Great Power Technology: Domination Of The World Starts With Chips

Chapter 115 The Exoskeleton Experiment Is Successful, And The Netizens Are Boiling

The finger that the monkey moves is, of course, its brand new robotic arm.

As the effect of the anesthetic was almost gone, the monkey hurriedly got up from the bed, trying to escape.

It is not lying on the bed in the operating room, but in a cage. The cage is relatively big, so it really wants to escape, but it can't.

It couldn't escape, there was no way, so it soon calmed down and began to observe the surrounding situation.

There were many people around the cage, especially the man in white, who was particularly horrifying. He saw his arm cut off by something he held, and then he fainted from fright.

Suddenly, it realized something, and its eyes focused on its left hand.

Why do I have a left arm again?

And so weird? !

It has some fear.

For this kind of animals without human intelligence, fear is their instinct, especially when facing something beyond their common sense.

It waved the thing that frightened it vigorously, and ran again inside the cage, trying to break free, but it was still powerless.

Among the people standing around, the doctor said: "It seems to be basically stable."

There was also someone standing beside him, it was Gu Ge.

Gu Ge nodded: "Yeah."

Then he smiled and said to the doctor, "Dr. Sun, thank you for your hard work."

Dr. Sun, called Sun Taian, is the national-level doctor from Xiehe. He is now in his fifties, but his hands are quite steady, about the same as Doctor Strange, so he was able to easily pick out the monkey's nerves just now, and then Then insert the artificial nerve.

Sun Taian said with a smile: "I also find it very interesting to work hard."

Looking at the monkey in the cage, waving a mechanical arm, if this operation was not done by himself, he himself could not believe the scene in front of him.

Not to mention the other people around.

A robotic arm that can command like an arm?

It sounds weird, but it was unimaginable in the past.

Almost everyone can think of sci-fi concepts such as mechanical warriors and mechanical transformation. Those who know cyberpunk have already imagined whether the cyberpunk world has already opened on the earth.

A young man couldn't help asking: "Mr. Gu, how did you do it?"

Guge smiled and said, "Neural technology, Dr. Sun must know."

Sun Tai'an said: "Don't ask too much, this is Zhiqi's new technology, artificial nerves, and nerve electrical signal recognition chips, you have all studied neurology, you should know."

Sun Tai'an himself is also a professor at Peking Union Medical College. Although he doesn't usually attend classes, he usually takes his own students to perform operations, so these young people are basically his students.

Those young people felt very incredible.

Neuroelectric signal recognition technology?

How did this thing come out?

Moreover, isn't Zhiqi engaged in chips?

While working on chips, can you understand the nerves?

At this moment, the beating sound of "Peng Peng" came from inside the cage.

Everyone turned their heads and saw that the monkey had gone through the initial fear, and now it finally overcame the fear, and even began to use this brand new arm.

The monkey accepted his left arm. Anyway, he found that it was not harmful to him, and he could manipulate it casually. Naturally, he soon stopped worrying about it.

And he also found that his arm didn't feel anything, and it was very hard, much stronger than his own body. It began to try to use this brand new arm to smash the cage, and it saw that the cage was slowly I was smashed open by myself, but I didn't feel any pain at all.

"Is this starting to learn how to use tools?"

Looking at this scene, Sun Tai'an couldn't help but wonder.

"Probably." Gu Ge smiled, "Facing a tool that cannot be separated from itself, of course it has to learn to use it."

"That's true." Sun Tai'an laughed: "Strictly speaking, it only thinks that it is moving its arms, and has not formed the concept of using tools."

Guge nodded.

Sun Tai'an was a little puzzled again: "However, are the neural signals of humans and monkeys the same?"

Guge smiled and didn't say anything, but said: "After you join our company, you will naturally know."

This question already involves confidentiality, so of course he can't say it casually.

Sun Tai'an pondered for a moment, and said: "I'll think about it for a while, besides, I still have a few operations in the hospital, wait until I finish."

"Then I'm looking forward to hearing from you." Gu Ge replied.

When the young people brought by Sun Tai'an heard what they said, they were stunned.

"Professor Sun, are you leaving?"

Sun Tai'an spread his hands and said, "I didn't want to leave, but Zhiqi's technique is too powerful."

These young people suddenly want to cry but have no tears.


The first experiment was successful, and they started the second experiment, changing the left leg of another monkey.

The experiment was also very successful, and the new legs of another monkey made it jump up and down again.

Both monkeys had the same reaction at the beginning. They were very scared. When they woke up, a part of their body turned into a hard bump. In the end, they realized that this was already a fait accompli, so they accepted it and started to use it.

The monkey who got the new limbs found that the new body was extremely powerful, much stronger than the original flesh and blood body.

Even though the exoskeleton limbs that Gu Ge built for the two monkeys, the torque of the motors at the joints is not strong, but even just smashing them can generate a lot of force.

So much so that the first monkey broke through the cage with its new arm, and when Sun Taian's students tried to catch it, they were hit by its new arm a few times, which was painful.

After the experiment was over, Sun Taian went back to report on the experiment, and Guge also told Ye Cheng in Modu the news.

"Already successful?" Ye Cheng learned of the experiment, with a smile on his face.

In this way, this May can be regarded as a successful end.

He can also start to release news to the outside world, introducing their new technology of Zhiqi.

I believe that this is a new technology that is more likely to shock people than lithium-air batteries.


June 1st.

A scarf rushed into the hot search.

"Zhiqi realizes nerve-controlled exoskeleton technology in monkeys"

The content of the scarf is a video, in which are the two monkeys with mechanical prosthetic limbs.

When the boys playing games saw this trending search, they all went crazy.

"Damn it! The flesh and blood are weak, and the machine soars! 』

"Come here, cut off my legs to help the fun"

"I see you just want to change the exoskeleton, right? ! 』

"When will Zhiqi achieve consciousness and immortality?" 』

Of course, only some people play games, and there are other people.

That is, the part of the physically disabled group.


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