Great Power Fighting Falcon

Chapter 665 Maximum ceiling

"How many prototypes are there?"

? ? ?

Chen Ming didn't understand for a moment and subconsciously answered, "X frame."

"I'm afraid there won't be enough." Li Zhan said.

Now the technical staff of the R\u0026D team were sweating, and it was their turn to look complicated and start to worry. Oh my god, this is a fourth-generation aircraft. Do you know how much it costs to build a prototype? The United States, which is as wealthy as the United States, has only built thirteen prototypes, of which the first two are demonstration aircraft in the research and development stage, and the last eleven are test aircraft in the engineering stage. The last four even entered the delivery phase and entered service with the U.S. Air Force directly.

Our model is similar, just cross the river by following the US military. Therefore, the changes between the first few prototypes and those that came out later are quite big. It can even be said that each one is different, from rough to delicate, and gradually to perfection. What Li Zhan is flying now is the earliest prototype besides the prototype used for static testing. Many test flight projects with a relatively high risk factor are carried out by this black ribbon.

However, Li Zhan's question really made the R\u0026D team nervous. What are you going to do?

In the blink of an eye, the No. 01 black ribbon reached 1XXXX meters. Everyone's hearts were raised in their throats, and they had no time to think about how many planes Li Zhan was going to crash.

Li Zhan still reported every 100 meters, his voice clear and steady. No one is surprised by the strong psychological quality of test pilots. They have often dealt with test pilots and have long been used to it. You can't be a test pilot without a strong heart.

A combat pilot's enemy is his enemy, and a test pilot's enemy is his own fighter plane.

"We're about to break through the prefix 2." A technician wearing thick glasses said to himself. His voice was very soft, but suddenly he found that the entire tower was his voice, and he scared himself. A jump.

It was so quiet in the tower, everyone held their breath carefully.

Li Zhan was also highly concentrated, with most of his attention focused on altitude and climb rate. The latter is very important. If the climb rate drops to a certain level, the aircraft is in danger of stalling and spinning. But Chen Ming and others were surprised to find that Li Zhan seemed to intentionally make the aircraft develop in the direction of stall and spin.

Is it intentional?

Chen Ming did not dare to communicate with Li Zhan rashly at this time, lest he be distracted. The No. 01 Black Ribbon has passed the maximum design ceiling. Every subsequent progress is of great significance, and the corresponding performance data of the aircraft is crucial. It is true that relatively low requirements have been put forward for the ceiling of fighter jets. The high altitude and high speed previously required have been proven by actual combat to be unsuitable for modern warfare.

But looking at it from another perspective, if the fighter can have a higher ceiling and faster speed through non-targeted design, why not do it?

Li Zhan suddenly said, "The ceiling envelope came out soon! The aircraft control system is normal, the power attenuation is serious, and the other systems are normal!"

Following his report, Black Ribbon No. 01 pushed upward for more than 200 meters with his last breath, breaking through the 20,000-meter limit in one fell swoop, and finally reached 2XXXX meters.

Everyone on the tower was seriously glowing and clenched their fists and punched hard. At this moment, the No. 01 Black Ribbon finally ran out of climbing momentum, and then started to go straight down like a stone that had reached the critical point of a parabola. Lose.

"It's stalled!" a technician exclaimed.

Chen Ming quickly asked Li Zhan, "Dongyao, report the situation!"

"Tower, I took advantage of the situation to recover from the stall and tail spin. All systems of the aircraft are normal. It's over!" Li Zhan said steadily.

Everyone looked at each other, and any adaptive flight plan had long since become a mess. Moreover, they have never encountered a test pilot leading the test flight plan and the tower that was supposed to give orders became a follower. They didn't know much about Li Zhan, and they had no idea about Li Zhan's glorious achievements in the past, especially in terms of extreme flight of fighter planes and dangerous situations.

The black ribbon No. 01 was spinning downwards, losing height very quickly. It started falling vertically from an altitude of more than 20,000 meters, just like the return capsule of a manned spacecraft.

Li Zhan in the cockpit rotated with the plane at high speed, sometimes turning sideways and sometimes rolling. The tail spin was more serious than imagined. It may be related to the altitude of entering the tail spin, or it may be related to the previous flight attitude. The tail spin caused by stalling is certain, and Li Zhan was pleasantly surprised at this point - the critical point of black ribbon stalling is very low.

That said, Black Ribbon's minimum speed envelope data is very good.

For example, if a certain fighter aircraft stalls at an airspeed of 220 kilometers per hour, then the black ribbon can achieve a stall envelope of 180 kilometers per hour. Of course it's just an analogy. What Li Zhan is sure of is that the minimum speed performance of the Black Ribbon is better than that of the Rafale fighter.

And he knew very well that the Rafale fighter jet could achieve a minimum airspeed of 195 kilometers per hour. At that time, he had used this airspeed to land on the Dai ship.

Generally speaking, the maximum airspeed and the minimum airspeed cannot be achieved at the same time. If you want the aircraft to have a greater airspeed, it is difficult to ensure a smaller minimum airspeed at the same time. Therefore, some high-altitude and high-speed fighters usually have relatively small wing sweep angles (the angle between the wing trailing edge and the fuselage). This aerodynamic layout design is very suitable for high-altitude and high-speed aircraft.

For example, the J-8 has two wings retracted back like Superman, giving it a sense of speed, while the layout of the J-11 is quite satisfactory. The J-11 series aerodynamic layout derived from the Su-27 is probably the pinnacle of conventional aerodynamic layout design.

Minimum airspeed is an important indicator of low-altitude and low-speed combat performance, and it is very important. It also means that the aircraft has a smaller turning radius and better nose pointing agility.

During the high-speed rotation, many systems of the aircraft were alarming. This was an abnormal attitude. Black Ribbon has a very advanced warning system, and the flight control system has been trying to restore the aircraft's attitude to normal. Li Zhan decisively switched to pure manual control, fully controlling the control of the aircraft. Otherwise, it would conflict with the automatic control system of the flight control system.

What surprised Chen Ming and others was that Li Zhan didn't seem to be in a hurry to make a recovery, but instead let the plane fall downwards as the attitude developed. He quickly understood Li Zhan's intention. If the altitude was sufficient, allowing the aircraft to stay in the tail spin for as long as possible would expose more problems and monitor more relevant data.

The height of the clouds was about three thousand meters. Everyone's hearts dropped in their throats as they watched the height of the No. 01 black ribbon drop rapidly. As time went by, more and more people's eyes were about to pop out, subconsciously. He was clenching his fists and feeling highly nervous.

"Dongyao, hurry up and get out!" Chen Ming couldn't stand the pressure anymore. Seeing that the height was more than 4,000, he hurriedly gave instructions to Li Zhan.

Li Zhan said, "Go under the clouds and then pull out. Pay attention to the attitude of the aircraft."

"Okay." Chen Ming could only agree.

Black Ribbon No. 01 flew very high, but it did not go very far. It was probably located just above the field. To be more specific, it was roughly high above the runway. Li Zhan did not change his position because there were residential areas around him. If a plane crashed and he was unable to control the plane, it might threaten people's lives and property.

If it is at a high altitude directly above the runway, even if it falls, there is a high probability that it will fall on the outside field of the field, and the loss will be minimal.

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