Great Power Fighting Falcon

Chapter 517 Two seconds in the second training area

The first time he easily hooked the second blocking rope, and even the second and third time, it can all be attributed to luck. The same situation has happened before. Everyone was not very surprised, at most they raised their eyebrows slightly - oh, this pilot is good, or - oh, this pilot is lucky.

However, the fourth and fifth times also hooked the second blocking rope, so it cannot be attributed to luck. Everyone can easily complete a simple action according to the standard, but very few people can complete it to the same standard a hundred times and a thousand times in a row.

By the time the sixth and seventh times were left, no one wanted Li Zhan to fall short. Everyone’s attention was on the No. 588 J-15 in the sky. Everyone was worrying about gains and losses, and hoped that the pilot could speed up so that he could lift the aircraft. My heart dropped, and I hoped that the pilot could not be impatient and maintain his condition to complete the last two landings.

On the contrary, Li Zhan, the person involved, was in the most relaxed mood.

Chen Fei: This guy once landed on a ship at a speed of more than 800 kilometers per hour!

J-15 No. 588 circled back again, preparing to hook the arresting cable for the sixth simulated landing.

I don't know when a cloud appeared over the southeastern sea. The cloud was not an ordinary cloud but a rotating cloud. As the rotating cloud area gradually increased, it soon blocked the early sunshine.

The latest weather report was immediately presented to Shi Moying by the weatherman. Shi Moying immediately reminded Li Zhan: "588, there is a cyclone in the southeast, 20 kilometers away, maximum wind force 8, moving direction 320, speed 15 kilometers, pay attention."

"588 received." Li Zhan quickly confirmed the situation. This game will be affected by the cyclone in one hour and twenty minutes, but he only needs about ten minutes to complete all the training, so there is no problem.

Li Zhan fine-tuned the landing parameters according to the adjustment instructions from the flight control tower. The fighter jet slowly slid down again. The personnel in the flight control tower, deck landing management and other positions were all focused on the posture of the fighter jet. The noncommissioned officer in charge of confirming the landing gear in the tower repeatedly confirmed and reported, but he still did not relax his vigilance. Unless the fighter plane landed safely, the mission would not be considered completed.

No. 588 J-15 was like a big khaki goose, flapping its huge wings in mid-air and slowly landing on the ground. The goose head was slightly raised, looking a little arrogant.

The tail hook hooked the second blocking cable with great precision, and broke the second simulated blocking cable without any suspense. No. 588 J-15 once again touched the ground lightly and then pulled up for a go-around. This time it climbed faster. Soon.

"The sixth time!" Shi Moying was excited, hooking the second blocking rope for the sixth time. This result has exceeded most teachers.

Zhang Xueyang only has a half chance of being able to become an assistant instructor after landing on a ship ten times, not only because of his high level of military English, but also because the subject of landing on a ship is really, really difficult. Hooking the second blocking rope five or six times in one landing is a very good performance.

Shi Moying had nothing to worry about anymore. He called Li Zhan directly, "Five eight eight! You have to land in the second training area! If you can hook the second blocking rope for the seventh time, you will create This is Feisha’s record since the start of training! Li Zhan! Come on!”

"I understand." Li Zhan's tone was very calm.

Shi Moying thought that Li Zhan's mentality was a little unstable after two or three successes. In fact, it was him, not Li Zhan, who was mentally unstable now.

Taking off and landing is never a one-person job. Some so-called studies show that the success rate of landing without ground guidance is only about 50%. However, the success rate of landing in a place with neither ground guidance nor an unfamiliar environment is even lower. Only about 15%!

This is data for land-based aircraft!

Therefore, if Li Zhan completes the Grand Slam and sets a record for the first real flight training of Flying Shark students, then it will not only be him who will be rewarded, but also all the officers and soldiers from the commander Shi Moying to the following positions. Maybe not everyone will have honors such as third-class merit or awards, but you can write "Guaranteed such and such activities" on your resume. This is honor and capital.

On the contrary, Li Zhan didn't feel too strongly. Isn't it just landing on the aircraft carrier? In the future, he will have to land and land on the aircraft carrier countless times. If the success rate does not improve, he will have to go around every now and then, and time and aviation fuel will be wasted on takeoffs and landings. It's time to have a fart fight.

So he thinks this is basic operation.

Of course, takeoff and landing are basic operations. The problem is that ski jump takeoff and interception of ship landing are both new, unfamiliar, and extremely difficult subjects for our military to "carve Chinese paintings on grains of rice."

The seventh ship landing training will be conducted immediately.

The weatherman suddenly reported: "Commander! The temperature in the northern mountainous area is rising! Convection occurred ten kilometers northwest of the runway, and a small cyclone was formed due to the influence of the mountain! Report completed!"

Shi Moying's attention was not entirely on the J-15 No. 588. From time to time, he would look at the wind vane near the simulated flight deck, and at the same time pay attention to the temperature change tables representing the areas near the field in several directions.

The Fertile Land Flight Training Base is basically backed by mountains and facing the sea. However, it is more than 30 kilometers away from the mountainous area, which is usually several hundred meters above sea level, so it will not affect the takeoff and landing here. However, due to the special shape of the mountainous terrain and the perennial southeastern ocean monsoon, cyclones often appear in the mountainous areas. Those cyclones are usually very small, with an impact range of only two to three kilometers. They are characterized by extremely strong winds at low altitudes and tenacious vitality. , usually running out of mountains or the edges of mountains. This kind of low-altitude small cyclone, which is very difficult to detect, is a very fatal danger to aircraft taking off and landing.

In many cases, it can even be compared with the power of microbursts.

Therefore, whether it is the fertile soil flight training base or an air force station more than ten kilometers away, they all attach great importance to monitoring low-air flow, and immediately provide feedback when there are changes, and at the same time make adjustments to ongoing aviation training activities.

The distance of ten kilometers is neither too far nor too close. If you go fast, you can reach the scene in three to two minutes. However, a low-altitude small cyclone will generally not have much influence if it travels ten kilometers.

But it definitely poses a great threat to the landing aircraft.

Shi Moying reported the situation to Li Zhan immediately, but Li Zhan, who was turning around on the southeast sea, expressed his understanding.

Of course, you don’t come here to learn and consolidate theoretical knowledge and then let you use the simulator for a few hours. You must be well aware of the local terrain, environment, weather conditions, and even the local customs. It goes without saying that pilots are most concerned about the weather. Sometimes whether you can eat this bowl of rice depends on whether God will give you face. If God gives you a Category 12 typhoon, you can only fly higher.

Therefore, Li Zhan is very concerned about the small cyclones that often occur locally and in the area where his site is located. It doesn't matter if there is a whirlwind at mid-to-high altitude. Just fly past the turbulence for a while and rely on speed. However, the landing aircraft is only a few tens or even ten meters above the ground. If a whirlwind suddenly comes over, it will basically require the red tab on the crotch area ( ejection switch).

Li Zhan did not dare to take it lightly. He completed the U-turn, pointed the nose of the aircraft at the "aircraft carrier", and asked the flight control tower for instructions, "Tower, are there any conditions? Prepare to join the standard glide line, over."

"Fifty-eight-eight can land, pay attention to the landing signalman, over." Shi Moying quickly confirmed that the small cyclone in the north had no impact on the local airflow, and then approved Li Zhan's landing request, and asked you to pay attention. Landing signalman.

If an unexpected situation occurs, the landing signalman will immediately notify the pilot to initiate a go-around.

"I understand."

Li Zhan glanced sideways and saw that one of the landing signalmen in a white vest was ready at the landing signal post on the left side of the landing runway on the deck. If an unexpected situation occurs or he fails to hook any arresting rope, the landing signalman will notify him within one second to initiate a go-around.

This time it's for real.

So what Li Zhan was going to land at this time was another "simulated aircraft carrier flight deck training area", which is the second training area located at the north end of the runway. The two simulated aircraft carrier flight deck training areas are deployed in a front-line manner. The first training area, which is almost 100% simulated, is at the south end of the runway, where Li Zhan just trained. The second training area does not have a ski jump takeoff deck. It is generally only used for ship landing training, and it really blocks ship landing, so the second training area is a higher-level training ground in the eyes of the students.

According to regulations, if students have completed the first six simulated ship landings in a row and scored full marks in all of them, they can perform a real-life blocked ship landing in the second training area for the seventh time!

This is why Shi Moying couldn't help but excitedly told Li Zhan that he was going to land on a ship in the second training area. So far, no student has won the opportunity to land on a ship in the second training area for the first time on a real aircraft. qualifications.

The runway at the Fertile Land Flight Training Base is 3,200 meters long, making it the longest runway in the naval airport. There are two training areas, one in the south and one in the north, with a runway in the middle that is enough to take off and land any type of aircraft currently in service. But compared with the first training area, the second training area seems very shabby.

To put it bluntly, the first training area simulates the aircraft carrier's flight deck and ship building and is built in a one-to-one ratio. It is a land-based aircraft carrier, so all related supporting facilities are complete, including some on the flight deck. Some, such as places to protect personnel, even have lifts...

The second training area has nothing else except a landing area. The genuine arresting cable system is the most obvious sign of the training area, including the location of the landing signalman on the left side of the landing runway. They are also deployed strictly according to the position and proportion on the aircraft carrier.

This is quite exciting.

Li Zhan flew over the first training area at low altitude and controlled the fighter plane to continue landing along the standard glide line. The instrument display data was completely correct. The tower signalman and the landing signalman told him one after another that the landing gear was confirmed to be lowered, and the last worry was eliminated. There is no normal landing gear, and it is useless to hook ten arresting cables.

"Five eight eight, raise the glide angle by two degrees."

The landing signalman noticed the problem and immediately alerted him. Then he was shocked to find that before he finished speaking, he found that the 588 had been raised two degrees, which meant that the pilot discovered the error earlier than he did and immediately made corrective maneuvers.

Yeah, the pilot himself has no sense of existence!

Li Zhan still replied, "Understood, raise it twice, raise it twice and you're done."

He felt a relatively strong downward wind force, which caused the fighter plane's glide line to move downward. He quickly calculated that he needed to raise it two degrees to return to the standard glide line. When he made the move, the landing signal officer The same instructions were given.

This means that Li Zhan can handle it with ease.

To be fair, heavy fighters like the J-15 are not easy to land when they land. It is like driving a car to reverse into a warehouse or a truck to reverse into a warehouse, even though the acceleration performance of this truck is better than that of many cars. Li Zhan has extensive experience in using the J-11 family of fighters, especially the J-11A, which still uses the same flight control system as the J-15. He is very clear about the feedback speed and control margin of this flight control system.

For example, if the J-10 series fighters are considered as new cars using a fly-by-wire transmission system, then the J-11A and J-15 are cars using traditional transmission systems. In theory, the steering wheel of the former will rotate no matter how many degrees the steering wheel is turned. How many degrees, and the latter is different between the degree of steering wheel rotation and the degree of steering wheel rotation, for example, the steering wheel turns one and a half times and the steering wheel rotates ninety degrees.

Therefore, to accurately control fighters such as the J-11A, one needs to be very familiar with multiple flight control systems and the range and angle of the joystick, and requires a lot of flight training time to accumulate.

The veteran driver turns the wheel without looking at the wheel, while the novice driver reverses the car and stares at the steering wheel for several turns.

"588, maintain a good posture, the movements are very standard, it's over!" the landing signalman reminded Li Zhan, and at the same time he was in a surging mood.

It is obvious that Feisha's record since the start of training will be born, and it will be born under my guidance.

At this time, Li Zhan, who had entered within one kilometer of the landing area, saw a small tornado visible to the naked eye at the end of the runway. The tornado with a height of only twenty or thirty meters and a very thin diameter was actually nothing. There were even a few children. While chasing, he kept grabbing the fallen leaves on the ground and lifting them up, and then he laughed as he watched the fallen leaves being blown up.

The tower certainly couldn't see it, and the landing signalman certainly couldn't see it either.

This small tornado is almost non-destructive, but it is fatal to landing fighter planes. More importantly, the appearance of small tornadoes in the farmland not far from the end of the runway indicates that the air flow in the area is changing rapidly, especially the low air flow.

After Li Zhan lands, the second J-15 will take off for training, one after another.

Li Zhan, who would land on the ship within ten seconds, decisively spared some energy to report to the flight control tower: "Tower! A tornado appeared in the farmland at the north end of the runway, with a height of about 20 meters. There is a high possibility of low air flow in this area. Due to rapid changes, it is recommended to suspend training, over!”

This report made Shi Moying, who was paying close attention to his landing movements, startled. He quickly looked at the weatherman, but the weatherman shook his head and said: "There is no obvious change in the monitoring data!"

Shi Moying said decisively, "Fifty-eight, you landed as planned, over!"


Li Zhan didn't hesitate at all and easily hooked the second blocking cable. The rear landing gear of the fighter plane touched the ground at the same time. He pressed the nose of the aircraft to let the front landing gear hit the ground and then applied the brakes. At the same time, the blocking cable system worked and applied The strong resistance grabbed the fighter plane weighing more than ten tons. The No. 588 J-15, which was traveling at 240 kilometers per hour, transitioned to a stationary state in just two seconds. Under the action of strong inertia, Li Zhan He jumped forward, feeling like his face was about to hit the dashboard, but the seat belt held him tightly.

The entire process is completed within two seconds.

Just after he came to a complete stop, the fighter plane suddenly swayed a few times, and a strong gust of wind blew by, causing Li Zhan to break into a cold sweat. It can make the fighter plane parked on the ground sway a few times, which shows that it is a relatively strong crosswind. If it had encountered it two seconds earlier, he would have ejected by now.

He immediately reported the situation to the flight control tower.

Shi Moying decisively ordered the training to be suspended and ordered the weather monitoring department to quickly figure out the situation. At this time, Lao Chen had already gone out with a telescope and climbed to the top of the ship building to observe the north side of the runway.

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