on the support of friendly forces.

But this time it was awesome.

Several ships of the Third Fleet that had just completed long-distance combat training happened to be in Sea Area 13, so they simply joined the confrontation drill as a simulated Blue Army task force. Among them, the simulated Blue Army large surface aircraft-carrying ship Two batches of four simulated Hornet fighter jets really took off to encircle Gaoxin No. 33!

Gao Feiyou immediately descended to a few hundred meters, but the low-altitude and low-speed performance of the simulated Hornet fighter was not bad. That carrier-based fighter should be a fighter-attack aircraft. After adding side strips, it achieved excellent low-altitude performance. performance. Four simulated Hornet fighter jets pinned Gaoxin 33, forcing the high-flying friend to continue to descend and slow down the airspeed to avoid a collision.

I didn't expect that the simulated Blue Army task force was so serious. After a brief panic, the crew of Gao Feiyou fought back and used all their strength to engage in a thrilling battle of wits with the simulated Hornet fighter jet at low altitude. The bottom line of Gaoxin 33 is that the simulated Blue Army task force is absolutely not allowed to enter within twelve nautical miles of our islands and reefs, but the situation is very critical. You must know that Gaoxin 33 is facing the entire simulated Blue Army task force.

The Gaoxin No. 33 is just an old medium-sized turboprop aircraft without any air combat capabilities, the kind that is reviewed twice a year.

Now that the simulated Blue Army task force is real, the crew of Gao Feiyou will certainly not be polite to them. When a blue destroyer was about to enter the twelve nautical mile line, Gao Feiyou dived towards the destroyer like a seabird pouncing on food. The speed did not decrease and the course remained unchanged. When the destroyer was five kilometers away, it could not hold up. After suppressing the pressure, he hurriedly turned the left rudder to avoid it. Gaoxin 33 flew past the destroyer's mast.

This move scared the simulated Blue Army task force so much that they did not dare to take a step further, but it did not mean that they would let Gaoxin No. 33 go. They did not dare to fire the first shot of Gaoxin 33 and could not fire a single shot, so they took off four simulated Hornet fighter jets and used non-contact pincer tactics to force the flight altitude and airspeed of Gaoxin 33 to drop to a very dangerous level.

This is an aerial flight contest with a huge disparity in power. From a flight perspective alone, it is even more demanding than an air combat. Air combat looks complicated but is actually simple - you win when you knock down the target. However, such a non-contact confrontation requires the pilots of both sides to defeat each other without using weapons.

If aerial combat with real swords and guns is a boxing match, then such non-contact confrontation is a street dance. You obviously want to chop your opponent with a knife but you can't make contact. You can only vent your anger on yourself and show off your movement skills in the hope of scaring the opponent away.

Gaoxin 33 has been pushed to a height of fifty meters above the sea. This is an extremely dangerous flying height, and it will fall into the sea if you are not careful. Gaoxin No. 33 is like a large truck driving on the edge of a cliff, and the situation is very critical.

If Gaoxin 33 crashes into the sea, the simulated Blue Army task force will say that your skills are not professional enough, and if a search and rescue team is sent to rescue the pilot, it will be very embarrassing.

Gao Feiyou couldn't move. Above him was a simulated Hornet fighter jet, crushing him hard. There was one on the left and right and one behind him. They looked like they were guarding Gaoxin No. 33, but they were actually holding him hostage. The space in which the Y-8 maritime patrol aircraft, which is much bulkier than fighter jets, can move is slowly being compressed. Of course, high-flying friends can squeeze out the simulated Hornet fighter jets with the bulk of the Gaoxin 33, but in Airspace 13, which has no wingmen and is far away from the mainland, such tactics must be used with caution!

Anyone who flies a plane is afraid of death. What they are afraid of is humiliation, and they are even more afraid of not being able to complete the mission.

What's the purpose of the Gao Feiyou crew? Isn't it to protect sovereign airspace from infringement? If the simulated Blue Army task force is allowed to move within twelve nautical miles of the island and reef, this simulated confrontation exercise will be a failure.

"Captain! Here we come!" the co-pilot suddenly pointed to the sky ahead and shouted.

Gao Feiyou suddenly looked up and saw an Eagle fighter jet with light gray low-visibility paint diving towards him. No, when he saw the position of the air inlet clearly, he realized that it was a friendly force - the Su-30MKK of the Air Force. !

He still guessed wrong, it was a J-16.

"Experiment Yaoliu, is it you? I saw you. Identify friend and foe. It's over!" Gao Feiyou's confidence suddenly doubled. The timely arrival of friendly forces allowed him to get rid of the situation of fighting alone.

Li Zhan quickly confirmed the friend-or-foe identification signal and said, "Gaoxin Sansan, it's me. I've identified it. You keep the course and altitude, and I'll take care of the rest. That's it!"

"Gaoxin Sansan understands, it's over!" Gao Feiyou breathed a sigh of relief. It was tiring to drive a "truck" to compete with other people's sports cars.

Li Zhan had already seen the Gaoxin No. 33. The four turboprop engines, the straight upper monoplane and the windshield of the nose navigator cabin were all so outstanding. The four simulated Hornets sandwiching the Gaoxin No. 33 The fighter jet radar signal also appeared on the display screen, and the four small red dots were bright enough.

The corners of his mouth curled up slightly. Did he finally get the chance to cum after holding it in for so long?

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