On Earth, the development of brain-computer interface has actually been a long time ago.

There have even been experiments where monkeys have been able to control things like manipulators.

However, these are only in the experimental state and are not stable, and it is completely impossible to apply them to the human body.

And Elon Musk also demonstrated their brain-computer interface technology to the world two years ago. The experimental subjects were the three little pigs. Of course, their new technology did not achieve any breakthroughs. Just exploration on the road.

However, Elon Musk did not reduce his investment in this. He is a shrewd businessman. In addition to his own scientific research capabilities, he also knows which research directions are valuable. Brain-computer interface is obviously one of them. one.

There are too many directions for the future development of this thing. Mechanical prosthetics can only be regarded as the most basic direction. Virtual reality is the biggest direction. This is the ultimate form of the Internet that humans on earth can imagine.

And now, suddenly there is a company saying that they have completed the most important pre-technology of this future technology, so how not to surprise Musk.

"Yes boss, this is the video from Huaguo."

The assistant nodded, turned on a computer next to him, and played the video inside.

It was the video of the two monkeys that had been broadcast nearly a billion times in China.

Looking at the two monkeys flexibly manipulating the mechanical prosthetic limbs in the video, Musk stood up in disbelief: "I buy it, is this true?"

Their research is far from reaching this level.

The assistant nodded, feeling incredible in his eyes: "It's true, I thought it was a special effect at first, but after verification, there is no trace of special effects in it, which is really shocking."

There was some light in Musk's eyes, and he murmured: "How did they achieve it?"

The assistant said at this time: "It is said that they have already planned to conduct clinical trials."

"What! How dare they?" Musk couldn't help but said.

"Can monkeys have the same neural signals as humans? Are they going to go straight to clinical trials?"

Scientists are not clear about this point. There are so many animals. Could it be that the nerves of the animals use the same design language when transmitting signals?

Because of the universal morality in the world, scientists cannot conduct dissection experiments on living people, but can only conduct experiments on corpses. This is also one of the reasons why people do not know much about their own bodies so far.

Of course, saying this does not mean that we support the dissection of living people. There is no doubt that this is an unspeakable crime.

Just like during World War II, Japan used living people as experiments in China, which was a heinous thing.

Anything that is exchanged for other people's lives is the most unreasonable thing, and it is difficult to describe it in words.

And that's exactly what Musk doesn't understand.

That Zhiqi, could it be possible to experiment with living people?

But this is also impossible. The society of Huaguo may not allow this kind of thing to happen.

The assistant shook his head: "I'm not sure about this, but Zhiqi did say that it plans to conduct the first clinical trial in August this year."

Musk frowned tightly.

Is Zhiqi really sure?

You know, if the clinical trial fails, in their foreign country, it may be a matter of paying money, but in China, it may be bad luck.

However, thinking about the achievements of Zhiqi's company, Musk was a little uncertain.

After a while, he made a decision in his mind, and looked at his assistant: "You said, if we invest money in Zhiqi's technology, will they accept it?"

The assistant looked at Musk with wide eyes.

He really wants to ask now, boss, what's wrong with you?

But thinking that this is his boss, he still said seriously: "Boss, I think the possibility of this is very low."

"Zhiqi does not accept any external investment, and... the investment is basically a big company investing in a small company. Compared with Zhiqi, we don't seem to be considered a big company..."

What kind of company is Zhiqi, a company that makes global battery companies feel terrified, and how big is the global battery?

Thousands of trillions of dollars!

Now Zhiqi is almost destined to take over this huge cake.

At that time, even if a little bit of the cake is distributed, Zhiqi's market value can still expand to the forefront of the world.

Even now Musk’s Tesla is still in contact with Zhiqi every day, wanting Zhiqi to sell their batteries.

Musk also knew that the question he asked was equivalent to not asking.

His face, which looked a bit like an oriental, frowned at this moment, walking back and forth in place.

The potential of neural control technology is far beyond what an exoskeleton can tap.

He suddenly thought of something, and said: "Go to contact Zhiqi now, I am willing to spend 10%... no, at least 20% of Tesla's shares to invest in their new technology! "

The assistant was taken aback, and was shocked again by the boss's unconstrained ideas.

"Boss, are you sure? The other shareholders probably won't agree!"

Twenty percent!

Musk himself only has more than 20% of the shares. If Zhiqi is given 20% directly, Musk himself will probably lose the most! And it will directly drop the position of the largest shareholder.

Musk said: "Do you know what this new technology of Zhiqi means? It is not only comparable to Tesla's 20% stake, it is a brand new Internet!"

Soon, he felt that there was no point in explaining to his assistant, so he said: "Forget it, you should contact Zhiqi first and ask them if they agree. After they agree, I will immediately hold a shareholders' meeting to persuade others. "

He didn't know if Zhiqi's boss would agree, but he thought he would.

Tesla's total market value is now close to one trillion US dollars, and 20% of the shares belong to Zhiqi, and Zhiqi has only one boss, Ye Cheng, so the 20% will belong to Ye Cheng entirely.

At that time, the people on the world's richest list should change. Now, because Ye Cheng's company is not listed, no one knows how much his personal wealth is, so he doesn't appear on the rich list.

When the assistant saw Musk saying this, he had no choice but to nod: "I know the boss."


A country in the Middle East.

In a villa as luxurious as a palace.

A well-dressed person is watching the video on the screen.

But the only flaw is that he only has one arm.

With his remaining arm, he was playing with an extremely delicate but also extremely sharp dagger.

He squinted his eyes until he saw in the video that the mechanical arm on a monkey's hand was extremely flexible.

Then, he made a phone call.

"Let me pay attention to Zhiqi Company in Huaguo, and see when their nerve-controlled exoskeleton technology can be used in the human body."

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