Great Power Technology: Domination Of The World Starts With Chips

Chapter 106: Android Adapted To Taibai Architecture, Surprised By Fruit And Snapdragon

"In addition, Zhiqi's recent 3nm chip Taichu 1 has performed very well, which has proved their chip design capabilities. If they use the Taibai architecture for design, they may have even better performance. They are now also looking for Adapt to our Android system, so at this time we take the initiative to contact them, and we can also get the favor of Zhiqi company."

"According to our estimation, Zhiqi Company will have a huge size in the future, and it will be of great benefit to the company to establish a good relationship with them in advance."

"So, I just don't know what the opinions of the shareholders are."

The president of Google held the report in his hand and spoke to the shareholders present.

For a while, none of the shareholders raised any questions, as if they all acquiesced.

The silence will eventually be broken.

One shareholder wondered why the shareholders who controlled the vast majority of the company's power did not respond, and he couldn't help but asked: "In this case, our government should not agree?"

The president looked at the shareholder and said with a smile, "What does the government disagree with? It's just our company strategy."

The shareholder frowned, and said: "But ARM and Snapdragon are not very willing, right? We have such a close cooperative relationship with them."

A major shareholder said: "Anthony, don't think too much about ARM and Snapdragon. We can't be tied to them just because we have a close relationship with them?"

"The Taibai architecture allows us to form constraints on ARM. Android cannot be restricted by one chip architecture. The two chip architectures compete together, which is in line with the Android market concept we created."

"Yes, we can't make ARM feel like we can't live without them."

A major shareholder began to express.

"As Smith said, we choose the Taibai structure, which will help our future market."

"I think we can make contact with Zhiqi."

"Then everyone thinks so, Smit, then do as you say." The largest shareholder spoke.

President Smith nodded and looked at the major shareholders who expressed their support, and they together represented more than half of Google's shares.

He smiled and said, "Okay, dear shareholders, I will contact Zhiqi soon."

These major shareholders all agreed, which confused the previous shareholder.

This group of people value the cooperation with Zhiqi so much?

It was a Huaguo enterprise, and he remembered that this group of people usually scolded Huaguo a lot.

After all, Google didn't make much money in China, which is the world's largest market, but they didn't get any bargains. Can they not be angry?

However, it was not his turn to ask the question.


Google, chose to cooperate with Zhiqi.

This also means that Android, the mobile operating system that is equipped with billions of mobile phones around the world at the same time, will completely open its mind to Zhiqi.

It didn't take long for the news to spread.

Fruit Company.

"Android actually intends to adapt to the Taibai architecture?! Are they crazy?"

Chu Ke couldn't believe it for a moment.

In his opinion, this is simply surrendering to the Chinese people!

"The news is absolutely true, President, this is news from within Google. They have already contacted Zhiqi now, and I am afraid that they will cooperate soon."

Hearing the assistant's confirmation, Chu Ke felt a little embarrassed.

Once Google does this, it will definitely bring a huge blow to their IOS system.

Although the users of the IOS system are very determined, not all of them are so determined, especially in the Huaguo market where the fruit is the most important. God knows whether people there will choose to give up the fruit when faced with a strong purely domestic chip.

The only consolation now is that Zhiqi has not said that it intends to develop the next chip.

But in any case there is a menacing feeling.

However, he thought about what he had promised Ye Cheng before, asking the American government to agree to Huaguo's conditions, and the young boss was still not letting go at all, and he was willing to design batteries for them only after this matter was confirmed.

God knows when the US government will agree.

He has already told the company's shareholders to let them exert their influence. Although the government has loosened up a bit, they have never agreed.

Thinking about Huawei, they may release a new mobile phone equipped with a lithium-air battery before August at the latest, but they have not even reached a cooperation with Zhiqi.

There is also the chip released by Zhiqi recently. The powerful performance makes Chuke unable to believe that it is a chip installed in a mobile phone!

Are 3nm chips so powerful?

All these bad things made Chu Ke suddenly have the urge to retire.

He was going to retire last year, but he stayed in his position for the time being and left when he didn't want to stay at all, but now it seems that he might as well retire as soon as possible and leave the headache to the next CEO.

He even has a feeling that the next ten years will be a decade of fruit decline.

"President?" Seeing Chu Ke's changing expression, the assistant couldn't help asking.

Chu Ke sighed, "Go down, I'll think about it first."

But there seems to be nothing to think about.


Xiaotong company.

"How could Google do this!"

Christian, like Chu Ke, couldn't believe it.


"They are simply insane!"

He started walking up and down his office.

Since they bought Zhiqi's Taibai architecture license, they have conducted various researches.

In the end, I found that this architecture is really much better than ARM.

If an ARM chip and a Taibai chip are designed with the same design technology, the power consumption of the Taibai chip will be reduced by about 10%. In terms of performance, the performance of Taibai architecture is also 10% higher than that of ARM on average, which is undoubtedly a terrible data.

This means that the Taibai architecture can be designed smaller, and smaller means lower cost.

If it weren't for the structure of Zhiqi Company, the boss of that company was a company that said that they would shut down Xiaotong within ten years, and Christian would definitely be the first to agree to Google's adaptation of Taibai's structure.

But at this time, Google actually made such a decision, which made him dare not imagine that with the capabilities of the Taibai architecture, he could not find any hope that ARM could defeat the Taibai architecture.

This means that they have to develop Taibai architecture chips sooner or later, and gradually abandon the ARM architecture.

This is equivalent to saying that they handed over the life of the chip design business to Zhiqi!

"No, I can't allow this to happen, ARM has to live."

As long as ARM is alive, they have a way back.

This means that in the future, when others are designing chips with the Taibai architecture, they choose to use the backward ARM to design.

He can almost predict that Snapdragon, which uses the ARM architecture to design chips, will sooner or later be reduced to that kind of low-end chip.

For example, Tianji, which he used to despise, and Sansana, who relied on his own mobile phone market to support the exynos chip that he didn't want to let go.

Even these chips that he despises will be revived with the Taibai architecture in the future, stealing their Snapdragon market.


He thought of Zhiqi's boss, what that young boss said to him in the court of Huaguo that day.

Could it be that such a thing will come true?

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