Great Power Fighting Falcon

Chapter 636: The Mad Dog in the South China Sea Stops Crying

Yang Fan took a bite of a small chili pepper, chewed it hard, and then drank a mouthful of warm water. Soon he was sweating on his forehead.

Gu Mingmu was frightened when he saw it, and he quickly took a mouthful of rice, as if he was the one eating the chili.

At 23:00 at night, this is the duty preparation room of the Fertile Land Naval Flying Training Base. The five members of the Flying Shark Team have meals and rest here. They plan to take off at 0:00 in the morning and disintegrate the Bald Eagle Division. The Flying Leopard Team is responsible for the no-fly zone. vigilance mission.

After flying continuously for ten hours during the day, they all returned to the base to rest, and the Flying Leopard detachment of the Bald Eagle Division took over. After a few hours of rest, they were once again ready to go. But it was less than five hours before and after, and they could only sleep for a total of two hours after cutting it off.

Therefore, most people choose to use supplementary means to refresh themselves. For example, Yang Fan from Hunan used the method of eating small peppers.

Yang Fan held a small chili pepper in his hand and said with a smile, "I learned this trick from the drivers. When they feel sleepy while driving, they chew chili peppers. The refreshing effect is very good."

"I can't eat it." Gu Mingmu, a native of Jiangsu, said with lingering fear. "The year before last, I went home from a visit to relatives and had a rice bowl with my classmates. It was so spicy that it gave me a stomachache."

"It's good to eat chili peppers." Yang Fan said, and asked Han Hongjun beside him, "Old Han, I heard that Mr. Li is also very good at eating chili peppers."

When everyone usually chats, the topic always revolves around Li Zhan. Li Zhan has long become the idol of the army officers and soldiers, and is a benchmark pilot recognized by the majority of officers and soldiers. It is not because of the respect that subordinates have for their superiors due to the position he holds. .

After Han Hongjun swallowed the food in his mouth, he said, "Yes, Mr. Li can eat spicy food."

"He is from Guangdong Province, how can he eat spicy food so well?" Gu Mingmu asked strangely.

Han Hongjun said, "He said eating spicy food is good for the skin. He was very good at eating spicy food when he was in the second division."

Everyone looked at each other, and Cheng Da even smiled and said, "It's good for the skin? Is it because of this? He still has a black face."

Han Hongjun blinked and said, "He said that he should always maintain the image of the most beautiful man in the Air Force and take good care of his skin."

"Just him? That skin looks like tree bark." Chengda laughed and said.

However, he suddenly found that everyone lowered their heads and stopped talking, with a convinced look on their face. Gu Mingmu said leisurely, "Mr. Li is now the most handsome man in Hainan Airlines."

Yang Fan also sighed and said, "If there is still a chance to catch up with him in flying skills, then there will never be a chance to surpass him in appearance."

"Yes, Mr. Li's innate advantage is too obvious." Han Hongjun sighed deeply.

Chengda smiled bitterly and took a sip of warm water, "Let's not talk about these unhappy things. That's right, what do you think about Mr. Li hitting the wrong target? I have carefully analyzed the situation in the target area, the target and the stranded small fishing boat. They are several secret positions apart, so logically speaking, they wouldn't be so powerful."

"It must have been a misjudgment, and the stranded small fishing boat was thought to be a target. Under the circumstances at that time, the radar characteristics of the target and the stranded small fishing boat were almost the same, and it was indeed quite difficult to distinguish clearly." Han Hongjun said.

Basically no one thought that there was something wrong with Li Zhan's technology. It was just a simple live ammunition shooting at a fixed target on the island. Under normal circumstances, everyone completed the search and attack visually. If Li Zhan uses radar search, it means that his combat skills have been improved again.

Gu Mingmu said, "The avionics system of the old Feibao driven by Mr. Li is very backward. It is already very good to be able to find such a small target on the sea."

None of them knew the specific situation, nor did they know that Li Zhan had once again taken off to reinforce the eastern front of the no-navigation zone.

As he was talking, Dai Wenming strode over with a telegram and said seriously, "The exercise headquarters reported that the simulated Blue Army troops stationed on Kai Island dispatched several batches of fighter planes to form a formation on the eastern front of the no-navigation zone. There’s a lot of pressure. Everyone packs up and is ready to go.”

With an order, everyone took action quickly. Two minutes later, the fully-dressed Flying Shark team gathered again to focus on familiarizing themselves with the situation on the eastern front of the no-navigation zone.

At 23:30, the Flying Shark team took off again, completed the formation over the Bohai Sea, and then accelerated to support the east line of the no-navigation zone a thousand kilometers away. Their route has moved much eastward than before, and they plan to enter the mission airspace from the northeast of the no-fly zone.

When the Flying Shark team took off, Li Zhan had already fought with a fighter plane suspected of simulating the Blue Army. There was a thirty-minute gap between the handover between the Flying Shark Squadron and the Flying Leopard Squadron. Li Zhan's mission was to maintain his presence during these thirty minutes and stop the simulated Blue Army aircraft that was about to break into the no-fly zone.

What appeared in Li Zhan's night vision device was a dark gray suspected Boeing-707 four-engine long-range passenger plane. However, this plane had no cabin windows, the nose was also very different, and there were many antennas on the outside of the plane. Li Zhan could tell at a glance that this was a strategic electronic reconnaissance aircraft that simulated the Blue Army. Its main function was to identify and monitor radio signals in a wide range of frequency bands.

It is called a strategic electronic reconnaissance aircraft because it has a maximum range of 12,000 kilometers, and the electronic reconnaissance equipment it carries can receive various signals from other countries' early warning radars and other electronic equipment at long distances. electromagnetic signal.

Its appearance convinced Li Zhan that there must be tactical electronic reconnaissance aircraft such as EP-3 and P-8 appearing at the same time. It seems that this time the simulated blue army is determined to have a reconnaissance and counter-reconnaissance confrontation with the exercise troops.

Li Zhan accelerated and ran over, directly pressing on the suspected Boeing-707's route. At the same time, he conducted a voice expulsion according to the command post's command: "PR-44, you are approaching the no-fly zone, leave immediately!"

The sudden appearance of the Red Army Flying Leopard fighter shocked the PR-44 crew, but this time they received an order to enter the Red Army exercise area for reconnaissance. Of course, they would inevitably have to confront the Red Army's air security force, so they did not Panic, avoid it immediately,

Li Zhan obviously didn't expect to drive them out by shouting a few words.

He turned back and attached himself to the PR-44 again, maintaining level flight with it. He turned around and looked over. The PR-44's pig nose was very obvious against the green background of the night vision device. Niu Jun seized every opportunity to take photos. The sharpness became higher as the distance got closer, capturing more details.

"PR-44, you are approaching the no-fly zone, leave immediately. This is the second warning!" Li Zhan issued the warning in both Chinese and English as required.

This time PR-44 did not dare to be silent anymore. The captain replied: "My aircraft is conducting routine training in international airspace. Please do not make dangerous actions that will affect the flight safety of our aircraft!"

Li Zhan laughed angrily and called the command post: "Command post, the angry Lao Bao reported that the target aircraft ignored the warning and requested to be evicted. Over."

The command post responded decisively: "The angry old leopard can be driven away according to procedures, over!"

Then, the command post called the Flying Shark Squadron and ordered them to speed up and rush to the eastern front of the no-navigation zone. Because the radar had already searched for two other air targets, Li Zhan was alone.

During the exercise, the electronic equipment of all combat units was in operation, and radio communications with each other were very frequent. Various radars that were rarely turned on at ordinary times were also turned on. This was an excellent opportunity for the blue army to simulate the collection of relevant electromagnetic signals, so they Li Zhan will never retreat easily from a confrontation, and Li Zhan knows this very well.

Li Zhan was even ready to fire a warning.

The slightly plump body of No. 81198 JH-7 once again appeared on the left side of PR-44, and the lateral distance was rapidly shortening. At one time, it was close to twenty meters. Niu Jun even felt that he could reach out and touch the PR-44. The tip of the left wing! However, Niu Jun did not forget to use the electronic reconnaissance function of the integrated tactical pod!

Li Zhan turned his head sideways to observe the PR-44, turned on the afterburner and suddenly accelerated. At the same time, he adjusted the position of the fighter with the joystick. At the same height as the PR-44, it accelerated forward from the front of the left wing of the PR-44. The two Spey engines ejected powerful airflow to push the fighter forward and accelerate.

The key is that the powerful airflow is sprayed directly at the two General Motors F-108-CF-201 turbofan engines on the left wing of the PR-44!

The PR-44 shook violently, and the captain and co-pilot worked together to control the aircraft's attitude. The captain saw a large group of clouds below, and he quickly pressed the stick and rushed into the clouds below. At night, clouds can affect the pilot's visual distance. If the Red Army pilots cannot see him, they will naturally not dare to make reckless flying movements.

The operation team suddenly reported: "Captain, the matching result of Shirley is out. She is the most threatening pilot of the Red Army Air Force, the Nanhai Mad Dog!"

"Impossible! What I saw was a Flying Leopard fighter of the Red Army Naval Aviation!" The captain trembled in his heart.

The operation team replied: "It's him! The voice is 95% similar!"

"God!" The captain had to face reality. In addition to the confrontation over the South China Sea, what frightened them most was the series of accidents that occurred during the Mediterranean Morning collaborative exercise. That accident almost destroyed most of the U.S. Navy's Sixth Fleet. The main force's losses were the worst since World War II.

The captain gritted his teeth and asked, "How long does it take for the operation team to complete the reconnaissance? We can't risk confronting that lunatic who doesn't follow the rules!"

"Fifteen minutes! At least fifteen minutes! And you need to enter the no-navigation zone for 20 kilometers!" the commander of the operation team said loudly.

He and his operational team were also very scared. All the pilots and crew members who had fought or fought against the Mad Dogs of the South China Sea had more or less suffered from some mental illness. A considerable number of them chose to retire, hoping that through this way to stay away from the source of nightmares.

The captain shouted loudly: "I can't give you fifteen minutes! For the sake of God, you'd better complete the mission within five minutes! There is no way I can enter the no-fly zone for twenty kilometers under the nose of the mad dog in the South China Sea." !”

The commander of the operation unit hesitated. If he did not enter the no-navigation zone, he would have to turn on all electronic reconnaissance equipment. If the Red Army troops had specific anti-reconnaissance technology and equipment, their own electromagnetic signal characteristics would also be detected. In this way, This strategic electronic reconnaissance aircraft has no secrets at all.

He gritted his teeth and said, "Please hold on for fifteen minutes and enter the no-navigation zone for twenty kilometers! We cannot complete this confrontation at a high cost!"

"Damn it!" the captain cursed fiercely.

The nickname Li Zhan Nanhai Mad Dog originated from the simulated blue navy navy force. Because of his extremely superb flying skills, extremely strong psychological quality, and extremely rude flying language, it left an indelible scar on the soul of the simulated blue navy navy force. .

But the influence of the South China Sea Mad Dog was huge, and the fear caused by him reached its peak during the Mediterranean Spring coordinated exercise. Although Li Zhan had no subjective consciousness at the time, the losses of the Sixth Fleet were entirely due to a series of accidents caused by objective reasons. However, in the hearts of the officers and soldiers who simulated the blue army naval aviation force, those huge losses were attributed to Li Zhan. On the head of the battle.

The nickname "South China Sea Mad Dog" became famous among the simulated blue navy naval forces for being able to stop children from crying, and then quickly spread to other units. Although PR-44 belongs to the simulated Blue Army Air Force, they are stationed on Kaidao and often cooperate with the simulated Blue Army Naval Forces, so the experience is more profound.

Such a powerful aircraft carrier battle group is trembling under the wings of the Mad Dog in the South China Sea. What reason do they have not to be afraid?

It's just a confrontation drill, there's no need to risk your life for it.

However, this confrontation mission was very important. The captain had to fly into the no-fly zone with all his strength, pinning his hopes on the clouds, hoping that the behavior of the crazy dogs in the South China Sea would be restrained under the limited visibility.

It was obvious that this was wishful thinking on his part.

Li Zhan knew what he wanted to do when he saw the PR-44 diving down. Li Zhan was very familiar with the surrounding environment. He wanted to use the clouds as a cover. He made a good calculation, but he underestimated Li Zhan too much. .

"PR-44! Final warning, leave immediately, otherwise you will bear the consequences!" Li Zhanyi issued the final warning sternly, and at the same time turned on the aircraft gun switch, and pressed his finger on the launch button.

At this time, he was above the rear hemisphere of the PR-44 and could vaguely see the tail flames emitted by the PR-44's four F-108-CF-201 turbofan engines. Judging from the brightness of the tail flame, the PR-44 is accelerating. Li Zhan didn't hesitate at all, and stuck close to it, avoiding the wake it generated, and kept flying at a speed behind the left side. At first glance, it looks like two planes preparing to dock for refueling.

PR-44 ignored Li Zhan and continued to fly towards the no-navigation zone. The distance was quickly closing, and the eastern line of the no-navigation zone was ten kilometers ahead. If you grit your teeth and hold on for another ten minutes, you can turn back and return, and this confrontation will end with a simulated Blue Army victory.

Continuing to carry out confrontation missions under pressure under the shadow of Mad Dog in the South China Sea is a great test for the PR-44 crew and operation team. They are used to flying in safe airspace and do not have to fly as close to the coastline as the EP-3 does, putting themselves in a variety of dangers. Suddenly being shadowed by the legendary South China Sea Mad Dog, the huge psychological pressure even caused some people to have trembling lips.

It was pressure, motivation and even more of a challenge. The PR-44 crew and operating team showed great courage and resolutely chose to ignore it and continue flying forward.

Li Zhan looked at PR-44 without hesitation, and a cold smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

Niu Jun suddenly said, "They still have long-range electronic reconnaissance equipment that has not been turned on. We have to find a way to force them!"

Li Zhan said, "Understood!"

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