Great Power Fighting Falcon

Chapter 617: Two unlucky children

Chapter 617 Two Unlucky Children

In the conference room, Li Zhan, Cheng Da, and the regiment-level staff officer sat in a row, interviewing the freshmen one by one. The freshmen were of course excited to have the opportunity to fly a carrier-based fighter jet, which was awesome. Who doesn't know that carrier-based fighter pilots represent the highest level of aviation technology.

In the long history of mankind, only carrier-based fighter pilots have been able to complete takeoffs and landings on a 100-meter-long runway.

Who doesn’t want to work at the top position?

The freshmen who have just entered the military academy are all full of enthusiasm and want to dedicate their youth and strength in the positions that best reflect their own value. They are the kind of energetic young men who are easy to get on with. They have no resistance personally. On the contrary, there is a push. The appeal of flying a carrier-based fighter jet is simply too great.

Konghang University provided Li Zhan with a list, claiming to be the best among their freshmen. Whether Li Zhanxin believed it or not could not change the fact. He could only choose from the list provided by Konghang University. This is the helplessness of relying on others, and it is also the reason why the Navy changed the Naval Flight Academy into the Naval Aviation Academy at the beginning of the year. After the flight academy was changed to the aviation academy, the training scope was not limited to primary flight training, but changed from a single job training academy to a naval service academy.

Of course, Air Force University will not go too far. It will neither give you the best batch of freshmen nor select some relatively poor ones. After all, everyone has support in the construction of the Flying Shark Force. of obligation.

The interview was a process-like one, with no surprises or disappointments. There is no doubt about the quality of the Air Force's recruitment. After all, they have been doing it for decades. Anyone who can enter the Air Aviation University to study pilot major is a good candidate. If nothing unexpected happens, he can become a pilot in the future, so Li Zhan picked a few that he liked.

When looking through the list, Li Zhan noticed that there were two special names - there were asterisks in the upper right corner of the names.

"What does this mean?" Li Zhan asked the regimental-level staff officer, pointing to his name.

The regimental-level staff officer took one look at it and said, "Oh, this means it needs to be investigated, and it needs to be reviewed again."

"Huh?" Li Zhan frowned, made eye contact with Cheng Da, and said to the regimental-level staff officer, "Let's take a look at their files."

The regimental-level staff officer found the files of Lin Xiaoyu and Wang Lingguan, brought them over and put them in front of Li Zhan, and said with a smile, "You are not attracted to them, right? It's useless if you are attracted to them. If you can't pass the political review, you will be released." I definitely can’t be a pilot anymore.”

It turned out that there were two freshmen who failed the second review after admission. This situation is very, very rare. It can be said that the requirements must have been stricter, otherwise this situation would not have happened.

"What's going on with their political review?" Li Zhan asked as he opened the file bag and looked at it carefully.

The regimental-level staff officer said, "Lin Xiaoyu's uncle was detained on the eve of his enrollment. Wang Lingguan's father is a civil servant and was investigated for corruption last month. The school will conduct a new political review of their family situation."

Chengda was stunned, "These two boys are so unlucky."

"Isn't that right?" the regiment-level staff officer shook his head and sighed. "They have very good grades and are considered the best group of new students this year. It's because these immediate family members have been affected by violations of laws and disciplines."

Li Zhan also discovered that Lin Xiaoyu and Wang Lingguan's results were outstanding. If it hadn't been for political review issues, they probably wouldn't have appeared on this list.

The regimental-level staff officer felt that Li Zhan was a good person and kindly reminded him, "If you want them, it will be fine, but there is a high probability that he will not be able to fly a plane. There may be opportunities to switch to other majors."

The political review of pilots is very strict. I won't say anything else but just one point - what if you defect while flying a plane!

Not to mention the economic value, the political impact is more serious. Therefore, the military is very careful in the political review of pilots. Uncles and uncles with criminal records will generally not be admitted, let alone parents, brothers, sisters, and grandfathers. Grandma has it all. Therefore, the cost of breaking the law is very high, and it will not only affect you.

Of course, we do not engage in implication. If it is other arms, the political review requirements are not so strict. The requirements for each branch of the military and each position are different. The troops stationed in Hong Kong and Macao still require handsome men and beautiful women. Why? They are window troops and represent the image of the troops.

The staff at the service windows of many organizations choose good-looking ones, and the spokespersons also choose good-looking ones.

Li Zhan said, "Let me take a look first. It's really a good candidate. You don't have to fly a plane, but it can also play a big role in other majors. Positions such as aviation staff, ground command, ground navigation, etc. are all very important."

"That's the best. These two students can go through the formalities directly and let you take them away. As for whether to conduct a second political review, it's up to you." The regimental-level staff officer said.

Li Zhan asked Cheng Da, "Lao Cheng, what's your opinion?"

"Let's talk about it after the second political review." Cheng Da said.

Li Zhan nodded slightly, "Give me a copy of the information on these two unlucky children, and I will take the time to go to their hometown to check it out myself."

"No problem." The regimental-level staff officer gave a thumbs up and expressed admiration.

Lin Xiaoyu's hometown is Kusu, and Wang Lingguan's is Hu Jian's. One is in the south, the other is in the north, oh no, one is in the west and the other is in the east. It would take less than half a month to go there in person to complete the political review. No wonder Yong Guan Sanjun received so many first-class merits at a young age and became the chief instructor. Facts have proved that it is never possible to succeed casually.

"Then the political review of these two students will be left to your navy." The regimental-level staff officer said.

"Okay." Li Zhan nodded and agreed.

As long as the army has undergone a political review, it is a trivial matter whether the trainees will change their majors or remain unchanged. Political review between the military services is mutually recognized and must be done through the Ministry of Human Resources and Armed Forces in the place of residence.

Li Zhan felt sympathy. He thought it would be a pity if his two good children had their lives changed due to reasons other than his own. Of course, the premise is to ensure that there are no problems with the political ideology of the two children. The political review is a one-vote veto. No matter how good your grades are, if you cannot pass the political review, you will not be able to serve as a soldier. There is no second possibility.

After quickly completing the procedures for the Aeronautical University and confirming the procedures for the lucky few, Li Zhan and Cheng Da took the Land Cruiser commuter driven by Pei Lei directly to Beichun University for a new round of Regarding recruitment, a leader from the garrison area attended the meeting, and Li Zhan and Cheng Da had to do the next thing in person.

The environment is different and the treatment is completely different. The school has listed the best freshmen. The head of the school's Human Resources and Armed Forces Department said, "Two chiefs, just tell me which student you want. We will be responsible for coordinating the procedures, and you just wait." Take files and people with you, just as you are told.”

Li Zhan was rude and said, "Bring over the files of all students who have passed the physical examination. We have to go through them one by one."

What we are talking about here is the physical examination for recruiting pilots. Beichun University organized a special physical examination for freshmen after receiving a notice that the naval aviation unit was coming to recruit separately. Aviation University is responsible for checking, so there is no problem with the physical examination. Of course, the number of people will not be very large. Many people are not born to be pilots, so pilots are scarce personnel, especially fighter pilots.

It is very difficult for some small countries to recruit enough pilots to fly fighter jets. As a result, the combat effectiveness of their air forces cannot be improved. The Vietnam Air Force and the North Korean Air Force are obvious examples.

The school's director, Wu, immediately had the files brought in, laid them out on the long table, and said, "It's all here, and quite a few of them are freshmen at the Aviation College."

The aviation college he mentioned refers to a college jointly run by Beichun University and Konghang University. It mainly cultivates applied aviation engineering technical talents. It is a joint venture between military and civilian institutions to meet the country’s urgent demand for aviation professionals. The effective measures taken are a model model.

Li Zhan looked at the list. There were more than a hundred files, which was quite large.

"Okay, thank you for your hard work." Cheng Da smiled and said to the school's Minister Wu.

"It's not hard, then, the two leaders are busy now. If you have any instructions, please call me at any time." Minister Wu, the school's director, left knowingly. If he stayed here, Li Zhan and Cheng Da would never open the file. watch.

Personnel files are confidential. Everyone has a file. There is a strict process for file management. If a link does not meet the regulations, it may become a waste file. Generally speaking, when the army goes to pick up new recruits, they bring their files directly to the army. The files follow them wherever they go. After the recruits arrive at the unit, some units will distribute the recruits in this way, where the files go where the recruits go.

"Well, whoever's name is called will come out and gather in front of me."

A stack of files, several company commanders can take them randomly according to the quantity, and the cover of the file bag has a name. You can't judge the quality level of the recruits just by the name, so this method is very fair, and of course it also depends on luck.

After assigning the files, the names are called, and whoever is called follows them. Hundreds of recruits can be assigned in a few minutes. It is easier than going to the market to buy a live chicken.

No one can open the file before it is officially accessed. If it needs to be opened, there is also a strict process, such as issuing a file review letter, and the file must be viewed in a designated place - the file review room. Files must not be left outside, and more than two people must be present to review files.

Under the strict management system, many people will never be able to see what materials are in their files and what contents they contain. Some people may never know that there are archives, but for people working in public institutions, enterprises and institutions, archives are so important.

At this time, Li Zhan and Cheng Da were in the reading room, and began to look through the files of each freshmen who passed the physical examination one by one. It was not an easy task to find the outstanding points from the files that were similar, and most of them The files for freshmen are very thin, and most of them only have high school materials.

This makes the selection even more difficult. Interviewing one by one is a stupid method, and Li Zhan is easily unwilling to use it. With more than a hundred people, it is too time-consuming and energy-consuming.

So you have to go through one round first.

PS: 3000/16000. Lin Xiaoyu and Wang Lingguan made arrangements, and they were arranged according to the number of fans from high to low.

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