Great Power Fighting Falcon

Chapter 615: Forming an army with the pace of disowning relatives

Chapter 615: Forming an army at the pace of disowning relatives

On October 1st, the Fertile Land Naval Flying Training Base was decorated with lights and colorful decorations. The officers and soldiers were beaming with joy as they walked in disbelief. They held their chins high when they spoke - what's going on, training?

So infuriating.

The entire army's resources are unconditionally tilted, a lot of time and resources have been spent, a lot of effort has been put in, and at the same time, it has also endured some doubts. The Flying Shark Army has been working hard to "dance on the tip of the knife" just to be able to stand today. Say in front of the whole world, "We are a capable carrier-based fighter force!"

Who knows how they lived for so many years? Fighters worth hundreds of millions of dollars are flying, food worth 60 to 70 yuan a day is eaten, thousands of tons of aviation fuel are burned, and tens of thousands of rod fees are collected! I'm afraid very few people can experience the feeling of being in a honeypot while doing work that dances with death.

"We are not here to prove that we are great, but to prove that all the enemies in front of us are rubbish!"

Such words are too much like the diplomatic rhetoric of "This live-fire exercise is a normal arrangement of annual training. It is not directed at anyone, but to say that you are all rubbish."

But it is a true portrayal of the psychological activities of the officers and soldiers of the Flying Shark Army.

How dare a person with no temper dare to do such a dangerous job? Go ahead and dream!

They were finally able to stand under the military flag and solemnly took over the designation flag from their superior leaders - a certain unit of the Chinese Naval Aviation Carrier-based Air Force, referred to as a certain unit of Hainan Airlines, also known as the Flying Shark Unit.

The appointment certificate was also announced at the flag-presenting ceremony of the general meeting.

Moregan was promoted to commander of the aircraft carrier and deputy commander. Lao Chentou officially served as the political commissar and grand corrector of the Feisha Army. Li Zhan took over the position of the old man Chen Tou and became the chief instructor of the Flying Shark Force. However, this chief instructor was no longer a temporary position, but a formal appointment, but his level was lowered to the regimental level. Li Zhan's own level remained unchanged.

As for the much-anticipated first commander of the Flying Shark Force, Dai Wenming was chosen. This is expected - as long as Morenan makes progress, the position of commander will belong to Dai Wenming, and there is no second possibility. Dai Wenming has accomplished all the pioneering achievements that his leader has accomplished, and he is still so young.

Cadres at the deputy regiment level and above, including the deputy regiment level, have been appointed, which means that the overall structure of the Flying Shark Force has been formed. But one thing that surprised Li Zhan was that some of the ground crew members of the Xiding Bomber Division were accepted by the Flying Shark Force. Of course, they were selected elites.

The bomber division was officially handed over to Hainan Airlines, two old H-6s were eliminated, and all the remaining fighters were integrated into the downsized regiment, and the number of personnel was reduced by two-thirds. Chen Jialiang also officially became a master-level pilot in a bomber division of HNA.

Obviously, the superiors have thought about the entire operation process. They will first take over the establishment, then re-select the elites before laying off employees. Of course, they are all good soldiers, we just need to choose better soldiers from among the good soldiers.

Li Zhan hoped that Chen Jialiang could come to Feisha. It would be absolutely fine to serve as a leader in charge of aircraft maintenance and logistics. However, he knew that Chen Jialiang also regarded flying as his life. If he could not fly, he would rather change his career. Sometimes the offensive attributes of a bomber are higher than that of a fighter.

The grand flag-presenting ceremony of the army and the celebration of the National Day were over. The only thing that made many people feel puzzled and a little aggrieved was that Li Zhan was not able to serve as the deputy commander of the army, and at least he had to be the chief of staff. Although the chief of staff is also at the regimental level, this position is far more important than the chief instructor and is full of gold.

The deputy captain has to step aside.

Everyone can only guess this: It is probably because the Flying Shark Force will focus on training in the next few years, so Li Zhan was placed in the position of chief instructor.

This guess is correct.

It is natural for Zhang Xueyang to serve as chief of staff.

He is qualified in every aspect to hold this position. As for the issue of obtaining the qualifications to board the ship, in fact, the higher-level leadership agencies will no longer impose strict requirements on him. As long as he is there, he will set a benchmark.

Besides, his level is already high enough.

The Flying Shark Force is quite special. There are a lot of officers, but lieutenants are a rare breed, so most of them are ordinary pilots. It is difficult to hold a position in the Flying Shark Force, which has gathered the elite of the entire army's aviation force. You have to stand out. There are many people like Cao Zoufei who have served as deputy commander of a regiment, but when he got to Feisha, he still behaved like an ordinary pilot.

Looking at it this way, Li Zhan is not wronged.

The chief instructor is naturally related to teaching and training, and of course also takes into account combat training. It is well known that Li Zhan cannot do administrative work. When he was setting up the Falcon Brigade in Beiku, he did not care about anything except calculating everyone's rod fees personally. Xue Dapao helped him manage it.

Knowing people well and assigning them well is the talent of a leader. Putting war-trained talents like Li Zhan in management positions is a waste. After much consideration, letting him be responsible for leading new people can best fully play his role and take into account war training at the same time. It is perfect. . Of course the cabin crew wanted to take the people back. For them, Li Zhan was just a guest star when he came to Hainan Airlines, even if the staff was transferred from the cabin crew to the Hainan Airlines. The way of thinking of the Air Force is relatively old, which leads them to ignore the basic fact-Li Zhan is organized in the Haisi, and the Haisi cannot escape from the naval system unless the Haisi lets him go.

The leadership of the aviation department can only look at the list of members of the Air Force talent pool and sigh with excitement.

After successfully boarding the ship, nine pilots, including Li Zhan, became Flying Shark pilots and obtained the qualifications to fly on the ship. Next, they had to complete the prescribed number of takeoffs and landings, and then they could obtain the qualifications for daytime landings. Generally speaking, several types of carrier-based flight qualifications are ultimately defined by landing on a ship. Having the ability to have a ship will naturally also have the ability to take off from the ship.

Ship No. 16 once again returned to port for replenishment. The troops needed to analyze and summarize the first actual aircraft landing situation and make a new round of adjustments to the operating specifications to adapt to the specific situation. After these preparations are completed, the No. 16 ship will set off again for training. The next training will be mainly based on carrier-based fighter units.

Li Zhanman thought that after completing the analysis and summary work, he could sail with the ship for training. However, after he submitted the analysis and summary report, an order came to him - to participate in the recruitment work.

"Mr. Zhang, I don't know how to recruit. I can lead new recruits, but I really don't know how to recruit soldiers." Li Zhan smiled bitterly at Commander Zhang, who ran to his office in person to inform him. explain.

The Flying Shark Troops completed their onboarding, the troops became an army, the temporary establishment was cancelled, and Zhang Yi no longer served, but everyone got used to calling him Mr. Zhang, so that was how he was called. Zhang Yi will stay in Feisha Force until the end of the year, and when he retires, he will return to the capital's naval leadership to complete the formalities. He decided to spend the last day of his military career in the Flying Shark Army. When the time came, his mentality became even more detached. He had no airs at all and walked around like a veteran, with his hands behind his back, if not for his military rank.

"Your master has led not only 10,000 but also 8,000 soldiers. There are only a few that he can like. You are the only one that he can praise. He said that if you are qualified for this job, you can do it." , His words are the most authoritative, more authoritative than mine." Zhang Yi pointed to himself with a smile.

Li Zhan was stunned, "Chief, do you know my master?"

"Who doesn't know Liu Guojian and Madman Liu?" Zhang Yi said with a smile, "There was a tactics seminar more than ten years ago. Your master and I held opposite opinions and had a very frank and sincere debate at the venue."

"We just had a quarrel at the venue," Li Zhan said.

Zhang Yi nodded, "It can be interpreted this way."

Li Zhan said helplessly, "But I really don't have any experience in recruiting soldiers. The main reason is that I don't know how to look at people who don't have any flying foundation. If you ask me to select pilots from the army to join the Flying Shark, I will have some confidence. , I’m really not sure about recruiting.”

This is not to shirk, but to know your own business. It is not an easy task to recruit pilots in a local area. Not only do you need to have a vicious gaze and the ability to analyze and judge, but you also need to have a strong willpower to ensure that you will not be indiscriminately bombarded by sugar-coated bullets from a small group of local people.

Zhang Yi said, "This matter has been decided, you sit down."

After Li Zhan sat down, Zhang Yi became serious and said, "We are considering establishing junior carrier-based fighter pilot training, extending the training model to the beginning, and eventually forming a complete carrier-based fighter pilot training system. This year's recruitment is the first Approved, this work is of an experimental nature, and the higher-level leadership agencies are very concerned about it. Relying on the Air Force for blood transfusion is not a long-term solution, and the Air Force will not agree."

"Understood." Li Zhan nodded solemnly.

This is the objective fact. At present, the Flying Shark Force can only select pilots from other troops for modification and flight training. The training time is of course shorter than starting from scratch, and the training effect is of course better than starting from scratch. However, not to mention the Air Force aviation system, even other aviation units in the Hainan aviation system have always had strong opinions on the flying sharks extracting their essence.

What is not mentioned in the situation where the whole army is playing a game of chess, asking for people and resources to give resources is just like the various construction battles in the past. The whole country's strength is concentrated to do big things, all of which are unconditional, all-out support, and no expectation of reward. This is our institutional advantage, but if it is normalized, it will seriously weaken the competitiveness of enterprises. If it is the military, the military will of course also have a dependence mentality, which will be counterproductive to improving combat capabilities.

Therefore, after the first batch of pilots successfully boarded the ship, higher-level leadership agencies should put the primary training of carrier-based fighter pilots on a daily basis.

"The Air Force allows us to pick first, and Hainan Airlines will of course give you priority as flying sharks. My request is to try to ensure that there is a group of people who complete the primary stage. You have a heavy burden on your shoulders." Zhang Yi said.

Li Zhan said, "Four years of preparatory school plus one year of training base. Considering the special characteristics of carrier-based pilots, an additional year of training time will be added on this basis. It will take at least six years for the new recruits recruited this year." Only in this way can all the training before the actual aircraft landing be completed, and the effect cannot be guaranteed.”

"Chief, to be honest, I personally think it is too hasty to start recruiting pilots from local places now. There are essential differences between fresh high school graduates and new pilots who have already entered the army. I mean differences other than flying skills. With ships The standards for training these children as fighter pilots are traction, but I have no confidence in the yield.”

"Yield rate is not the right word to use. Success rate is more appropriate." Zhang Yi said with a smile.

Li Zhan smiled awkwardly. He did have some traditional ideas of not treating recruits as human beings. Soldiers are a special group and troops are a special class and cannot be judged by local conventional standards.

Zhang Yi said, "I understand your concerns. Our Feisha preparatory class implements a separate plan, with spring admission, three and a half years of preparatory school, one and a half years of training base, and half a year of modification, a total of sixty six months. Preparatory school is reduced by half a year. Mainly by increasing the course schedule, I believe this will not be difficult to overcome.”

"Shortened by six months, well, there is some leeway." Li Zhan nodded slightly.

He also thought of a problem. By the time this batch of prospective pilots specially recruited for the Flying Shark Force enters the training base stage this year, it is estimated that the carrier-based advanced trainer aircraft will also enter service. The recruitment time is determined after a unified analysis and careful consideration of all aspects. It is by no means a matter of snapping the head and issuing an order.

Zhang Yi said, "Your task is to select talents. When they enter the training base in three and a half years, it will be different whether you are a teacher or not, so you don't need to worry at all."

Li Zhan shook his head and said, "Chief, I'm worried that my energy will be involved. But based on my personal experience, I'm worried about whether this is cost-effective. I think that within at least three years, we will still have to draw on other aviation forces." The army selects outstanding pilots for training, and with three more batches of people, the army is fully formed and has enough qualified personnel for operations and training. At that time, it will be expanded to the starting point. This is the best plan."

The key is that there are too few talents capable of serving as carrier-based flight instructors. They can't take care of training when they can focus on combat, let alone fill in the primary stage of teaching. In the next three to five years, the Flying Shark Force will basically focus on training. While training, it will develop various combat capabilities. This is a relatively long process and is an objective fact.

Zhang Yi is certainly aware of this, but from his position, it is very necessary to prepare for a rainy day. Even if the success rate is not ideal, the experience gained in this process is worth doing. This is a strategic decision. Li Zhan didn't have such a big picture. He considered the issue purely from the tactical level and the combat capability level of the troops. Of course, he would have completely different views.

"Your view is also reasonable. In the long run, from the perspective of the overall development of the naval force, and considering the progress of the development of relevant equipment, it is appropriate to conduct the first batch of pilot recruitment this year. Don't be too hesitant and put the recruitment work first It’s a great achievement if you do it well,” Zhang Yi said with a smile.

"Understood, I will definitely complete the task wholeheartedly."

It took a long time for Li Zhan to realize it after sending Zhang Yi away. He couldn't help shaking his head and laughing at himself: He really doesn't have the potential to be a leader. The structure is too small and the vision is too narrow!

However, he did not take into account that Zhang Yi was the leader, and he was just a small lieutenant colonel. There was no comparability between the two in terms of their structure and vision.

If you want to recruit people, let’s recruit them!

PS: 9000/24000.

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