Great Power Fighting Falcon

Chapter 54 Night Flight

"What's unfair, we have ground guidance, they can't have that."

Nie Jianfeng said.

The data from the tower was transmitted again, and the target data measured by the ground phased array radar was undoubtedly more accurate. In fact, as long as the J-7 does not leave the range of ground guidance, she can give full play to her role. As new fighter aircraft enter service one after another, our military has actually begun to transform the J-7 and J-8 into professional homeland air defense fighters for use, which are the air links of the homeland air defense system. As for the new third-generation fighter jets represented by the J-10, they are an important force to fight against. If the Air Force wants to develop in the direction of both offense and defense, main equipment is the foundation. In turn, main equipment reflects the future development direction of the Air Force.

Li Zhan just thought of the J-10 again. He saw a fire on the left front from a distance, and immediately reminded, "I see the target, at ten o'clock."

"Climb with afterburner," Nie Jianfeng said.

Li Zhan had pushed the throttle lever all the way, turned on the afterburner, and pulled up the operating lever. The brand-new engine of the No. 037 fighter jet roared, making a roar that resounded through the night sky. It soon exceeded the speed of sound, and the sound of supersonic flight was heard. The noise covered the earth, and people who were watching TV with the air conditioner on at home heard the deafening roar.

"Hey, just turn on the afterburner. You can hit supersonic speeds at every turn. How can there be so many engines for you." The voice from the tower came from the tower. It was Yu Chenglin. When did he become so naughty?

Zhang Wei had been in command originally, so Yu Chenglin was probably the main commander tonight.

Li Zhan grinned and had to explain, "Report to the tower, I will be responsible for attracting the target's attention, and the lead aircraft will launch a sneak attack."

"Pay attention to your speed." Yu Chenglin said.

Nie Jianfeng chuckled, "Dong Sanguai, be careful not to fly too far."

Yu Chenglin reported the target data, "A batch of two enemy planes, altitude 4,000, speed 800, heading 180, distance 12 kilometers."

"A batch of two aircraft, altitude 4,000, speed 800, heading due south, distance 30, understand." Nie Jianfeng quickly repeated.

They all secretly admired Li Zhan's eyes. He could actually see it visually from a distance of twelve kilometers. You know, the sky is full of stars tonight.

Of course, Li Zhan also got the latest data and said, "Dongguaidong, I'm leaving the formation."

"Okay, disband the formation and cover me."

Li Zhan replied, "Understood, I'm on your right wing."

They were climbing together just now, but Li Zhan soared to supersonic speed, and the excellent high speed of the J-7 was brought into play, flying higher and farther than Nie Jianfeng, and the tail flame was longer and more eye-catching. After Nie Jianfeng gained altitude, he immediately resumed level flight and was ready to dive towards the target.

Gone are the days when aerial combat was talked about in a flash, but in fact it only takes a few seconds to decide the outcome in minutes. Gone are the days when a battle lasted for hours. If it were a third-generation aircraft, the two sides would not even have a chance to face each other. In terms of close combat, the pilots of the second-generation aircraft are more experienced. But having said that, any pilot who flies a third-generation aircraft has not been modified from a second-generation aircraft.

Li Zhan's idea of ​​attracting the target worked, but Nie Jianfeng's idea of ​​not attracting attention failed. Those two eighth masters were not blind, but had better eyesight. They had discovered their intentions long ago.

Compared with climb and speed?

You have to call me daddy.

As soon as Nie Jianfeng saw the target suddenly pulling out two long tail flames, which were very eye-catching in the night sky, his heart sank. Their climbing and speed are better than yours, and they can hit twice the speed of sound at any time.

"Dong Sanguai, let's fight for the bayonet." Nie Jianfeng said.

Li Zhan also saw it and sighed in his heart, "I understand, I'll go first."

As he spoke, he pressed the control stick fiercely, and aircraft No. 037, which had not yet leveled off, roared and dived towards the climbing target. At this time, Li Zhan still had a high altitude advantage, and diving could bring more speed. When his airspeed reached Mach 1.5, the fuselage was shaking and felt like it was about to fall apart.

This strength is nothing to the J-7.

The two commanders of the Fifth Regiment probably rarely encountered an opponent with such a fierce fighting style. There was a moment of hesitation, but by the time they started to react, Li Zhan had already reached within five kilometers and occupied an attacking position. Generally speaking, it can be determined that Li Zhan has won the initiative at this time.

However, the two drivers who drove Ba Ye were not freeloaders. The two Huakai quickly separated, one rolled sideways to make an evasive maneuver, and the other speeded in the opposite direction, heading straight for Nie Jianfeng.

They don't take you seriously at all, and don't even want a two-on-one situation.

In terms of maneuverability, the eighth master is not far behind. Although it is slightly worse than the seventh master, it is only slightly worse.

The four fighter planes fought in the night sky for a while. Nanzhi ordered the training to end and everyone returned to their homes. The tower then ordered the fighters to return to the field.

"I always feel that we were shot down before the fight." Li Zhan said this nonsense on the way back to the field.

Nie Jianfeng was surprised, "How do you say that?"

"They have fire control radar. If there is a real fight, there is no need to enter the fifteen-kilometer range." Li Zhan said.

Nie Jianfeng said, "What we are doing tonight is a search attack. They are mainly doing radar searches, and we are mainly practicing visual attacks. It doesn't matter whether we win or lose, as long as we gain something."

That being said, if the army doesn’t talk about winning or losing, is it still called an army?

In the tower, Yu Chenglin sneered and said, "This kid is quite self-aware."

Zhang Wei shook his head helplessly, "There is nothing we can do about it. The fifth regiment has the equipment advantage and can fire medium-range bombs at a position of fifteen kilometers. The skills are not as good as those of others, haha, equipment technology."

"It's not bad to win back a round in the fight," Yu Chenglin said.

Zhang Wei smiled bitterly, "It's just a bit expensive for the engine."

"There is no economic calculation in a war." Yu Chenglin said, "Li Zhan is a brave guy with excellent skills. He has almost fully utilized the advantages of the J-7. I guess I taught the Fifth Regiment a lesson tonight."

Patting the table, Yu Chenglin ordered, "Cheer up, everyone, the second batch will take off."

Zhang Wei immediately gave the takeoff instructions to the second batch of night training fighters. Another batch of two SU-27s and a batch of two J-7s took off. The previous process was repeated. In this hot summer, people could not see Fighting wits and courage in the night sky to practice the ability to kill the enemy.

Since the 1990s, the Second Division has had a requirement and a goal that has been implemented to this day, and has been achieved long ago.

It is a model in peacetime and a fist in wartime. These are the requirements of the Second Division for itself; lift off all territory, reach all airspace, and operate all-weather. The "three completes" construction goals have also been equipped with all-weather combat type J-7 and J-7. The goal was achieved after -8.

Such a unit is determined not to allow its training to slacken even a little bit. For example, when conducting night flights, one can obviously take off with a single plane, but it requires a two-plane formation to take off, which not only increases the difficulty, but also increases the risk. This also shows that Qi Hong, as the new division commander, has fully accepted the management philosophy of his teacher Zhang Sihai, which is that strict military training is extremely close to actual combat.

Undoubtedly, this is what Li Zhan likes to see. Everyone can fly more and make money together.

When returning to the field, you cannot land in a two-plane formation. You will not become fat with one bite. Training must be done step by step. Excessive force can easily cause problems.

"Yes, as long as it is combat duty and combat training, Li Zhan will always encounter some problems when landing, but tonight there will be no..." Zhang Wei said with a smile.

"Nonsense." Yu Chenglin's heart suddenly became anxious and he said.

But if you think about it carefully, it is indeed the case!

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