"Tell me how to do it specifically." Yang Jinshan asked.

Wu Fei said, "I asked Director Zhang about the weather conditions for the next fifteen days. Generally speaking, the situation will continue to be downward. Director Zhang Yuan is an old comrade of the old captain, and everyone knows that their relationship is very good. I I believe that the old captain must have checked with Director Zhang Yuan about the weather conditions, and the old captain is very good at taking advantage of the weather."

He paused and said, "My method is to learn from the old captain. He used the weather and we can also use the weather. Under complex and harsh climate conditions, using the complex terrain of the Beiku Mountains to fight against the Black Ribbon, I eight Even if seven J-11s are used to cover one, as long as we can find the target and close the distance to create an opportunity to fire, I think this is our victory and a sign of the combat effectiveness of our Falcon Brigade."

Ma Feng said, "Using complex weather and complex terrain to shorten the detection distance of the Black Ribbon Team and our J-11, from this perspective, it narrows the technical gap between us. But I have a question, what can we think of Lao Li? I can definitely think of it. Old Wu, what do you think he will do?"

"One against eight, we have superior strength. The old captain must be very aware of this. I think if he wants to seek total annihilation and repeated annihilation, he will first make use of complex terrain and complex weather, and secondly, he will definitely control the combat distance. The old captain must be It is very clear that once the fighting distance is shortened, he will not be able to withstand the siege of eight fighter planes." Wu Fei said.

Yang Jinshan pondered, thinking slowly, and then slowly shook his head, "Wu Fei, you are a little subjective. Li Zhan's combat skills are no longer at the level he was when he was working in Beiku. In aerial combat, one enemy More, he can really do it. And don’t forget, he is currently driving a black ribbon that is superior to the third-generation aircraft in terms of maneuverability and other performance."

So Wu Fei was stunned for a moment, then quickly woke up, slapped his forehead and said, "I'm empiricist. We are making progress. The boss and captain are also making progress. I'm afraid the progress is faster than we imagined. In this way, There is really no better way but to use the complex terrain and complex weather to fight.”

"If you want to fight, you can't fight forcefully. You have to have a targeted plan and pull out the troops to practice while there is still time." Yang Jinshan said.

As a brigade leader, Yang Jinshan considers different issues. The arrival of the Black Ribbon is of great significance. The first combat test was placed in Beiku, which highlighted the importance that superiors attached to Beiku. By seizing this good opportunity and working hard to perform better, Beiku's position will become more solid.

The most important thing is the combat effectiveness of the troops. If they can fight against Li Zhan, if they are lucky enough to defeat Li Zhan with the black ribbon, the prestige of the Falcon Brigade will reach an unprecedented height.

Every leader has such expectations, but Yang Jinshan also knows that it is almost impossible to defeat Li Zhan, who wears a black ribbon. Li Zhan is a flying genius. When he flies the J-7, he can make the third-generation aircraft troops embarrassed, let alone the most advanced fourth-generation aircraft in the world now.

Once the gap in technical level reaches a certain width, quantity cannot make up for it. For example, the Russian T-90 main battle tank and the T-34 from World War II. The latter cannot penetrate the former anyway. With this gap, quantity loses its meaning.

Yang Jinshan and the others did not know the combat capabilities of Black Ribbon, but they knew what generation difference meant. The biggest difference between the first-generation fighter jets and the second-generation fighter jets is that the latter uses jet engines. The emergence of jet engines completely changed the air combat model. The emergence of third-generation fighter jets that focus on aerodynamic shape and pursue agility, and can use air-to-air missiles beyond visual range, has once again completely changed the air combat model.

The emergence of a new generation of fighter jets will always have a huge impact on the current air combat model, and everyone believes that fourth-generation fighter jets will be no exception. As Li Zhan judged, the mainstream air combat model in the future must be mature fourth-generation aircraft commanding a group of high-performance unmanned fighter jets to fight. The era of large-scale combat by manned fighter planes will never return.

Based on this judgment, a very important combat concept that can be extended is that quantity has taken a secondary position. This number does not refer to the number of equipment installed by the troops, but to the scale of the battle.

In the future, perhaps a few mature fourth-generation aircraft will be able to retrieve hundreds of unmanned combat aircraft to complete most combat missions. Of course, if you encounter an opponent of equal strength, the situation will change, but this is not within the scope of objective theoretical research.

Li Zhan knew that there would be active discussions here in the Falcon Brigade. The troops he brought out were stubborn and preferred to go to the tiger mountain even though they knew there were tigers in the mountains. They would rush forward and fight even if they knew they would die. The character of an army has a very profound relationship with its first military commander, and will be greatly affected by the latter. Looking at the many prestigious units of our army, even though decades have passed, when you carefully analyze the personality of the troops, you will find that they are closely related to the personal personality of the first military commander.

The Falcon Group is the "Li Zhan" of the Air Force's aviation force.

No army will disclose data such as monthly rod fees, monthly personal fuel consumption, and personal ammunition consumption. Of course, these are internal consensuses and are military secrets after all. The Falcon Brigade did this, especially the announcement of the monthly tie-up fee, which caused some controversy at first. However, everyone gradually discovered that the vast majority of people put aside such a concrete thing as the tie-up fee. The most important thing is The data on tie rod fees reflects this fact.

The level of the drawbar fee reflects the flight time. The more you fly, the more the drawbar fee will be. In other words, your high drawbar fee means that you train a lot, and your consumption of fuel and ammunition also means that you train a lot.

The Falcon Brigade uses this down-to-earth method to mobilize the enthusiasm of officers and soldiers for training. There is one piece of data that can illustrate how much training the Falcon Group does and how hard it trains - in the entire Beiku Air Defense Base, the Falcon Group has the shortest total vacation time, even less than some battalion-level units.

Because everyone has compressed their vacation time as much as possible, and all the free time is used in training.

Last year, the average flying hours per capita reached 430 hours.

What is this concept? It is twice that of other troops. This is the per capita value! If this rate of development continues, in ten or eight years, the Falcon Group will have more than 20 super veteran pilots with more than 4,000 flying hours. And by that time, most pilots will only be in their thirties, still far from the age of grounding!

Success has never been casual. The Falcon Battalion was able to overwhelm all its brother units. Even when facing units equipped with J-10A and J-10B, it was still able to achieve some victory despite the huge difference in the avionics level of the fighters. The fundamental reason is that this unit has inherited the character of the first military chief. Only by not treating themselves as human beings for training can they deliver inhuman results in combat.

Li Zhan selected the Falcon Brigade as the imaginary enemy force for the Black Ribbon actual flight test. The fundamental reason is that he believes that among all the current flying brigades, the Falcon Brigade is the strongest, bar none.

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