Great Power Fighting Falcon

Chapter 495 I’ll lend you my first teacher Liu to play with

Manager Wang took the company's commuter Haval H5 and rushed over to the maintenance hangar. He was happy and excited.

Unexpectedly, the fight to provide a maintenance hangar for the troops gave him a new level of enthusiasm among his colleagues at Gaoqi Airport. He used to be arrogant and arrogant, but now he smiled and said hello politely when he met. Lao Wang was busy.

Lao Wang knew why, and it wasn't because he had connections with the Air Force. With this level of favor, everyone will have to take a higher look in the future. To put it bluntly, the airport ground and even regional air traffic control will consider this factor when arranging flights for this airline.

The absolute management of airspace rests with the Air Force.

When Lao Wang arrived at the maintenance hangar, he saw that a management member of the airport was also there, talking to several leaders of the army. Director Mo Yongan was also there. He quickly ran over and said hello to everyone with a smile.

"Oh, Manager Wang is here. You can discuss the specific details with Major Li. We at the airport will fully cooperate. The military and civilians are one family. Director Mo and Chief of Staff Tang, if it is not a time emergency, we will plan a party at the airport." The manager said with a loud smile.

"The party is so boring, Manager Liu. On behalf of the army, I would like to express my gratitude in advance." Mo Yongan smiled.

After exchanging a few more pleasantries, Li Zhan, Chen Fei and Manager Wang walked aside and began to discuss. Manager Wang said, "Major Li, Commander Chen, is there anything you need me to do? I just arrived and I haven't done it yet. Know the specifics.”

Manager Wang had already noticed it. Even though Captain Chen was higher in rank than Major Li, it was Major Li who actually made the decision, so he basically said these words to Major Li.

Li Zhan said, "The main reason is that our group started working after New Year's Eve, and this unexpected event happened. I thought that everyone was having a hard time this year and had not had a good time, so I planned to organize an activity to celebrate the New Year."

"Okay! What does Major Li need me to do?" Manager Wang's mind immediately started spinning. This kind of military-civilian party is so useful. No matter what the Air Force thinks, others will think so!

yeah? A certain airline has a very good relationship with the Air Force.

This is his manager Wang's achievement.

He kept rolling his eyes and said excitedly, "Our company has several flight attendants staying at the airport hotel today. They are all relatively young and beautiful girls with many talents. How about I organize them to come and dance for the comrades?" Dance, sing and interact with each other? Oh, the girls in our ground service department are also pretty good, they are all graduates from key universities."

Li Zhan was stunned for a moment, and subconsciously looked at Fade Chen, his eyes talking.

Li Zhan: Where is this guy, the Madam?

Chen Fei: Yeah, like a pimp.

"No, no, no, it's vulgar, it's vulgar, Manager Wang, there's no need to bother people." Li Zhan quickly said with a smile, "That's the main reason. I heard how many JJ6s does your airline have?"

Manager Wang didn’t know what was going on and replied, “Yes, the company was entrusted by the General Administration to set up a training class at Gaoqi Airport, mainly to undertake the primary flight training for students from the Civil Aviation Aviation School. There are several J6s stationed here permanently. "

Li Zhan said with a smile, "We plan to borrow two of them for a night flight show. We still have time."

"Air show?" Manager Wang was very surprised.

Your family flies planes during parties!

No wonder Manager Wang was as surprised as if he had seen a ghost. Airlines have many planes, but at least he has never seen a company use planes for a certain event to perform. Isn't it just a little Spring Festival party? Dance and sing for you big-head soldiers to see beautiful women and develop into wives if possible. It can be regarded as our airline sending wives to the troops, but you have to fly a plane and perform a performance to celebrate During the Spring Festival, this is a bit counter-routine!

This is not a small matter, it is a big deal for Manager Wang.

Chujiao Liu is indeed not worth much, maybe one or two million...

The key is that this thing is the company's operating tool. It is to undertake the teaching and training tasks of civil aviation schools and to seek profits. To put it bluntly, as soon as the piston propeller engine installed on the nose is started, there must be profit. This matter has gone beyond Manager Wang's authority.

When he was thinking about declining, Manager Wang suddenly saw several leaders still chatting and laughing there. Obviously this matter has been discussed and decided. Now it depends on whether he can help.

This made Manager Wang feel embarrassed.

Manager Liu from the airport came over and said to Manager Wang with a smile, "Xiao Wang, please report this matter to your company's management. Our airport will also contribute, and one month's rent for the maintenance hangar will be waived."

Manager Liu said hello to Li Zhan and Chen Fei and left again, without even looking at Manager Wang. A large airport like Gaoqi Airport is too rich to afford airlines, so you have to suffer the consequences of whoever wants to show you off.

As soon as these words came out, Manager Wang breathed a sigh of relief and said to Li Zhan with an embarrassed smile, "Major Li, it's not that I don't want to help. It's true that this is beyond my scope of authority. But now that we have the conditions of the airport, I think the company management will definitely agree, please wait a moment, I will call for instructions immediately."

Li Zhan and Chen Fei didn't take it seriously. If it didn't work, they were going to fly the Y-8 logistics plane to perform some demonstrations, but it would be harder to get approval for this.

"How come you haven't forgotten the sixth grade of junior high school?" Li Zhan asked.

Chen Fei smiled and said, "If you forget anything, you can't forget Junior Grade 6. Don't worry, I have memorized all the subjects and movements that I trained in Grade 5 in the past. Even if my brain breaks down, I won't forget it."

Li Zhan said, "Let's design the two-plane flight show to be exciting. I think we need to add some confrontational elements. The stunts must include flying a few, flying upside down, stacking Arhats, etc. Oh, and also, at night. In order to give the audience a good visual experience during flight, some light-emitting devices must be installed. This requires the help of their airline company to find materials..."

The two of them discussed it non-stop.

They never thought about the possibility that the airline would refuse to borrow the plane. Neither Li Zhan nor Chen Fei is a three-year-old child. As long as the airline's management has no brains, they will not refuse such an opportunity. Looking at this matter from the airline's perspective, basically getting the opportunity to provide some help to the military aircraft in this unexpected danger is a pie on their heads. If they don't grasp it firmly and draw inferences from one example, the impact will be magnified. That's what you call a fool.

Maybe in the future, if we have the opportunity to set up a "military-civilian joint construction unit" with the Air Force, that would be awesome.

Therefore, Li Zhan and Chen Fei are not worried that the airline will not help, but are worried that the airline will put forward other additional conditions or be too helpful.

Manager Wang came back with a smile on his face and said hurriedly, "Major Li, Commander Chen, our company will fully cooperate. All six JJ-6s in this field will be provided to the troops. The company leaders have authorized me, so we must do our best." Cooperate with the troops to complete this party!"

It was really helpful.

Li Zhan said with a smile, "Two planes are enough. We will make some ornamental modifications to the planes soon..."

Before he could finish speaking, Manager Wang patted his chest and said, "Major Li, you make your request and I will be responsible for implementing it!"

Li Zhan and Chen Fei laughed.

It was such a small thing, just a small get-together. Li Zhan really never thought of disturbing so many people. For them, it was a bad thing that J-16 No. 1616 was damaged. It was very helpless to have to carry out emergency repairs on the aircraft at the civil aviation airport. The visible environment was quite good, but in their hearts they always felt that this was A very painful thing.

Flying a plane a few times and performing a simple show to celebrate the Spring Festival is a very common thing, and it can be said to be a joy in the midst of hardship. I didn’t expect that the airline would act like an air show at an aviation festival.

PS: Hahaha! I remembered what a member of the armed forces said when we were recruiting female soldiers, and I couldn't help but laugh out loud.

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