Great Power Fighting Falcon

Chapter 642: Feed the demon spirit? My plane is broken down

The command post deployed on the early warning aircraft moved forward to provide support for the attack group. Li Zhan, the only one who retreated to the west, was handed over to Fuzhi for command. The position of the lucky finger is very important, whether in the past, present or future. This is the most important command post on the southeast coast in the current command system of the Air Force.

The inseparability of the Air Force and Hainan Airlines is reflected in many places, such as the command system. Just like civil aviation also accepts the command of the Air Force, as long as Hainan Airlines' aircraft take off, they must accept the command of the Air Force command post. For a long time, Hainan Airlines did not have its own aviation command post, and all were under the unified command of the Air Force Command Post.

This is because HNA has been a shore-based aviation force for a long time, and its use is no different from that of the Air Force aviation force deployed in coastal areas. The Navy has always wanted to make the aviation forces within its own system different and truly independent. The most important symbol is the commissioning of aircraft carriers.

The Air Force even believes that Hainan Airlines should not stay on land, except for shore bases, which is what the Navy has always pursued. If there are more than a dozen aircraft carriers, the Navy would love to put all its aircraft on board, so why bother fighting with the Air Force boss.

However, in the foreseeable future, in the aviation sector, the reality that the Air Force dominates everything will always exist - even the aviation unit of the Army's big brother has to receive business guidance, and the Navy's little brother dares to say nothing.

The kind voice of Fu Zhi came to Li Zhan again. It was still a relatively familiar voice. It was probably the commander who was in charge of commanding the H-6KZ strategic reconnaissance aircraft in Fu Zhi when he flew the H-6KZ strategic reconnaissance aircraft on a long-distance training mission.

"Old Bao, how is your situation? Next, I will be responsible for command and support, over." Fu Zhi's commander called Li Zhan.

Li Zhan said, "My current situation is okay. The altitude is 13,000, the heading is 333, and the airspeed is 1,110. The plane is turning to the left. I suspect the body is deformed, but it is still under control for the time being. Over. "

Due to the state of emergency, an emergency wave number was used. Only Li Zhan and Fuzhi were online on this wave number, so there was no need to confirm their identity every time for communication. When the command post commands aircraft, each aircraft is required to bring its own call sign in communications so that the commander can distinguish them.

The commander of Fu Zhi was stunned and asked, "The machine body has deformed? You repeat it, it's over."

"Well, yes, it should be that the machine body has deformed, but the problem should not be major. It is still under control. It's over." Li Zhan repeated.

The commander was speechless. You have encountered all kinds of troubles. You are really an expert in dealing with dangerous situations! Moreover, you actually said that the aircraft is still under control due to the deformation of the fuselage. This sounds unreliable.

He said, "Old Leopard, prepare for the worst. I'm asking the coast rescue team to prepare now, but you'd better stay closer to the coastline. The helicopter's range is limited. Over."

Li Zhan didn't know whether to laugh or cry. Is this a curse on me or a curse on me? He endured his discomfort and said, "I understand, but I should be able to fly back to Dachang Station. It's over."

The commander of the Fuzhi didn't think so. The aircraft's body was deformed, so how could it fly? Did he really think that there was a problem with the car's four-wheel alignment? How could he still drive dozens of kilometers to a repair shop? The deformation of the fuselage means that the stress on the fuselage structure has changed, and the stability of the entire structure has also changed. It may be disintegrated in the air at some point.

If it hadn't been for Li Zhan who encountered such a dangerous situation, the commander would have ordered a parachute. A different pilot would not have been able to ensure that the plane continued to fly levelly. Those who can serve as commanders in the command post are all experienced pilots. They have flown more airplanes than many other airplanes they have ever seen. Even so, they have never encountered Li Zhan's current situation.

Because of his reputation as an expert in dealing with dangerous situations, the commander attached great importance to Li Zhan's suggestions and would not forcefully issue orders under normal circumstances.

Time was moving forward nervously, but neither side of the open space was as nervous as they imagined. Both pilots and ground commanders have a strong heart, because nervousness will affect handling actions and is the most useless emotion.

The commander of Fuzhi activated the emergency rescue plan and notified the rescue helicopter of the maritime rescue team stationed in the Zhoushan Islands to be ready. The fast vessel of the surface rescue team simply went out to sea first and faced the hurricane at an altitude of 13,000 meters. JH-7 No. 81198 flew in.

This is the second time for Li Zhan. The last time was flying the H-6KZ strategic reconnaissance aircraft.

Li Zhan clearly felt that the frequency and amplitude of the fuselage's tremors were intensifying, and Niu Jun in the back cabin was even turning pale at this moment. Until this time, it is difficult to understand what it feels like to be helpless in the sky, and how precious the solidity and stability of the earth are.

Niu Jun took out a USB flash drive and inserted it into the interface of the comprehensive tactical pod, and immediately started copying all the data in the pod to the USB flash drive. If the plane crashes into the sea, the comprehensive tactical pod will definitely not be saved. It is extremely difficult to find such a gadget in the vast sea, despite the Beidou positioning device. Therefore, she copied the data according to the emergency response procedures. The pod was not important, but the data obtained by the pod in the past twenty hours was important.

Twenty minutes later, Li Zhan saw the coastline. Isn't that bright area the city of Xiahai? The brightness and scope of this international metropolis at night are very amazing and very vivid. It can even be said that such a city is not strict. Day and night in a sense.

"Fu Zhi, I have seen downtown Xiahai. It is about 120 kilometers away from Dachang Station. I just passed the Xiaomeishan navigation point. It's over." Li Zhan finally breathed a sigh of relief and reported to Fu Zhi.

Fu Zhi also breathed a sigh of relief and said immediately, "Contact the tower of Dachang Station and follow his instructions. That's it. Goodbye."

"Understood, contact the Dachang station tower and follow his instructions. Over, goodbye." Li Zhan began to change the wave number and enter a new frequency.

He was about to call the tower of Dachang Station when the tachometer of the left engine suddenly dropped to the bottom. Very suddenly, the maximum speed dropped very fast, almost all at once. The left engine lost power instantly. This process happened in just one second, catching Li Zhan off guard.

After all the calculations, I didn’t even consider that the engine would have problems!

Li Zhan had no time to contact the Dachang station, so he quickly controlled the attitude of the fighter and increased the throttle. At this time, his situation was not optimistic. His altitude had dropped to 2,000 meters, and his airspeed had remained at about 600. It was already in a slow decline state. As a result, one of the engines was disabled at this time, and the thrust was suddenly insufficient. , slowly dropped altitude, and the airspeed also slowed down.

After controlling the status of the fighter and returning to level flight, Li Zhan immediately called the Dachang Station tower, "Tower, my left engine has stopped. Please clear the airspace ahead. I want to land directly. Over."

Flying directly to Dachang Station means passing through Hongqiao Airport at low altitude, where there are densely packed flights taking off and landing. The airspace utilization at all altitudes is almost reached to the extreme. Moreover, Li Zhan's heading happens to be the departure channel of Hongqiao Airport, so he must Clear airspace.

The commander on the tower of Dachang Station thought quickly and then said decisively, "Old Bao, please make an alternate landing at Pudong Airport. We won't take the risk. It's over."

There are still hundreds of kilometers to go, and other failures may occur. The tower commander at Dachang Station had already received the situation report No. 81198 and knew that this aircraft posed a great safety hazard. Instead of risking an alternate landing at Dachang Station, it was better to land at the nearest Pudong International Airport.

Li Zhan was only more than 40 kilometers away from Pudong International Airport, so all he had to do was press the accelerator. The shorter the time he stayed in the air, the better.

"Understood, divert to Pudong International Airport, over!"

Li Zhan's original intention was to avoid affecting the normal operation of civil aviation. He has experienced that every alternate landing or forced landing at a civil aviation airport will cause long-term and large-scale flight delays, seriously affecting the normal travel of the people. Therefore, he would not consider making an alternate landing at a civil aviation airport unless absolutely necessary.

Since the Dachang station tower issued the order, he had nothing to say, although he believed that he was confident of driving the fighter back to Dachang station if there was still one engine.

The tower commander at Dachang Station had more to consider. Not to mention whether Li Zhan would have other problems while flying over Hongqiao Airport, if the plane crashed during the alternate landing, it would definitely cause greater losses. The area where Hongqiao Airport is located is very densely populated, as is Dachang Station. On the contrary, the area around the Pudong International Airport is relatively sparse, filled with businesses and very few residential areas.

The worst-case scenario is that even if you fall, don't fall in a densely populated area. It was with this in mind that Li Zhan decisively obeyed the instructions from the Dachang Station tower. He turned the joystick and pointed the nose of the aircraft in a 360-degree direction, which was due north.

Suddenly there was a loud creaking sound from the instrument panel!

Li Zhan quickly checked and was surprised to find that the communication system was broken!

"Tower? The angry old leopard is calling!" Li Zhan called quickly, but he couldn't hear anything, not even the electromagnetic interference sound.

He pulled off his oxygen mask and said loudly, "Junior sister! The communication system is broken!"

Niu Jun simply took off his flight helmet, exhaled heavily, and said, "I saw it, the line should be broken! Isn't there a backup communication system?"

"The backup communication system has also failed, and the transceiver device is probably useless as well." Li Zhan said, and simply took off his flight helmet, and quickly took out the satellite phone from his carrying bag, but he didn't know who to call!

Niu Jun was a little anxious, "What should I do if I can't contact the Pudong Tower?"

Failure to contact the Pudong control tower meant that the approved landing route could not be obtained, and the control tower had no way to control other aircraft to clear the airspace and could do nothing.

Niu Jun stretched his neck to look and saw Li Zhan holding a satellite phone in one hand and said loudly, "Can I make a call?"

"I can fight, but who should I fight? The demon spirit?" Li Zhan said loudly with a wry smile, making a joke.

But Niu Jun's eyes lit up, "Yes! You can call the police! Give me the phone!"

Contacting the control tower of Pudong International Airport through the police is a good way! The police must have a special line to contact them, and the police's help in contacting them is more credible!

The key is to gain the trust of the police - for a fighter pilot to call the police and ask for help, it doesn't look like something a normal person would do.

Li Zhan stretched his hand back as far as he could, and Niu Jun simply unbuckled his seat belt and went over to take the satellite phone. When he sat back down, he didn't forget to fasten his seat belt, otherwise he would be fined fifty yuan.

Niu Jun actually dialed the alarm number.

"Hey, Pudong demon spirit."

"Hello! I am a pilot of a certain navy. My plane has a communication failure and cannot contact the control tower of Pudong International Airport. Please inform them immediately to clear all aircraft in the airspace within five directions, suspend all flight takeoffs and landings, and prepare for ground rescue. !”

"Excuse me, could you please say it again?"

Niu Jun said it again.

"Ma'am, you must have been drinking. It is illegal to file a false police report."

"What I said is true! I am a member of the Navy..."

"Miss! I remind you that it is illegal to report a false police report. I will give you a verbal warning for the first time. If you do it again, our police will come to your door."

"I'll wipe it!" Niu Jun was so angry that he was about to speak but found that the phone was hung up.

The airspeed dropped to more than 400 kilometers per hour, but the Pudong International Airport was less than 40 kilometers ahead, and it would only take ten minutes at most. The key was that they would enter their final airspace in a few minutes.

Li Zhan was also anxious. It was pitch black and there was no visibility at all. It was difficult to visually detect the approaching or departing passenger plane. Moreover, the position of the passenger plane changed drastically during this process, and the flight altitude and heading would all change. Subject to change.

This is also the second half of the night. Except for international flights and cargo flights, there are basically no domestic passenger flights. The number of aircraft entering and leaving the port has dropped sharply. If it is daytime, no matter how good the visibility is, there will still be a very high risk of mid-air collision. .

Niu Jun dialed the police number again: "Comrade, please pay attention to my number! What I said is true! I am from a certain department of the Navy..."

she said again quickly.

At this time, you have to be suspicious when you pick up the police officer. Maybe it’s true? But this is too ridiculous! How could anyone call the police to report that the plane was broken down and ask for help? He also claims to be a pilot of a certain navy, which is even more ridiculous! The receiving police officer quickly reported to the leader of the command center on duty. After quick consideration, the leader decided to contact the control tower of Pudong International Airport. The airport must know best whether there was such a military plane preparing to land there.

As a result, after the leader called and communicated with the airport, he discovered that there was an unidentified aircraft approaching the flight area rapidly. The tower kept calling the aircraft but there was no response. Now the leader did not dare to neglect, and quickly reported to the police, and then ordered the airport branch to dispatch the police...

The control tower of Pudong International Airport has been busy for a long time. Li Zhan is anxious to contact him, and the control tower is also constantly calling him. However, the communication system on No. 81198 is completely broken, and now he is deaf. The tower, approach station, and even the district management team were all hurriedly trying to figure out a solution. The leader on duty was very courageous and decisively ordered all aircraft preparing to enter and exit the port to leave the relevant airspace, and at the same time activated the emergency plan.

Don't be afraid of anything, just be afraid of ten thousand.

However, two international flights were already at the end of the landing route, and there was no way to move them away. If they were allowed to go around, they would occupy the airspace ahead, so they could only be allowed to land normally.

The problem is that the Pudong control tower doesn't know whether the military plane flying over can land normally.

"Okay, Yaoyaoling should notify the airport tower." Niu Jun breathed a sigh of relief and said loudly, and suddenly smelled a burnt smell, "What's the smell? Is it on fire?"

Li Zhan noticed that the fuel was being consumed at a very abnormal speed. He kept looking back, but he couldn't see the source of the fire, but he could clearly smell a strong burning smell.

There was fuel leakage and open flames below the connection between the engine compartment and the fuselage. Naturally, Li Zhan could not see what was going on under the belly of the fuselage. But those who were not sleeping on the ground saw a plane flying past at high speed with a trail of fire and its altitude continued to drop.

The fuel supply to the left engine had already been cut off, so it was unlikely to be a problem with the left engine.

Li Zhan decisively pushed the accelerator to the bottom and accelerated to the altitude. There were still twenty kilometers left, and he shivered at the last moment. Only by obtaining sufficient altitude and speed could the success rate of an emergency landing be guaranteed.

Yes, the alternate landing turned into an emergency landing.

PS: There will be a big chapter today, so please prepare your monthly tickets.

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