Great Power Fighting Falcon

Chapter 484? Locking from simulated enemy aircraft

Chapter 484 Locking from simulated enemy aircraft

"Breaking the rules is better than losing the confrontation." Chen Fei said, "Now confrontation drills no longer follow the script step by step. Many troops have learned to use the rules to change the rules. Speaking of which, this is still the best of your Beiku Yao Ling Yao. The atmosphere we created first has a very good effect.”

Li Zhan shook his head helplessly, "Complete the attack and quickly escape. We can't let their F-16 get entangled. We have no advantage."

"Understood." Chen Fei suddenly saw that the radar scanned a new target. They were two air targets approaching at high speed from the northwest. The target's flight parameters were quickly displayed. He smiled bitterly and said, "They are coming. They are a hundred meters away." Twenty kilometers, it is expected to enter the range in three minutes. Should we hit the air target first or attack the established target first?"

Li Zhan said without hesitation, "First attack the set target. Even if we are shot down, we must complete the mission. Besides, they are still a little green if they want to shoot me down."

"Of course, unless you want to, you usually shoot yourself down." Chen Fei said with a smile.

Neither of them paid much attention to their opponents, because they knew their opponents very well. When I was flying the J-7, I didn't take my opponent seriously. Now I'm flying an advanced third-generation aircraft and I don't feel nervous because of it.

Li Zhan said with a smile, "If it's a Mirage 2000, we might have to be more cautious. But if it's an early model of the F-16, that's a different story. It's a castrated version."

"That's right." Chen Fei said. After arriving at HNA, he had many contacts with the Birdcage surface-to-air missile unit. In the past, he often flew to the southeast to conduct confrontations and exchanges with the unit in the Second Division. The Birdcage surface-to-air missile unit It's no news that fighters are often asked to join a confrontation out of the blue.

Li Zhan had already thought about it, why could he use the command and control department to cause big trouble for his opponents, but now that he couldn't use some of his own advantages to set up additional obstacles after the identity change? You must know that the better the performance of the Birdcage surface-to-air missile force, the better it can test the true combat capabilities of the J-16 fighter. Air Force Haisi is definitely happy to hear this and will definitely take measures against the Birdcage surface-to-air missile force. Some slightly less compliant tactical moves were made with a blind eye.

The radar warning siren suddenly sounded, and from the frequency of the warning, it could be heard that an enemy from a relatively far distance had locked onto the fighter jet.

Li Zhan did not panic, and Chen Fei was also very calm.

If it is a very rapid chirp, then you should consider making an escape maneuver immediately. However, if it is a slow warning like this, it will usually be interpreted by the pilot as the opponent deliberately issuing a warning "I have locked you. The next step is Attack", the intention is very obvious - please stay away from the airspace where you are.

Simply put, the two J-10A twin formations that were rushing over, simulating the F-16A/B Block 20, had no time to enter the effective attack range before the "Wuyi Mountain" launched an attack on one's own combat center. They could only turn on the fire control and perform radar locking from a distance, hoping that this would scare "Wuyishan" away.

It's a pity that they encountered a combat team with extremely rich actual combat experience.

However, Chen Fei was still a little worried and said, "Their Meteor medium-range blank bombs are said to be able to hit 120 kilometers, so we have to be more cautious."

Li Zhan said, "Yes, but they have basically no chance of hitting us beyond sixty kilometers, so there is no need to worry for the time being and launch the attack as planned."

"Understood." Chen Fei began to perform the locking work, and the one-minute countdown began.

They were very calm and unhurried. It was not easy or simple to maintain a calm attitude in the cockpit where the alarm was blaring. If it were some pilots who didn't have that much actual combat experience, they might have made evasive maneuvers immediately after the radar lock warning sounded. Of course, this is what the instructor asked during training - never think that you can avoid any missile.

This kind of warning is very useful for Xin Fei. The rule of combat is to save yourself and destroy the enemy. When you are in a passive situation, you must first save yourself and then try to destroy the enemy.

For veteran pilots, it's a matter of opinion, especially for a super invincible ace pilot like Li Zhan who sets standards. His combat flying career may have been spent breaking old standards and establishing new standards.

In short, the fighter team composed of Li Zhan and Chen Fei is fully capable of fighting with ease. They have jumped out of the combat rules taught in aviation schools to another level, and have begun to treat combat as a performance art.

Just like actors, there are actors and actresses. The former cannot make mistakes but will not have more room for performance, while the latter has almost infinite room for performance.

The situation he encountered in front of him was not an unexpected change in Li Zhan's eyes, and it did not even cause him great pressure due to some minor mechanical failures.

He really has too many ways to deal with the two J-10A fighters that simulate F-16A/B Block 20 running towards him - he is not very confident in a dogfight with fighters like the J-10A, but at medium and long distances The J-16 can completely overwhelm the opponent.

"Weapons are ready, do you want to attack?" Chen Fei completed his attack preparations.

Li Zhan looked at the time and saw that there were still twenty seconds left for the one-minute attack. He decisively gave the order: "Launch!"

"Got it! Launch!"

Simulating the launch of two air-to-surface missiles carrying ground-penetrating warheads, Li Zhan maintained his attitude and continued flying for 20 seconds to ensure that the airborne radar could continue to illuminate the target for 20 seconds. These twenty seconds can provide very important target guidance in the first half of the missile's flight, ensuring a higher hit rate.

The frequency of the radar warning sound became more and more urgent as the distance between the "enemy aircraft" got closer. Li Zhan did not take any chances and immediately turned on the afterburner to climb to a high altitude while turning to the northeast. He chose a way of advancing and retreating freely, occupying a high altitude advantage while widening the distance from the "enemy plane". If the "enemy plane" caught up, he would turn the nose of the plane and fight with them. If the "enemy plane" gave up, he would We can just take advantage of the situation and head towards the collaborative training airspace of the 300th Division and HNA.

Chen Fei in the back cabin was not distracted. He concentrated on calculating the time for the missile to hit the target. When he was convinced that the missile had hit the target, he immediately reported to Fuzhi: "Fuzhi Fuzhi, Wuyishan has completed the mission. It's over."

Fu Zhi replied: "Received, we can return to Wuyishan, over."

"Understood, Wuyishan can return, switch to Class 2 communications, over."

Chen Fei was about to start switching the communication mode when Fu Zhi suddenly called: "Wuyishan, we just received an order from the aviation commander, requiring you and the J-10A fighter formation to simulate the F-16A/B Block 20 under the current battlefield conditions. In an air battle, you have to return from 270 degrees, do you understand?"

This sudden instruction stunned both Li Zhan and Chen Fei, and the latter was simply a little frightened. 270 degrees is due west, which means that it has to pass through the entire anti-aircraft firepower network of the Birdcage surface-to-air missile force and return.

Li Zhan said dumbfounded, "The commander is trying to kill us!"

Chen Fei smiled bitterly and said, "Now you know how powerful the hidden rules are, right? Do you regret letting you join other troops in Beiku's hidden rules?"

"Yes, but come on, we can save some aviation fuel by returning due west. A little more." Li Zhan's fighting chord suddenly tightened. The past two strikes were not a challenge to him. , but this temporary question of the aviation department is extremely challenging.

It seems that no one has ever crossed the Birdcage surface-to-air missile force's anti-aircraft fire network from west to east or east to west.

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