Great Power Technology: Domination Of The World Starts With Chips

Chapter 122 New Situation, Xu Xin's Negotiation

July is coming quietly.

For Zhiqi, the company has undergone many changes.

The first is the semiconductor aspect.

In the semiconductor industry chain, Huaguo has demonstrated strong industrial capabilities, expanding its production capacity to twice that of March, and possessing the strength of a large number of exports.

As for the materials for export, Huaguo controls the price at about 0.7-0.80% of that of Japanese materials. This price makes global chip foundries flock to it. Similarly, it can also bring huge profits to Huaguo. Today's scale Under production, the marginal cost is reduced, coupled with the huge market demand, it can almost bring about 40% to 50% of Huaguo's net profit.

That's an enormous profit margin.

Therefore, working in a semiconductor material factory has become a dream place for many migrant workers.

The wages are high, the benefits are good, and the working environment is relatively better than other heavy industry factories.

In the face of so many people who want to work in the factory, these semiconductor material factories have implemented a 65-hour work system.

65 working hours, that is, six hours a day, five days a week.

Six-hour shifts, because there are enough employees, so there is no need to worry about the production capacity not being able to keep up. At the same time, a piece-based system is adopted, and the salary is guaranteed to be above 8,000 per month. Of course, if you fail to complete the task and come here to dawdle, you will still be fired .

Such an excellent working salary is entirely based on that strong profit margin.

This is the importance of industrial upgrading.

With industrial upgrading, profits will increase, and profits will increase, and more wages will naturally be paid.

In addition, the nature of this kind of production plant is different from that of those network technology companies, so 996 has become something that will not happen here.

Unlike the prosperous environment of Huaguo's semiconductor industry, a large number of semiconductor factories in Japan have begun to close, workers have lost their jobs, and party support has naturally declined.

This has led to the Japanese government recently beginning to show favor to Hua Guo, hoping that Hua Guo can stop and leave Japan with a way out.

Hua Guo naturally ignored it. In the past, Japan had the ability to sanction Hua Guo in terms of semiconductors. Now the situation has changed, and Japan has lost the ability to target Hua Guo. country.

It is also very easy to get Hua Guo to agree to let go, and that is to get their American father to agree to the conditions that were negotiated in Shanghai.

However, the US government still has not responded, but what is known is that in their Congress, many congressmen have quarreled many times over the negotiations in Shanghai.

But still not accepted.

In the game between the two sides, the cards they hold are, on the one hand, the lithium-air battery, and on the other hand, the components of the lithography machine.

Moreover, what Huaguo requires is to be open to Huaguo alone, and Asmer is not allowed to continue to monopolize those key components.

The reason why Asmer can monopolize the lithography machine market is because some key components can only be purchased by Asmer, because the shareholders of Asmer include the manufacturers of those components.

And Huaguo's request, to a certain extent, can be regarded as a long-arm jurisdiction of Huaguo.

It is also for this reason that the US government is somewhat unwilling to accept it, because to them, it is like subduing and surrendering. This is a blow to the proud American people, and it will reduce the government's support rate.

As for when the U.S. government will be able to agree, it probably depends on whether the pressure they face from all sides has reached the point where they cannot bear it.

On the other hand, the first batch of lithium-air batteries have passed all inspections and are officially on the market.

Huawei has announced that it will release the latest mobile phone in early August, called Huawei S, which is equipped with the first lithium-air battery on the mobile terminal and the powerful Taichu 1 chip.

This news has almost attracted the attention of the whole world.

Warwick's popularity abroad is also not small.

Once able to briefly surpass Sansang to become the world's number one mobile phone shipment, Huawei has its charm in the European and American markets.

Coupled with the performance of the Redmi X 1, many foreign consumers love it very much, so Huawei's new mobile phone has reached the level of expectations.

On the other hand, Biati will also release the first electric car equipped with a lithium-air battery, still called Biatihan, which is planned to be launched at the end of August.

According to a piece of information revealed by Biati, it has already made everyone boil.

The battery life can reach up to 8,000 kilometers.

This horrific number shocks people, which means that you can drive from Shanghai to Urumqi and back again without charging.

The car owners who originally wanted to buy a Tesla have stopped their hands and are ready to wait for this new car to see how the evaluation will be afterward. In the past few months, Tesla's sales have also been declining The lithium-air battery power supply has become a pain for Tesla, and the stock price is also falling.

This is the civilian market.

As for military use, Zhiqi under the leadership of Xu Xin has reached a stalemate in negotiations with the military.


"I will not accept your terms."

In the meeting room of Zhiqi headquarters, Xu Xin, dressed in smart attire, sternly refused the conditions put forward by the representatives of the military enterprise: "It is impossible for us to hand over the technology, this is our company's top secret, unless you go to me The boss agrees."

The representative of the military enterprise frowned and said, "Mr. Xu, we have been talking about this for several months! It is absolutely impossible for military technology to be handed over to you for private production."

"Then there will be no production." Xu Xin snorted coldly, with a cold face: "We only earn money for civilian use."

Nanomaterials, as well as lithography machines, can be fully grasped by the military, because these two technologies are relatively unimportant, while lithium-air batteries are the core technology of Zhiqi.

This kind of technology is completely necessary.

If the leaders of those companies are shameless and rely on their power to secretly produce lithium-air batteries and then put them on the market, it will have a great impact on Zhiqi's profits, and maybe they will make them openly at that time.

I'm afraid there is no use in going to court.

So Xu Xin would not agree to these people's request no matter what.

"You!" The military enterprise representative looked at this beautiful woman and wanted to get angry for a while, but thinking of Zhiqi's strength, he could only say in a calm voice, "Mr. Xu, this is a matter of national importance." This matter is quite serious, and you didn't come to be capricious. You Zhiqi's Director Ye, I believe he knows this matter best, and his cooperation with us has always been smooth."

Xu Xin sneered: "Didn't your people say that Ye Dong is collecting money? Then we will collect money for you to see!"

"I said bad things about Mr. Ye at the beginning, but now I'm thinking about him again? Let me tell you, Mr. Ye handed over the company to me because he didn't want to have anything to do with you. Besides, if the technology is mastered by you, who will Do you know if you will start misappropriating money as well?"

"With me, you don't want to continue to blackmail Zhiqi with any major national affairs! Zhiqi is just an ordinary technology company. It can't take on such important responsibilities. At most, it can only make some contributions."

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