As for the thickness, it belongs to the normal range, relatively speaking, it is thicker. After all, there are various battery packs and motors inside, so the volume is of course larger.

Cai Liao, who was next to him, said: "We use a new type of magnesium-aluminum alloy as the main structure of this model, which also contains other precision parts, which is relatively lighter than the average weight of human legs."

Gu Ge also introduced: "After the nerve is connected, the disabled can use it to realize all the functions of the leg, including all actions such as jumping, bending the knee, moving the toe, stretching the foot, etc. At the same time, it can bear a maximum weight of 10 tons. If you replace it with titanium alloy, this value can be even higher. In addition, it has a strong shock absorption ability and the ability to stabilize the upper limbs. After installing it, jumping off with one foot, and falling on the concrete road, it can ensure that there is no harm within a height of ten meters. The structure may be damaged when it reaches about 12 meters, and if it is the strongest titanium alloy, it will be basically unharmed at 20 meters."

"Besides, in terms of kicking action, it can reach 600 kilograms after kicking with all its strength. The strongest titanium alloy version can reach 1.2 tons. However, kicking with all its strength consumes more energy. The lithium-air battery pack may run out of power after being kicked up to three times, and the load on the overall structure is also relatively large. If you kick a soft object, it is fine. If you kick a hard object, it may cause irreversible trauma to the inside within five times. .”

"There is also the ability to jump. For a person of normal weight, he can jump five to six meters in one jump."

"In addition, the above are all data that have not been processed with our new nano-silicon carbide coating. After processing, it can withstand greater force, and the structural strength can also be improved. The degree of improvement is about 50% to 80%. .”

Listening to Guge's introduction, Ye Cheng was even more surprised.

"That means, this is only one leg, if you replace it with two legs, then...multiply by two?"

Guge nodded.

Ye Cheng was even more shocked.

Take kicking as an example, the titanium alloy version weighs 1.2 tons. How terrifying is this data? The person with the strongest kicking strength in the world only weighs more than 800 kilograms. As a result, a disabled person only needs to change to this titanium alloy version Can the exoskeleton prosthesis be half stronger than others?

He immediately asked: "How much does it cost to build the highest strength titanium alloy version with one leg?"

Gu Ge said: "4.32 million yuan, this is the cost price."

Ye Cheng then nodded.

That is to say, it must be quite expensive to be so strong.

He said dumbfoundedly: "Don't make it so outrageous, we made it for the disabled, you made it to let people kill people, in case they can't control their strength, not to mention, you are so expensive, people can't buy it rise."

Gu Ge smiled and said: "That is the data we tested. If it is installed for the disabled in the future, it must be the basic model. I will also change the torque of the motor to the basic torque that human joints can achieve. Time will be the same as human legs."

Ye Cheng nodded, and then said: "However, this kind of mass destruction can be used to provide to the military."

The military often doesn't care about the cost of research and development and purchase of military equipment. Such a powerful individual weapon can jump five or six meters with one jump, can jump from the fifth or sixth floor without injury, and can smash a wall with one kick. Get kicked.

Who doesn't want to buy it?

Moreover, there are so many soldiers in the military who have lost part of their bodies due to performing tasks, but still hope to do more for the country. Now that they have the opportunity to recover and become stronger, why would they not want to?

"What the hell are you guys talking about?"

At this time, Xu Xin who was next to him finally couldn't help asking his own question.

She's been wanting to ask this question for a long time now

What are these men talking about?

What 1.2 tons, what titanium alloy?

This exoskeleton can be installed and kicked out with a force of 1.2 tons?

Are they talking science fiction?

When she heard the data just now, she couldn't believe it, but because Ye Cheng was the boss and was talking about work with the two researchers, she kept silent.

Ye Cheng glanced at her and said, "It's an exoskeleton, you should know about an exoskeleton, right?"

"Of course I know!" Xu Xin said immediately, what kind of technology does the company have, she will make up for it. Of course, she knows about exoskeletons.

"However, the kick you mentioned has a force of 1.2 tons. You can jump from 20 meters without any problems, and you can jump five or six meters at once... Are you talking about Superman?"

Ye Cheng laughed, "So, I advise you not to come, you are a woman and you are not interested in machinery."

"This is not a question of whether you are interested or not! This is a question of whether it can be done!"

Ye Cheng shook his head, pointed to Gu Ge, and said, "This is the master of exoskeleton technology I am looking for, Gu Ge, please introduce it to our Assistant Xu."

Gu Ge looked at Xu Xin, then pointed to the knee joint of the left leg exoskeleton prosthesis, and said: "Assistant Xu, this contains a kind of micro motor I designed. Motor, you can understand it as a motor, Through the connection of shafts and gears, the knee joint can be controlled to bend or straighten."

"Then coupled with our lithium-air battery, the torque and horsepower can be increased to a level that is almost not weaker than that of a sports car engine, and then the lower leg can be kicked out with extremely fast speed and force, and the impact force can reach 1.2 tons, of course I am not referring to this exoskeleton, this exoskeleton is made of my company's new magnesium-aluminum alloy, and it can only cause 600 kilograms of force when fully kicked."

"As for jumping more than ten or two meters, there is no problem, that is the strength of the material and the shock absorption system inside."

Gu Ge showed Xu Xin the shock absorption system of his left leg.

The reason why the exoskeleton legs are as high as 1.1m is largely related to the shock absorption system inside. There is a buffer distance of 50 centimeters in total, which is able to support jumping from a height of 20 meters.

In addition to the critical material, the design of Gu Ge, a master of exoskeleton technology, is also more critical.

As far as the motor he designed, as well as the shock absorption system inside, if it is taken out, it will definitely attract the coveted eyes of countless related companies.

Ye Cheng never thought that Guge could bring him such a surprise.

For example, if the motor is scaled up in equal proportions, it will be an engine that can be used in large equipment, such as electric vehicles.

The maximum speed of electric sports cars generally lags behind that of fuel sports cars. This is because electric sports cars have to consider the safety of the battery and dare not output too much current, which will cause battery damage. Now with lithium-air batteries, battery safety issues A greater guarantee has been obtained, so now many manufacturers have begun to develop motors that can output greater power.

And now that Zhiqi has this technology, of course it has to get a share of the pie. However, Ye Cheng is targeting the electric sports car market. I believe that Gu Ge's electric motor will be a very powerful electric sports car engine after being enlarged. .


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