Great Power Fighting Falcon

Chapter 98 He’s gone

Li Zhan was walking in the corridor and saw Chen Fei's side face. At that time, Chen Fei happened to approach the small conference room. When he was suspicious, Li Zhan didn't think about "buying a wife".

Until he saw Qi Hong and Fang Chenghe, whose faces were extremely ugly. Qi Hong dropped a report letter on the coffee table. He picked it up and read it, and was shocked.

"Who wrote it?" Li Zhan seemed to have been hit in the head.

Qi Hong said angrily, "Don't care who wrote it! I'm just asking you if the content here is true!"

"Li Zhan, correct your attitude! Understand your situation!" Fang Chenghe stood up, with a slightly better tone, stared at Li Zhan and said in a deep voice, "The report letter was forwarded by the relevant local departments, and it is not one-sided. It has the signature of the village cadre and the testimony of the villagers.”

Li Zhan became angry, "Since the evidence is conclusive, then lock me up and shoot me without any hesitation!"

"What's your attitude!" Qi Hong stood up suddenly and pointed at Li Zhan, furious and full of hatred for iron!

How angry is Qi Hong?

In the eyes of the officers and soldiers of the Second Division, Li Zhan is already extraordinary. Not only is he a role model for new pilots, he has also become the next target for veteran pilots to catch up with. In just over half a year, Li Zhan had become the flagship of the Second Division. Three consecutive blows were dealt to the Hainan Airlines Simulated Blue Army, which consolidated the Air Force's status as the big brother of the Air Force's flying force. The flight commanders were all proud and proud. He made three consecutive special-level dangerous landings and landed safely, and in one fell swoop he won a personal honorary title that most people would never get even in their military career.

There are too many shining points in him.

For a time, the division and regiment level agencies even had the illusion that they were working with him as the center.

In time, he, Li Zhan, will become another glorious figure in the history of the Air Force.

The letter of praise from the Flood Fighting Headquarters had just arrived, and Qi Hong was thinking about how to claim credit. What followed was a letter of report. The protagonist in the letter was none other than Li Zhan, and the charges involved were shocking. Buy a wife!

The bad habit of buying wives in the Xixian area has been around for a long time and still exists in the vast impoverished rural areas today. Qi Hong is not completely unaware of these local bad customs.

He never imagined that the rising star of the Second Division would be associated with such vulgar behavior, and judging from the content of the report letter, this matter was not fabricated!

Fang Chenghe approached Li Zhan and said sincerely, "Li Zhan, first of all, you have to calm down and tell the whole story the beginning and end of the matter. Secondly, don't lose your temper. This is not a trivial matter. !”

At this point, Fang Chenghe turned to Qi Hong and said, "Commander, even if we have to shoot him, we must let him explain this matter clearly. We can neither ignore the reports transferred from the local government nor fully believe the contents of the letter. Maybe there’s some misunderstanding here.”

"Misunderstanding? The 60,000 yuan is not necessarily a misunderstanding, right?" Qi Hong stared, like an angry lion, "Throwing 60,000 yuan in front of so many people, Li Zhan, you are really awesome Come on! Okay, don’t say I didn’t give you a chance. Now you still have a chance to stand in front of me and explain. When you go to the military court, no one will listen to you even if you want to explain!"

Fang Chenghe secretly thought it was bad, but it was already too late.

Li Zhan actually walked towards Qi Hong, stared into Qi Hong's eyes, and said word for word, "Okay, I will apply for a military court and let the law decide."

Qi Hong stood up again and stared at Li Zhan, his face full of disbelief and extreme anger.

"Li Zhan!" Fang Chenghe went crazy. He quickly walked over and pulled Li Zhan over, and said to Qi Hong in a deep voice, "Commander! You must calm down too! Don't forget what I mentioned to you!"

The last sentence made Qi Hong calm down instantly, and most of the anger in his eyes slowly dissipated. He suddenly remembered that when he and Fang Chenghe were discussing the contents of the report letter before, Fang Chenghe said something very meaningful: "Li Zhan is not an ordinary cadre."

Li Zhan was pulled back a few steps by Fang Chenghe, but the determination in his eyes did not change at all, and then slowly became indifferent. In Fang Chenghe's eyes, this made people even more frightened. If Li Zhan wants to make trouble for himself, the Second Division will definitely not be able to bear it. If Madman Liu behind him starts making trouble, the Air Force Commander will also have a headache.

Besides, I haven’t figured out the matter of buying a wife yet!

Fang Chenghe secretly blamed Qi Hong for being too impulsive, but there was nothing he could do about it. Qi Hong, who was going smoothly, worked hard to build the Second Division into a perfect powerhouse, an even higher level than Zhang Sihai's era. When he heard that the best soldier actually bought a wife, how could he not explode emotionally?

With a long sigh, Fang Chenghe stood in the middle and said slowly, "I still want to say two points. First, Li Zhan, just for your family and for that girl, you have to explain the whole thing clearly. Second, division commander, I know that you hate iron and love soldiers very much, but I also hope you can calm down. If there is a problem, we will find a way to solve it. Impulsiveness will never solve the problem."

Thinking of his parents who had endured decades of hard work, Li Zhan's hard heart slowly softened. Thinking of the thin girl who carried the burden of life alone in a desperate situation but did not give up her ideals, his heart also softened.

Taking a deep breath, Li Zhan's emotions gradually became excited. He took out the cigarette from his pocket, lit it several times before lighting it, took a few deep breaths, calmed down, and said in a deep voice, "I'm wearing it." Isn’t the purpose of military uniforms to protect them? If they die in front of me and live worse than death in front of me, what value do I have in my existence?”

"Her name is Ying Wanjun. She was born in a poor family. She has an older brother and a younger brother. Her parents are very patriarchal and want to marry her off in exchange for gifts to support their son. Yes, this year, and this year, Ying Wanjun passed the exam. I entered Xi'an Jiaotong University. By some strange combination of circumstances, my mother found a partner for me, and I connected with Ying Wanjun's parents. Ying Wanjun became my blind date. She was only eighteen years old, and I She won’t joke about her military career, and she won’t hand over her future easily. So, this is simply impossible.”

"However, this incident happened in front of me, and the prelude to a living human tragedy has begun. I can help her, and helping her may leave a talent for the country. I can feel that she has a strong heart. If you knew how she went through three years of high school, you would feel the same way. If she can successfully enroll in Xi'an Jiaotong University, maybe she will be in the future aircraft research and development team, maybe in the ship research team."

"All in all, it only costs 60,000 yuan. I don't think there is any problem and I have no regrets."

After Li Zhan finished speaking, he finished smoking a cigarette. He threw the cigarette butt on the floor, crushed it out with his feet, and then stood upright, calm and calm.

There was a long silence.

Fang Chenghe asked, "There are many ways, why choose the method of paying gift money? You are just telling people that doing good deeds will not end well."

Li Zhan replied, "If it is a donation, the money will be used by his parents for his two sons. Ying Wanjun may not be married off early, but she will also not be able to study at Xi'an Jiaotong University."


"Because she is a woman and she has to go out to work to support the whole family." Li Zhan answered.

Another long silence.

Qi Hong asked, "You can definitely use funding, ask relevant local departments to come forward, and earmark funds for special use."

"It's meaningless." Fang Chenghe answered instead, "The money will still be used elsewhere by her parents, and she still can't escape the same ending."

"Why?" Qi Hong frowned, "I don't believe his parents dare to fight against the government department."

Li Zhan said, "Because they are Ying Wanjun's parents."

Another long silence.

"Only when I hand over the money to her parents in the name of proposing marriage, and make it clear that the money belongs to them, and I will bear the expenses of Ying Wanjun's future studies, will they truly treat Ying Wanjun as an outsider. That’s why they have scruples,” Li Zhan said.

Fang Chenghe sighed and said, "I understand. You have to create in front of many people that Ying Wanjun is your unmarried wife. Only in this way can you add an identity to Ying Wanjun that can avoid many influences. "

"Yes." Li Zhan admitted.

Qi Hong said, "But in this case, what is said in the report letter is correct. I believe your starting point is good, but the impact is quite bad. If this matter is only known internally, I can be lenient, but The relevant local departments have made a request for a thorough investigation, you..."

Fang Chenghe looked at Qi Hong, but couldn't refute. What Qi Hong said is true. Even if you tell the truth, even if you save a life, the final result will be to discredit the army. This alone is enough to crucify you.

Li Zhan pursed his lips tightly, full of grievance and unwillingness.

"You will regret your impulsiveness." Qi Hong stared at Li Zhan and said.

Li Zhan gritted his teeth and said, "I have done many things that I regret. This is not the most regretful thing, and it is definitely not the last one."

"Li Zhan, you bastard!"

Qi Hong got angry, pointed at Li Zhan and cursed angrily, "Can't you lower your posture and beg for a few words? Do you insist on going against me? Do you know that I am your teacher! How much effort have I spent to bring you down?" Come here! Are you going to do this to me?"

There were tears in his eyes!

"I am not responsible to anyone. I am only responsible for the military emblem. I have never let the military emblem be stained with even a grain of dust. It has not happened before, now, and will not happen in the future. If it does, I will wash it off with hot blood! "

Li Zhan made a splash.

"Get out of me, get out of my army, I'm going to transfer you away from my division, I'm going to transfer you to a place where no one can shit! You bastard!"

Qi Hong pointed at Li Zhan and cursed angrily.

"Teacher!" Fang Chenghe was shocked.

Qi Hong was furious, "Tell him to get lost! Get him to get lost immediately! Leave the Second Division immediately! Get away!"

Looking at the two chiefs who had given him such great support, Li Zhan stood upright on his feet and saluted, "Yes! Thank you, chief!"

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