Great Power Technology: Domination Of The World Starts With Chips

Chapter 108 Difficulties With Operating Systems,

As for whether the U.S. government will object, there is actually no need to worry about it for the time being. The U.S. government is still struggling to restore relations with Huaguo. If they are targeted at them again, the Huaguo government will definitely not agree.

Moreover, the chip architecture is actually not too dangerous. In the past, the United States did not allow Huaguo to get involved in the chip architecture because at that time Huaguo had nowhere to keep up with foreign countries in the semiconductor industry. Of course, the United States was unwilling to disclose any confidential information to Huaguo. country, to prevent Hua Guo from finding a breakthrough point.

Now that Huaguo's semiconductor technology has risen, the gap between the two sides has gradually narrowed, and considering the lithium-air battery level, it is not so difficult for the US side to make half a step back in terms of chip architecture.

They can only comfort themselves now that the operating system is still in their hands. This is something Huaguo has absolutely no way of doing.

Even Ye Cheng does not know how to break through the restrictions of the United States in terms of the system for the time being.

In terms of systems, it doesn't mean that making an excellent system can break the situation.

Once an advantage is taken in this regard, it will be difficult for latecomers to catch up.


Because all the basic daily applications today are inseparable from the three major systems of WIN, Android, and Fruit. If you change to another operating system, all software must be re-adapted.

If it doesn't fit, it can't be used.

Some people may say, then it fits.

However, this is not so easily achievable.

For those developers, it takes time and cost to adapt, so most developers are naturally too lazy to adapt to a new system that has just started, and to adapt to the new system, they also have to learn this new system. system, they are even more reluctant, it is better to continue to use the old system that has occupied all the market share.

The reason why Google made Android completely free in the first place was because they knew very well the role of the system in taking the lead.

When Android was first released, the IOS system was home-grown and mature, and there were other mobile operating systems such as Symbian on the market. As a new system, Android is the best way to succeed if it is free.

It is precisely because of its free and open source policy, coupled with other factors, especially the transition from brick machines to smartphones, that Android has won such a large market.

And those application software will naturally adapt to systems with a larger market share.

The reason why the Hongmeng system is also free is the same reason.

As for why the Hongmeng system is said to be an Android shell?

It is because there are Android codes in the Hongmeng system.

But if Hongmeng wants to live, it must have Android code.

Without the Android code, so many applications that have been adapted to Android cannot be used on the Hongmeng system.

That's why it's important to have a system head start.

Unless after Warwick makes the Hongmeng system, it immediately requires the developers of those application software to adapt to the Hongmeng system immediately, so that the Hongmeng system can be truly independent and no longer rely on Android.

But it is clear that Warwick does not have this kind of appeal.

Such appeal, even fruit can't do it.

There are still many softwares that Android has but not Fruit, or Fruit has but Android does not.

This is only on the mobile phone side, let alone the PC side.

The Win system dominates the world. All kinds of software can only be used on the Win system. Even the fruity Mac system has developed for so many years before it has improved a little. Even now, many large games cannot run. .

Therefore, it is very difficult for a domestic system that is completely independently developed to truly rise.

Ye Cheng didn't think about this kind of thing for the time being.

However, if you take a step at a time and look at it step by step, maybe fast forward a few hundred years later, the red regime will spread all over the world, and Microsoft will be taken back to the country?



Time passed quickly.

From April to mid-May.

The greenhouse effect makes summers hotter.

In the office, the air conditioner was already turned on.

"Air conditioning is truly the greatest invention ever."

Ye Cheng sighed with emotion.

As for how human beings can change the greenhouse effect, Ye Cheng saw that in the system mall, there is a device specially used to change the planet's climate. However, the points of this thing are more expensive than nuclear fusion, and it costs more than ten 100 million.

After all, this thing is probably a super technology used to colonize the universe, so it should be so expensive.

Therefore, for human beings, there are currently only two ideal ways to change the greenhouse effect. First, controllable nuclear fusion.

Clean and efficient energy is the best solution to save the earth's environment.

Just clean energy is far from stopping the worsening of the greenhouse effect. Just like Huaguo, as the world's largest photovoltaic power generation country, all it can do is reduce its carbon emissions as a country.

Considering that the fires in Australia have been burning for more than four months, not to mention the destruction of a large number of forests that can absorb carbon dioxide, and the release of carbon dioxide is estimated to have reached more than 400 million tons of carbon dioxide. not on.

The second method is to make carbon dioxide a commodity that can bring greater profits. Carbon emission rights are one of them, but the effect is obviously not great. As for the recent synthesis of starch with carbon dioxide, it only exists in the laboratory now. I really want to It will take a long time to achieve mass production.

"So it's better to think about how to earn points."

Ye Cheng stopped his thoughts on key politics.

As long as he earns 100 million points, he will definitely exchange nuclear fusion first.

This thing is not only important to human beings, but also to Huaguo.

It's just that his points have only broken through 200,000 now.

Most of the newly added points come from the Taichu 1 chip. The conversion ratio of the Taichu 1 chip is 800:1, which is not much higher than the 5G radio frequency chip. From the perspective of the system, the technical level of these two things is very low.

In addition, there are Taibai architecture authorization, EDA software authorization and so on.

However, that's all about to change.

Ye Cheng said, "Xiaobai, when will the lithium-air battery start mass production?"

Xiaobai: "We are still training workers, and we will start in about a week."

Ye Cheng nodded: "Well, there is also an oxygen carbon membrane factory? It should have started production, right?"

"Well, production has already started, and the estimated output should be 200,000 square meters per month."

"Okay, let them continue to expand the production scale." Ye Cheng said: "The shelf life is well controlled."

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