Great Power Fighting Falcon

Chapter 506 Flying over Hongla Navigation Station

A famous actor once said: Even a piece of toilet paper has its use.

From the perspective of objective idealism theory, the existence of anything has its necessity and the logic of its existence, but it does not mean that it has the rationality of its existence, such as criminals. To see the existence of a certain thing, we usually need to consider the background of reality. It is generally believed that things that appear in the trajectory of historical development are bound to appear, such as wars, but this does not mean that wars are reasonable.

Specific to the upgrading of weapons and equipment, we can generally believe that just because second-generation aircraft are inferior to third-generation aircraft, we cannot deny their existence or the significance of their past existence. More specifically, the fact that the J-11 cannot defeat the J-10 does not mean that the former has lost its meaning and logic.

From the perspective of national defense strategy, the J-11 and J-10 are both important components of national defense forces in the current era, and they have their own focused tactical tasks.

However, we cannot simply think that the two are not comparable.

As Li Zhan believes, from the perspective of subjective idealism, the J-11 will definitely encounter the F-16 in the future, and the J-11 will definitely defeat the F-16. Just as there is bound to be a war between China and the United States, when the conflicts are irreconcilable and they must go to war, it is just unknown whether the war will happen fifty years from now or a hundred years from now.

As soldiers, what Li Zhan should and can do is to continuously enhance their combat effectiveness and be ready to fight with the enemy and annihilate all invading enemies in order to defend the territorial sovereignty, unity and integrity of the motherland.

Based on these considerations, Li Zhan valued the tactical methods and related thinking derived from confrontation. From this perspective, the upcoming confrontation exercises with friendly forces are of great significance.

After three days of confrontation and joint training, the communication pilot group composed of Li Zhan, Chen Fei, Han Hongjun and Li Zixin achieved the goal of enhancing their tacit understanding of cooperation. After a full day of rest and preparation, the superiors officially issued the received the order to set off for the military exchange group.

On the last day of January 2012, the ninth day of the Lunar New Year, the military exchange group was ordered to take off at 10:30 am. At 8 o'clock Beijing time, the sky has become darker in the eastern region, but the area where Duda Station is located is still in pre-dawn darkness.

Li Zhan and the other four pilots got up as required and immediately began to sort out their personal belongings and items they needed to carry. I use a standard handbag, which is soft and large in capacity. Relevant items distributed by superiors in accordance with regulations and items for personal use. However, even personal items are subject to requirements. Superiors will issue a detailed list. Items outside the list are not allowed to be carried, such as gadgets such as ear picks. Son.

Guo Beimu accompanied the heads of relevant departments of the military region who made a special trip to inspect the carrying bags of the four pilots and their clothing. The detail is down to whether the edges of the armband are perfectly aligned. The level of detail makes you want to count the hairs on your head.

This kind of experience is common for soldiers.

When it came time to check the guns he carried with him, the department head was especially serious. After checking each gun repeatedly to confirm that there were no live ammunition and no malfunctions, he watched Li Zhan and others put them into the fast-moving holsters around their waists and button them one by one. From the moment you button it up, you can no longer use the gun.

This military exchange has a collaborative exercise mission, so the pilots are required to set off in combat attire. Since it is combat attire, it must be carried out strictly in accordance with the requirements of combat attire. You cannot say that because you are leaving the country, you should not wear a sidearm. There is no such provision in the disciplinary regulations.

Of course live ammunition is not allowed.

After these tasks were completed, all members of the military exchange group gathered in the flight briefing room. A working group jointly formed by the military and local inspection and quarantine departments was already waiting to begin inspection and quarantine of all members of the military exchange group. After completing this link, members of the military exchange group cannot move around at will. They must follow the process and move from level to level.

They will also have to go through such a process when they return to China in a few days, especially inspection and quarantine, to prevent accidentally bringing back viruses from abroad.

For those who have gone abroad for exchanges, this process is very familiar. It is similar every time. In fact, it is no different from what ordinary people do when traveling abroad for business.

Except for Li Zhan and other four pilots, all the others took Y-8 to fly to Start Air Force Base. This maneuver method is also commonly used in previous exercises with friendly forces. There is a very mature communication mechanism to ensure smooth operation.

According to the arrangement, Li Zhan led three J-11Bs to escort the Yun-8 there. In view of this, all J-11Bs take off with full fuel, and the Yun-8, in addition to carrying necessary equipment, is also full of fuel. They can fly four thousand kilometers in one breath, reaching the maximum transition radius.

The Yun-8 taxied for more than two thousand meters and then pulled away from the land. It was not until it climbed to six thousand meters that Li Zhan led three J-11Bs to take off continuously in a two-plane formation and rushed to join the Yun-8 and form a formation.

The formation flew at an altitude of 6,000 meters, and the Everest Mountains to the southwest were higher than their flight altitude. From the air, they looked like a wall blocking them.

Lazhi gave the command to climb to 7,000 meters, and the formation climbed steadily to 7,000 meters and flew towards the last navigation station. As we all know, the navigation station is an important guarantee for aircraft navigation. Simply put, the ground navigation station is like a complex of road signs, road signs, and instructions on the highway. Its purpose is to provide a reference object for the aircraft-to let the pilot know where he is.

Generally speaking, the well-known navigation station is the airport navigation station, which is often referred to as long-range navigation station and short-range navigation station. It is an important auxiliary facility for aircraft takeoff and landing. It is usually deployed at both ends of the runway. Long-range navigation station is generally at a distance of The runway is seven to eight kilometers, and the short-range navigation station is usually two or three kilometers.

When Li Zhan and the others landed, they often said phrases like "seven kilometers is good" and "eight kilometers is good" in their communication with the tower, which meant to tell the tower that the pilot had confirmed his position, and his position was on the long-range navigation Near the station - the aircraft flew over the remote navigation station, proving that there was no deviation. The navigation station near the airport is also an important part of the blind landing assistance system and is a support facility to assist pilots in landing without sight.

The reason why Li Zhan's blind landing on the road was extremely difficult was because there was no auxiliary equipment on the ground that could help him confirm key information such as the position and altitude of the fighter plane. The flight parameters generated when he landed were important reference data for subsequent pilots.

In addition to the navigation stations near the airport, there are also navigation stations deployed on the ground where the route passes, which are important support facilities to ensure that the flight follows the correct heading and route. For example, not long ago, Li Zhan and Chen Fei returned from the Forgotten Reef. The Seventh Navigation Station they passed before entering the Pearl River Delta region was this type of facility. If Li Zhan cannot receive data from the Seventh Navigation Station, it means that he has deviated. .

In addition, there is another type of navigation station that is very important, that is, the navigation station deployed in border areas is responsible for providing navigation information for domestic and international flights, and is also the handover point for domestic and overseas flight management.

At this time, the Hongla navigation station that Li Zhan and the others were about to fly over was such a navigation station.

It should be pointed out that the military and local navigation stations are two independent systems, also known as military navigation stations and civilian navigation stations. The former belongs to the air force establishment unit, and the latter belongs to the civil aviation system.

Hongla Navigation Station, not Hongla Navigation Station, because this point is larger than ordinary navigation stations. It is much larger and has a much higher level. It is the scale of the station. Almost all international flights to and from West Asia, Europe, and Africa must start from this navigation station. Overflying, the station provides the last navigation within the territory, and is also a point where management rights are handed over to overseas airspace intelligence areas.

Navigation stations near the airport are all deployed underground. To put it bluntly, they are underground buildings with the roof slightly above the ground. This is to avoid collisions with aircraft. However, navigation stations such as Hongla Navigation Station are generally constructed at high altitudes, which helps to increase the detection distance and range of radar.

Hongla Navigation Station is the highest altitude navigation station in the country and the highest altitude navigation station in the world.

This is the reason why he ordered the formation to climb to 7,000 meters. Above 8,000 meters, it is a route for civil aviation flights, which is generally not occupied by troops. However, below 7,000 meters, entry aircraft are usually not allowed to be used.

The radio data sent by the two points of the Hongla Navigation Station was received by Li Zhan. His fighter plane was the intersection point of the "lines" sent by the two points. Then he could know his specific position very clearly and accurately. You will know the specific location of the formation and its positional relationship with the Hongla Navigation Station.

Why second-generation aircraft cannot do without ground guidance is because they do not have independent external perception capabilities. The standards for third-generation aircraft include external perception capabilities. For example, they can rely on airborne equipment to confirm their own position, which is very critical in combat.

The Hongla Navigation Station is famous around the world. Since the 1960s, our officers and soldiers have built this navigation station at an altitude of 4,100 meters. It has performed many major support tasks and is a heroic station. At the annual Spring Festival Gala, the host, on behalf of the people across the country, pays New Year greetings to the military commanders and soldiers who guard the border. The one in front is this heroic station guarding the "crossroads" plateau.

At this time, it was not Li Zhan's turn to contact the Hongla Navigation Station. Instead, Tang Guozheng on board the Yun-8 said hello to the comrades of the Hongla Navigation Station on behalf of the entire military exchange group. This was a practice that had lasted for decades. The biggest Leaders' special planes flying over here must greet each other personally.

Just a few minutes after bidding farewell to the Hongla Navigation Station, the formation entered the Basij territory, above a barren mountainous area, where the buildings of the Hongla Port could even be overlooked.

The military exchange team officially started their five-day exchange trip.

PS: As the old saying goes, don’t substitute reality. A red jellyfish is a red jellyfish. If you insist on treating it as a Khunjerab, you will make a mistake.

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