Great Power Fighting Falcon

Chapter 581 ?Need stronger psychological quality

Chapter 581 Needing stronger psychological quality

The Fenier optical landing assist system is deployed on the left side of the extended center line of the landing runway and is installed on an independent platform on the port side, which can greatly reduce the impact of the mothership's sway on the equipment.

Li Zhan discovered that Tang Leilei's obvious problem during the landing was that he veered to the left. When Li Zhan flew the fighter around again, he said to Tang Leile, "Your main problem is that you don't have a good grasp of the left and right positions. It's because you are too Pay attention to Phinnier, your focus is all on Phinnier, and you are pulled towards it by your subconscious mind and miss the time to adjust.”

After thinking about it, Li Zhan said, "After the training is over, I will look at the car's taillights and practice my positioning under night lights."

"Car taillights?" Tang Leilei was surprised, "Is it useful to stare at the car's taillights?"

Li Zhan smiled and said, "It has a certain effect. After doing so many night flights, you should be able to find the trick quickly. The main thing is to relax."

"I understand, Vice President." Tang Leile took a deep breath to adjust his mentality.

In fact, land-based training is far less difficult than on-ship training, and it absolutely cannot replace ship-based training. The same is true for night-time ship landing training. The land-based training area will not move. Objectively, the place that appears in the pilot's field of vision is larger, which has a stabilizing effect on the pilot's psychology. You will subconsciously think that even if you make a mistake, you will not fall, so you will be very confident and relaxed in maneuvering. The situation at sea is completely different, and the pilot's psychological pressure will soar.

"Look, we have entered the glide path range." Li Zhan came down along the landing route and saw the green reference light on the left, reminding Tang Leile.

Tang Leilei said, "Confirm, the left benchmark green light is on."

"The sliding angle is too small, fine-tune it to the right and upward." Li Zhan demonstrated and explained, "At this time, you must be very careful and use gentler movements than your wife, but the speed cannot be slow."

Tang Leilei's eyes moved quickly back and forth between the lights of the Finier optical landing assist system and the instrument panel, constantly confirming the indicator lights and flight data on the instrument panel. At the same time, guidance from the landing commander came from the headset from time to time. instruction. Pilots need to process this information simultaneously, and they need to pay close attention to changes in wind strength and direction. At this time, Tang Leilei still needed to observe Li Zhan's manipulation and compare it with Zhan's own manipulation to find out the shortcomings.

He naturally understood what Li Zhan meant - he needed to be quick and gentle when making adjustments. The small landing area means that the relative position of the fighter aircraft is small, and the pilot must place himself in a more accurate position in order to complete a precise landing.

The flying sharks call themselves dancers on the tip of a knife. They want to condense all the activities at the huge airport onto the small flight deck, completing the movements with the precision of a needle and the tightness of gear bites. Failure to be careful can lead to disaster.

"Keep it up! Very good!"

The landing commander said loudly, and Tang Leilei realized that the fighter plane's attitude had been adjusted to perfection. Li Zhan touched down for the second go-around. This time he let the main landing gear slide for dozens of meters before pulling it up. It was a standard Go-around maneuver after landing. Tang Leilei clearly realized that his consciousness had not been able to keep up with the rhythm well, so he was in a hurry.

After Li Zhan pulled up the fighter plane, he said, "Don't worry about the accuracy of the contact point for now. Get familiar with the Fenier optical landing assist system and then focus on the details. Are you ready to do it again?"

"Ready!" Tang Leile took a deep breath and said.

"Okay, you take control." Li Zhan said.

"Understood, I'll take over!" Tang Leile took over the control of the fighter plane.

Li Zhan said, "Go around twice and get familiar with the feel."


Tang Leilei controlled the fighter plane to circle twice slowly and quickly, and once again entered the landing route.

What kind of help can the Fennier optical landing assist system provide to pilots? In fact, it can be summed up in one sentence: use light to draw the most standard landing route, and let the fighter planes land along the standard light path.

However, it is not easy to do this. It not only requires pilots with superb flying skills and strong psychological quality, but also requires very experienced landing guides who understand the entire landing process very well.

Tang Leilei failed again, but compared with the last time, this time the progress was obvious. At least he could handle the relationship between the glide angle and the horizontal position well. But Li Zhan still clearly felt Tang Leile's nervousness.

Li Zhan used the last bit of fuel to fly a few more times. As the first instructor, he needed more practical experience. After landing, Li Zhan asked Tang Leile to rest for a while to prepare for the night flight training in the middle of the night, while he ran to the tower to discuss it with Morean.

"Commander, I want to change the training plan, increase the amount of real-machine training by 50%, and also add psychological courses." Li Zhan said.

Morenan was surprised and said, "It's not a big problem to increase the amount of training. How do you think about the psychological courses?"

"What I did during tonight's training was what I thought of. I found that excellent psychological quality is very important. This excellence is not excellent in the ordinary sense. I know Tang Leile very well. He is a person with excellent psychological quality, but he was in a hurry during training just now. I could tell he was very nervous about the situation."

Li Zhan said, "I think overcoming psychological barriers at night is as important as actual training."

"Well, Tang Leilei's performance tonight is indeed not normal." Mo Ren'an recalled Tang Leilei's performance just now, nodded slightly and said, "How do you need me to cooperate?"

Li Zhan said, "Find a good psychologist, preferably one with flying experience. The ones in the aviation medical office at the base are not very good."

Moregan simply agreed, "No problem, I will coordinate this matter. Do you want anything else?"

At this time Li Zhan hesitated.

Morenan waved his hand and said, "Tell me, don't worry about mother-in-law and mother-in-law."

"Yes!" Li Zhan said, "Commander, I want a few more people. Niu Yaoyang, Pei Lei and Han Hongjun from the 101st Brigade of the Air Force."

Morean frowned, "Who are they?"

Li Zhan said, "Niu Yaoyang is a sergeant mechanic, Pei Lei is a service sergeant, and Han Hongjun is a pilot. They are all my former soldiers. I need these manpower more now."

"Is there no suitable one in our headquarters?" Morenan asked.

It is difficult to transfer personnel across the military services, and what Li Zhan wants must be top-notch people. The Air Force will definitely not let people go easily. This matter is really difficult to handle. Of course Li Zhan knew the difficulty, but he also made the request after careful consideration. It's not that the above three people are irreplaceable technically, it's mainly because they are familiar with each other and their command is more in line with Li Zhan's own will.

Li Zhan said, "There are some, but they are not the most suitable candidates in my mind. I plan to focus on training Han Hongjun as a landing commander. As for Niu Yaoyang, I will let him lead my crew. As for Pei Lei, I will mainly train him." There is a promise to this soldier."

After thinking about it for a while, Morenan said, "I will try my best. The 101st Brigade is your old unit. You'd better communicate with Brigadier Fang Chenghe first. If Brigadier Fang supports it, this matter will be easy to handle."

"I have already communicated with the 101st Brigade. There is no problem." Li Zhan said.

Morenan was stunned for a moment and then smiled, "You've been ready for a long time. Okay, I'll ask my superiors for instructions."

"Thank you, Captain!"

Li Zhan actually wanted to transfer Zhu Wei over, but Fang Chenghe was unwilling to do so. Fang Chenghe's original words were as follows: "I already regretted letting you go to HNA. Now I can give you Han Hongjun because you have made a great contribution to the 101st Brigade. You still want Zhu Wei, what do you think?" What to do!".

So Li Zhan had no choice but to give up.

In the multinational air power military exchange activities, Zhu Wei "shot down" Japan's air force opponents and became the only pilot in the Air Force with a foreign record, although it was a simulation. The Air Force will not let him go under any circumstances.

After coming down from the tower, Li Zhan ran to the flight briefing room to have a meal and discussed tactics with his comrades who had finished the first round of night flight training. After a short rest, he launched another large-scale dispatch at 1:30 in the morning. Do training in the second half of the night. Throughout the night, the Fertile Land Naval Flying Training Base operated as if it were daytime. Fighters going out for training and returning from time to time for landing alternately played a nocturne exclusive to naval pilots.

The bride and groom’s families spent their first night in the army in excitement and excitement. When they learned that the army now conducts more and more night flight training, which usually lasts all night, they felt even more sorry for their son. . It turns out that flying a fighter jet is not that easy, and it turns out that becoming a military cadre is not easy either.

At 5 a.m., the eleven-hour night flight training came to an end. The J-15 carrier-based fighter jets landed one after another with their nose gear lights on, and the war eagles returned home one after another.

Li Zhan piloted the No. 533 J-15 to land last. After joining the landing route, he adjusted the flaps to the landing position. At this time, on the tower, the confidential communications staff officer ran over and handed Morean a message, "Commander of the Army, urgent order from superiors."

Moran'an took a quick look, frowned a few times, and immediately called Li Zhan, "533, meet in the briefing room after landing."


Li Zhan blocked the landing and accurately hooked the second blocking rope, and the fighter plane was steadily pulled to a stop. After parking the plane according to the guidance of the ground staff, the Land Cruiser commuter bus arrived. When Li Zhan jumped on it and was still closing the door, the car started running quickly.

There was probably an emergency, otherwise we wouldn't be in such a hurry.

When we rushed to the flight briefing room, Morenan was already waiting there, and Lao Chentou was also here. The two frowned at the map displayed on the tactical table.

"Come and take a look." Morenan called Li Zhan over, who raised his hand in salute, pointed at a point on the map, and said, "There is a Great Wall boat that broke down and anchored here waiting for rescue. The rescue ship is already on its way, but That boat has very important data that needs to be sent back before twelve o'clock today."

Moran'an paused for a moment, and after Li Zhan digested it, he continued, "The superiors decided to send fighter planes to receive the important data information of that boat. We are the closest, so this task is entrusted to us."

After reading the order message and then looking at the sea area where the target boat malfunction was located, Li Zhan basically understood. He didn't ask more questions, and he couldn't ask more questions. He said, "Captain, please give the order."

"There is still some time to study the flight plan." Morenan said.

Old Chen looked at the time and said, "The pod will arrive at this site in an hour. It is a communication pod that was urgently airlifted from the manufacturer. Take out the flight plan first, and the superiors will wait for it."

Li Zhan stared at the map and thought.

The sea area where the Great Wall boat malfunctioned was located on the high seas of the Qingqing Strait. The straight-line distance from the Fertile Land Naval Flight Training Base reached 1,600 kilometers. This is far beyond the combat radius of the J-15, and it cannot fly directly. It must bypass the airspace of other countries, which will increase the one-way flight distance by 200 highways. The round-trip distance is 3,600 kilometers. In theory, the J-15 can fly the entire distance with full fuel. However, after deducting the fuel required to perform the mission and the specified fuel balance, the J-15 must undergo an in-flight refueling to complete the mission.

Li Zhan has the most experience in performing such tasks and has the ability to refuel in the air, so this task fell on him.

In fact, the air force units in the Northeast are closer, but Haisi hopes to solve it himself.

Use a pencil to draw a rough route on the map. It is a straight line connected by two turning points, roughly like the elongated marks at both ends of the lying down.

Not long after, he had a draft of the plan. He said, "This is the shortest flight route. Two turns require passing through two air force navigation stations. The tanker will perform the first aerial refueling in the airspace where the second turn is. On standby here, I continue to go to the sea area where the Great Wall boat is located to receive data information. The tanker needs to join me at any time for the second aerial refueling. If everything goes well, I will return to the original route to join the tanker at the second turning point to replenish fuel. Continue to return the same way. Troop commander, Mr. Chen, how long will it take to receive the data information?"

Old Chentou said, "It will take thirty minutes, at least thirty minutes."

After thinking about it, Li Zhan said, "If everything goes well, the task can be completed within four hours. Well, this is my plan."

The simplest plan is also the best solution currently available.

Li Zhan said, "I need a tanker to be on standby in the air for at least five hours. I can handle the rest myself."

"Are you worried about a serious timeout?" Old Chen asked.

Li Zhan said with a smile, "It's such a far away place and it's the Qingqing Strait. Anything can happen. You have to be prepared to stay in the air for a longer time. It's not impossible to stay in the sky for more than ten hours. So come on. The aircraft must take off with the maximum range and maximum refueling capacity. Of course, it would be best if there is a second tanker aircraft to support it at any time.”

"I'm afraid there won't be a second one."

Morean folded his arms and pondered, nodding slightly from time to time, "That's it, formulate a mission plan and submit it to your superiors for coordination and arrangements. I'm afraid we need the assistance of an Air Force tanker. Our only tanker is two thousand kilometers away. Southeast Fujian.”


Li Zhan didn't even have time to take off his flying gear and immediately started formulating a mission plan. Among them, the flight plan must be given top priority. In normal times, such a long-distance flight requires the support of many departments and involves hundreds of various plans. It is unimaginable without an efficient command mechanism.

Of course, many procedures can be skipped in emergencies and the wartime mechanism can be operated with the approval of the higher-level command authority.

He formed a mission plan directly in the flight briefing room and reported it directly. Li Zhan had no time to rest. After eating a simple meal, he went to the toilet to poop, took a shower, put on adult diapers, and then re-equipped his flight gear. Come to the tarmac for pre-flight preparations.

PS: PS is relatively long and placed in the author’s words.

PS: 41000/63000. There are still 22,000 words left. This chapter was particularly difficult to write, especially the night landing part. It took me half a day to write it according to the technical characteristics, but it felt boring and obscure. This was wrong. After careful consideration, I decided to simplify the technical part. After all, I am not a professional, so the novel still needs to be interesting, so I have this chapter. The following plot is planned to be written after we get on the ship, but everyone is so awesome this month, so I took it out in advance to have fun. By the way, the monthly pass will expire soon. Please do it again to ensure that the first 500,000 yuan is not lost.

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