Great Power Fighting Falcon

Chapter 634 Relay Guided Precision Strike

Ships 138 and 139 simultaneously launched 3M-80 "White Ridge" heavy-duty supersonic anti-ship missiles.

These two ships are more advanced than the 136 and 137 ships. Because they were ordered later, some targeted improvements were made according to the requirements of our navy. Anti-ship missile firing was conducted during the delivery test, and the effect was very good.

At that time, because our navy was in urgent need of warships that could deter large surface ships, 136 and 137 were purchased second-hand, and the subsequent two ships were newly built.

Before the 052C entered service, the modern-class Four Musketeers were the absolute main force of our navy, while the 052B only had two ships, 168 and 169, which were transitional models and could not carry the banner of our navy's maritime strikes. For more than ten years, the protagonist of naval news has been the modern-class Four Musketeers.

There is only one 051B, the famous No. 167 Shenzhen ship. It is the beginning of the large-scale surface ships of our navy. It is the first destroyer with a displacement of more than 5,000 tons. The standard displacement has reached 6,000 tons. It is a first-class destroyer with extremely strong experimental meaning. ship.

There are only two 051Cs built on this basis (115, 116), and the construction speed is far slower than that of 052C (the first two 052C ships were put into service earlier than them). This is because the purpose of the two ships of this type is to It is equipped with two sets of carrier-based versions of the S-300F long-range air defense missile system (also known as the Rif long-range air defense system) introduced at the same time as the modern-class destroyers. This air defense missile system is large in size and was originally designed to be carried on the 10,000-ton Glorious class, On top of the Kirov-class cruiser.

With a displacement of more than 7,000 tons, the 051C was finally shoehorned in. The stern hangar was occupied by this huge air defense missile system. As a result, this class of ship did not have a hangar to store and repair helicopters, and could only fly at the stern. A helicopter is tethered to the deck, which directly affects the anti-submarine capability of the warship. This is one of the reasons why this class of ships has never been tasked with patrolling the Gulf of Aden. The long-range air defense missile system carried by this class of ships has certain anti-missile capabilities and is assigned the responsibility of defending the air defense in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region.

Another criticism is that this class of ships uses steam turbines as the power system. Before setting sail, the boiler needs to be boiled. The start-up is quite slow. It is different from the 052B and 052C two-class destroyers that use diesel alternating power systems. There is a generational difference in technology between the power systems.

It is said that the 10,000-ton large-scale drive under development will use more advanced domestic gas turbines and will be the first warship of the People's Navy to use a domestic full-combustion power system for propulsion (the 112th ship uses the American LM-2500 gas power system. The gas power system is the main power source of the U.S. Navy warships. All Burke-class destroyers use this power system, and its performance is very advanced. my country obtained five sets during the Sino-US honeymoon period and built the 112th and 113th ships based on this.)

At least Li Zhan knew that his senior sister Zhu Qingying drove the Boeing 747-400 heavy-duty cargo plane back and forth between central Sichuan and Eastern Europe. Among the cargo she transported were technical drawings and prototypes of a gas turbine that had never been equipped before.

Since the launch of two 052C-class destroyers in 2004, the People's Navy has begun to attract all the attention, and the People's Navy's dumpling project, which is expected to last for thirty years, has officially begun.

It is foreseeable that before the new warships are put into service, the two 051C warships will basically not go out to the distant sea for training. In the future, they will retire from the position of main warships and serve as maintenance warships.

The 168 and 169 ships are mainly designed to carry the imported Russian-made SA-N-12 medium-range air defense missiles and the domestically produced diesel-fuel alternating power system. They also have the purpose of testing new technologies and new equipment.

These are all transitional models, especially the 115 and 116 ships, and their emergency implications are quite obvious.

The main warships of the People's Navy have adopted this small-step method to continuously accumulate experience and technology in the past ten years, and finally developed the master 052C and the subsequent model 052D, forming the standardization of the main force of the navy's surface combat ships.

According to the family-oriented character of our people's army, these aging warships will not be abandoned. They will definitely undergo in-depth modernization and modification, and then return to combat order to continue cruising the oceans and defend the maritime rights and interests of the motherland.

Li Zhan circled and flew in the designated airspace, and Niu Jun temporarily put down his camera and picked up the control panel to operate the integrated tactical pod.

When the two missiles reached their highest point, the integrated tactical pod captured the radio signal emitted by the missile. Niu Jun quickly reported: "The signal has been intercepted and a command transmission channel has been established."

Li Zhan quickly confirmed the position data of the "Chicken Coop" and made preparations for transmission.

The missile began to dive, and its speed quickly accelerated to Mach 2 during the dive. During this dive, the missile had already flown to a position 70 kilometers away from the warship. Next, the missile continued to fly at an altitude of about twenty meters above the sea, and the ramjet engine continued to accelerate the missile until it reached a top speed of Mach 2.7.

But Li Zhan discovered that when the missile dropped to a position seven meters above the sea, the missile's speed was maintained at Mach 2.5. It seemed that the missile failed to reach its maximum speed. However, the speed of Mach 2.5 is already a high speed that is difficult to defend.

"Transmit correction command!" Li Zhan said loudly when the missile was about 20 kilometers away from the "Chicken Cage" bulk carrier.

Niu Jun began to transmit correction instructions to the two missiles, and reported at the same time: "The transmission of the No. 1 bomb has been completed! The transmission of the No. 2 bomb has been completed! All processed!"

The correction command of the integrated tactical pod takes priority. The missile will adjust its route according to the correction command. The seeker will also repeatedly lock the target according to the latest target parameters to ensure that the target orientation data is up to date.

The advantage of relay guidance is that it can more flexibly attack high-speed moving targets. After all, the performance of the fire control radar on the missile's seeker is limited, and it is far less accurate and long-range than the airborne radar. Theoretically, as long as the missile's range is sufficient, the fighter aircraft responsible for relay guidance can even guide the missile to a new target at the last moment to optimize the strike effect.

Li Zhan had already turned on the afterburner and rushed towards the bulk carrier "Chicken Cage". At an altitude of 6,000 meters, he used full afterburner and dived to increase the airspeed. These actions were probably due to the missile radio signal being captured in the integrated tactical pod. time, otherwise he would not have been able to get close and wait to shoot before the missile hit the target.

No. 81198 Lao Feibao reached an airspeed of Mach 1.2. Niu Jun's breathing became rapid. She was surprised to find that the cockpit suddenly became much quieter. She knew that this was because the speed of the fighter plane had exceeded the speed of sound, and all the sounds All were left behind.

Li Zhan's calculations were accurate and his operations were accurate. When he flew over the "Chicken Cage", he dropped in altitude, and then saw two 3M-80 "White Ridge" heavy-duty supersonic anti-ship missiles flying fast against the sea. The distance was close enough to see the huge body of the missile, even though the first stage had detached.

Niu Jun seized the opportunity to use a telephoto lens to quickly shoot the scene of the missile flying against the sea. He even adjusted the focus to shoot a video of more than ten seconds. Finally, all the shots were focused on the "Chicken Cage" bulk carrier.

When Li Zhan set the target parameters, he sent the parameters of the front half of the "Chicken Coop" to the No. 1 bomb, and the parameters of the rear half of the hull to the No. 2 bomb. The distance between the two was only tens of meters. . Li Zhan had no idea whether the two missiles could hit the target they were supposed to hit.

Such precise guidance tests the combat performance of the integrated tactical pod and missile. If high-precision strikes can be achieved, this will be of great significance to actual combat.

The missiles flying at high speed hit the targets five meters above the water. This attack height was set by the missiles, and they attacked the parts most likely to cause the greatest damage to the ship. One 3M-80 "White Ridge" heavy-duty supersonic anti-ship missile can tear apart a 6,000-ton warship. Two simultaneous hits can basically make a 100,000-ton aircraft carrier lose its combat effectiveness. It is a veritable aircraft carrier killer.

Li Zhan stared intently at the two hulls of the "Chicken Cage" that were still struggling in the water. Because he couldn't get too close, he couldn't see the process of the missile hitting. He only saw the water surface where the two hulls were suddenly exploded, and the two hulls suddenly exploded. The hull exploded instantly, and the huge impact tore apart the remaining hull. Several pieces of the structure flew out and hit the water heavily, and then smoke and mist slowly spread.

"Wow!" Niu Jun couldn't help but exclaimed.

Li Zhan was also shocked by the scene in front of him. He had fired a lot of live ammunition. He had also launched Exocet anti-ship missiles in the Mediterranean before, but those two missiles were intercepted urgently. At that time, no warships were attacked. The ship's weapons were struck, and the scene in front of him was much more shocking than the scene of more than a dozen Super Hornet fighter jets catching fire on the flight deck of the Roosevelt.

"It turns out that a heavy anti-ship missile hits the target like this!" Li Zhan also sighed. The scene that seemed to be able to destroy everything in the world made people sigh at how insignificant human beings are.

Li Zhan began to approach the "Chicken Coop" and flew around in the sky to take pictures of the damage effects. The "Chicken Coop" with a displacement of 30,000 to 40,000 tons finally couldn't hold on any longer. The two large sections of the hull were sinking rapidly, and there was nothing floating on the water except some small pieces of wreckage. The boat had obviously been cleaned before being pulled over, and there was no obvious oil leakage on the water surface, so it was quite clean.

After completing the damage effect photography according to the procedure, Li Zhan called the command post, "Command post, the angry old leopard has completed the damage photography. I don't have much fuel anymore. Please make an alternate landing as planned. Over."

"Angry Old Leopard, you can make an alternate landing at the main station. You have to bypass the air defense shooting airspace. It's over." The command post can see the footage synchronously transmitted back by the camera installed on the No. 81198 JH-7. The commander-in-chief responded to the attack Very satisfied with the effect.

The first day of live ammunition shooting has been carried out without any problems. The connection between the various combat units is very tight, and the time difference between the attack time points is no more than two minutes, which is basically an excellent level. Everyone has also seen the combat effectiveness of the newly formed Flying Shark Force. It is indeed an ace force formed by the elite pilots among the elite.

Li Zhan bypassed the air defense shooting airspace of the surface unit and flew to Dachang Station in Xiahai City, where he would replenish fuel, inspect the fighter plane and attach some ammunition, and then take off again at 17:00 in the afternoon to carry out fire strikes on fixed targets on the island. Task.

The other fighter planes of the Flying Shark Squadron were not allowed to return, but continued to stay over the exercise sea area after refueling in the air. Firstly, they were conducting air defense patrols, and secondly, they were controlling the no-navigation zone. The main force of the air force is the Bald Eagle Division affiliated with China Eastern Airlines (East China Sea Fleet Air Force, not China Eastern Airlines), of which the Flying Shark Team is only a small component.

It was 10:15 in the morning when Li Zhan arrived at Dachang Station. It had already been flying for more than four hours, and it was a truly long-distance flight.

He was very careful when landing, because when he set off from the Fertile Land Naval Flying Training Base, he carried an aviation rocket launcher, which was loaded with live ammunition, and he landed with ammunition.

A large number of Flying Leopard fighter jets are stationed at Dachang Station. This station is one of the stations with the highest comprehensive support capabilities in the coastal zone and has the ability to protect almost all HNA's active aircraft. After Li Zhan drove onto the apron, a ground crew immediately came to receive the plane and immediately provided support for the fighter plane.

A commuter car took Li Zhan and Niu Jun directly to the guest house to rest and wait for dinner. After lunch, they immediately took a rest. Niu Jun was in a state of excitement and had difficulty falling asleep, while Li Zhan fell asleep within two minutes of lying down.

Adequate sleep is the guarantee for a long flight. After being dispatched in the afternoon, it will be another day and night. His mission is to carry out fire strikes on fixed targets on the island at the intersection of day and night, mainly using aviation rockets and aircraft cannons. This makes Li Zhan somewhat uninterested. He prefers to fight precision-guided bombs, such as the LS series of precision-guided bombs and precision-guided bombs that add power guidance kits to ordinary aerial bombs.

Air-to-surface missiles and off-zone precision ammunition were relatively expensive, and he did not dare to expect to be able to fight them frequently. Moreover, low-cost precision-guided bombs would be used extensively in future operations, so it was very important to master the use of precision-guided bombs proficiently. .

Unfortunately, there was no arrangement for firing precision-guided bombs in this live-fire shooting. The Bald Eagle Division was going to fire a few air-to-ground missiles, including the use of air-to-ground missiles to attack moving targets on the water.

The problem is that Li Zhan has doubts about whether the afternoon strike mission can go smoothly. The exercise headquarters assigned the Flying Shark Squadron to be responsible for the control of the no-navigation zone. The reason is that the time and sea area where this live-fire exercise is held attracts attention, and there is greater pressure to prevent external aircraft and ships from intruding into the no-navigation zone and affecting the progress of the exercise. .

The mission he took on driving the JH-7 No. 81198 itself had a strong support component, and was not part of a combat unit. If the power to control the no-navigation zone is insufficient, the exercise command center will definitely let him take over. After all, everyone believes that the sound of mad dogs in the South China Sea is a powerful weapon for radio expulsion.

At 2:30 in the afternoon, Li Zhan got up on time. Niu Jun was already waiting in the lobby of the guest house. The two quickly rushed to the restaurant to have a meal. At 3:00, they went to the flight briefing room to get dressed, where they communicated with Dachang Station about the departure route and flight information. After the procedure, he went to the apron to inspect the fighter jets at 4:00 p.m.

The two auxiliary fuel tanks of JH-7 No. 81198 were filled with aviation fuel, and the internal fuel tanks were also filled up, giving the fighter a maximum range of 3,800 kilometers. The integrated tactical pod is still there, but the weapons are still the original two 90mm aviation rocket launchers.

It is obvious that the exercise headquarters did not adjust Li Zhan's mission. After completing the fire attack on the fixed target on the island, his mission will be transferred to controlling the periphery of the no-navigation zone to ensure the smooth progress of the exercise.

At 6 o'clock in the afternoon, JH-7 No. 81198 took off from Dachang Station, flew at low altitude through dense residential areas, continued to climb like a passenger plane, and headed towards the East China Sea with its back to the sun.

He's in for a very challenging night.

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