Great Power Fighting Falcon

Chapter 481? Codename

Chapter 481 Codename "Wuyi Mountain"

Night, quiet.

People living overnight heard a rumbling sound coming from far and near. When it passed overhead, the roar drowned the whole world. The young people who were cooking wine and blowing water at the outdoor barbecue stall raised their necks to look for the source of the sound. They saw the two brightest stars, red and green, flying past like meteors in the night sky, taking away the roar.

It's just another ordinary night. It's time to drink and have fun. It's no different from any other time.

But for Li Zhan and Chen Fei, who had just soared past at subsonic ultra-low altitude, this early morning air-ground confrontation drill was of great significance.

The first confrontation with the surface-to-air missile forces along the southeast coast, the first execution of the "kick in the door" operation, the first attempt to break through the three-dimensional air defense network...

Of course, it was also the first time to fight against HNA's J-10 fleet, but if we fought against them, it would mean that the operation failed. However, Li Zhan finds it funny just thinking about HNA’s J-10 fighter jets imitating the Blue Army’s F-16A/B Block 20. It seems to be true. They are all medium-sized single-engine fighters. They all started out as air superiority and then developed into multi-purposes. They all formed a family, basically competing against each other.

The two J-10As patrolling at high altitudes pose little threat. Li Zhan has a thousand ways to avoid their search, but the biggest threat is actually the "Strong Net" early radar warning system relied on by the Birdcage surface-to-air missile force. .

This is the reason why Li Zhan had to descend hundreds of kilometers in advance to fly at ultra-low altitude, using the high-rise buildings in the urban agglomeration and the hills and mountains in the southeast as cover to approach the target quickly and covertly.

There were a large number of troops stationed in the series of areas they passed through, including army troops, air force troops, and even naval coastal defense troops. All air activities were temporarily suspended to open a safe passage for them. For example, the Army's artillery unit often fires at night, and those large-caliber artillery shells will pose a fatal threat to ultra-low-altitude fighter aircraft.

Li Zhan stared at the horizon, using a combination of visual observation and instrument data to frequently adjust the fighter's flight attitude to avoid obstacles above an altitude of 300 meters. The altitude of many hills and mountains in the southeastern region is generally two to three hundred meters, which means that Li Zhan basically flew close to the mountains.

When crossing the city, he tried to go around as much as possible. If he couldn't go around, he would raise it slightly higher to avoid aircraft such as drones that might appear at low altitudes in the city.

Occasionally, when a large overload maneuver occurs, Chen Fei is caught off guard and always needs to support the canopy with his hands to stabilize his sitting posture. Otherwise, it will be difficult to fix the person in the seat with the seat belt alone - even if he wears a helmet, it will hit the canopy. It doesn't feel good either. During large overload maneuvers, the fighter will tremble violently and the field of vision will tremble. Therefore, an armrest is installed on the arched fixed frame at the top of the instrument panel, similar to the armrest above the door frame of an off-road vehicle.

A pilot's entire career is inseparable from three instruments: spiral ladders, live rolls, and fixed rolls.

The purpose of these three types of equipment is to train the pilot's anti-vertigo ability and sense of balance. There is no fixed reference object when an airplane flies in the air. When a person stands on the ground, the left, right, front, and upper directions are fixed. No matter where you stand, these directions in the air are based on the central axis of the airplane and will follow the attitude of the airplane. changes.

No matter how the direction changes, even if there is an illusion when flying at high altitude, there will be enough time and space to correct it. The reason why many pilots are afraid of ultra-low altitude flying is because the space for maneuvering reactions is compressed to the extreme. From a sensory perspective, you may think that the plane is climbing, but it is actually diving towards the ground. There are many examples of this, and there are painful lessons in the history of civil aviation.

On December 22, 1999, China Airlines Flight 8509, a Boeing 747 cargo plane, took off from Stansted Airport to fly to Milan. Fifty-five seconds after takeoff, the plane crashed, knocking out a car on the ground. A huge pit nine meters deep. The main reason was that there was a problem with the captain's horizon instrument, which did not show that the plane was tilting. The captain failed to make corresponding rescue actions until the crash.

If the vehicle is driving on the ground, it is easy to feel the tilt of the vehicle, but on an aircraft flying at night, it is difficult for the pilot to sense that the aircraft is tilting. The aircraft was accelerating and climbing. Under such circumstances, there was no time to save after the alarm sounded.

This is true for cargo planes, let alone faster fighter jets.

Therefore, Li Zhan concentrated on controlling the fighter plane, just like an F1 racing driver, constantly drifting in and out of turns and cutting radii, avoiding one after another peaks with an altitude of hundreds of meters that were particularly prominent in the hills.

When he was training, others could run five kilometers for twenty minutes, but Li Zhan ran for more than half an hour because he ran on a living roll. The fact that he can withstand 11 or 12 G's of overload is not because his body structure is different from others, but because he works harder than others during training.

"Eight kilometers of coastline!" Chen Fei fulfilled his duties as second pilot, weapons operator, navigator, and communications officer very well. In short, when Li Zhan was focusing on flying, he, the rear cockpit pilot, was responsible for all other tasks.

Li Zhan glanced at the position parameters, quickly calculated the position in his mind and matched it with the navigation map in his mind, "Confirm, the coastline is eight kilometers!"

"Fu Zhi, Wuyi Mountain is preparing to cross the coastline. It's over." Chen Fei reported to the Fuzhou command post.

Most of the troops on duty at the Fuzhou Command Post were calling for the "Night Attack on Widow Village" air-ground confrontation drill. The commander on duty immediately replied: "Received, Wuyishan can proceed as planned, completed."

"Understood, proceed as planned!" Chen Fei replied.

Li Zhan slowed down slightly and approached the coastline at an air speed of 500 kilometers per hour. However, he dropped his flight altitude again and called to Fu Zhan, "Fu Zhan, are there any large ships passing by in the sea ahead? I may have to skim." Sea flight, completed.”

"Wuyi Mountain, the flight height must not be less than fifty meters, over." The Fuzhou command post directly issued a clear instruction.

Li Zhan felt helpless, but he didn't expect that the Air Force would also follow Haihang's lead and set a minimum altitude for sea-skimming flights at night. In fact, if there were no such restriction, Li Zhan would be confident that he would enter the attack range before being captured by the "Strong Net" early warning radar system if he used an ultra-low-altitude sea-skimming flight like during the day to break through.

"What should I do? I'm afraid it's difficult to get into attack range at this height." Li Zhan asked Chen Fei.

Chen Fei said very bachelorly, "You can't do anything but what can I do? The detection distance of the strong network system for low-altitude targets is only a theoretical one hundred kilometers, right?"

"We can't take any chances. There are air superiority fighters and early warning aircraft at high altitudes, and a complete radar system on the ground. Their three-dimensional detection is very good." Li Zhan pondered.

The flight commander set up a moderate obstacle for them. It depends on how Li Zhan's crew uses the advantages of the J-16 to overcome the difficulty.

"Let's attack in the east and attack in the west, but then we may not have enough aviation fuel to coordinate with the 300 Division." Li Zhan said.

Chen Fei said, "That was not part of the plan. Let's deal with this air-ground confrontation first. After all, we have to enter the fifty-kilometer attack range. We will wait until we can complete the attack procedure."

"You are too pessimistic. If you can't find a breakthrough, then create one. Watch, I mobilize their air warning, and if there is no breakthrough, there will be a breakthrough. The aviation commander didn't say that the battlefield background cannot be changed." Li Zhan smiled. said.

Their conversation could be heard at the Fuzhou Command Post, and several heads of duty looked at each other in disbelief - Isn't this too bold?

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