Great Power Fighting Falcon

Chapter 590 ?What did you do to my plane!

Chapter 590 What did you do to my plane!

It has been three days since the family arrived and they were finally able to see people. This gave the family members a deep understanding of the pilot's work. They could fly out at will and not be sure when they would come back.

Of course, with the special case of Li Zhan, the work of most pilots is still relatively normal. As the saying goes, those who are capable work harder. The greater the ability, the greater the responsibility. The more needed it is, the more valuable it is. Why don't others envy Li Zhan for "fighting as soon as he takes off" and "shooting him down as soon as he takes off"?

When Li Zhan told his parents that he would receive a subsidy of 10,000 yuan for the mission that day, his parents were very surprised and said that the salary for flying a fighter jet was so good. Of course they didn't know that their son was earning money while walking on the verge of death, and Li Zhan wouldn't say anything. Parents think that their sons are becoming more and more capable, so they are happy and relieved. This is Li Zhan's purpose.

There is a three-day countdown to the collective wedding. The army has given all the groomsmen a holiday. It is time to prepare and take their families to visit and live a normal life.

After walking around for a day, Li Jianguo and Ye Huihua couldn't sit still and said that they would start the final preparations for the wedding immediately. In fact, there was nothing to prepare. The army had arranged everything, but their generation's traditional concepts were relatively heavy, and the Nangang area was It is a place that attaches great importance to traditional rituals. Some links that can be cut off have been streamlined, but there are a few links that are absolutely indispensable. No matter how simple it is, there must be a procedure.

So Li Zhan left them to work.

The young couple Li Zhan and Ying Wanjun had nothing to do in the last two days. Apart from making love, there was really nothing else to pass the time. The day before the collective wedding, Li Zhan couldn't sit still anymore and said to Ying Wanjun, "I'll take you to see my fighter plane. It should be repaired by now."

Ying Wanjun knew that Li Zhan felt uncomfortable after not seeing the fighter plane for a day, so she nodded happily, "Okay, I want to see it too."

Inviting Pei Lei, the two got into the Land Cruiser commuter car and headed straight to the maintenance hangar. Pei Lei and Niu Yaoyang arrived yesterday. Their procedures were relatively simple, so they were the first to arrive and started work immediately. He failed the exam and was getting older. His dream of flying a plane could no longer be realized in the army, so he decided to pursue the path of ground sergeant.

"Captain, sister-in-law, you have to salute tomorrow, are you nervous?" Pei Lei turned around and said with a smile.

These are real old friends. When Ying Wanjun came to the team in Beiku, Pei Lei was responsible for driving to and from him.

"A bit, I don't know what a group wedding is like." Ying Wanjun said, looking at Li Zhan.

Li Zhan blinked, "A collective wedding costing billions of yuan."

After being stunned for a moment, Pei Lei laughed loudly, while driving steadily, he said, "It really costs billions, and no other unit can hold it except for the rest of the army. It is an absolute mass wedding of the century."

"A few billions? Do you need to spend so much money? No way!" Ying Wanjun was shocked. This was a numbing number.

Li Zhan smiled confidently, "You will know when the time comes."

When they arrived at the maintenance hangar, Li Zhan got out of the car and saw Niu Yaoyang and the crew standing aside, pointing and commenting on the No. 533 J-15 carrier-based fighter jet. The nose of the plane was facing outward, so Li Zhan couldn't see the side of the fuselage, but he could vaguely see that the painting was different.

"What did they do to my plane?" Li Zhan took Ying Wanjun's hand and strode over.

After Pei Lei parked the car, he quickly followed. He also deliberately adjusted the cowhide gun holster on his waist. There was a Type 92 5.8mm pistol inserted there. He was the driver, guard sergeant and staff noncommissioned officer. The cowhide coaxing of.

"Vice President! Sister-in-law!"

Niu Yaoyang and the officers and soldiers of the maintenance team stood at attention, saluted and said hello.

Li Zhan returned the gift, Ying Wanjun was a little flattered and quickly bowed in return.

"Ah?" When Li Zhan's eyes fell on the phone, he jumped back in shock.

What the hell is this!

Niu Yaoyangkang came over with a herringbone ladder and said, "Boss, you can get a more comprehensive view if you climb up the ladder."

Li Zhan quickly climbed up and stood directly on the top of the herringbone ladder, which scared everyone. If he fell down and broke the handle, how would he pull the lever? Niu Yaoyang and Pei Lei quickly guarded him in case of any accident.

But I saw that the painting was very... very abstract and very concrete, with a feeling of post-modern oil painting art (that is, you can't understand the painting at all), and it was also mixed with science fiction elements and majestic. Colorful paint that makes you look approachable!

The painting of the entire fighter plane is mainly based on the outline of an aircraft carrier, extending from the left wing to the right wing. The aircraft carrier looks like a Nimitz class, and it looks like a three-dimensional painting. Based on this, several ships and fighter planes were painted very reasonably in the surroundings. The level of detail of the painter was master-level, even the tactical numbers on the fuselage were included! The most awesome one among them is a J-15 with a shark's mouth painted on the nose. Missiles are being launched under the wings. The domineering look of it leaking out is terrifying!

The theme of the painting on the upper part of the entire fighter plane is very obvious - a J-15 fighter is attacking an aircraft carrier battle group by itself!

Looking at the side, a long scroll is outlined like a colorful oil painting, recording every danger and air battle that Li Zhan encountered in the past. Finally, three large characters were integrated into the nose of the aircraft - Good Luck!

Eighteen red five-pointed stars occupy most of the fuselage on both sides of the cockpit!

1 Seahawk anti-submarine helicopter, 10 aircraft on the Roosevelt, 1 Rafale M carrier-based fighter, 1 F-15J, 1 F-2, 2 F-5, 2 AS332 medium helicopters, a total of 18 aircraft airplane.

Li Zhan was extremely surprised. They actually included the F-15J and F-2 that crashed in a self-inflicted collision between the Rafale M carrier-based fighter jet and the Japanese Air Force!

Looking at the outside of the vertical tail, under the eighteen red five-pointed stars are eighteen side views of the aircraft. All the models of the aircraft shot down are accurately reflected.

The first thing I feel when the entire fighter plane’s painting looks like it’s messy!

But it’s so messy and refreshing!

Niu Yaoyang waited for Li Zhan to digest it for a while and said, "The technical team said that you were getting married, so they jointly designed this paint for you as a wedding gift. Those technicians are quite powerful, and these paints are said to have It has a certain absorbing function, so despite the mess, the detectability is probably even lower.”

Li Zhan swayed a little, scaring everyone into a cold sweat. He calmed down and came down. He couldn't laugh or cry, "They must have given this gift too much. It's too high-profile, yes, it's too high-profile!"

"Not at all. Look, boss, others don't have much content to design. Yours has too much content to design as usual, so they found a new way to design this painting by using oil painting and realistic sketching. We all think it is very beautiful." Niu Yaoyang said.

Ying Wanjun couldn't help but laugh and said, "It's like a girl flying a plane."

As soon as these words came out, everyone quickly looked over again. After observing carefully for a while, the scene was eerily quiet. I don't know who said softly: "It really sounds like a girl making milky sounds."

Suddenly he couldn't help laughing.


Li Zhan was so angry that his head was smoking, and he glared at Ying Wanjun, a pig teammate. The latter stuck out his tongue and rolled his eyes - he just looked a bit girly!

"It looks very much like the car paint of a middle school girl!" Ying Wanjun added with a smile.

I think that I, a tough guy like me, a dignified gentleman, who is a professional masturbator, actually... Li Zhan almost spit out his blood.

PS: 36000/72000. Ten thousand words are scheduled for today, and the next chapter will probably be around midnight.

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