Great Power Fighting Falcon

Chapter 514: Throttle to the end and leave the rest to the engine

Obviously, Li Zhan got an answer he didn't want to face. It can be clearly seen from the fact that the J-15s being used by the troops for training do not even have paint, there are still some problems that have not been resolved.

From this perspective, the first generation of Flying Shark pilots were extremely courageous. They risked their lives and created the history of our military's fighter jets on ships.

Li Zhan didn't express much. That night he dived into the simulated cockpit for simulated takeoff and landing training. Zhang Xueyang and Tang Leilei provided a lot of help, and they took turns acting as his instructors. The phenomenon of mutual instructors is relatively common in the Air Force. Some pilots are good at this subject, and some pilots are good at other subjects. It is an old tradition for each other to pull each other's sleeves and make progress together.

Which company does not have a support group? The first team will build up the team behind and make progress together.

No matter how powerful Li Zhan is, he has never flown a carrier-based fighter jet or conducted short-distance ski jump takeoff training. Although Tang Leilei is his old subordinate, he is ahead of the curve in this regard.

Even though several ports in the Bohai Sea were freezing, there was no snowfall. This shows that God is in favor. After completing a week of theoretical consolidation and simulation cabin training, Li Zhan was officially approved to enter the practical stage.

He had to fly the J-15 for a few practice sorties before he could fly the No. 037 J-7EGG (H) light carrier-based fighter.

"After you are ready, you have to watch the takeoff assistant's gestures. His right hand points towards the nose of the aircraft. Then you release the brakes and the wheel block will be retracted at the same time. The engine will do the rest." Boarding. Zhang Xueyang has repeatedly emphasized this point before.

Li Zhan still wore an old-fashioned black flight jacket and blue cotton trousers. I heard that the flying shark-specific training flight suit flight equipment will be finalized soon and will be distributed soon. By then, everyone will no longer have to wear the original Air Force uniforms.

It should be noted that among the dozens of quasi-flying sharks, more than half are from the Air Force...

Some people say that without the unconditional support of the Air Force, it is impossible for the HNA force, especially HNA's carrier-based aviation force, to be established in such a short period of time. This is true. Chen Fei once told Li Zhan that except for the subject of low-altitude penetration strikes, Shanghai Airlines lagged behind the Air Force aviation units in other combat subjects.

The training standards and training methods of the Air Force aviation force are ahead of HNA.

Li Zhan nodded slightly, looked past Zhang Xueyang, and saw the foreign teacher with yellow hair and blue eyes not far away. Several teachers were discussing something seriously with him, pointing here from time to time.

Li Zhan said, "I am confident about taking off. I have flown short takeoffs several times. I am worried that I will still simulate a blocked landing."

"There's no secret to this. It's easy to take off and hard to land. Let's fly a few takeoffs and landings first to see how sure you are of your tail hook touching the ground. Believe in yourself, it'll be no problem." Zhang Xueyang encouraged.

Li Zhan nodded with a smile, saluted Zhang Xueyang, saluted the crew, and then boarded the plane.

The J-15 carrier-based fighter jet No. 95588 is parked at the take-off position. The ground handling preparations for take-off have been completed and are waiting for the pilot to board the plane. In fact, this has already omitted many of the previous preparation processes.

Before entering the cockpit, Li Zhan paused and looked around, especially paying attention to the weather in the southeast, which was the direction of takeoff. He felt the strong smell of the sea breeze and felt a little confident. Get into the cockpit. The mechanic helped him connect the headset and oxygen mask, checked each system, and then left quickly. The green vest ground crew removed the boarding ladder, and Li Zhan closed the canopy.

The actual operation is to fly solo, which shows that Navy people are not as "conservative" as people think. In fact, because it travels around the world all year round and has more contact with the outside world, the Navy is relatively more tolerant and can tolerate the collision of multiple viewpoints. It is consistent with training methods that some others think are excessive. Positive attitude.

In fact, doing so is also a move closer to actual combat training.

The deflector had already been erected, and the two wheel blocks painted red were already in place to block the two tires of the rear landing gear. The function of the deflector plate is to guide the powerful wake of the engine upward to avoid affecting the rear fighters and personnel. The wheel deflector plate serves as an auxiliary brake. Relying solely on the braking of the landing gear tires cannot stop the engine when the fighter aircraft is stationary. Reach the specified speed.

Li Zhan stepped on the brakes and confirmed that each flap position was in the "take-off" state. Then he pushed the throttle lever all the way. The engine roared suddenly, and the nozzle expanded rapidly, like a blooming chrysanthemum, and blue tail flames sprayed in the side stream. On the board, the hot wake is directed upward.

"The speed is in place!" Li Zhan reported after the two engine speeds reached the specified position.

"Roger!" The air traffic controller did not give an order to Li Zhan, but waited for the takeoff assistant's report.

The takeoff assistant quickly reported to the air traffic controller after receiving all confirmation information from each combat position: "It's OK to take off!"

Indicates that all deck surface work is confirmed to be completed.

The air traffic controller gave the takeoff assistant the order to take off. After the two takeoff assistants confirmed each other, they immediately made the takeoff permission gesture that became popular all over the country: facing the cockpit of the fighter jet, bend and extend your left leg to the side, and extend your right leg to the outside. Take a lunge stance, with the index and middle fingers of your right hand together pointing in the direction of the plane's takeoff, and the remaining three fingers making a fist while facing the direction of takeoff.

Li Zhan released the brakes, and at the same time the wheel block quickly retracted downwards, and the huge J-15 carrier-based fighter began to slide away.

The speed was very slow at first, and it looked like an elegant swan with khaki feathers starting to flap its wings and take off. Under the influence of acceleration, the fighter plane taxied faster and faster, and the runway was only 107 meters. After the fighter plane taxied 80 meters, its speed still did not meet the normal take-off requirements.

This is when the ski jump deck comes into play.

The 15-degree ski-jump deck helped the fighter plane raise its nose during the last twenty or thirty meters of taxiing. The fighter plane was able to obtain enough lift in advance. The fighter plane slid over the rocker and jumped into the air on three legs, climbing slowly and staggeringly. Li Zhan, who was pressed hard against the back of the seat by the acceleration, clearly felt his heart skip a beat when the fighter plane left the ground, as if his feet were missing. It felt very exciting.

He did nothing, maintained his fighter attitude and continued to leave the rest of the work to the engine.

The flight tower control center took over the command and told Li Zhan: "Five eight eight, hold on, the speed is up."

"I understand, keep your attitude." Li Zhan replied.

In order to simplify land-air dialogue, the last three digits of the fighter aircraft's production number are used as the radio call sign. The radio call sign of the J-15 No. 95588 is 588.

After the fighter plane leaves the land, its flying speed still does not reach the normal take-off speed, so there is still a risk of stalling at this time, but this process will not be very slow, about two to three seconds. The lift body of the J-15 is more powerful and can obtain more lift than the J-11 at the same speed. The fighter can fly very slowly in the air at a speed of more than 100 kilometers per hour. This is because of the altitude and inertial lift. But if This speed is completely insufficient to support the normal flight of the fighter aircraft during the take-off stage.

Li Zhan waited until the speed exceeded 300 kilometers per hour before starting to make the steering maneuver. It can be seen that his actions are very conservative and cautious.

If the J-15 carrier-based fighter uses a land-based runway, it can basically raise the aircraft and nose down when the speed exceeds 240 kilometers per hour. In other words, even if it takes off from the aircraft carrier flight deck, there are wheel blocks, upper With the help of the raised deck, the fighter plane actually barely reached 240 kilometers per hour when leaving the ship.

Another thing to note is that the land-based simulated flight deck is stationary, but the aircraft carrier itself has speed. Usually when releasing fighters, the aircraft carrier will sail against the wind at full speed. This helps the fighters take off smoothly. Based on the maximum speed of 27 knots, the aircraft carrier itself has a speed of about fifty kilometers per hour. That is, even if the J-15 does not move, it itself has a speed of fifty kilometers per hour. The speed at which the plane takes off is the speed of the fighter relative to the air flow, so this fifty kilometers per hour is the speed of the fighter.

In other words, the take-off speed of the J-15 carrier-based fighter jet taking off from the aircraft carrier should be the sailing speed of the aircraft carrier plus the speed of the fighter jet, which is calculated from 50 kilometers per hour.

In other words, as long as the fighter plane reaches a speed of 200 kilometers per hour when taxiing away from the ship, it can take off smoothly, and the headwind is conducive to takeoff.


The two simulated flight decks at the Fertile Land Flight Training Base do not consider the speed of the aircraft carrier itself. The take-off runway on the aircraft carrier is 107 meters and it is also 107 meters here. The heavy-load take-off runway is 197 meters and it is also 197 meters here. This is definitely not because the designers ignored this factor, but because they did it deliberately.

If you can take off smoothly on the land-based simulated flight deck, it means that there is no problem taking off from the ship, because you have the "redundancy of fifty kilometers per hour" capability.

Strict training is the core guiding ideology of Flying Shark training. This is also the main reason why most pilots shout "This question is too difficult" - 100% standard on the ship, and 100% must be achieved in simulated training on land. One hundred and twenty or more.

Li Zhan flew around the field and carefully thought about the takeoff. He was keenly aware that taking off was not difficult. The real difficulty should be how to deal with an unexpected danger during the takeoff stage. He even thought that Mr. Chen What they value most is the pilot's ability.

When a fighter jet takes off from an aircraft carrier, it has no speed redundancy and no altitude. If there is a sudden strong crosswind, wind shear or something, that is when the pilot's control skills will be tested.

Perhaps because there was no crosswind, God was very generous, and Li Zhan's first short ski jump took off smoothly and easily. As Zhang Xueyang said - push the throttle lever all the way and leave the rest to the engine.

Is it really not difficult?

I'm afraid it's not that simple.

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