"By the way, boss, Guangyao also wants to place an order with us. What price should we give?"

"Guangyao?" Ye Cheng pondered for a while. As a former subsidiary of Huawei, Guangyao has now become independent and is not subject to foreign technology blockade. The shipment of 5G mobile phones is obviously more than that of Huawei. One million should not be able to pass away.

"Also ask them to come later. Only the first company to place an order can get the preferential price, and the subsequent companies will pay at the normal price."

"What's our normal price?"

Ye Cheng smiled: "Forty dollars."


the day after tomorrow.

"Forty dollars?!"

It was still in the somewhat crude conference room of Zhiqi Technology Company.

Ye Cheng looked at the appearance of this conference room and thought in his heart, he must change to a better headquarters in the future, otherwise, this kind of headquarters would really wrong a high-tech company like them.

But when he was distracted, the person from Remy Company opposite was still expressing his dissatisfaction.

"You only sell Warwick for thirty-five dollars! Why sell us forty dollars? This is not in line with commercial norms!"

Ye Cheng raised his eyebrows: "Excuse me, what are the business norms?"

"The business norm is that the price of the product cannot be changed casually! Otherwise, it will be boycotted by the peers!"

"No, no, Mr. Zhang, let's calm down. This is your business norm, not mine. My business norm here is that the money that should be earned must be earned. If it does not violate the law, four Ten dollars, not a penny less." Ye Cheng raised a finger and shook it.

He has long been prepared for the possible reactions of these people, but he is now sitting firmly on the Diaoyutai.

If these mobile phone manufacturers want to buy cheaper 5G radio frequency chips, they can only buy them from him, unless other companies are willing to cut prices. However, obviously, how can other companies be willing to cut prices?

For other companies that can produce 5G radio frequency chips, the cost of patent licensing must be included in the cost of a single chip. It's only a few dollars, maybe even two dollars is enough, so if they want to make a profit, they will definitely not be able to pay the price of $40.

And this is where Ye Cheng's confidence lies.

At this time, the person in charge of the blue-green factory also stood up: "Mr. Ye, this price is really difficult for our blue-green factory to accept. It is difficult to win favor by treating it differently. It is like treating consumers differently. You Should be clear."

Ye Cheng smiled again: "I don't agree with that, how about it, let me make it clear to you that Huawei paid the full amount directly, can you do it?"

These people were taken aback.

Is Warwick crazy?

Are you so willful when you have money?

If the goods are not in hand, you pay the full amount?

This also prevents them from arguing.

For a moment, they all fell silent.

Huawei can pay the full amount, because Huawei is one of the top 50 companies in the world, but they are not.

Moreover, the goods they want to buy are not just one million pieces like Warwick. After all, they are not subject to technical blockade, so at least they start with five million pieces, or even tens of millions.

You know, since Huawei's mobile phone business has fallen, these manufacturers together account for more than 70% of Huaguo's annual mobile phone market sales, and in the current 5G era, at least 30 to 40% of these sales are It's a 5G phone.

That is equivalent to selling at least more than 100 million 5G mobile phones within a year.

Although most of them are low-end models, 5G radio frequency chips can be purchased at the same price regardless of whether you are a low-end or high-end model, as long as it is a 5G mobile phone.

Otherwise, why do you say that the profit margin of low-end mobile phones is much lower than that of high-end mobile phones.

And just like that, the conference room fell into a brief silence.

After a while, the person in charge of Remy Company surnamed Zhang still said: "Even if Huawei pays the full amount directly, we can't accept the quotation of 40 US dollars, we must lower it!"

Ye Cheng got up and said without any concession: "Then please go back, Zhiqi can't accept a lower price."

The person in charge of Remy snorted coldly, and gave other manufacturers a wink, hoping that everyone can advance and retreat together.

Other manufacturers had a tacit understanding and said one after another: "Our blue-green factory can't accept this price."

"We can't accept it either."


These domestic manufacturers usually compete fiercely, but at this time, there is still a tacit understanding. In an instant, seven or eight people left in the conference room.

Sitting next to Ye Cheng, Wang Shen's eyes were straightened, it's all money!

It's all orders!

Does the boss want it?

He couldn't help asking Ye Cheng: "Boss Ye, this?"

Ye Cheng stretched out his hand and stopped him, with a smile on his face: "You don't have to think too much, they will agree sooner or later."

At this time, he set his sights on the only person left on the field, the person in charge of Guangyao.

He smiled and asked, "Mr. Chen, don't you go with them?"

The person in charge of Guangyao spread his hands and said, "We at Guangyao accept this price."

Ye Cheng's eyes lit up, and he said with a smile, "It seems that Guangyao is quite wise."

"Hehe, it's not very wise. After all, 40 dollars is already a very cheap price. If they don't accept it, it's their loss." The person in charge of Guangyao waved his hand. Accepting this price, as for the other companies bluffing Ye Cheng in this way of retreating in order to lower the price, he didn't waver in his heart, and even wanted to laugh.

Because he knew that Ye Cheng would definitely not agree.

He had been observing Ye Cheng before, and when Ye Cheng expressed dissatisfaction with several other manufacturers at the same time, there was no change on his face, which showed that Ye Cheng was not at all worried that these manufacturers would leave.

This made him admire Ye Cheng, because he had checked Ye Cheng's information. This young boss, who had graduated with a Ph. A mobile phone manufacturer is definitely not an ordinary person.

Ye Cheng didn't know what the person in charge of Guangyao thought of him, and then asked with a smile: "Then can we sign the order now?"

"No problem at all."

"May I ask how much you plan to order?"

"Five million pieces."

The smile on Ye Cheng's face became even brighter: "Happy cooperation."


Remy, Lanlu Factory and several other companies left Zhiqi Technology Company and went downstairs.

"We don't give him an order to see how long he can last."

"On this matter, we must maintain a tacit understanding. Why can't we drop a dollar when Huawei gets 35?"

"He can give 35, which shows that there is still a lot of room for decline!"

Several responsible persons were filled with righteous indignation.

"Oh, by the way, where is Guang Yao?"

Suddenly they noticed that one family was missing.

"He...doesn't seem to come down?"

"Damn, that grandson! Such a chicken thief?"

They realized it was bad in an instant.


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