Great Power Fighting Falcon

Chapter 478 ? I have to prove that I win

Chapter 478 I have to prove that I won

The small conference room was brightly lit, but there were only two people.

Li Zhan and Gan Tingting sat opposite each other at a long desk. Gan Tingting had a camera beside her, and the lens was facing Li Zhan, which made Li Zhan feel very uncomfortable.

He couldn't help but put his hands on his knees, sat upright and said regretfully, "I will give full account to the government."

Gan Tingting, who had finally adjusted her posture and tensed her strings, burst into laughter and quickly covered her mouth to avoid showing her two little tiger teeth.

Li Zhan said, "General Gan, this battle is really scary."

"You are quite interesting." Gan Tingting finally breathed a sigh of relief and said seriously, "The regulations require this, please bear with it. It is just a routine inquiry. There will be more such inquiries in the future. After all, you pilots are the most If you understand the situation, we need your assistance in doing technical analysis."

Li Zhan smiled and said, "Just kidding, okay, you can ask."

Gan Tingting couldn't remember the questions in the inquiry outline. She avoided Li Zhan's breathtaking eyes and had to look down at her notebook and asked, "Team Leader Li, the first question..."


Li Zhan was very, very surprised. He did not expect that the helpless technicians in the flight test technical team had such a thorough understanding of relevant tactics. They even had a deeper understanding of all aspects of the fighter's performance characteristics than many pilots. The questions they prepared were extremely targeted and professional, and many of them even touched upon the core secrets of Project 16.

This made Li Zhan look at people like Gan Tingting with admiration.

Non-combatants have always had a low status, and combatants have always looked down on non-combatants. Those who carry guns and fight on the front line feel that those who type keyboards in the rear have no role to play, and they look down on them from the bottom of their hearts. Li Zhan also has this kind of inertial thinking. You're a soldier. If you don't carry a gun and fight, how can you still be called a soldier?

But the professional quality displayed by Gan Tingting, who was as handsome as an actress in appearance, really surprised him.

As if she had read through his inner thoughts, Gan Tingting smiled slightly and said, "I graduated from Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics with a bachelor's and master's degree in aviation electronics. I am now studying for a Ph.D., and my supervisor is Academician XXX. Team Leader Li, our test flight technology The team has made adequate preparations.”

Li Zhan slowly came back to his senses, nodded slightly and sighed, "Yes, I can see it, yes I feel it. You have a deeper understanding of some systems of the J-16 than us pilots. To be honest, I really A little surprised."

Gan Tingting said with a smile, "Do you think I am a flower vase? There is a strict assessment and review system for recruiting a technician in the army. If I don't do something right, I won't be able to pass the assessment, so please don't worry."

Li Zhan nodded slowly, "Yes, I understand. This is an unexpected surprise for me, so I will tell you everything."

"Please speak." Gan Tingting prepared to record.

Li Zhan sorted out his experience in today's confrontation drill in his mind and said, "From a combat tactical perspective, the main reason is that our pilots feel unfamiliar when using this fighter aircraft. Let me use an analogy, that is..."

He made a gesture to pull the lever. When Gan Tingting saw it, her face turned red with anger.

It turns out that the joystick is in the middle, just facing the crotch. When the pilot controls the joystick, he sometimes holds it with one hand and sometimes with both hands. It looks like he is playing a gangster, but it is actually a normal driving posture.

Li Zhan didn't understand and said, "When we fly fighter jets, we often rely more on feeling. Just like when you drive a car, the more you drive and become more proficient, your eyes only need to look at the road without confirming the control process, and you can integrate with the fighter jet." Driving in one piece. When I was looking for this feeling, I found that the flight control system of the J-16 was relatively jerky, a bit like a car with a lack of engine oil."

Gan Tingting suddenly realized that she was simulating flying a plane and not being a hooligan.

She said, "Team Leader Li, you don't seem to have a motor vehicle driving license, right?"

"But I can drive." Li Zhan said, looking at Gan Tingting suspiciously, "How do you know?"

Gan Tingting said, "We all need to be familiar with the test flight crew information. Well, I probably understand what you mean, but the feedback from the flight control system is not very comfortable, right?"

"Yes, that's right, that's what it means." Li Zhan's eyes lit up, "You educated people still know how to use words, but I can't explain what the problem is."

Gan Tingting smiled and said, "Team Leader Li is so humble. Do you have anything else to add?"

Li Zhan slowly frowned and said in a deep voice, "The contents displayed on the three display screens on the instrument panel are not in line with my driving habits. The Sukhoi fighter jets are aimed at the driving habits of Russian pilots. We should be aware of this." Make some targeted changes. The J-10 has done this very well."

"Team Leader Li, let me interrupt." Gan Tingting said, "You and I are on the same side. We are not the manufacturer's technical staff. However, we will summarize the situation you responded to and then provide unified feedback to the manufacturer."

Li Zhan patted his head and said, "I'm sorry, I've been flying all day today and my brain is not working so well."

"Did you earn a lot of rod fees today?" Gan Tingting said with a smile.

Li Zhan replied subconsciously, "Seven or eight hours, five or six thousand yuan. The standard change has reduced the rod fee a lot... Huh?"

"Don't be surprised." Gan Tingting said with a smile, "We have already heard of your name as the little prince of the lever. Team leader Li, you are a famous person."

Li Zhan was so shocked that he even went to the headquarters.

"No kidding, Mr. Gan, do you have any other questions?" Li Zhan calmed down and refused to let the sugar-coated bullets crush him, and said, "You can ask any questions about the test flight."

Gan Tingting nodded slightly and said, "You used some rather strange tactics during the confrontation exercise. Judging from various data, you used the landing gear as a medium to engage them after breaking through the core air defense circle of the Blue Army task force. We have had substantive contact. I wonder what kind of considerations you have?"

"Landing gear..." Li Zhan considered it. The whole process was video-recorded and manually recorded. He had to make sure that he could be responsible for every word he said. Now that he had a suitable way to express it, he said, "The main purpose is that I want to To try whether it is possible to perform an emergency landing on a sea platform under the circumstances at that time, you should know that the J-16 is a model that the Air Force and Navy attach great importance to, and its use on the sea is also relatively important. On the other hand, because of the original Comparing the situation, it is more necessary to have a clear attitude to prove that our side has won the victory. If you have not participated in confrontation drills, you may not know. Many times, it is clear that our side has won the victory, but when it comes to the review, the opponent will always act rogue, and the confrontation We couldn’t actually fight during the drill, so there weren’t many ways, or to be exact, there wasn’t a lot of evidence to prove our victory. So after I broke through the core air defense circle of the Blue Army’s task force, this question arose—what should I do? It proves that I really made a breakthrough. After careful consideration, it is more appropriate to prove it in the form of a touchdown and a go-around."

Gan Tingting's face said "I believe you are a ghost", but after all, she worked in a department with a relatively high level of confidentiality and was relatively sensitive to some sensitive details of maritime confrontation exercises, so she would not be stupid enough to get to the bottom of it. In one sentence, don't ask what you shouldn't ask and don't say what you shouldn't say.

Spreading his hands, Li Zhan said with a smile, "Actually, there is only one purpose. I have to prove that I win."

Gan Tingting smiled, turned off the camera and closed the notebook, "Team Leader Li, thank you for your cooperation. The next face-to-face meeting will be at the end of the night flight. If you still fly at night tonight, I will ask you again tomorrow."

"Always waiting."

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