Great Power Fighting Falcon

Chapter 670 Use your own radar to detect your own stealth fighter

"Is there any news from the air force radar?" Bao Guanhua stood there looking to the west, but he asked Chen Ming beside him.

Chen Ming shook his head and said in a deep voice, "The Air Force has activated the emergency mechanism, and the search radars deployed on the plateau have been turned on, but there has been no feedback yet."

Black Ribbon No. 01 has disappeared from the radar for almost five minutes. During these five minutes, Bao Guanhua made many important decisions, including requesting the Air Force to activate an emergency plan and conducting searches with the help of the Air Force's advanced and comprehensive radar network.

But no news came.

"Is there any feedback from the radio?" Bao Guanhua asked, even though he knew it was nonsense.

A staff officer kept calling Li Zhan, but there was no response. There was no response from the communication, and it was impossible to determine the status of Black Ribbon No. 01 through radio signals. At this moment, the No. 01 Black Ribbon was completely disconnected from the ground. The ground personnel had no skills but could only fall into endless waiting.

The importance of test pilots is reflected at this time. When a serious danger occurs, no matter how skilled the ground personnel are, it will not help. Everything can only rely on test pilots.

Chen Ming knew very well how dangerous Li Zhan's situation was. The power system was out of control and both engines were running at full power. The communication interruption meant that there was also a problem with the avionics system, and the probability of problems with the flight control system was very high. We encountered such a complicated weather situation again, and we were still in a plateau mountainous area. We had lost contact for more than five minutes. In fact, no matter how unwilling everyone was, the logic of the development of things would not be affected.

Li Zhan may have crashed.

"Contractor, are you considering sending a rescue team?" Chen Ming asked in a deep voice.

Bao Guanhua was very reluctant to make such a decision. He believed that Li Zhan could handle it. But reason tells him that he must make the most appropriate decision.

He nodded solemnly and said, "Contact the troops and ask them to send out rescue. The weather conditions in the plateau and mountainous areas are very complicated, and it may be difficult to dispatch helicopters."

"Please try your best to overcome the problem. I'll contact you." Chen Ming quickly walked aside and called the military duty room.

This time, he did not ask for instructions from the Air Force Duty Room of the Military Region, but from the General Duty Room of the Military Region. There is no plan for this, and it may be troublesome to connect everything. But once the order is given, the troops move very quickly.

What the ground can do is wait anxiously.

Li Zhan didn't know that there was also a problem with the backup communication system, because he couldn't spare any time to turn on the backup communication system, even if it was just a simple action. His hands and feet did not dare to leave the two poles and two rudders.

Although the aircraft's airspeed dropped, it eventually remained at the level of 1,100 kilometers per hour. One can imagine how difficult and dangerous it is to fly through a mountainous area shrouded in thick fog at such an airspeed. This was the most difficult flight Li Zhan had ever encountered.

Putting Tetris on top speed is just that.

This is also a fourth-generation machine with super maneuverability and quick reactions. If it were a third-generation machine, he would probably have kissed a certain mountain peak.

From twice the speed of sound to subsonic speed, the change in airspeed seemed to be a good sign, but Li Zhan became even more worried. Because this means that the power system is not just a failure, but other more serious failures may have occurred.

The most serious thing is that the engine stops in mid-air and the aircraft loses power.

Either way, he was dead, and Li Zhan was in a very difficult situation.

He could only try his best to get out of the mountain as soon as possible. As long as he reached the plains, the worst result would be an emergency landing or parachuting. For the first time, he was not fully confident about whether he could fly the plane back.

After flying in a gray environment for more than ten minutes, with the last impact of the nose of the plane, my eyes suddenly became brighter, and the feeling of seeing the moonlight through the clouds and mist was very strong. Li Zhan looked around and saw the Sichuan Plain below.

Finally flew out of the plateau mountainous area!

He activated the backup communication system while pulling the control stick, and found that the aircraft did not respond at all when he pulled the control stick. He soon discovered that the backup communication system also failed. Li Zhan was very helpless. It was estimated that the previous super overload maneuver caused problems with these systems.

He made a very, very important decision - to disconnect the automatic control mode and switch to manual control. In the automatic control mode, several control surfaces will be automatically adjusted when the pilot pulls the stick. It is a fool-like intelligent mode, which greatly reduces the pilot's workload.

In the automatic control mode, the pilot does not even need to use his feet to push the rudder in many cases. He can complete the desired maneuver by operating the stick.

Just like the one-button start of a car, press the engine to start, instead of inserting the key and twisting the key.

At this time, after Li Zhan disconnected the automatic control mode, his workload increased, but he gained independent control over any rudder surface, flaps, and canards. If the lever cannot raise the nose of the aircraft, then several movable airfoils are used to display it, and the aircraft needs to be manually trimmed.

Manually trimming an airplane greatly tests the pilot's skills.

Black Ribbon No. 01 has returned to the most primitive control mode, but Li Zhan can control more places. His decision was almost decisive. In the case of problems with many avionics systems, the possibility of problems with the flight control system is very high.

His decision to avoid being taken away by the plane's computer gave him firm control of the plane. He had encountered a situation where the aircraft was inverted and could not be restored, because there was a problem with the flight control system. At that time, he decisively unplugged the hard connection of the flight control system and selected the full manual driving mode to correct the inverted aircraft.

No matter how advanced the intelligent technology is, it cannot match the human brain, and it cannot fully act according to human consciousness. In the final analysis, the outcome of a war depends on people.

Some people may think that Black Ribbon No. 01 should have been captured by radar the moment it came out of the mountain. However, the truth is cruel - Black Ribbon No. 01 is a fourth-generation aircraft and a stealth fighter!

Several Air Force radars detected Black Ribbon No. 01, but the problem was that the one reflected on the radar was a bird. In other words, the radar reflection cross section of Black Ribbon No. 01 is only as big as a bird! The officers and soldiers of the Air Force Radar Force had never seen such an aircraft before, so they regarded it as a slightly larger bird and put it aside.

The reason why the No. 01 Black Ribbon communication system failed was that the bus was broken and the aircraft was unable to send radio signals to the outside world, so the identification friend or foe system also failed. Although it is a prototype, it is a complete prototype and is equipped with our army's identification of friend or foe system. Through the Identification Friend or Foe system, ground troops can know the location of the aircraft.

But now Black Ribbon No. 01 is completely invisible in every aspect.

On the tower, the radar operator stood up suddenly and shouted desperately: "We have all forgotten that it is a stealth fighter! Report! The troops should be reminded of this! The radar reflection cross section and signal characteristics of the Black Ribbon are very weak!"

Bao Guanhua was shocked and punched the table. He couldn't laugh or cry, "Okay! We are all in a dead end! Chen Ming alerts the troops immediately!"

Chen Ming suddenly felt confident and quickly contacted the army to remind him of the situation.

The stealth fighter I built deceived my own radar. I really don’t know whether to cry or laugh.

In fact, Li Zhan didn't realize this. He has been flying old aircraft for so many years, and the latest one is the J-15. He didn't have the consciousness to fly a fourth-generation aircraft. He didn't remember that he was flying a stealth aircraft due to the inertia of his thinking. It’s normal for a fourth-generation machine with great capabilities.

Li Zhan thought the ground could see him, but he couldn't hear the call from the ground and couldn't call the ground. Under this situation, he made a very bold choice - instead of flying around, he flew directly to the nearest and most suitable third-rate airport for an emergency landing.

He had already known that strict air traffic control was in place for hundreds of kilometers around. At this time, there was no other aircraft in the sky except his plane, so he was very relieved.

That's the truth, everyone is waiting for him to come back.

The Air Force radar saw Black Ribbon No. 1, but it was judged to be a large bird flying at high speed. The signal was intermittent. The radar operator in a highly nervous state would not understand such a weak and incoherent signal at all. Pay attention to it. Civil aviation radar simply cannot see Black Ribbon No. 01 at all, so the approach and control towers of third-rate airports have no idea that Black Ribbon No. 01 is flying towards them.

Chen Ming's reminder was very timely, and the Air Force radar unit just woke up from a dream - holy shit, that's a stealth fighter! But I know how difficult it is to lock the No. 01 black ribbon. In particular, Li Zhan gave up the climb when he tried to climb and found it very difficult. The plane flew at an altitude of more than a thousand meters, which made it even more difficult to detect.

The Chengluo Ma Factory tower and the Air Force Radar Command Center established a hotline to analyze the detected signals. The problem was that they did not know that Li Zhan had flown out of the mountainous area, so the focus of the search was still on the plateau and mountainous areas.

The situation took a gratifying change when the search and rescue helicopter headed towards the plateau mountainous area.

A commander of the Army Aviation Regiment piloted an old and strong Black Hawk helicopter as the lead aircraft, and led four other Black Hawk helicopters to carry the search and rescue troops into the plateau mountainous area at high speed. They were flying at an altitude of 1,200 meters above the ground.

The leader of the Army Aviation Group saw a plane coming at high speed from the two o'clock direction. The altitude was about the same and the routes seemed to overlap. He led the fleet to an emergency descent to avoid it, and then he saw the dark plane passing by at very high speed!

"This is the aircraft we are looking for!" When the black ribbon No. 01 flashed by, the commander of the Army Aviation Corps saw the manufacturer's production number on it, shouted and quickly reported to the headquarters.

"Command Headquarters! I saw the target aircraft! The heading is 60 degrees, the altitude is 1,200 meters, and the airspeed is very fast, it should be 1,000 kilometers!" The report of the commander of the Army Aviation Regiment is undoubtedly great. information.

It was only then that everyone woke up. At least Li Zhan was safe now, and judging from the heading, he was heading to a third-rate airport. There must have been many malfunctions on the plane. With its excellent stealth capabilities, the No. 01 Black Ribbon "hidden" Passed many radar detections!

This news excited everyone, and created a miracle for Li Zhan to turn the tide, as well as the outstanding stealth capabilities of the fourth-generation aircraft. Black Ribbon No. 01 seems to have special powers. It can become invisible just by chanting a spell - you can't see me, you can't see me, you can't see me...

However, the third-rate airport was still in the dark at this time, and they were full of question marks.

PS: That’s it for today, continue tomorrow, you can’t see me, you can’t see me, you can’t see me…

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