No. 037 J-7EGGH has two airspeed tubes. The first one is the more than 60 centimeters long tube at the nose of the aircraft. The second one is deployed on the right side of the fuselage with a small wing like a door handle. , the problem is the second one.

When everyone gathered around and looked at what Peng Chubin was pointing at, they suddenly discovered that there were some traces of rust inside the pipe holes. In chemical terms, this meant that there was oxidation inside.

Peng Chubin's face turned green and white, and said, "Why is it rusty? It was fine during the comprehensive inspection yesterday."

Li Zhan checked it carefully and said, "It's not the fault of the maintenance staff, it's caused by the environment. There is a large temperature difference between morning and evening, there is enough water, and there is a southeast sea breeze. There is no anti-corrosion treatment in the hole, so it is not surprising that rapid oxidation occurs."

Through the detector, we can see that the rusted area is not large. It is most likely that moisture entered through the opening and a small amount of condensed residue appeared. Oxidation occurred there overnight, which is rust. The rusty area is uneven, which affects the air entering state, which then causes the airspeed indicator to malfunction and cause a large error.

The solution is simple, remove rust and perform anti-corrosion treatment.

Li Zhan said to Peng Chubin, "Captain Peng, the temperature difference in winter is large here and it is at the seaside. I suggest that an anti-corrosion and rust inspection be added to the take-off inspection items."

According to regulations, such a detailed inspection must be carried out after flying for several hours, so it is not their responsibility that the maintenance team did not find the rust problem of the second pitot tube.

Despite this, Peng Chubin was still ashamed and said, "Team leader, I will review it deeply and make sure to improve it. I will check everything before taking off in the future."

"You don't have to blame yourself if it's not your fault, and there's no need to review. You did nothing wrong by following the procedures completely." Li Zhan said with a smile, "Treat the specific situation in detail. If we find problems, we will come up with corresponding solutions. "

"Please rest assured, team leader, I promise to complete the mission without compromise and ensure that the aircraft is in good condition." Peng Chubin stood at attention and said.

Li Zhan patted him on the shoulder and said, "Hurry up and deal with it. I'm waiting to continue training."

"Yes!" Peng Chubin immediately started working with others.

Several pilots walked aside. Zhang Xueyang frowned and said, "The J-15 has no similar problems."

Li Zhan said, "Dongsanguai is a test machine. Chengdu Aircraft has never been exposed to similar situations. It is normal for some design data to have errors. Exposing problems through actual use is also one of the tasks of the test machine."

Cao Fufei touched Ban Cun's head and said, "I didn't expect that I just said that casually and it turned out right."

Looking at the sky outside the hangar, Li Zhan said, "This location is too special. It is estimated that the anti-corrosion and rust protection of the aircraft will be a very important maintenance task when it goes on the ship in the future."

Tang Leilei pulled up his collar, sniffed it, and said, "Yes, yes, let alone the plane after a long time, I feel like people are getting rusty, and it smells like salted fish."

Everyone smiled. Li Zhan looked back at the busy crew and said, "The problem will be solved soon. I have to continue flying. You should wait in the flight briefing room as planned. When I finish flying a sortie, sir." Cao will go up next, and Tang Leile will go up last."

"Yes!" Cao Fufei and Tang Leilei puffed up their chests.

Zhang Xueyang cannot fly the No. 037 J-7EGGH because he is not qualified to fly this type of aircraft. The Hongqi Division where Cao Zoufei was originally was one of the most experienced units in using J-7 series fighters. From the earliest model to the latest G model, they have been able to defeat the J-7 series for decades. They were also one of the few fully equipped J-7 series fighters at that time. -One of the units of the 7 fighter planes. To this day, the Red Flag Division still has a large number of J-7E, J-7G fighters and even the old J-72 models.

Therefore, it can be said that Cao Zhan is more familiar with the J-7 series of fighters than Li Zhan. The most important thing is that when the Hongqi Division modified the J-10, he was the leader who led the modification team, so he was also familiar with the J-10. However, he modified the J-11A after passing the pre-selection of the Feisha training. That’s right. , pre-selected modifications to replace the J-15 with the J-11A - there are not many J-15s at all.

From the batch of imported SU-27SKs to the domestic J-11 series of fighters, it is said that they try not to equip the troops in the Northeast. It is said that there are relevant clauses in the agreement when the technology is introduced for self-production...

Looking at it this way, Cao Zuofei's advantage is very obvious. The No. 037 J-7EGGH uses the Xiaolong flight control system, and the Xiaolong flight control system is derived from the J-10. Therefore, Cao Zuofei flew the No. 037 J-7EGGH completely. no pressure.

Li Zhan has high hopes for Cao Zhan. The difference between Tang Leilei and Cao Zhan lies in their experience. The former and Li Zhan were under the same troops, and now they have thousands of flying hours just because they followed Li Zhan in the Beiku Eagle Falcon. .

Peng Chubin's maintenance team acted quickly. After dealing with the rust problem, they conducted a comprehensive and rapid overhaul of the aircraft. An hour and a half later, Li Zhan once again took over the aircraft and continued to fly the aircraft to standard.

By the last trip, it was already semi-dark. The ground in the west was dark but the sky was red. The ground in the east was still a little bright but the sky was starting to get dark.

Li Zhan didn't feel anything in the cockpit, but the perception of the people on the ground changed completely. Viewed from the tower, the No. 037 J-7EGGH light carrier-based test aircraft took off and climbed cleanly, then completed a sharp turn with a large sideslip angle, and adjusted its nose from facing north to facing west.

The next step is a relatively long dark cabin flight training, which simulates a carrier-based fighter jet taking off from the aircraft carrier deck and heading to the airspace two hundred kilometers away to perform a mission. After five minutes, it completes the set mission and returns to the mothership. Through such a process To practice the pilot’s take-off and landing abilities.

There is a key difficulty here - finding the "mothership".

Therefore, Li Zhan must first find a fertile flight training base.

Li Zhan, who was in a dark cabin, could not detect the "mothership" visually, and at sea and in the air, it was difficult for pilots to find the aircraft carrier in the vast sea - to humans, aircraft carriers are huge, to the ocean, aircraft carriers are not even a drop in the ocean. Not really.

Therefore, it is necessary to return according to the guidance of the ground/mothership. Even in the case of poor visibility, the entire landing process must be carried out completely passively according to the instructions of the ship's commander.

What Li Zhan is going to do now is this attempt, which is also a very important training node for concealed cabin landing training.

He drove No. 037 J-7EGGH and flew a hundred kilometers inland, then continued to slowly turn left, drew a large counterclockwise turning circle and flew south out to sea. Then he continued to turn left according to the instructions of the ground tower. Level flight resumed one hundred and twenty kilometers above the southeastern sea surface of the Fertile Land Flight Training Base. From here, it finally returned to the base and began to search for the "mother ship."

It probably flew in a semicircle from the south to the southeast of the base, with a range of 400 kilometers.

As a result, when they reached 120 kilometers above the southeastern sea, Li Zhan was completely concealed.

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