Great Power Fighting Falcon

Chapter 644 You lost another plane

The emergency rescue team surrounded JH-7 No. 81198. Li Zhan went to the on-site commanding officer and told him in detail what to do. Then he waited for the people from the Military Representative Office to arrive.

After hearing the news, the acting director of the Military Department of the Pudong International Airport rushed to the scene, along with comrades from the airport branch - the police really went out, and they might not be able to issue a certificate of responsibility in a while. However, 80% of these are unilateral accidents, and it should be quite easy to judge, if the police are qualified.

The searchlights on the fire truck illuminated the scene brightly. The very professional Pudong International Airport emergency rescue team was very experienced and quickly eliminated the potential accident hazards at the scene. However, they had not dealt with military aircraft, and Li Zhan did not believe that the safety hazard had been eliminated.

After the people from the Military Representative Office arrived quickly, Li Zhan was not polite. After directly explaining the situation to the people from the Military Representative Office, he asked the emergency rescue team to clean up the sea sand pile. At this time, the worker brothers took the initiative to help. They cleaned up the sea sand. Sandpile is more skilled.

Li Zhan asked people from the Military Agency to help find the corresponding tools. After the sea sand pile was cleared, the whole body of No. 81198 was exposed.

"Chief, please ask everyone to retreat a hundred meters away." Li Zhan said to the acting director of the Military Department.

The director of the Military Affairs Office of the Pudong International Airport is the chief inspector.

The Acting Director of the Military Department said, "You want to defuse a bomb?"

"Yes, this is not our station after all. They are not familiar with the situation and have to eliminate all hidden dangers." Li Zhan said seriously.

The acting director of the Military Department looked at the fighter plane and suddenly said, "Xiao Li, look quickly, is your plane still deformed? The left and right wings seem to be different."

Li Zhan also noticed it at this time, and immediately smiled bitterly and said, "Yes, the fuselage has also been deformed, and the entire structure has been deformed."

"God, it's amazing that you can drive it back just like this." The acting director of the Military Department said with emotion, "I'll go find the tools right away."

The plane was deformed, and everything that was normal was abnormal. Fortunately, the other ammunition was emptied, and now only the shells in the cannon magazine had to be dealt with. Normally, unless the shells in the magazine receive a very targeted impact, they will basically not cause explosions.

But the problem is that the aircraft is not normal now, and it is not known whether the structure of the magazine has been affected. Judging from the state of the aircraft, Li Zhan was very worried that the magazine was being squeezed. It might have been squeezed hard and the explosion would happen in the next second.

Therefore, Li Zhan was very nervous.

The Acting Director of the Military Department went to negotiate with the airport authorities and asked all their people to retreat a hundred meters away, including the worker brothers. The scene immediately became empty. Only Li Zhan was waiting by the plane, carefully observing the situation of the plane.

The more he looked at it, the more frightened he became. He actually found that the vertical tail and the longitudinal axis of the fuselage were no longer in line. There was no damage on the outside, but such a terrible situation occurred, indicating that the structure of the entire aircraft had been severely deformed.

"Being able to drive back is really a blessing from my ancestors." Li Zhan said to himself.

Two special police officers ran over. One of them handed the toolbox to Li Zhan and said, "Comrade Lieutenant Colonel, I am from the bomb disposal team of the airport SWAT team. We can assist you!"

Li Zhan said, "You can't do it. When I remove the shells, you will be responsible for handling the shells."


This is not a show of force. The police bomb disposal team is good at dismantling various types of bombs, and they know nothing about how to dismantle artillery shells from military aircraft. There are specialties in the art industry, but things that matter to human life cannot be careless.

Li Zhan asked them to retreat to a safe distance, took the tools to the position of the aircraft gun, and began to dismantle the bomb bin. There is a loading port in the magazine, and Li Zhan started working quickly. The advantage of usually spending time in the hangar repairing hangar with the maintenance staff was now highlighted. It is really difficult for another pilot to do this.

In order to buy time, Li Zhan adopted an unconventional method. He did not need to consider other issues, but only needed to safely remove all the shells.

Niu Jun over there couldn't wait any longer. He asked for a flashlight and came over quickly. He went directly to Li Zhan and helped him shine the light.

Li Zhan said without raising his head, "What are you doing here?"

"We are the only ones in the army here. How can I hide and relax? Besides, I am still a semi-professional." Niu Jun said in a relaxed tone.

Li Zhan didn’t say much more.

In the eyes of those in the combat forces, those who work on behalf of the military are not considered soldiers, but at most civil servants in military uniforms. Just like Lao Lu's field army looks down upon the provincial military region and the armed police, they even look down upon the logistics system. In their dictionary, those who carry guns and fight are real soldiers.

"I'll just unscrew the fuse." After a lot of effort, Li Zhan finally removed the shells from the magazine. It was not an easy task without the most suitable tools.

Niu Jun said, "Are you sure? What kind of fuses are they?"

"Half and half for near-explosion and impact explosion. There will be no sound. Don't worry." Li Zhan said and started to remove the fuse. This job was much easier, but he had to be very careful in his movements.

It took more than half an hour for Li Zhan to remove the fuses of all the artillery shells. Now the safety hazard was completely eliminated, and Li Zhan could finally feel relieved.

Li Zhan called over the bomb disposal team of the SWAT team and said, "I will leave it to you to keep the shells and the fuses separately. I will sign the handover to you and wait for the troops to arrive, and then return it to the troops according to the handover order."

"Yes!" The bomb disposal team of the SWAT team was extremely impressed. In just a moment, the worker's wife took out the shells from the magazine and also removed the fuse.

Are all military pilots so good?

The bomb disposal team carefully packed the cannonballs, which were as thick as a child's arm, in wooden boxes. The fuses were even more careful. They packed them one by one in accordance with the regulations. They then handed over the shells to Li Zhan, who signed.

After doing this, Li Zhan finally felt relaxed. He finally obeyed the arrangements of the Military Representative Office and took the airport commuter bus to the airport hotel with Niu Jun. After working hard all day, I finally got a good night's sleep. At the same time, the brigade of military vehicles came from Dachang Station and the security area to the Pudong International Airport. There were still a lot of things to deal with, especially the very important ones that had been taken over by the Military Agency. integrated tactical pod.

At dawn, the men and horses of the Bald Eagle Division and the Military Representative Office completed the preliminary investigation. Without taking any rest, they ordered breakfast and sent it directly to Li Zhan's room. They also called Niu Jun over to take charge of the command. The member smiled and said, "Xiao Li, Comrade Niu Jun, have you rested?"

Li Zhan only wore a sea soul shirt and said with a smile, "Commanders, please sit down for a while. I will wash my face and come over."

After washing his face, he came out and saw that Niu Jun had also arrived. He was neatly dressed in casual clothes. Li Zhan, who was used to seeing Niu Jun in military uniforms, his eyes lit up. He pointed and asked, "Where did you get your casual clothes?"

"You can buy it in hotel shopping malls, but it's expensive, too expensive, more than two thousand." Niu Jun said distressedly.

This unintentional remark made the acting director of the Military Affairs Department lose his composure, and he quickly apologized and said, "I'm sorry, Comrade Xiao Niu, it's my fault that I didn't do my job well."

Niu Jun was stunned for a moment, and then realized that what he said was wrong. He quickly stood up and said, "I'm sorry, chief, I didn't mean that."

"Haha, no, no, it's true that we didn't do our job well and didn't take good care of our comrades in the army." The Acting Director of the Military Department waved his hand quickly.

A deputy division commander came over from the Bald Eagle Division. The deputy division commander said with a smile, "We are all a family. We all sit down and sit down. We don't even have breakfast. We chat while eating."

The rooms arranged by the airport are quite high-end. Li Zhan and Niu Jun each live in a business suite. The area is very large. The dining table in the small living room can easily seat six or seven people.

Li Zhan saw two people in police uniforms and asked strangely, "What's going on with the local comrades?"

Two senior police inspectors, a man and a woman, came here. They were both of high rank. When Li Zhan asked, he stood up quickly. His aura was controlled by Li Zhan. The male police inspector laughed and said, "That's it." Comrade Lieutenant Colonel, we received the alarm call, and the basic side reports are basically true, and we want to verify the situation again."

The female police inspector held on to her momentum. When she stood up, she subconsciously straightened her chest and said as calmly as possible, "Since the police have been called, we have to deal with it. If a case is reported, it must be closed. It's all work."

Niu Jun couldn't help laughing, and even laughed out loud.

Seeing everyone coming over, Niu Jun quickly stopped laughing and said awkwardly, "I confess, I did it, police officer, I was the one who called the police. The situation is like this..."

"Okay, okay, please stop talking." Li Zhan looked unhappy, interrupted Niu Jun, then pointed at the male and female police inspectors, and said with a cold face, "Get out."


The male police inspector and the female police inspector suddenly noticed that the air had suddenly solidified, and they looked at each other and exchanged glances. Why did this person speak so rudely? I'm afraid he is not a fool. Isn't it normal for our police to come to understand the situation?

Li Zhan saw them standing still and said with a cold face, "We want to discuss secret military affairs, you go out."

Not at all polite.

The Acting Director of the Military Department smiled and smoothed things over and said, "Two police officers, please step aside for a moment."

The male police inspector and the female police inspector glanced at Li Zhan dissatisfiedly and left angrily.

The Acting Director of the Military Department quickly said to Li Zhan, "Xiao Li, I'm sorry, it was my fault that I didn't think well. It's really not appropriate to let local comrades come over."

Li Zhan suddenly smiled bitterly and said, "Actually, I just feel that it is shameless. When will it be their turn to intervene in the investigation of the army's affairs? Isn't this a joke? Niu Jun, the two idiots, even admitted to calling the police. What do you think about the phone call? Isn’t it embarrassing enough?”

Niu Jun finally came to his senses and said belatedly, "Yeah, my brain is in a trance."

The deputy division commander and the acting director of the military department were dumbfounded. It turned out that it was because they felt that they were losing face. They thought Li Zhan was really angry. But having said that, the public security department is too rigid in this matter. Since they know that it is a matter on the army side, it is a simple matter to handle the alarm records internally, and it is not a major case related to the local area. After figuring it out, the deputy division commander and acting director of the military department secretly breathed a sigh of relief. Even though they were several levels higher than Li Zhan, they really couldn't put on a leadership airs in front of Li Zhan. Not to mention Li Zhan's glorious achievements, just bringing back the severely deformed fighter this time deserves their awe.

Everyone sat down again to have breakfast. While eating, the deputy division commander reported the preliminary investigation situation to Li Zhan and Niu Jun. The results were similar to what Li Zhan had guessed. The aircraft broke through the limits of the body structure during continuous large overload maneuvers, and then the body began to deform during high-speed flight.

The deputy commander said, "Xiao Li, it's a miracle that you were able to fly the plane back. The structure of the aircraft is in an extremely unstable state, and many systems have been affected by this failure. All the antenna devices of the communication system have failed in this way. The power supply of the left engine The oil system is the same, but the left engine is also useless. Our experts believe that the right engine of fighter No. 81198 has the value of reuse, and the others are useless."

"That's pretty good." Niu Jun said with a smile, "I thought the entire plane was going to be scrapped."

The deputy division commander shook his head helplessly and said, "This old Feibao has been around for a long time. Even if this incident hadn't happened, Fei Ge would have retired in a year or two."

Li Zhan apologized, "Deputy commander, I'm sorry, I caused you to lose another fighter plane."

What's "again"? The deputy division commander didn't understand, but didn't think much about it, thinking that Li Zhan had made a slip of the tongue.

He said, "Xiao Li, the front finger ordered me to take you back to the station now. I'm afraid the front finger still has a task to assign to you. How is your health now?"

Li Zhan said, "No problem, we can dispatch at any time."

He pointed at Niu Jun, "Comrade Niu Jun can't fly anymore, this girl needs to rest."

Niu Jun said, "I don't need to rest. Besides, I still have a mission."

"Your mission is over, the live-fire exercise is over, do you understand?" Li Zhan said.

Niu Jun shook his head and said, "No, combating pirates is theoretically a live-fire exercise. I will continue to test the pod and conduct battlefield photography at the same time. This is a task given to me by the headquarters."

The headquarters was brought out, and Li Zhan no longer persisted. However, Niu Jun can actually withstand an overload of seven or eight G, which shows that this girl has a very strong physique and is a natural born pilot. If she had participated in the recruitment, she might have been among the first batch of female J-10 fighter pilots. She is one.

After packing our things, we all took the bus to Dachang Station. Also returning to Dachang Station was the comprehensive tactical pod. This thing actually survived such a violent impact. Except for some skin scratches, everything else was normal. , you can continue to use it.

After a brief period of confusion, the Pudong International Airport quickly returned to normal, and the morning flight took off on time. However, the staff on the night shift had received a hush-hush order and were required to keep secret what happened in the early morning, otherwise it would be recorded in the file and punished.

As for JH-7 No. 81198, the treatment was a bit miserable. It was not moved at the scene and was covered tightly with rainproof canvas by the troops. After a busy day at Pudong International Airport is over, the troops will cut it up, divide it into several parts, and then use military transport to pull it back.

The two naive male police inspectors and female police inspectors were reprimanded by their superiors after they returned to the unit, criticizing them as young and highly educated police inspectors for not being flexible in their work. This made the two police officers who had high ambitions to make a career The governor was very hurt.

However, if an Air Force pilot called the police from the sky, would anyone believe this?

The "Rejection-2012" live-fire pirate operation is continuing, and Qianzhi really has a mission waiting for Li Zhan, a mission that must be done by him...

PS: Something happened yesterday, so I will make up for it today.

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