Great Power Fighting Falcon

Chapter 659 Niu Jun was injured

Li Zhan decided to force a landing to pick up the Tiger unit at the moment when the Flying Leopard B unit arrived on the battlefield. Four Flying Leopard Bs from the Bald Eagle Division formed a firepower unit, which was established from two directions according to Li Zhan's target instructions. Attack route, taking over the task of suppressing enemy firepower from Gaoxin-P.

At this time, Niu Jun, who operated the integrated tactical pod, played a huge role. He sorted out the targets based on the detected intelligence and quickly reported them to the four Flying Leopard Bs through voice instructions. The pilots of the Flying Leopard Bs then attacked the targets they were responsible for. .

Although Feibao B does not have a tactical data link terminal, the response is slightly slower, but Niu Jun is well-trained, and her voice instructions are very timely and accurate. The suppression effect of Feibao B's firepower team is very good.

Li Zhan seized the opportunity to press the nose of the plane and pointed it at the runway to make a dive landing.

You can't land as usual on the battlefield. You can land as fast as you want. Low-altitude, slow-speed aircraft are obviously good targets.

The general approach to a dive landing is that the aircraft does not decelerate in advance. After rapidly descending in a dive, it raises the nose of the aircraft and slows down at a closer altitude and distance. Usually this altitude and distance are quite limited.

The runway at Island A Airport is only 1,100 meters before and after. Normally, Gaoxin-P requires at least a 1,350-meter runway length. However, the turboprop engine used by Gaoxin-P has a reverse propeller function and is capable of short takeoff and landing at outdoor airports. It is a tactical transport aircraft whose performance comprehensively exceeds that of the early and mid-term models of the C-130 series, and its individual performance is more advanced than the latest model of the C-130.

Tojo's judgment was obviously wrong. The asymmetry of the intelligence prevented him from making an accurate judgment.

The Flying Leopard B firepower team launched an all-out attack to suppress the enemy firepower in the airport, covering the actions of Gaoxin-P.

Gaoxin-P only raised its nose at a height of tens of meters, and the landing gear had already been extended. At this time, it was less than one kilometer away from the runway. When preparing to touch down, Li Zhan turned on the anti-propeller function of the engine in advance, and the blades of the four engines began to rotate in reverse, providing huge braking force.

When a strong braking force was generated, the height of the aircraft from the runway was three meters, and then the aircraft crashed down almost parallel. The front and rear landing gears touched the ground at almost the same time. The aircraft trembled violently, and the high-strength landing gears were very hard. It supported the huge body of the aircraft well, and after buffering for a while, the aircraft ran forward at a much slower taxiing speed than normal.

With the cover of the Flying Leopard B fire team, the Tiger team rushed out of the tower and rushed towards the Gaoxin-P at the end of the runway at full speed. Gaoxin-P quickly turned around at the end of the runway. At this time, only two 730 rapid-fire cannons could fire, but Li Yunxiao organized two weapons operators to each carry a drum-loaded Type 95 light machine gun through the personnel registration hatch. The design window shoots outward to cover the Tiger Squadron.

Li Zhan turned to stare at the Tiger Squadron running towards them despite the hail of bullets. When he saw that they had begun to board the plane, he stepped on the brakes and pushed the accelerator to the bottom.

Yuan Boning asked the soldiers to get the Tojo plane up first, and then the others quickly boarded the plane. By the time he boarded the plane, Li Zhan had already released the brakes and started to taxi. With the help of his team members, Yuan Boning boarded the plane, which was as thrilling as filming a movie.

At this time, it is easy for Gaoxin-P to land but difficult to take off. Li Zhan can take extreme maneuvers to land, but if the speed cannot meet the takeoff requirements, the plane will not fly no matter what method you use.

There is no weight that can be thrown away on the Hi-tech-P. Fortunately, more than half of the fuel is consumed at this time, and the weight is about ten tons lighter than before. Even so, the entire taxiing process was also thrilling, because the end of the runway was a high ground, about twenty meters higher than the runway surface. Li Zhan flexibly retracted the landing gear in advance, and then he could fly over that Highlands.

The runway runs north-south. Here in Bawang Islands, in this season, we usually take off from north to south, so as to avoid the wind. In order to shorten the taxiing distance for landing, Li Zhan entered the headwind landing from the north, but it was impossible for him to taxi to the north and then turn around to take off. In that case, he would be exposed to enemy fire for a long time, which would be extremely dangerous. .

Gaoxin-P on the ground does not have any attack capabilities.

Therefore, in order to shorten the time exposed to enemy fire, Li Zhan took off directly with the wind. The rolling distance would undoubtedly be extended, and he almost hit the small high ground at the end of the runway.

Gaoxin-P climbed with full power, and all the firearms and ammunition in the weapons bay were almost exhausted. This mission was declared a success as Gaoxin-P took over the Tiger detachment and retreated smoothly. How to deal with the simulated confrontation between the Blue Army troops next? It seems that it has nothing to do with Li Zhan.

The Flying Shark Team escorted Gaoxin-P to retreat at full speed. After retreating to a certain distance, the Flying Shark Team went to meet the tanker to replenish some fuel, and then continued to return. The front finger has a new mission for them. After returning to replenish fuel and ammunition, they need to go out again to participate in a confrontation exercise with simulated Blue Army troops.

With the decline of the opponent's main fleet and the capture of Tojo Ichiki, the campaign against the Western Pacific pirates has come to an end.

The actual combat performance of Gaoxin-P is very surprising, including the team led by Guo Beimu. Although they have conducted many actual combat tests, they have never tested the power of this weapon in such actual combat. According to Guo Beimu's preliminary estimate, in terms of battlefield air fire support, the firepower of one Gaoxin-P is equivalent to twelve attack aircraft, which is already the size of a strengthened attack aircraft brigade.

Another biggest advantage of Gaoxin-P is its long endurance, which can stay in the air for eight hours, which is something that no fighter or attack aircraft can do.

However, the shortcomings of Gaoxin-P are also very obvious - its self-protection ability is weak. It can be said that it has almost no defense ability when encountering enemy fighters, and its air combat capability is basically zero. The F-2 shot down by Gaoxin-P was mainly due to underestimation of the enemy, and also due to asymmetric intelligence.

Regardless of whether it is a fighter or a fighter-bomber, it at least has certain air combat capabilities. No matter how bad the Flying Leopard is, it can still hit air-to-air missiles, and its maneuverability is considered good among fighter-bombers.

Therefore, the timing of use of Gaoxin-P and the tasks it undertakes are destined to be different. This aircraft is suitable for use when seizing air supremacy on the battlefield and severely attacking the enemy's ground air defense network or in low-intensity armed conflicts.

In fact, the emergence of Gaoxin-P can be said to be a combat effectiveness multiplier for special operations. In this capture operation, without the participation of Gaoxin-P, the Tiger Squadron could only rely on fighter jets to provide limited fire support, and then could only rely on surface forces to assist and withdraw. In addition to having to bear more pressure, the entire operation will take longer, which will undoubtedly increase the chance of operation failure.

The Tiger Squadron completed the arrest mission without any injuries, which fully illustrates the significance of Gaoxin-P.

An hour after taking off from Island A, Gaoxin-P landed at the station where the Fuzhi was located, which was also the location of the front finger. Formerly referring to Peng Hongbing, who was at the parking lot to greet the members of the arrest operation, he suddenly smiled when he saw Tojo Ichiki, who was already awake, being escorted off the plane.

The arresting force completed the arrest ahead of schedule, allowing our side to take the initiative. Whether it is to eliminate the remaining forces of the West Pacific pirates or to deal with the intervention and confrontation of the simulated Blue Army, our side has more leeway.

Everyone's adrenaline slowly dropped as they landed smoothly, and a strong sense of fatigue slowly came over them, and their tired faces suddenly appeared.

After the brief welcoming ceremony, Li Zhan and others went directly to the infield guest house to rest. They lay down and fell asleep without even taking a shower. He did not notice that the cattle army was being carried down.

Niu Jun was injured, the fuselage was broken, and a small piece of shrapnel hit her head. At first, she had no other symptoms except bleeding and a little pain. It took her a long time to get off the plane. When Guo Beimu checked the plane, he discovered that she was injured. By then, Li Zhan had already left in a car.

An ambulance rushed her to a military hospital.

Li Zhan didn't wake up the whole night. He woke up at dawn at six o'clock in the morning. After taking a shower, he felt refreshed. He changed his clothes and went out to find someone to ask about the situation on the battlefield. He was told that the operation to suppress the pirates had come to an end. The troops entered the stage of actual confrontation with the simulated blue army.

He was completely relieved.

The pirates in the West Pacific have committed many crimes and should have been punished long ago. I believe that after this blow, they will not be able to recover for a long time in the future. The West Pacific waters have gained peace for a period of time.

Li Yunxiao ran over to him. Li Zhan saw that he was not in good spirits, so he asked, "Didn't you rest last night?"

"Just came back from the hospital." Li Yunxiao said in a deep voice, "Niu Jun was injured. A piece of shrapnel hit his head. I didn't feel there was much of a problem at first. Last night, I found a man unconscious on the way to the hospital for examination. I People are still rescuing people before returning, and experts from the Military Region General Hospital are already in place..."

Li Zhan had already ran out.

Li Yunxiao quickly caught up, "Captain, I'll take you!"

"Which hospital is it in?" Li Zhan opened the driver's door of a domineering car outside and asked coldly.

Li Yunxiao said, "Air Force Hospital."

Li Zhan jumped up, lit the fire and left like crazy. The driver who was smoking not far away stared blankly at the car driving away for a long time without coming back to his senses - what is going on?

Li Zhan blamed himself very much. He didn't realize that Niu Jun was injured. The bottom line is that he never thought that Niu Jun was also on the plane. In fact, after the Feibao B firepower team arrived on the battlefield, the firepower connection with the Gaoxin-P and Feisha team could be completed so smoothly, and Niu Jun played a huge role.

Niu Jun's position is closest to the bottom of the fuselage. It is a relatively independent operating position. After the fuselage was penetrated, there was no report of damage to the aircraft, and the various systems of the aircraft were not damaged. However, Niu Jun was hit by shrapnel. Hit.

She thought it was just a scratch at the time. After treating it with an individual first-aid medical kit, she found no other symptoms except for some headaches and dizziness, so she did not report it and continued to work until she returned to the station where Fuzhi was located.

At this time, Li Zhan still had a phobia of car driving and drove the aggressive off-road vehicle very fast. Although he does not have a local motor vehicle driver's license, he does have a military vehicle driver's license. He can't drive anything, even the old-fashioned 59 tanks (old-fashioned tanks have a steering column, similar to airplanes, with levers and rudders).

I ran all the way to the Air Force Hospital Emergency Building. I stopped suddenly in front of the building and almost hit the wall. When I got out of the car, I didn't even bother to close the door and rushed inside.

The emergency operating room is easy to find. Guo Beimu and a leader from the station are guarding there. Seeing Li Zhan running over with a gloomy expression, Guo Beimu quickly stepped forward to block Li Zhan and said, "The operation is not over yet, don't worry, the experts from the main hospital said there won't be any big problems."

Li Zhan breathed a sigh of relief and sat aside without saying a word.

Guo Beimu sat down next to him, considered his words, and said, "The inspection report is out. The shrapnel may have some impact, such as memory."

"What do you mean?" Li Zhan asked.

Guo Beimu said, "Some memories from the past will disappear."

"The treatment was not timely. I asked her before she became unconscious. She was injured during takeoff from Island A. It has been almost two hours since she was sent to the hospital. Now the expert team is studying whether to remove the shrapnel. Some people think that maybe It’s better to keep it. All in all, it’s not life-threatening.”

A plot that has been used in countless bloody dramas - the male or female protagonist loses his memory - suddenly appeared in front of Li Zhan's eyes. However, amnesia is not as beautiful as shown in movies and TV shows. Amnesia is a disease, because the brain is damaged after all. Maybe it is not a big problem when you are young, but as you get older, a lot of sequelae will appear.

Pathological amnesia is never as beautiful as the screenwriter writes.

Li Zhan leaned his head against the wall with his forehead on his hands, staring at the ceiling of the corridor in a daze. Previously, he was still complacent about the huge success of the capture operation, thinking that this was a special operations operation with zero casualties. In the future, it might be written into textbooks and be regarded as a classic war example by later generations to study and learn from.

Now these joys and feelings of superiority were gone.

Li Zhan suddenly felt tired, deeply tired, and unprecedentedly tired. Since the old army was disbanded, he vowed never to let those around him get hurt again. The sacrifice of the old brigade commander Xue Xiangdong was already a huge blow to him. There were also personal reasons for his transfer from Beiku. It was a sad place for him, not a blessed place with great reputation as others thought.

For him, no amount of honor, no matter how high, is worth the sacrifice of his comrades. If possible, he is willing to use his own life and all his honors to exchange for the survival of his comrades.

But sacrifice is the natural mission of soldiers. You can't ask ordinary people to sacrifice if sacrifice is necessary. Between the big self and the small self, he clearly chose the big self and thought about issues from the perspective of a soldier. It's just that every time he encounters such sacrifice, it will make him heartbroken and extremely exhausted.

Maybe it's time to persuade Niu Jun to change her career, and she should live a normal life.

In the army, Guo Beimu was one of the people who knew Li Zhan best. Apart from Li Zhan's master Liu Guojian, Guo Beimu was probably the only one who could fully grasp Li Zhan's ideological activities.

It was precisely because of this that Guo Beimu did not tell Li Zhan the news of Niu Jun's injury immediately. Firstly, it was not yet certain whether Niu Jun could be rescued, and secondly, because Li Zhan was in a state of excitement at the time, and he might do something emotional once he knew the news.

Li Zhan had made a mistake before when he was in Beiku. Fortunately, the military region cadres who were beaten at that time fully understood Li Zhan's feelings of losing his old brigade commander. Otherwise, if he was dealt with strictly, he would not be able to get away with a serious punishment.

Niu Jun's condition was stable, at least his life was not in danger. Guo Beimu then asked Li Yunxiao to go back and notify Li Zhan.

However, Guo Beimu clearly felt that Li Zhan's will was somewhat depressed.

He had to think of a way. Guo Beimu thought for a while, got up and walked far away to make a phone call.

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