The matter about the two new materials was quickly reported to relevant high-level officials and quickly attracted attention.

And the new nano-silicon carbide coating naturally received the most attention.

Needless to say, its powerful wave-absorbing ability is enough to make the domestic designers of stealth fighters greedy, and it can greatly increase the surface strength of any metal, which is even more so. Military designers are greedy.

Of course, this new type of material is classified, and it is impossible for foreign spies to know it.

Ever since, when Ye Cheng drove back to Shanghai, he received a call from the military, saying that someone would talk to him about cooperation this afternoon and asked him to prepare more nano-silicon carbide coatings. Layer and the new magnesium-aluminum alloy sample, when the cooperation matters are confirmed, they will take the sample and conduct professional testing.

The detection in that arsenal was, after all, just random detection, and detailed data could not be detected.

Of course, Ye Cheng did not refuse. He still has a lot of samples, and he has prepared the magnetic metal particle modified coating and titanium alloy modified coating used as radar absorbing materials.

Soon, in the afternoon, someone from the military arrived at his office.

Three people, one of them is wearing a military uniform with the rank of lieutenant general, a serious general who looks to be in his seventies, and the other two are the deputy general managers of China Airlines and Ordnance Industry.

"Hi three, please sit down." Ye Cheng stretched out his hand and asked.

The three sat down one after another, and Xu Xin was also in the office to pour tea for the three of them.

"Mr. Ye, you should know why we are here. May I ask how you plan to cooperate?" the vice president of China Airlines said.

Ye Cheng smiled and said, "You might as well talk about your request first, of course I will try my best to cooperate."

But to his surprise, the old general said directly: "Sell us the material production plan directly, and who researched this material? Let him work in the military. Here, he will not be able to play at all." Play the role of serving the motherland."

Ye Cheng's smile that was originally all over his face was restrained at this moment, and his eyes could not help but narrowed.

I thought it would be as smooth as when I first discussed the cooperation with the Huadian people, but this is the result?

Seeing Ye Cheng's expression, the vice president of the Ordnance Industry Group quickly pulled the old general, and then said to Ye Cheng: "Mr. Ye, don't get me wrong, this is not what we mean."

"That's what I mean." The old general waved away the boss who held his hand, and insisted: "It's best for the country to control things that are helpful to the country's strength. It’s just money grabbing! It’s not that the country doesn’t pay you money, so what if you take the things out?”

Ye Cheng remained expressionless and did not speak.

But Xu Xin couldn't stand it anymore.

She said: "General Li, if you pay a little attention to our Zhiqi, you will know whether our Chairman Ye is trying to make money."

"As far as lithium-air batteries are concerned, Zhiqi has always insisted on maintaining the national decision, and has never planned to sell them abroad. In terms of chips, Chairman Ye even directly decided to provide three production lines to actively cooperate with the military's arrangements."

"Moreover, the fact that our semiconductor industry chain can now be established is also because Chairman Ye took the initiative to share technology, so that we can not lose the wind in our negotiations with the United States."

"There are also these two new materials. Chairman Ye also directly brought them up to contact your military and is willing to cooperate. He has never disclosed them to outsiders."

"Chairman Ye is definitely not the kind of capitalist you said. He only knows how to make money. No one is more patriotic than him! He is a national entrepreneur!"

Rebutted by Xu Xin, the old general glared at her: "You little girl, what do you know?"

"I..." Xu Xin opened her mouth, wanting to say something, but facing the majesty of an old general bearded and staring, she didn't dare to open her mouth for a while.

At this time, Ye Cheng stood up.

"It seems that you are not ready to cooperate with Zhiqi, so let's come here today."

"Also, General Li." Ye Cheng looked at the old general: "I admire your spirit, but I don't accept your ideas."

"Also, my assistant graduated from a top university in the world, so I think she knows a lot."

"What did you say..." The old general narrowed his eyes and pointed at Ye Cheng with his hand.

"Mr. Jiang, Mr. Chen, let's stop here today, please go back first."

Ye Cheng interrupted him and directly issued an order to evict the guest.

The two vice presidents of China Airlines and Ordnance Industry looked at each other and said, "Mr. Ye, this..."

Ye Cheng said: "Our cooperation can definitely be reached, but it's not today. The two of you should take General Li and go."

The two vice presidents sighed, so they had no choice but to talk to the old general, persuaded him a few times, and finally pulled him away.

The office fell silent.

Ye Cheng sat back on his seat.

Xu Xin looked at him, and couldn't tell what emotion he was in from his face.

She comforted her: "Don't pay attention to what the old man said. No one in the whole country knows what kind of person you are. The old man is confused. I'll go back and tell my dad to avenge us."

Her father is one of the leaders of the domestic nuclear fusion project, and his status in the country is quite high.

Ye Cheng waved his hand: "It's okay, you don't have to bother Uncle Xu anymore, someone will speak for us."

"The fact that General Li said that kind of thing has something to do with them being from the older generation."

Xu Xin pursed her lips and said angrily: "He also said that I don't know what kind of girl, and I hate people saying this kind of thing the most."

Ye Cheng smiled: "Okay, I think you understand, okay?"

Xu Xin pursed her lips, thinking that Ye Cheng had spoken for her just now, and she was also a little moved.

" will be okay if it's like this today? After all, he is a general."

"It's okay. This is not ancient times. He can't give an order to encircle us two ordinary people with a hundred thousand soldiers."

Ye Cheng is not worried about this matter: "What's more, we have people behind us, but I just don't understand why they sent such a person to discuss cooperation."

Now the interest groups involved in Zhiqi have long been formed in China, especially the semiconductor industry chain, which includes many state-owned and private enterprises, let alone Huadian, which is the same central enterprise.

It is not an ordinary difficulty to mobilize Zhiqi, unless he has also become a traitor.

Let alone just a general who wants to make trouble.

But what happened today also reminded Ye Cheng that in the eyes of most people, he is still just a boss.

He shook his head and sighed.

Xu Xin looked at him, walked behind him, helped him hold his shoulders, and said: "Okay, look at you, you are not thinking too much, anyway, I know what kind of person you are, and I will always support you you."

Ye Cheng smiled slightly: "Thank you."

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